Russian table songs, Ukrainian - folk, for adults, for harmonies: the best selection

Russian table songs, Ukrainian - folk, for adults, for harmonies: the best selection

In our article you will find the best selection of table songs for a noisy and fun company of friends.

Do you have a celebration soon and you do not know how to entertain guests? Then our selection of table songs is exactly what you need. A song is the best way to communicate both close and few familiar people. A properly selected table song will help unite guests and, of course, give everyone a lot of positive emotions. In this material you will find a lot of musical compositions that will surely make your holiday the most unforgettable.

Russian table songs: words

Noisy reeds

IMPORTANT: Determining the repertoire for your holiday, you must take into account the age of the guests. After all, if people of the older generation are present at your celebration, then they are unlikely to sing modern compositions. Therefore, it will be better if you give preference to the table songs whose words are heard by everyone.

Russian table songs:

1. Tagged song - "Blue, modest handkerchief"

Blue, modest handkerchief
He fell from the lowered shoulders.
You said,
That you will not forget
Affectionate, joyful meetings.
Sometimes night
We said goodbye to you.

There are no more nights!
Where are you, a handkerchief,
Dear, welcome, dear?
Receiving your letters
I hear my native voice.
And between the lines
blue scarf
He rises again before me.

And I'm more than once
Dreamed in the pre -stock hour
Curls in a handkerchief,
Blue nights,
Sparks of girlish eyes.

I remember how on a memorable evening
Your handkerchief fell from the shoulders
How she escorted
And promised
Save blue handkerchief.
And let me with me
There is no beloved today, dear
I know with love
You are to the head of the head
You hide a blue scarf.

How many treasured scarves
We carry in our hearts with us!
The joy of the meeting,
Bride shoulders
Remember the fighting of the fighting.
For them, relatives,
Beloved, desired by such ones,
Scribbles a machine gunner,
For a blue handkerchief,
What was expensive on the shoulders!

2. Tague song - "Gori, Gori, my star"

3. Table song - "There are so many golden lights"

There are so many golden lights
On the streets of Saratov,
There are so many idle guys
And I love married.
Eh, early he started his family
Sad story.

I melt from my love,
And even more so from him.
I want to run from him
Only he will seem - -
What if everything that I am silent about,
It will affect itself.

I should not see him
I'm afraid to like him.
I can handle love alone,
And together we can’t cope.

4. Tague song - "Moscow Region"

5. Table song - "My years - my wealth"

Let my head with my head
I have nothing to scare to winters.
Not only my cargo,
My years are my wealth.

Let my head with my head
Not only my cargo,
My years are my wealth.
I often rushed time,
I'm used to getting into all things to harness.

Let me not dig money,
My years are my wealth.
I often rushed time,
Let me not dig money,
My years are my wealth.

I whisper "thank you"
And I drink their bitter medicine.
And I will not give them to anyone,
My years are my wealth.
I whisper "thank you"
And I will not give them to anyone,
My years are my wealth.

And if they tell me centuries:
"Your star, alas, went out ..."
The children's hand will raise
My years are my wealth.
Someday for sure
The children's hand will raise
My years are my wealth.

Table songs for adults: words

Sing a table song

IMPORTANT: When choosing a song for friendly gatherings, it is necessary to consider how the musical composition is perceived. If you want your guests to have extremely positive memories of joint pastime, then choose table songs with the most simple melody. They will be easy to sing even to those guests who are far from music.

Table songs for adult company:

1. Tagged song - "raspberry ringing"

Through half a day and sleep
I hear a raspberry ringing
This is the dawn of the messenger
Bubin residents ring in herbs
This is the middle of the Russian plains
The clusters of the mountain ash flashed
And this is in his homeland
Something touched the soul

Chorus: raspberry ringing at dawn
Tell my sweet land
That I have been in love with her since childhood
Like this raspberry ringing

This raspberry ringing
From maternal windows
From that tall star
Yes from the past trouble
Dusty grins the gentry
Where we wandered in the fields
Where at dawn
Like a dream
A raspberry ringing is heard

Chorus: raspberry ringing at dawn
Tell my sweet land
That I have been in love with her since childhood
Like this raspberry ringing

Raspberry ringing at dawn
Tell my sweet land
That I have been in love with her since childhood

2. Table song - "I wish"

The sun shines brightly
And the children laugh
And we hand in hand
We go with you nearby
And no need to say
Everything is clear
And I am pleased
Tell you all

