Japanese diet of long respiration: essence, basic exercises, results, contraindications

Japanese diet of long respiration: essence, basic exercises, results, contraindications

What is a Japanese diet of long respiration and how to conduct it correctly? This will be discussed in the article.

In 2012, a fifty -year -old actor from the place where the sun rises was not very famous even in his native country became known not only at home, but throughout the world. The fact is that lucky Mike Riosuko very successfully turned to doctors about problems with the spine. And he was advised by Japanese breathing gymnastics, which was designed to strengthen the muscles around his spine and save the actor from back pain, which at that time prevented him from leading a normal lifestyle.

The essence of the Japanese diet of long respiration

And, lo and about the technique proposed by the doctors, Mike did not just get rid of annoying back pain - in the seven weeks, which he devoted to the course of exercises, he dropped as many as thirteen kilograms of excess weight and twelve centimeters of fat deposits around the waist. And the most amazing thing is that the actor gave the exercises no more than two minutes a day. And even more amazing - that he was fifty -five at that time, and we all know very well with what difficulty the weight is leaving for people aged.

Of course, such a sensational result led Riosuko to the idea that this could work for other people and he was happy to share a method that entitled as a “diet of long respiration” with users of networks and people living nearby. Six months later, I learned about Mike, if not the whole world, but certainly the entire female part of the population of the planet Earth.

Long breathing
Long breathing

A random side effect that gave a set of exercises fundamentally changed the life of the Japanese. Now it is called the “gurus guru” and the method that he improved and complemented has a huge number of followers. Not to mention the fact that Mike himself looks at a maximum of thirty thanks to classes according to his method.

IMPORTANT:The Japanese diet of long respiration is actually nothing more than breathing exercises that allow you to fill the blood, muscles and cells of the skin with oxygen and thus burn excess fat and has nothing to do with food. Unless in a figurative sense, because thanks to it, cells are overtaken by oxygen.

With the help of breathing exercises, toxins are removed from the body, which also helps to get rid of excess weight. It is amazing that in addition to Mike Riosuko’s methodology, there are many other breathing exercises in Japan, but not one of them has become so widely known.

Doctors explain the phenomenon of respiratory gymnastics in that fat consists of oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. When a person inhales oxygen, he helps to split fat deposits into carbon and water. It is thanks to this that people who walk a lot in the fresh air burn much more fat than other people.

Japanese diet of long respiration: 2 main management

Today, there are only two exercises in the technique of long respiration.

Exercise 1

  1. You need to strain the buttocks and put one leg forward, moving about ninety percent of body weight to another.
  2. Slowly pick up air in the light air, while raising your hands over your head. This should take exactly three seconds from you.
  3. Now slowly exhale the air while reducing the muscles of the body for seven seconds.

This exercise must be repeated depending on your capabilities from two to five minutes every day. Do not forget to change your leg.


Exercise 2

  1. To begin with, straighten up, stand evenly, putting one hand on the stomach, and the other on the lower back.
  2. In this position, pick up the air into the lungs, while drawing the stomach and then release the air, continuing to draw it. You need to inhale for three seconds, and exhale - seven seconds. Exhale more intensively than you inhaled.

This exercise can also be done from two to five minutes every day. Doing only two minutes a day, you will notice the result in two months. Thanks to this, the method of Riosuke was called the "method for the lazy."

Japanese diet of long respiration: results

In addition to the amazing and very desirable effect of losing weight, breathing gymnastics will give you many incredibly pleasant “side effects”.


Putting only two minutes a day to exercises, you will notice that you have:

  • The immunity and protective functions of the body will increase.
  • The work of the upper respiratory tract will improve.
  • The musculoskeletal system will be strengthened and its functioning will be established.
  • Osteochondrosis will not declare itself as loudly as before.
  • Blood is enriched with oxygen.
  • Voice ligaments will recover.
  • The elasticity and general condition of the skin and hair will improve, the number of wrinkles will decrease.
  • Metabolism will accelerate.
  • The stomach will tighten and the abdominal muscles will be strengthened.
  • The contours of the body will become more clearly and more beautiful.

Recommendations of doctors and people who practice the Japanese diet of long respiration

Any gymnastics, like anyone and any sport, have their own principles, following which you will become healthier and happier. And breathing gymnastics is no exception.

  • It is very important before starting classes japanese diet of long respiration Consult with the attending physician and, if necessary, undergo a full examination.
  • Doctors do not recommend practicing breathing exercises without a mentor.
  • Before the main part of the lesson, it is recommended to warm up a little, thereby preparing the body for the exercise.
  • If you notice signs of hyperventilation (nausea, dizziness, darkening, or just sparks in your eyes) - immediately stop and wait until your body returns to normal.
  • Do not do the exercise on the first day for two, and even more than five and ten minutes. Your body should gradually get used to an increasing amount of oxygen and tune in a new way. Start from one minute and over the first week increase the time to two minutes.
The reviews are positive
The reviews are positive
  • It is advisable to engage in the fresh air or in a room that is good and often ventilated.
  • People who managed to lose weight by japanese diet of long respiration , argue that the complete concentration of the exercise is mandatory for the technique to affect you. So - no extra thoughts, give up to the breathing process with all the enthusiasm that you are capable of.
  • Do not wait for an instant result. In this case, you will quickly disappoint. The effect of classes will be clearly noticeable after two, or even three months of regular classes. Be patient - the method will not only help you lose weight, but also significantly improve it.
  • If you want to achieve results faster - add to japanese diet of long respiration also yoga exercises. An additional load will help you quickly throw off the extra pounds.

Japanese diet of long respiration: Contraindications

Respiratory gymnastics according to the Mike Riosuko method is suitable for almost everyone - people of any age and with any physical training. But, like any sport, there are contraindications here:

  • Pregnant women need to consult a doctor or choose exercises that will probably not harm.
Pregnant women are contraindicated
Pregnant women are contraindicated
  • If you have a temperature or an inflammatory process that you have not yet cured, it is better to postpone classes.
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system and pressure-an occasion to consult a doctor before starting classes.
  • It is worth postponing classes if you have worsened some kind of chronic disease.

Like other methods of losing weight, the "diet of long respiration" has both fans and people who deny the ability to lose weight, devoting only two minutes a day to physical exercises.

Some doctors argue that long inhalation and exhalation can be even dangerous to health, so they recommend simply adhering to the system of fasting days.

Nevertheless, on the Internet you will find a huge number of users who, like Mike, have managed to lose weight according to his methodology.

Video: Japanese technique

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