City Berries for weight loss. The beneficial properties of the berries of the Coji and contraindications. Where to buy a goji berry?

City Berries for weight loss. The beneficial properties of the berries of the Coji and contraindications. Where to buy a goji berry?

City berries have recently become extremely popular. The new discoveries associated with the use of these berries for food led to the fact that they began to consider a panacea from all troubles.

Outwardly, these berries are bright pink, resemble raisins. And to taste, somewhat similar to rosehips, urban and grapes combined. Are there a good berries of the Coji berries? Or is it another product “endowed with” unique qualities of pure marketerists? Let's understand.

Goji berries

This is interesting: according to one of the legends, Gozhi is the name of the ancient Tibetan tribe, which grown berries. They believed that when eating them, berries give immortality.

What are the useful berries of the Comger?

Geria berries can be found today in any part of the world. But, only grown in Tibet, these berries are considered “magical”. It's all about the amazing climate of this mountainous country, clean air and a certain temperature at which they are grown. But, what is their value?

City berries have a unique composition of useful substances. Various polysaccharides, flavonoids and other substances are concentrated in it, the ratio of which is really unique with each other.

Important: according to many experts, the berries of the Gerja berries are today antioxidant No. 1. It's all about the ability of this product to absorb free oxygen radicals.

What vitamins are contained in the berry of Coji?

In addition, Coji berries include such beneficial substances as:
• amino acids (more than 20 species);
• omega-3 and omega-6;
• vitamin C;
• vitamin B1;
• vitamin B6;
• vitamin B12;
• phosphorus;
• Iron;
• calcium;
• Karotin;
• Polysaccharides.

By the number of Coji berries contained in the berries vitamin C. This product exceeds lemon and black currant.

Goji berries

The harm of the berries of the Coji and contraindications

There were no harm from the berries of the Coji berries, but despite the great benefits of the berries of the Coji berries have contraindications.

  • It is not recommended to use Coji berries to the faces of allergies to red and orange vegetables and fruits
  • Persons taking drugs, because they can reduce the therapeutic effect of drugs with effective substances of the berries of the Comedy Berries
  • People with weak intestines prone to diarrhea
  • Children under 3 years of age, because at this age they are prone to diathesis on red and orange
  • Patient oncology people, because They take a large amount of drugs, and the cleansing function of the berries will reduce the effectiveness of treatment

How to take the berries of the Coji for weight loss? Recipes

Probably, everyone already knows the healing assistance of the berries of the berries of Great in the fight against excess weight. For the first time, Chinese nutritionists found the connection of this product with weight loss. They indicated that with the regular use of Gerja berries, the production of growth hormone increases. This hormone is able to strengthen ligaments and bone tissue. But natural

increase in the body of a hormone of growth also leads to burning excess fat.

Important: even a strict Ducan diet allows you to eat Coji berries. The reason for the lack of a ban on the use of this berry is associated with a low carbohydrate content in it. And that means low calorie content.

To reduce weight, you can use both raw berries and a decoction of dry berries. Due to the high nutritional capacity of the pulp of fruits and low calorie content, this product can be eaten, dulling the feeling of hunger.

Goji berries

Where to buy Coji berries?

In our country goji berries Most often sold in dry form.

You can buy them here.

Important: in order to use dried berries in the fight against excess weight, they make a decoction. 50 g of berries are placed in a thermos and pour them with boiling water. In the thermos, berries should brew for 10 minutes. Drink a decoction of gerja berries On an empty stomach twice a day.

Recipes from the berries of the Coji for weight loss

In China, tincture from gerja berries.

RECIPE: To do this, take 50 g of berries and place them in a dark glass bottle. Berries need to be filled with high -quality vodka. A bottle of tincture is placed in a dark place for 10 days. Then the tincture can be consumed for its intended purpose. To reduce weight, two doses of 10 mm tincture are used on an empty stomach.

RECIPE: Use goji berries And for the preparation of tea. It is not so effective for combating excess weight, but it is a general strengthening. To prepare such tea will be required:
• 1 -shred spoon of black (or green) sheet tea;
• 5 berries of Coji;
• 5 chrysanthemum flowers.

Mix the ingredients and fill them with boiling water. Such tea is brewed for 10-15 minutes. With heat treatment, beneficial substances from gerja berries They will fall into the water, and then into the human body. Where they will have a favorable effect on almost all organs.

IMPORTANT: Goji berries can be used as an aphrodisiac. To do this, take a bottle of red wine, pour 50 g of berries there and leave to infuse for a month. The main thing is not to forget to close the bottle cover tightly.

Coji berries for nutrition and improve the condition of the skin and hair

Thanks to its unique composition, goji berries can serve as whole vitamin complexes to improve health, prolong youth and beauty. Due to the presence in the composition of this product in a sufficient amount of beta-carotene, these berries can be used to improve vision, skin and hair condition.


Coji berries for physical endurance and stress resistance necessary for weight loss

Substances from the Alaptogen group contained gerja berries, are able to increase physical endurance and stress resistance.

Coji berries for the prevention and treatment of diabetes

In addition, this product can be used to prevent and treat diabetes. Part gerja berriesglycosides are included in the blood sugar.

Coji berries for cancer prevention

Important: in the composition gerja berries Germany enters. This, recognized by many oncologists, the anti -cancer mineral helps the gorji berries to prevent the development of cancer cells in the body.

Coji berries for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis

Substances from gerja berries They nourish the prostate gland and improve lymph flow in the genitals. Substances from this product are able to increase the number of sperm in men and treat female infertility.


Anemia (anemia) is a disease associated with a low level of hemoglobin in the blood. The composition of the berries of the Coji includes iron. Thanks to him, as well as other substances from this product, with regular use gerja berries, you can increase the number of red carts (red blood cells) in the blood. For the treatment of anemia, doctors advise drinking a decoction of dry berries twice a day.

Housing tea

City Berries: Useful Tips

Council No. 1. Buy berries in small quantities. Dilute them with water. If the water turns yellow-red, then this means that goji berries did not go through heat treatment. So, all the beneficial substances in them are preserved.

Council No. 2. Syrups and jam with gerja berries (and more often just with an extract of these berries) is very tasty. But, there is practically no benefit in them. Therefore, do not purchase such products in order to improve your health. It will be a waste of money.

Doctors about the berries of the Coji

About 8 doctors of nutritionists can be viewed here.

Goji berries Undoubtedly

they have useful qualities and are able to help in the fight against excess weight.

But, it is impossible to consider them a panacea from their problems. This product can help, but only in combination with a properly compiled diet and sports.

Video: Coji berries for health and weight loss. Review of Elena Malysheva

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  1. I periodically eat their poolza and there really is, the fat burns at times better. But sometimes I replace the usual l-carnitine from the sports expert is also quite noticeable. So I can easily advise)

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