Mantoux reaction in children: the norm, positive and negative, photo. Where is the Mantoux reaction, how much is checked, how often they do it?

Mantoux reaction in children: the norm, positive and negative, photo. Where is the Mantoux reaction, how much is checked, how often they do it?

The article will talk about why the mantle test is needed, what consequences it can lead to and how to refuse it.

Primary school children are regularly made by the Mantoux reaction. According to the medical staff of the school, this is a necessary procedure that will help identify in advance pathogens of tuberculosis in the child's body.

However, such a procedure cannot be carried out when a child is sick of colds or at school, universal quarantine. The Mantoux reaction, like other medical procedures, the school does not have the right to carry out without the consent of the parents. So that parents can adequately assess the significance of this procedure, we propose to study all the pros and cons.

What does the Mantoux reaction mean?

  • Mantoux reaction is a subcutaneous injection. The composition of the injection is a special medical solution, which contains a small amount of tuberculous sticks.
  • The baby’s immune system should respond to the introduction of pathogens into the body and eliminate them.
  • This process occurs within three days, after which medical workers evaluate the Mantoux reaction. This is done using a millimeter line, the nurse measures the size of the resulting swelling.
  • The Mantoux reaction is an indicator of how much the baby’s immune system is able to fight a tuberculous stick.
Why do you need a mantu sample
Why do you need a mantu sample

Where to make the Mantoux reaction?

  • The Mantoux reaction is carried out annually to identify children infected with tuberculosis. Another purpose of Mantoux trial is to conduct vaccination against tuberculosis.
  • The first vaccine against tuberculosis is introduced in the hospital, almost immediately after birth. Further, such vaccination must be repeated at the age of 7 and 14. Vaccination is carried out only if the Mantoux reaction is negative.
  • Mantoux is usually made in the school’s medical office. If the child for some reason missed the procedure, it can be done in a local clinic. When contacting the clinic, it is necessary to take a vaccination card where information about the previous Mantoux reactions will be indicated.

Mantoux reaction: when and how often is it?

  • The Mantoux reaction is done annually until 15 - 16 years. It shows the possibility of repeated vaccination against tuberculosis.
  • You can not carry out a manti reaction if the school has an epidemic of influenza, or if a child is sick of a cold. In this case, the mantle reaction is postponed for a while.

What are the norms of the Mantoux reaction: photo

  • The Mantoux reaction has several indications. They are measured using a ruler and by external signs. After the injection under the skin, a small inflammatory process begins. The place of swelling and indicates the reaction of the Mantoux.
  • A negative reaction of Mantoux - if there is no swelling at all, or it reaches 1 - 2 mm. Such a reaction indicates the lack of infection of the child.
  • Doubtful reaction is if the swelling is insignificant - from 2 to 4 mm. Doctors usually equate a dubious reaction to the negative.
  • A positive reaction - if the swelling is significant and reaches from 5 to 15 mm. Sometimes, a positive Mantoux reaction is accompanied by a severe inflammatory process. Such a reaction may indicate that the child is sick with tuberculosis or his immune system inadequately reacts to the introduced stick of tuberculosis. Surely the disease can be detected after further examinations.
How to measure the norm of manti correctly
How to measure the norm of manti correctly

What to do if a positive Mantoux reaction?

  • Firstly, no need to panic, a positive reaction does not 100% indicate an infection of the child.
  • Secondly, you need to immediately consult a physician. Do not delay the procedure for further examination due to fears! The sooner to identify the disease, the more chances to overcome it.
  • The phthiser will prescribe tests to the child and members of his family, conduct a study of the lungs and chest. Only after that can a diagnosis be made.

Is it possible to wet the Mantoux reaction?

  • In schools, they always warn that it is forbidden to wet the reaction of the manti. However, you do not need to treat this too literally. If inadvertently the baby wet the injection site, it is enough to get this place with a soft towel.
  • It is forbidden to swim in open ponds and pools.
  • Also, when bathing, you can not rub the injection site, affect it with detergents. This can violate the correctness of the Mantoux reaction.
  • In no case, it is not allowed to smear the place of the mantle of green, alcohol or other disinfectants.
Mantoux reaction rules
Mantoux reaction rules

Mantoux reaction: side effects

  • Not all children have a mantle reaction procedure smoothly. The features of the child’s immune system are affected.
  • An allergic reaction may occur to one of the injection elements. Itching may occur at the injection site. In some cases, nausea and vomiting are observed.
  • Due to the features of the immune system, the child may have a temperature, lymph nodes are inflamed. Some have a prolonged breakdown and condition similar to a cold.

Why does the temperature rise to the Mantoux reaction?

  • A normal mantle reaction is expressed only at the injection site and does not apply to the entire body.
  • As a rule, the temperature may increase if the conditions of the procedure or the rules for storing the drug have not been observed.
  • If the child was cold during the manti reaction, then the procedure can complicate the condition of the baby and cause an increase in temperature.
Temperature rise
Temperature rise

How to abandon the Mantoux reaction?

  • Parents of the child, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, can abandon the manti.
  • Do not forget that all medical procedures are carried out only with the consent of the person himself. The child is a minor, so parents are responsible for him. They have a decision whether to carry out the Mantoux reaction or not.
  • In case of refusal of the procedure, school workers or kindergarten can send you to a consultation with a doctor’s doctor. However, you decide to go to him or not.
  • If the child goes to school, then the copper staff will constantly remind you that without the Mantoux reaction, your child is a threat to the whole team. They may require a certificate that the child is not sick with tuberculosis.
  • The phthiser advises parents to children who avoid the Mantoux reaction, to conduct a similar test. However, the composition of the injection is different and does not cause allergic reactions.
  • For refusal, you need to fill out a special application. It is obliged to issue copper personnel of the educational institution.
The possibility of refusing Mantoux and vaccination
The possibility of refusing Mantoux and vaccination

Is it worth making a manti reaction: tips and reviews

  • Before you refuse to carry out the procedure, evaluate all the pros and cons.
  • Remember that tuberculosis is a real disease that is very dangerous for any ages. In our country, tuberculosis is extremely active, many people get sick.
  • Tuberculosis patients are not kept in tubercles. Some of the patients may turn out to be your neighbor.
  • If the child’s body reacts hard to the Mantoux reaction, contact a phthianist for advice. In the clinic, they can be injected with another composition.

Video: Mantoux reaction. Dr. Komarovsky

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