Charging for women after 50 years: a set of exercises, recommendations, video

Charging for women after 50 years: a set of exercises, recommendations, video

Specialists specially developed a universal set of exercises, thanks to which you can stretch the body, develop muscles, improve blood circulation after 50 years. You will learn about them from the article.

All people on the planet are known about the benefits of charging. From early childhood, when we visited a kindergarten, in the morning we always did a warm -up. The educators said that thanks to her we grew up healthy, were cheerful.

Over time, when a woman grows up, she forgets or simply does not have time to do exercises. Every year, the woman’s body does not agree to forgive this inattention to her own body, appearance. However, charging for those women who are already 50 years old is considered mandatory. Violation of this requirement can cause a lot of bad consequences that every mature lady will definitely not like.

What will happen if you do not do charging for women after 50 years?

Exercises every day are no less important than regular visit to the doctor or control over his own weight. Charging for women after 50 - This is a great chance to activate all the processes that occur in the human body. If you neglect charging, you will not be able to find a little time in your own schedule, then very soon you will encounter a huge number of unpleasant surprises.


Similar "surprises" are:

  • The woman is recovering very quickly.
  • Fat deposits, salts in the most painful areas begin to be deposited. With a minimum load, pain in the head, joints begin to occur.
  • The level of cholesterol increases.
  • Hemoglobin in the blood decreases.
  • Muscle tissues begin to atrophy much faster, they lose their own tone, strength.
  • Joint diseases develop. It becomes difficult for a woman to walk, turn the body, neck.
  • Acorus pressure increases.
  • The risk of various heart diseases increases.
  • A woman ages much faster, she fades the skin, wrinkles appear.

All these consequences are due to the following - thanks to charging, the body functions more actively. Accelerated metabolism also occurs, cells are renewed, and hemoglobin is normalized.

For ladies over 50, this is quite important since all the reactions listed above in the body are not so active and do not function normally. In other words, if you want to live for a long time, not get sick in old age, then do a special exercise every day.

Charging for women after 50 years, which can be done without getting out of bed

If it comes to excellent physical training, good health and well -being, doctors say that all this can be achieved thanks to charging. But sometimes it is very difficult to make your own body get up with a warm, comfortable bed after sleep.

Thanks to our simple exercises that you can do right on the bed, your charging in the morning will be much more exciting, interesting. It is suitable for those ladies who already 50 years and older.

  • Bend the leg at the knee without tearing the heels from the sheet. Press the heel tightly to the buttocks. Return your leg in a direct position. Repeat the exercise with the other foot. Thanks to such manipulations, you can strengthen the buttocks, but keep in mind that the lower back must be pressed tightly to the bed.
  • Make your legs even. Pull socks forward, Pull the top of the feet to the body. With the help of this exercise, caviar zones of the legs are strengthened.
  • Now go to your hands. Lie on your back, raise it right away two hands up Lower the limbs. Try your hands not to bend your elbows. In the time of lifting your hands, take a breath when you lower it, exhale the air. Thanks to the exercise, breathing improves, muscle tissue on the hands is strengthened.
  • When you do the first exercises, blood flow begins to improve, you will become more vigorous. Now you can perform the following exercise. Pull your hands up, make sure that your thumbs look strictly up. Perform movements that resemble "scissors".
  • Sit down, lower your legs to the floor. Press the feet to the floor. Raise two heels at once, do not tear your fingers from the floor. Put the heels back. Again, press the feet to the floor.
  • Sit down, hold your back straight, bend your knees, keep the feet on the floor. Straighten one lower limb, raise. Lower again. Make such manipulations with the other foot. When your body gets used to the exercise, complicate it a little. Raising your leg, hold it in this state for about 5 seconds, lower it.
  • Sit down, stretch your hand, put it on the knee of the opposite leg. Change your leg and hand. Thanks to this exercise, your hands are strengthened, most of the muscles of the body.
We start in the morning
We start in the morning

Repeat all these exercises at least 10 times. You can do this charging during the day, for example, when you watch TV.

Charging for full women after 50 years

  • At the age when a woman has been 50 years old, various health problems may occur. The female body is not powerful over hormonal changes. As a result, the lady begins to recover rapidly, and therefore it is more difficult for her to maintain her own physical activity.
  • If you lower your hands in this situation, then serious consequences can be overtaken, for example, it will be more difficult for you to move, you will have heart disease, joints and so on.
  • You can solve these problems - just perform a special charging for women after 50 years.

There are very few exercises, they are not too difficult, so you can easily cope with them:

  • Walk around the room for 2 minutes. Step initially slowly, then speed up the pace. When the 2nd minute comes, again start walking slowly.
  • Put palms on the shoulders, inhale the air, dilute the shoulder joints to the sides, connect the shoulder blades. Exhale, take your shoulders again.
  • Let their hands be in a position, as in the previous exercise. Rotate your shoulders - several times ahead, then the same amount in the opposite direction.
  • Put your legs wide. Exhale, lean forward forward, try to get your fingers to the floor surface. Straighten your body, inhale, raise your hands up, bring it to the lock.
You need to get it with your hands to the floor
You need to get it with your hands to the floor
  • Lean about the chair. Take your hands on the back of the chair, start to wave your hands: several times ahead, so the same in the opposite direction.
  • Lean about the chair again. Start doing twins on both sides. Make sure that your legs are even.
  • Do not let go of your hands from the chair, squat, only half.
  • Sit on a chairPut your palms on the waist line. Inhale, get your elbows behind your back as far as possible, while exhaling, bring your elbows in front of you to the maximum.
  • Stand on your feet, hold your hands at the waist. Walk around the room, try lift the knees as high as possible. Walk so approximately 1 min.
  • We walk again, as usual. Start increasing the speed of walking, but this time go to run smoothly. Perform the exercise for approximately 1 min. Slow down, stop completely.

