Alignment of the nail plate on the arms and legs with the base, biogel, acrylic powder to get perfect glare: step -by -step instructions, review of the best means for alignment

Alignment of the nail plate on the arms and legs with the base, biogel, acrylic powder to get perfect glare: step -by -step instructions, review of the best means for alignment

In this article, we will consider methods for leveling the nail plate.

Perfectly even, beckoning with beautiful glare, the coating is a dream that has become a trend in modern manicure. This effect is achieved by adding an additional volume of the base coating and finally adjusting the existing nuances with a top fixative. Therefore, we will share the main secrets and rules of such application, and also consider some more methods how to align the nail plate on our own.

Когда нужно выровнять ногтевую пластину внешними средствами: показания к выравниванию

There are separate cases when to align the nail plate is necessary not just because of the whim, but because of necessity.


These include:

  • the nails of the springboard. They, as a rule, strive up. They are also called runaways
  • the nails of the trapezoid. It is also such a structure of the nail when they are very wide and even on the free region. Their arch is not bent, but a straight line
  • twisted nails Or bent only on one side. The arch is asymmetric
  • deformed nailsin the case of vitamin deficiency or mechanical injury
  • thin, weakened nail plates
  • mechanical work with hands

Important: sometimes it is required to strengthen nail gel affected by a fungus. But it is still better not to cover the nails until they are completely restored. The only thing that can be done is to remove the exfolved parts and polish the nail well! At the same time, completely cut off the free edge.

1 - equal nails, 2 - in the form of trapezoid, 3 - twisted from this side
1 - equal nails, 2 - in the form of trapezoid, 3 - twisted on one side

How to align the nail plate with the base: detailed stages of alignment

If you decide to align the nail plate at home and want a quick result, then you should use the salon products.

Alignment should be at the stage before the application of gel polish! If you still have small irregularities, then they can be hidden by the top. But do not forget that it is very liquid, so it is worth working quickly and with a small amount! But the algorithm in the base and top is the same.

  • Our leveling begins still on the removal of the old material! If you did not have it, then you miss this step. If you remove the old gel polish, then create the maximum smooth surface with a cutter, without mounds, Leaving a very thin layer of the old base. If there is detachment, then we remove them.
Removing exactly the old material
Removing exactly the old material
The end should not be fat!
The end should not be fat!
  • Clean nails with a manicure you need Elive - in circular movements, raising scales well, but without pressure. Although only after removing the old layer can this step be skipped.
  • Carefully remove the dust with a brush and moistened with a beardless napkin. Wipe well the entire surface of the nail, Paying special attention to the zone near the side rollers and cuticles. Next, apply a primer.
We do the sawdust with light movements, the nail is definitely wiped from dust!
We do the sawdust with light movements, the nail is definitely wiped from dust!

If there are some strong deformations on the nails (cuts, furrows or a stronger nail springboard), it is better to perform the fortification before alignment. T.K. In places where the base layer will be significantly larger, subsidence can be observed!

  • Strengthening It is performed by a base mixed with acrylic powder in a ratio of 1: 5. It is applied to a low -fat nail with a brush, filling all the irregularities and creating a more even base layer. Dry in a lamp 1 min. We also note that at this stage we We make nail repairs in case of a break. At the end, we cut off the renovated places and grind.

You will also be appropriate to read the article "How to seal a broken nail at home?"