Chorus: I wish,
So that everyone is healthy
And to you above you
The sun shone brighter
Than in Madagascar
To live up to a hundred years
So that they don't know grief
And so that your children
You were pleased, op

I wish peace
I wish good
And every health
I wish you all my heart
And I don't need much
I want to be near
Beloved and all my relatives

Chorus: I wish,
So that you are all healthy
And to you above you
The sun shone brighter
Than in Madagascar
To live up to a hundred years
So that they don't know grief
And so that your children
You were pleased, op

The sun shines brightly
And the children laugh
And we hand in hand
We go with you nearby
And no need to say
Everything is clear
And I am pleased
Tell you all

3. Tagged song - "And the snow comes, and the snow goes"

And the snow comes, and the snow goes
And everything around is waiting for something.
Under this snow, under quiet snow,
I want to say at all:

My most important person
Take a look at this snow with me -
He is clean, as something that I am silent,
What I want to say.

Who brought my love to me?
Probably good Santa Claus.
When I look out the window with you,
I thank you snow.

And the snow comes, and the snow comes,
And everything flickers and floats.
For the fact that you are in my fate,
Thank you, snow, you.

4. Table song - "my beloved"

I'll get old, I will whitewash
Like the Earth in winter.
I will ill you like you
My beloved.

I am a pepper, -
I will turn it,
I’ll re -put on you
What I wear in myself.

I will get it to heaven and the abyss
Time is rushing.
And I will become completely yours -
Only without you.

My comrade is old,
My court and fate,
I will rebuild with you
To find yourself.

I find out the price of paradise
Hell tasting in paradise.
I will outplay you
His youth.

Transitions, overloads,
A long way home.
Remember me without sadness
My beloved.

5. Tague song - "Seeing out love"

Half an hour before the flight, half an hour before the flight,
We are almost at the runway.
And run faster than all hours in the world
These electronic watches.

Chorus: That's all that was,
That's all that was.
You call it how you want it.
For some, it is simple
Summer weather,
But these are wires of love.

And what was, and what was,
You and I cannot be tied again.
It is a pity that we did not have time to each other
Something very important to say.

Around the airfield, along the airfield
The liner ran like fate,
And the bright strip remained in the sky,
Pure as a memory of you.

Folk table songs: words

IMPORTANT: If people of the older generation are present at your celebration, be sure to include your favorite folk songs in the entertainment program of the evening. Such musical compositions will be able to sing younger people. But modern songs are unlikely to be familiar to the older generation.

Folk table songs:

1. Tague song - "Oh, frost, frost .."

Oh, frost, frost,
Do not freeze me
Do not frost me, my horse.
Do not freeze me, my horse,
My horse is white.
My horse is white,
I have a wife, oh, jealous.
I have a wife, oh, beauty,
Waiting for me home, waits sad.
I will return home at sunset of the day.
I will hug my wife, I will drink the horse.
Oh, frost, frost,
Do not freeze me
Do not frost me, my horse.

2. Tague song - "You are my dear you"

You are my nice
Take me with you!
There in the region is distant,
I will be your wife.
-My darling
I would take you
But there in the region is distant,
I have a wife.

-You are my core,
Take me with you!
There in the region is distant,
I will be your sister.

-My darling,
I would take you.
But there in the region is distant,
I have a sister.

-You are my core,
Take me with you!
There in the region is distant,
I will be a stranger to you.

-My darling,
I would take you.
But there, in the region far,
I don't need a stranger.

3. Table song - "Are I to blame ..."

Whether I am to blame whether I am to blame
Are I guilty that I love?
Is it to blame that my voice was trembling
When did I sing a song to him?
One is to blame, to blame for everything.
If you want to justify yourself.
So why, why on this lunar night
Allowed myself to kiss?

Kissed, smashed, kissed-smilled,
He said that I would be him.
And I believed everything and how a rose bloomed
Because she loved him.

Oh you, my mother, oh you, my mother!
Let me go for a walk.
The stars are burning at night, caresses at night,
At night, everything is talking about love.

4. Tague song-"Here someone went down from a hill ..."

Here someone went down from the hill,
Probably my dear is coming.
It is defended on it, a tunic,
She will drive me crazy.
It has gold shoulder straps
And a bright order on the chest.
Why, why did I meet
His life path?

Why, when passes by,
With a smile waves my hand,
Why did he come to our collective farm,
Why violated my peace?

His smile is right away
My chest is worried in mine.
Why, why did I meet
His life path?

Here someone went down from the hill,
Probably my dear is coming.
It is defended on it, a tunic,
She will drive me crazy.

