A splinter on a finger under the nail: what to do, how to get it? How to pull out a splinter from under the nail: an old metal, from glass, a cactus, if it is deep?

A splinter on a finger under the nail: what to do, how to get it? How to pull out a splinter from under the nail: an old metal, from glass, a cactus, if it is deep?

How to extract a bench from under the nail in traditional and folk methods? What to do with a splinter under the nail in a child?

Each of us at least once in his life drove a splinter under his nail. Everyone remembers these unpleasant sensations and many questions rushing in their heads: “What to do?”, “How to get it?”, “What will happen to your nail and finger now?”, “What is the danger of a splinter under the nail?”.

This article will help to find answers to these questions and provide a complete list of all the most proven ways to extract splinters from under the nail.

What to do if a splinter came under the nail?

What to do if a splinter came under the nail?
What to do if a splinter came under the nail?
  • The only correct answer to this question will sound like this: "The splinter must be extracted!"
  • Yes, some people sometimes go with a splinter under the nail for a long time, and nothing bad happens to them. But these are only isolated cases
  • In fact, a splinter is a direct source of infection, which spread under the nail, can lead to the most deplorable consequences
  • The consequences of the spread of infection can be blood poisoning, finger inflammation, tissue necrosis, etc.

How can you pull out a splinter from under the nail?

How can you pull out a splinter from under the nail?
How can you pull out a splinter from under the nail?

For help in extracting splinters from under the nail, you can consult a doctor. In the hospital, surgeons are usually dealt with by such a problem. But do not be afraid that if you get to the surgeon, then he will definitely cut off something to you. It’s just that the doctors have much more experience in conducting this procedure, moreover, they have a lot of things necessary for this manipulation of things (special tools, medicines, anesthesia).

You can extract a splinter at home. There are quite a lot of effective ways that allow it to pull it out - mechanically or using compresses and lotions.

The procedure for removing the splinters from under the finger mechanically is as follows:

  • We thoroughly wash our hands - it is advisable to disinfect them
  • Disinfect the place where
  • We take the tweezers in your hands and disinfect its ends
  • We carefully try to grab the splinter behind its free land - for this it is best to arm yourself with a magnifier
  • If the free edge of the splinter is too short, then we take the needle in your hands
  • Disinfect the end of the needle
  • We try to lift the leg to the needle with a needle

This method is suitable only when the splinter came under the skin not too deep. If the sliver has almost completely gone under the nail, then it is best to use other methods that imply the use of compresses

How to treat a splinter under the nail?

How to process a splinter under the nail?
How to process a splinter under the nail?
  • Before starting any of the procedures to remove splinter from under the nail, it is advisable to disinfect the place where it sits
  • Alcohol or iodine may be suitable for processing a splinter
  • It is advisable to disinfect the splinter twice
  • There are times when the processing of the splinter becomes enough to get out
  • Иногда, под действием антисептика слишком тонкие занозы вообще растворяются

How to quickly pull out a splinter from under the nail?

How to quickly pull out a splinter from under the nail?
How to quickly pull out a splinter from under the nail?
  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of soda in one liter of hot water. Dip the finger in the soda solution for twenty minutes several times
  2. We fall asleep into a glass of hot water 3-4 tablespoons of salt. We lower it into a glass of a sick finger for fifteen minutes
  3. We prepare medicinal gruel from soda and water by mixing them. We put the gruel on the nail and wrap it with a cloth. After two hours we remove the compress
  4. We put in place the spaces of the banana peel with a flesh to the nail. Fix the compress with a bandage and leave it all night
  5. Dissolve therapeutic clay in water and apply it to the nail. We leave the compress for several hours
  6. We set fire to a piece of cotton rag. We hold the place of the splinter over the smoke from the burning fabric until it burns completely. It is believed that a splinter should go out under the influence of smoke

How to pull out a splinter from under the nail from a cactus?

How to pull out a splinter from a cactus from under the nail?
How to pull out a splinter from a cactus from under the nail?

To extract splinters from a cactus from under the nail, you can use any of the methods described in this article.

Here are two more, quite simple ways to extract a splinter:

Method number 1

  • We take the adhesive plaster or adhesive tape
  • We fasten it with the sticky side to the location of the splinter
  • With a sharp movement, we tear off the tape exactly along the axis of the location of the splinter under the nail

This method can only be used for those sens that peek out from under the nail and have quite impressive dimensions

Method number 2

  • Soak the brown bread in water
  • Add salt to softened bread
  • We apply a bread-salt compress to the nail
  • Fix it and leave it for a couple of hours

When using such a compress, you need to be prepared for the fact that salt can cause unpleasant sensations and pinching

How to pull out a splinter from the glass from under the nail?