Eliminate all defects on the nails
Eliminate all defects on the nails
  • We proceed to alignment. You need a base with a brush. With a thin layer, cover the nails with the base, do not dry, but for now we check that it is covered everywhere. Otherwise, there may be buns on the sides, along the side rollers.  And another important point - it should be close to the cuticle, but not go under it! Otherwise, there will be a stagnation of the leveling layer! We apply the base evenly and close to the cuticle, but with a small indent.
The base under the cuticle leads to the zeaks!
The base under the cuticle leads to the zeaks!
  • Visually divide the length of the entire nail into 3 sectors. We take a drop of the base onto the brush. Depending on the length of the nails, the size of the drop varies from the lentil grain to the pea. We put it exactly in the center of the nail in the upper third.
Put a drop
Put a drop
  • Let her grow up a little on the nail (half a second). Lift the brush a little, But we do not tear off the drop.
Do not touch the nail!
Do not touch the nail!
  • The edge of the brush neatly, touching only the upper layer of the material, with longitudinal movements, direct the base to the tip of the nail. It should be remembered that on the tip of our thickness is the most minimal.
Pull to the edge
Pull to the edge
  • Further long zigzag -shaped light strokes We smooth our layer, achieving smoothness as much as possible so that the drop is evenly distributed through the nail.
  • We turn the hand with a palm up.It is important to clearly observe the direction so that the base volume does not shift to the side. Keep 5-7 seconds and look at whether the face is even at the lower border of the coating.
    • If an irregularity or influx of brush/toothpick/thin brush is visible somewhere, direct the material in the opposite direction.
  • When you like the result, we turn the handle overly and quickly look through. In perfect leveling before sending to the lamp, you should get the perfect mirror glare throughout the nail, The reflection from the lamp is not ill anywhere. We dry 30 seconds.
But we do not tighten the jerks of the nail!
But we do not tighten the jerks of the nail!

As a result, you should get a nail with the correct architecture, if you look at the side - In the upper third, a small rise and a smooth descent to the tip. Without subsidence, a beautiful rounded smooth line.

We create the right apex
We create the right apex
  • We cover with color, it is better to make 2 thin layers, drying each of them well.
  • We finish the coating with a top. We cover it similarly to the base. However, the amount of top is required three times less, because It is more liquid. And dry it for 1 min.
And do not forget to check the glare
And do not forget to check the glare
  • Gently walk on the ends with a file, removing roughness.
  • If you use a top with a sticky layer, at this stage we carefully remove the stickiness with a napkin, moistened with 3 in 1. Your perfect manicure is ready!

Tip: after the coating, it is better to save a new manicure to completely cool the material - about 30 minutes.

Video: how to align the nail plate with the base: common errors

How to align the nail plate with a biogel, gel: a detailed description

Many girls choose a biogel to level the nail plate. It is convenient to work, additionally strengthens the nails and is worn for a long time. In addition, he still nourishes his nails with vitamin complexes and improves their growth. The principle of operation by gel and biogel is the same, so we will not consider them separately. The only difference is that the gel is needed for the base layer of the base. For work, you need a brush No. 2-4.

Tip: Do not throw out old jars with gel polish brushes. They are much more convenient to apply gel or biogel. Just pour the liquids into an empty bubble and store a clean brush there.

  • First, as with the base, we clean the nails, Bafim and apply a primer. If you apply a biogel immediately after the old coating, then grinding nails is not necessary.
  • Now, before aligning, we apply a primitive thin layer of biogel. We rub it well near the side rollers and fix the end. Be sure to dry in the ice lamp 30 seconds and 2 minutes in UV.
    • Like advice: BSG Glossy Glossy can be used in the form of a primer layer for any nails. So it will be better to hold on.
We apply the base layer and fix the end
We apply the base layer and fix the end
  • Now we take the right drop drop, also put it in the third part of the nail bed, About a millimeter from the cuticle. We push the highest volume to the cuticle a little. But do not start under the cuticle! Do not clutter this area, the gel itself will smoothly fall in this zone.

Important: if there are stacks, then we remove them with an orange stick.