Table songs for harmonies: Words

Songs under the accordion

Harmony is an excellent tool that will help to brighten up any pastime. Therefore, if you or one of your relatives, owns the art of playing a harmonica, then you will definitely like the next selection of feast songs.

Table songs to the accordion:

1. Tague song - "Katyusha"

Apple and pears bloomed,
Fogs sailed over the river.
Went ashore Katyusha,
On the high shore, on the steep.
I went out, started a song
About the steppe blue eagle,
About the one I loved
About the one whose letters cherished.
Oh you, song, song girl,
You fly after the clear sun after
And fighter on the far border
Give Hello from Katyusha.
Let him remember the girl simple,
Let him hear how she sings
Let him protect the land of his own,
And love Katyusha will save.
Apple and pears bloomed,
Fogs sailed over the river.
Went ashore Katyusha,
On a high shore, on a steep ...

2. Table song - "Sevastopol waltz"

We go along the seashore
And we sing and sing,
And noisy over his head
The garden is autumn foliage.

Chorus: Sevastopol waltz,
Golden days;
I was shining on the way more than once
Your eyes are lights.
Sevastopol waltz
All sailors remember.
How can you forget you
Golden days!

On Malakhov Kurgan
The fog fell.
You came to the pier that night
Spend ships.
And since then in the edge of any
I remembered a sweet house.

We're back home
To Sevastopol is native.
Again, as before, chestnuts in color,
And again I'm waiting for you.
We go along the boulevards
And, as in youth, we sing.

3. Tagged song - "I asked the ash"

I asked ash,
Where is my beloved.
The ash did not answer me
Shaking his head.
I asked Topol
Where is my beloved.
The poplar threw me
Autumn foliage.
I asked in the fall
Where is my beloved.
Autumn answered me
Swer rain.
I asked from the rain
Where is my beloved.
Long rain for a long time
Behind my window.
I asked a month
Where is my beloved.
A month disappeared into the cloud,
I did not answer me.
I asked the cloud
Where is my beloved.
The cloud melted
In heavenly blue.
You are my only friend
Where is my beloved?
Tell me, where did you hide?
Do you know where she is?
A friend answered a devotee
A friend answered sincere:
- I was loved
I was loved
And my wife became for me.
I asked ash,
I asked Topol
I asked in the fall.

Ukrainian table songs: words

Words of songs

Well, finally, we offer you a selection of Ukrainian table songs that your guests will surely like. And do not be afraid that you do not know the Ukrainian language perfectly. The songs are so beautiful and melodic that you easily memorize them by ear.

Ukrainian table songs:

1. Table song -“My Mati is my mother” (my mother)

Ridna Mati, my nights did not fall
I drove the region of the region,
I was far away on the road to Zori.
I gave the rushnik forking to the community.
I was far away on the road to Zori.
I rushnik of flowering on the hillock, for a share.
High on the nomo tsvita of the dewyist Dorizhka, I green meadows, th Solov’an Gai,
I are your invisible mother’s mother, I am a must -be good yours.
I are your invisible mother Laskava asshole, I musty otmuchenі is good, your bar.

I am a rushnik, I will stretch, the hill,
In Tikhim Shelesty herbs, in the brigbanni dibrov.
I on TIM Rushnichkovi is life all knowing to pain
I dinstament, th separation, I virna love.
I on TIM Rushnichkovi is life all knowing to pain
I dinstaman, th separation, th your mother love.

2. Tague song - “Zelene is lively, green” (green rye, green)

Zelene is lively, green,
Good guest at me.
Zelenee, Zhilitu's wife, fit,
Good guest in the hut of Idut.
Zelene is lively, green,
Good guest at me.
Zhenee is lively after the village,
Good guest at the table.
Zelene is lively, green,
Good guest at me.
Zelenee is lively at the interca
Good guest to the shower.
Zelene is lively, green,
Good guest at me.
Zelenee is lively.
Here we have been eating ours.

3. Tagged song - “Gay, pour the chasis” (hey, pour full glasses)

Gay, pour a chassis,
Schob through Vintsya lilled,
Our share did not touch us,
Schob is more painful in the svіtі!
Vadmo, about the ground with a dashing journal,
Schob has become a merchant.
VIP’M for the community, VIP’M for a share,
VIP’M for everything, pus Milish!
Piimo, Panov, Pimimo Bratov,
Pimimo, they will leave for us,
Abandoning us did not spit,
Leaving the brushes of dashingly.

Video: Favorite table songs

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