Female energy. How do women affect a man? What fills the woman and what deprives her of strength?

Female energy. How do women affect a man? What fills the woman and what deprives her of strength?

What factors affect the filling of a woman with her energies. How we ourselves kill our femininity.

Surely already many heard, what exists male energythis is invasion,agr estabitation, focus, vector. And female energythis is softness, flexibility, tenderness and close.

We we live in modern world, in which prevailing male energyon speed and aggressiveness. And that's why woman very important know how save my energy, where her to feed and how accumulate.

Fatigue and depression. Why are we losing energy?

Important: by principles east psychology each the male consists big part from male energy and small from female. That the same most concerns and women.

When woman in strength her image life constantly fights per survival, wherethen hurrying, stopping think about yourself and simply doesn't feel moment «now» she is loses female energy.

But if she is her loses, then what the same then it remains?

It remains male, which vice versa starts prevail and more more drives her in dead end. That's why what it is necessary conquer own right to be strong, competing with ourselves men, aggress and at this make surewhere all this is in to me? BUT men very strongly feel such women and start them aware. Or the same if he lives with her under one roof, then back more feminine and flying mistresses.

Sources female and male energy

In view of different not only mental, but and physiological structures men and women nature it was thought out various sources filling.
For men basic source male energySpace. For womenthis is Earth.

Important: cfurious people know, what in temple, where under dome it goes huge concentration heavenly energy woman must wear handkerchief, which the protects her from this energy.

BUT long dome -shaped skirt vice versa enhances influx energy from Earth. And vice versa the male must to be without head derived and in trousers, which overlapping on to your own structure flow terrestrial energy.

What is happening, when woman loses energy?

Man and woman

Energy men and women connected in moments proximity. Exactly then the male gets part terrestrial energy women.

This energy helps to him materialize his ideas and goals, then there is set focus his power. More female energy calms his and directs on the creative acts.

When the same the male not gets this energy on reason refusal in proximity or decline energy u women, then he it becomes more tough and rude. U him start problems on the work, business stopping bring profit, summing up friends.
That's why woman very dangerous refuse man in proximity. She is herself pushes his those most on the search new energy and inspiration.

What kind benefits u female energy?

When woman filled correct female energy, male nowhere not it goes. She is too necessary us for maintaining important rod personalities. The main thing is to observe the balance.

At sufficient quantity femininity we always calm and sure in volume, what our the male all will be able, thoughts flowing more calmly and measured and we simply we can enjoy themselves yourself.

When woman maybe receive bliss from yourself myself, able myself delight and pamper, rises not only self-esteem. But and attention men. We we broadcast energy pleasure. And these fluids per kilometer feel most courageous and successful the male.

What destroyes female energy?

1. Responsibility of a woman.

it purely male damn character. We sometimes forget or us it is necessary accept a responsibility in that or other moment. it and removing u us strength. We have the right to bear responsibility only for our lives and the life of children. Trust the rest of the universe.

2. Adoption solutions.

Let men accept solutions. Even they they are mistaken. Thanks to this they grow. When the same woman already located on the leading positions, it is worth making decisions with love and onfeminine.

3. Driving.

When us often they say «you must, you must..» we begin get lost and break my essence, adopting under circumstances. it removing very a lot of female energy. That's why, what awakers energy protection. BUT this is already another side medals. That's why let's be able to soft leave from the words «must» and listen to true «want«.

4. Need defend yourself.

When woman not feeling patronage strong men, when her no one protect, she is again reaches involuntarily to his own male energies and starts defend yourself myself herself.

5. Goals.

How only we in goalswe already not we get pleasure from process and we fall in male energy. Goals  — this is prerogative men, his vector. Woman gets pleasure from everyone step process and gradually comes to result.

10 ways fill female energy

1. Meditation.

Exactly meditation allows feel again myself in this moment. Consciously we disconnect flow thoughts. Which interfere us stay.

And thanks to calm and relaxing music and i will set up, we again we plunge in their female images. FROM help meditation woman maybe subscribe yourself all what he wants. And this is it will come true. That's why what figurative thinking and female energy creating miracles.

2. Pleasure from myself.

Skill receive bliss from myself yourself and there is source filling myself energies.

We in anyone body beautiful for unique. And we have right to be such what us created. learn to be in love myself, pamper and let yourself to make mistakesthis is great and good quality.

3. Shopping.

Well about this and talk there is nothing. Buying yourself new stylish shoes we really we are filled hormones happiness and begin shine.

Even if not always there is funds allow yourself superfluous purchase, let this is will be inexpensive, but joy for myself yourself.

4. Creation.

Sewing, knitting, quilling, dolls Tildes, dancing, singing, de camincredible choice directions allows now find my niche and implement their talents.

Energy creativity always creative and carries huge potential female energy.

5. Communication with nature.

Nature is our external source, which the us put on essence birth.

Womanhow we already they wrote, this is earth energy. And communication with nature, picnics, simply walks along rivers or on park fill you are by forces and they will inspire creativity.

6. Bodily pleasure.

Massage, spa, yoga, baths with oils, sauna or baththis is all allows us return in body and feel harmony with him.

Us necessary take care about him. And do this is need regularly.

7. Communication with friends.

Just talk neither about how: about men, about sex, about purchases and new things. All this is allows us unload head from stream thoughts and feel myself in moment.

No gossip and condemnation whomor. it forbidden and deprive you energy district!

8. Sweets.

Honey, natural pollen, chocolatethis is elixirs beauty and happiness.

Woman need sweets. They are salting us. But not forget about meres. Us the same not need extra kilo.

9. Privacy.

Yes exactly putting alone with yourself, having lie down and reading book, after listening simply silence, we too we are filled female energies and return yourself myself.

10. Beautiful clothes and decorations.

Here already not it goes speech about shopping. Just trying then, what u you accumulated in cabinet and creating new images, you not only you can bring order in thoughts and cabinet. In addition you more and fill energy from admiration yourself. And certainly the same add decorations. Even if to you very not familiar wear whator, accustom myself for beginning although would to pare bracelets.

Energy accumulation tips and reviews


  • Each woman on the defined period life collides with problems and thoughts «what cO me not so?». And then in search answers, we we plunge in sea information and starts drown in him. We hope what we choose for you most important and useful, and this will help to you farther move on life smoothly and let problems ourselves decide
  • Be always good not only to others, but and to yourself. Learning accept myself and forgive oversights and errors, we we will always in his energy. And us will be easier forgive others
  • Let male energy go out on the paper. If a you whatthen offended or upset, write letter offender and burn. Will become easier. And you not destroy yourself from the inside and outside all will remain unharmed. On the shift male energy you get it bonus sea female

Femininity to you, expensive our women!

Elena, 33 of the year.
I 5 years worked on the leading positions and only now understood how a lot of male actions and habits i had to bring in my life. I managed understand, what more so not want. Quit with highly paid work. Found simpler, but without constant hurrying. Allowed men me lead, yourself to be weak, stopped accept solutions and i became more often asks help. I became wear skirts and dresses. Now total per year, i already another. Dreams about children already nearer, because what appeared young human and soon wedding. Everyone wish to be only more feminine.

Video: Why is a woman to be in female energy

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  1. Thank you, interesting article! Something became clear.

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