  • Now Pull the gel down Then we capture the drop again and stretch it already along the side rollers. We do not touch the brush to the nail - By this, you can violate the integrity of the dispersion layer and violate the uniformity of the distribution! With a brush, we only smoothly stretch the gel, without pressure.
Distribute a drop
We stretch the drop
  • To form a longitudinal line, Turn the nail to one side and light up the gel from the drop to the tip of the nail with long movements. Near the side rollers, the thickness should be minimal. Also, in the center, elevations should be approximately 1/3 of the cuticle.
    • If necessary, add gel to some places, also apply it with very light movements, barely touching the upper layer of the nail.
  • It is not necessary to turn the gel, but if you have liquid materials, then it is also necessary. Moreover, in this position, the biogel can make amends for your mistakes. In time - enough While you are fixing the end.
It is enough to wait until you fix the end
It is enough to wait until you fix the end
  • You can dry in an inverted state Half of the right time or at least until the material is grasped. Drink the note in the usual position. We repeat that it requires liquid gels.

Important: often thin nails in the LED lamp are baked. This is due to the fact that at high polymerization rate, the material heats up, and thin nails are more sensitive. In this case, it is worth interrupting the drying, wait a couple of minutes until the gel cools and continue. If you endure, you can burn the upper layer of the nail. And this may even lead to onycholysis!

After you can cover the already even plate with color, make a pattern or immediately cover with a top.

Video: How to align the nail plate with a biogel?

How to align the nail plate with acrylic powder: step -by -step instructions

Yes, you can not only extension, but also align the nail plate without lengthening precisely with acrylic powder. In this case, you will be provided with high strength and wear resistance of the material.

The scheme is as follows:

  • We make a manicure and clean the dust nails
  • Bafim, if necessary
  • We apply a primer. If your nails are strong, then it is enough to cover the free edge and near the side rollers. If the nails not only go in waves, but also very thin, then we cover the whole nail, but without affecting the cuticle!
  • We apply a thin layer of the base
  • Until she dried up, Immediately sprinkle with the help of a manicure spatula with acrylic powder. Be sure to turn the nails so that it is distributed evenly
Sprinkle generously
Sprinkle generously
  • Bring the excess and set off drying in a lamp for a regular time for the base
  • After we clean the not -fixed particle of powder Using a brush
  • If you used high -quality materials, then the surface should already become flat. But if necessary, you can walk polishing with a saw
  • On top of the acrylic layer you can already apply color varnish - so it will neither spread nor contract! In conclusion, fix everything with a top.

Video: How to align and strengthen the nail plate with acrylic powder?

Which is better with the base, biogel, gel to align the nail plate: overview of firms

Now the market is presented a large number of varieties of basic coatings with which you can level the nail plate:

  • Base Coat - Standard basic coating, very low viscosity, presented in pnb, tertio, and mnm brands. For minimal leveling of dense nails, achieving the perfect smoothness of manicure.
  • Rubber Base (rubber base) - Strong, has increased resistance to loads. Moderate viscosity, does not sag, good for salon and home use, ideal for beginners, since it is self -leveling. Provides a long sock and easy application. It is easy to mix with powder, receiving additional density.
  • X- Coate - Updated version of the rubber base. It is more suitable for fast working craftsmen or in the cold period. It is less dense, but more comfortable for drying due to smaller burning.
  • Gel base - Thick and very dense. For 100% resistance, it is better to use a primer and a base from a rubber base. It is similar to an increase in gel, but has a high burning degree in the lamp. Although it is perfectly self -leveling, in a cool room it will have to be additionally heated for more convenient work.
  • Pigment (Cover) Base - Mandatory use of the primer! It has a greater viscosity due to pigmentation. Ideal in a hot period!
Do not get lost in the choice of materials
Do not get lost in the choice of materials

The brands of the base should be chosen only by trusted manufacturers. Firms have proven themselves very well Komilfo, Kodi, Lovely Base, Neonail and Adore Professional.

It is worth paying attention to such Biogel companies: Bio Stretch Gel (BSG), Atica TM, Creator, Yoko and El Boar. The BSG company has two gels: Glosse for brittle, thin and problematic, curved nails, and Clear for normal, not problematic nails as a strengthening.

Among the manicure gel, it is worth noting the following companies: Cosmoprofi, Kodi, CNI, Irisk.

Video: How to align the nail plate with the base and get the perfect glare?

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