Video: Exercises for weight loss after 50 years

Warming charging for women after 50 years before the main training

Before you fulfill the main charging for women after 50 yearsMake a small warm -up. It is necessary in order to completely warm up the joints. First, work out muscle tissues on the neck, then on the hands and so on to the bottom of the entire body.

  • Make circular movements on the sides, forward, and then back. Full up to 20 times.
  • Rotate your head First in one direction, then in the opposite. Only 15 times.
  • Now mash your hands. Rotate them first 10 times, because the same time ahead.
  • Rotate the upper part of the body on the sides. Hold your hands on the waist line.
  • Rotate each foot in turn. Bend the leg at the knee, take it in one direction, repeat the rotation 10 times in one direction, then in the opposite. During execution, maintain balance.
Circular movements
Circular movements
  • Exercise for the back. Close your legs, keep your back evenly. Climb your socks, stretch your hands in front of you, linger for a few seconds. Repeat several times.
  • The last exercise that you will have to do - squats. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Do this warm -up every time you get together to do the main charging. If you want to lose a little weight, increase the load over time.

Charging for women after 50 years for a vigorous, great mood

Do charging for women after 50 years Better in the morning. So many doctors advise. We offer you a set of exercises, thanks to which you will have a mood, you will become more vigorously.

  • Stand up, click your legs. Climb your socks. Also raise both hands so that your palms look around. Combine the back areas of the palms. Perform the exercise several times.
  • Standing on your feet, put them shoulder -width apart. Raise your arms around, bend your leg, try to sit down a bit. Take the second leg to the side, stretching out the sock. Return to the original position. Do these manipulations by changing your legs. Perform the exercise several times.
  • Tilt Thorce forward, a little think your back. Spread your legs wider than the shoulders, put your palms on the waist line. Rotate the upper part of the body on the sides. Repeat the exercise no more than 5 times.
  • Standing, tilt the body to the leftKeep your right hand over your head. Take the other hand to the side, turn your hand up. Repeat the exercise with the other side. Move the movement several times.
  • Stand around the wall, do not touch it. Make your hands up, drop your back back, try to touch the walls with your palms. Return to the original position. Repeat 5 times, you can a little more.
  • Lie on your backDistent your hands around. Raise one leg in the opposite direction, lower it. Return to the original position, repeat with another limb. Make 6 repetitions in total.
  • Stand up, spread your arms around, spread your legs. Make a swing with your foot, touch the opposite hand while with a sock. Perform the exercise with the other foot. Repeat 5 times in each direction.
For the mood
For the mood

If you perform this exercise every day, make your figure more beautiful, improve your own well -being.

Charging for women after 50 years to strengthen hands

To perform charging, take weights of small weight (maximum 1 kg 500 g). Next, follow the following manipulations:

  • Take dumbbells in your hands, raise them above your head.
  • Bend your hands alternately.
  • Make sure that the shoulder joints are motionless.
  • Perform the exercise approximately 10 times. If possible, you can make more repetitions.
For hands

The following exercises are also performed with dumbbells.

  • Sit on the edge of the sofa or chair.
  • Take dumbbells into your hands, lower them down.
  • Spread your legs.
  • Bend your hands, bring the brushes with dumbbells to the shoulder joints.
  • Keep your back with your shoulders in a motionless state.

Charging for women after 50 years to strengthen legs

  • Stand straight.
  • Legs shoulder width.
  • Start squatting.
  • Make sure that your knees do not go beyond the socks.
  • Perform the exercise several times, given your own physical capabilities.
  • Increase the number of repetitions slowly.
Squat correctly
Squat correctly

The next exercise that strengthens the legs is this:

  • Stand around the table.
  • Remove the table with your hand.
  • Take your foot, straightening it.
  • Do not bend your back during execution, do not lean.
  • Perform the exercise several times.

Charging for women after 50 years to strengthen joints

Exercise 1 charging for women after 50 years:

  • Put your feet shoulder -width apart.
  • Put your hands on your hips.
  • Start rotating your head.
  • In one direction, repeat the exercise 10 times, then the same in the opposite direction.

Exercise 2:

  • Continue to stand.
  • Perform circular movements with a body in one and the other.
It is important to strengthen the joints
It is important to strengthen the joints

Exercise 3:

  • Stand straight.
  • Put your legs as in previous exercises.
  • Lean forward several times.

Charging for women after 50 years: Basic rules

If you begin to perform charging for women after 50 years Every day, you will always feel great.

But first, study the following tips:

  • Between each exercise, do a small pause (at least 10 seconds). If the exercises are intense, take a break up to 1 min.
  • Do the exercises leisurely, Otherwise, you can damage the joints.
  • If you are charging in the morning, sleep well before its execution. Lack of sleep, strong physical activity can lead to rapid fatigue.
  • Do not make quick movements, it is better to walk still.
  • Monthly Add one exercise.
  • When you do charging, not hold your breath. Follow this, otherwise you will have oxygen starvation.
  • Having completed the exercises, rest. Put a bottle of water around you, you may have a strong thirst.

Experts recommend charging after 50 years without rushing. The most basic thing you should remember is that charging should please you, bring only an excellent mood and positive emotions.

Video: gymnastics for women after 50 years

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Comments K. article

  1. I will try! I always like something new in this regard ... Yoga and fitness have already fed)) Sports and really women are very important to maintain a normal hormonal background. Of course, I also take the Ledis formula for menopause (reinforced formula). These are not only vitamins with minerals, but also extracts from the most useful plants .... Maidygas, for example. It’s just not to find him at all. Thanks to this, no treats, nor irritability, no headaches ... complex therapy and work))

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