The lures are high: therapeutic properties, contraindications, use in medicine. How to apply tincture of the root of the lures of lures to men and women: Instructions

The lures are high: therapeutic properties, contraindications, use in medicine. How to apply tincture of the root of the lures of lures to men and women: Instructions

The article describes detailed information about the beneficial properties and contraindications of the ram. You will also learn how to take it correctly.

The lure is a shrub with a wooden root. The stem of the plant is covered with spikes, the leaves are large-sometimes 35-37 cm in diameter. Green panacea inflorescences are small and collected in bundles. Bright red berries are sleeping in August or early September. For therapeutic purposes, only rhizomes and roots are used mainly.

Lungehole grass and root: therapeutic properties and contraindications

Zamanikha still has other names: Ekhinopanax, Olopanax. Thanks to the content of such elements as:

  • essential oils, carbohydrates
  • saponins, flavonoids
  • kumarins, aldehydes
  • glycosides, free acids
  • echiginososides, lignans, tarry substances

oplopanax is used to treat various pathologies.

Lure - natural doctor
Lungehole - natural doctor

Drugs based on this plant are used to treat the following diseases:

  1. Various nervous disorders, depression, sluggish schizophrenia, heart failure, chronic fatigue syndrome.
  2. Migraine, hypotension, overstrain, irritation, insomnia - are also good to treat this plant.
  3. Gynecological pathologies, sexual impotence pass after the use of the lures, if these diseases are not launched.
  4. At the primary stage of the development of diabetes, plant roots normalize the balance of blood sugar.

IMPORTANT: Before taking a medicinal plant, check out contraindications. You can not take Echinopanax to those who have: allergies, hypertension, heart attack, acute infectious pathologies, nervous excitability, epilepsy, fever.

Tincture of the root of the lure - instructions for use for women and men

In order for the tincture of adhesive tincture to the “epicenter” of the disease as much as possible, it must be correctly prepared. Of course, the finished drug will not be difficult to buy in a pharmacy.

  • The collection of the roots of the lure should be carried out after the ripening of the fruits and falling out of the foliage from the bush.
  • They must be gently dug, wash, cut into equal parts, dry.
  • When the rhizomes and roots dry out, they are placed in a glass jar and poured with medical alcohol. The proportions are as follows: 20 g of crushed root goes to 100 ml of alcohol.
  • Take such a solution (two to three times a day, 30-35 drops until eating) after a two-week period, which is necessary in order for it to infuse. Moreover, the process is carried out in a cool, dark place.
  • It is also recommended to strain the solution and pour into a dark dish. Store tincture in the first -aid kit at room temperature.
How to make tincture from Echinopanax?
How to make tincture from Echinopanax?

IMPORTANT: An overdose tincture from this plant drug can lead to the most undesirable consequences, namely: to poisoning and migraines. Indeed, in large dosages of the mayor acts like poison.

The drug in the pills of the lure plus for women: instructions for use, reviews

Zamanikha plus, according to sellers, is not a drug. Tablets are used as a food dietary supplement. They enhance sexual desire in women, liberate. If they are used by the course, then you will notice an improvement in vision, skin condition and your body will become more persistent to all kinds of diseases.

Sweet pills - lure plus
Sweet pills - lure plus


Diana, 23 years old

“I decided to dwell on this drug, since it turned out to be cheaper than those that they proposed. After the birth of a child, I had problems with excitement. I tried to accept, as described in the instructions, and the desired effect really appeared. In addition, she noticed that SARS began to hurt less in winter. ”

Valeria, 28 years old

»I heard about the lure from my friend. I wanted to try it too. All that is written on the packaging of emancipation, sexual attraction is true. I also noticed that my vision improved, and a cold began to hurt less. ”

Lungee as a causative agent: application

As an effective exciting agent, some buyers order a plus lust. It is produced in the form of sparkling tablets. The composition of the drug includes extracts: spolopanax, Muir Puama, Damiana, green tea. There are also auxiliary components in the substance: glucose, flavor - orange juice, soda and citric acid.

Instructions for using echinopanax for excitation
Instructions for using echinopanax for excitation

According to the instructions for exciting, it is enough to take one or two sparkling, sweet tablets dissolve in 200 ml of water, tea, juice, etc., and drink during a meal. After a certain period, you will feel the desire and internal emancipation, which will give sexual relations unforgettable new sensations.

Brozamanikh oil is high: use

Extract of lumbering extract is used to cleanse the skin to get rid of wrinkles and to rejuvenate the skin of the face.

How to use high -high oil oil?
How to use high -high oil oil?

To get the lumbering oil, you can use dry rhizomes, leaves, berries and roots. First, vegetable oil is heated to a boil. In the prepared vessel, a lumber is placed and poured with hot oil. They let it brew in a dark place. After which the potion for the skin can already be used.

IMPORTANT: Before using panacea oil, be sure to a test to an allergenic reaction on the back of the wrist.

Video: Lungehole - natural doctor

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