How to pull the leg of glass from under the nail?
How to pull the leg of glass from under the nail?

To pull out a glass splinter from under the nail, you can use the following method:

  • Preparing gauze, bandage and Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment
  • We make compress from gauze and ointment
  • We attach this compress to the damaged finger
  • We wrap the compress with a bandage
  • Maintain the compress for 10-12 hours

The procedure described above, the procedure should help the night advance to the exit. When the tip of the splinter is enough to peep, it can be removed with tweezers.

How to pull out a metal splinter from a finger?

How to pull out a metal splinter from under the nail?
How to pull out a metal splinter from under the nail?
  • A metal splinter in a finger can pose an even greater danger than other types
  • To extract it, it is better to use a mechanical method. If the tip of the splinter does not peek out from under the skin, then it can be pulled out with a magnet, and then remove with tweezers
  • However, with a metal splinter, it is best to contact the surgical department. In addition to extracting a splinter, a doctor may, if necessary, advise the prevention of tetanus

A spin under the nail in a child, what to do?

What to do with a splinter under the nail in a child?
What to do with a splinter under the nail in a child?

If the splinter fell under the nail to the child, then the most optimal option in this case will be to seek help from a doctor, since the responsibility is very high.

However, if the baby is too afraid of the doctors, you can try a fairly simple and painless way to extract a splinter:

  • In one liter of hot water, dissolve the half -bun soap
  • Pre -chop the soap with a coarse grater
  • We lower the child’s finger into a soap solution
  • Waiting for time until the splinter begins to go out

How to pull out an old splinter?

How to remove the old splinter from under the nail?
How to remove the old splinter from under the nail?

In order to extract an old splinter, you need to steam your finger in one of the methods described above. When the tip of the splinter appears from under the nail, it must be captured with tweezers and stretched out.

If the old splinter sits deeply and does not lend itself to any of the ways to extract it, then it is best to seek help from the surgeon. You can’t leave a foreign body under the skin in any case!

How to pull out a splinter with folk remedies?

How to pull out a splinter with folk remedies?
How to pull out a splinter with folk remedies?
  1. Grind the fresh leaves of plantain until the gruel is formed. We apply the resulting mixture to the location of the splinter. Plantain softens the skin and contribute to the rapid output of the splinter
  2. 2. Lubricate the spine area with any natural resin (the juniper resin helps very well). Leave the resin on the wound for half an hour
  3. 3. Grind the dry root of the waist or tissue and mix it with hot water until the gruel is formed. We apply the resulting paste on gauze and attach it to the sore spot. We fix the compress and hold it for 2-3 hours. After the specified time, we change the bandage
  4. Grind on a fine grater or blender onion onion. We apply the resulting gruel on a splinter, cover with cellophane and fixed with a bandage. Change the compress every three to four hours
  5. Lubricate the place of a splinter with a pine gum and wrap it with a bandage. We leave the living on the wound at least 6 hours
  6. Grind the cabbage sheet (white cabbage) in a blender and add a tablespoon of vodka or alcohol to the paste obtained. We apply a medicinal ointment on a gauze swab and put it to the place of a splinter. We wrap the swab with cloth and leave for three hours. After the specified time, we change the bandage to a new

The splinter under the nail is deep, what to do?

What to do with a deep splinter under the nail?
What to do with a deep splinter under the nail?

If the splinter settled in the finger very deep, then it is best to use one of the following options for its extraction:

  • Dip the damaged finger into a sufficiently heated sunflower or other vegetable oil. The oil should stretch a slightly a splinter so that it can be removed mechanically
  • Lower the struck finger in a glass with alcohol or vodka for half an hour. Alcohol will also allow the splinter to look slightly from under the nail for further removal
  • Dip the sick finger into a glass with ammonia for just a few minutes. Get your finger and wrap it with a warm cloth. This method allows you to dissolve the splinter without a trace

Summing up, it is worth saying that no matter what method of extracting splinters from under your finger you choose, do not forget to disinfect everything before the start of the procedure and the resulting wound after it. It is best to process the location after its seizure, as the iodine can burn affected tissues.

How to extract a splinter from under the nail: video

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Comments K. article

  1. One to one with a photo. They cut the nail, but the splinter was not taken out with anything. It helped: I drank it along the nail along the splinter (the nail began to bend better), half an hour in alcohol, after which it was possible to pick up the splinter with tweezers and pull out without consequences. Relief immediately, slight bleeding, processing with peroxide and bandage.

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