How to give an almond -shaped shape to the nails: tips, step -by -step instructions - how to cut, form a classic, soft almond. What fingers is the almond -shaped shape of the nails suitable?

How to give an almond -shaped shape to the nails: tips, step -by -step instructions - how to cut, form a classic, soft almond. What fingers is the almond -shaped shape of the nails suitable?

The shape of the nails is individual for each woman, it depends on the shape of the fingers, their thickness, length, as well as on the style of a woman, a lifestyle and taste. But the almond shape of the nails is an exquisite classic!

We have heard the expression many times that fashionable and new is a well -forgotten old one. And they repeatedly found confirmation in the styles, covers of clothing, hairstyles or color schemes, as well as in the form of a nail plate. For the almond-shaped form was the largest squeak in the 50s! And then its popularity again covered with a new scale of fashionistas around the world.

Almonds are different from other forms that you know as round or square nails. But it is this form that is very popular on Instagram among bloggers, masters and other famous celebrities. Therefore, the theme of today's material will be the almond or almond -shaped shape of the nails!

How to give an almond -shaped shape to the nails: Basic rules

Important: the almond -shaped form can be given to those nails that have an average or slightly larger average length of the free edge. On short nails, such a manicure will not work! You will have a rounded triangle, but not almonds.

The free edge should be equal to a minimum of the middle of the nail bed or from 5 mm. In this case, you will get a beautiful, elegant and exquisite almond manicure, which will make your hands feminine and elongated.

We take into account the length of the free edge
We take into account the length of the free edge
  • Almond manicure in itself Similar to the nuclei of the almond nut - roundness at the base of the nail and a narrowed, but smooth edge of the nail plate.
  • We need a file for work from 180 grit! If you work with natural nails. For artificial material, we take abrasiveness above - from 100 grit.
  • We hold a file In the "Castle" position:on one side you place all 4 fingers, and on the other a thumb.
  • First thing We find the center of the nail! Sometimes the upper phalanxes or the nail itself grows a little at an angle, to the side. It cannot be left like that, especially when creating almond manicure. To do this, we need to find out the center of the finger itself, from the base. We apply a saw rib in the middle of the finger and find the center on the nail plate.
We find the center
We find the center
  • For convenience, we mark a small point - this is the center, our landmark. Of course, you do this only for the purpose of a visual example, while you are studying. In the process of saw, she will remove. And in the future, you can already see the middle of the axis by eye.
At the time of training, you can put an end to the marker
At the time of training, you can put an end to the marker
  • Then we look at the clients of the client. But we do this from the position of how a person will see them on ourselves - that is, we bend the hand at the elbow, turn over and look at the back of the palm. We find the shortest nails among other fingers!
We take into account the length of each nail or possible flaws
We take into account the length of each nail or possible flaws
  • If the nails are all the same minimum length, then we make a landmark on the longest nail bed. We saw first the length on all fingers!
  • Important rule: The middle, index and ring fingers should be one length! Therefore, it is worth working with them. The little finger with an amygorous manicure especially, but also at others, can be literally 1 mm shorter. But on a large one, on the contrary, 1 mm longer!

Remember two important rules when forming any form:

  • We make smooth and long movements with your hand! The shorter your movements, the more uneven the edge of the nail will come out.
  • We do not go to the growth points of the nail platinum! We work from them, diagonally, under the nail. We bring a file to the void, not to the nail!

First we saw the side sides, and then we cut out the shape!

Not properly
Not properly

When you are sawing the corners to make the almond edges:

  • We make long, smooth movements, bringing the file to the center of the nail from the points of intricate, thereby forming the smooth tip of the almond. We do this with movements in two directions, without going to the area of \u200b\u200bthe nail plate.
  • Like a small hint: Your joint should work widely to create long movements. Imagine that you play the violin. In the work, the elbow and even the shoulder joint should be involved.
We work not only with a brush, but by the whole joint!
We work not only with a brush, but by the whole joint!
  • It is categorically impossible to raise the file up, remove it directly to the base of the nail or, even worse, reach the cuticle. We move with a file with a file diagonally, I do not touch the point of magnitude!
  • At the same time, hold the file at an angle of 45 °. As a landmark - the side side of the file, end should look at you. We form our smooth angles.
Smooth, sliding movements
Smooth, sliding movements
Sharp, strong or setting on the base of the movement of the movement - not right!
Sharp, strong or setting on the base of the movement of the movement are not acceptable!
  • When we form the lower parallel, we put the file under the nail! We work from the point of magnitude!
  • Like a little advice: If you need to align the plate, shift the center point, neatly spilled side walls. With the side where the nail will be shifted, we work smoothly and slowly so as not to cut it.
We put it strictly under the nail!
We put it strictly under the nail!

First we saw our fingers on the left hand, then on the right hand!

  • Also, we are not Bafim Verkh-Lyniz or from side to side. Your movements should be sliding from the base of the growth of the nail and smoothly start to the free edge.
How to work with a buff!
How to work with a buff!

How to cut out the almond -shaped shape: a classic version with step -by -step instructions - for long and medium nails

The easiest way to create almonds is to cut it out of the square!

The basic diagram of the formation of almonds from the square
The basic diagram of the formation of almonds from the square

On long nails, you can make a more pointed form of almonds. But the classic almond manicure is suitable for both long and nail nails. The algorithm for creating almonds is the same. The only thing you have long nails, then it is worth a little to retreat from the point of intricate. Roundings begin approximately from the middle of the free edge. And already forming a smooth bend of the lower parallels, we turn the line from the point of the stroke.

Our algorithm is as follows:

If you need to remove the length, then cut it off (it is better to do this not with manicure scissors) the tip of the free edge, creating an even line. If the length suits you, then you can immediately cut out the edge . To do this, we put a file at an angle of 90 °.

  • We do not saw under the nail and do not spread the file on the nail plate. Strictly even!
Keep a right angle
Keep a right angle

Now we remove the corners, thereby forming a trapezoid. If you make an almond -shaped shape from the oval, then the tip of the nail still cut or cut, but then immediately move on to the rounding stage.

  • We begin to form an arc, the spilled side sides! We put a file, as we have already indicated above - diagonally to see the end of the file, making long movements.
Twist the sides
Twist the sides

Next, we long, but with quick movements, form the tip of the nail. But remember - the almonds should not have too sharp the tip. Otherwise, it will already be a stylet. The almond form is a pointed oval! That is, our tip should be narrow, but rounded.

We file the tip
We file the tip

If you only learn to form and cut out the forms, then make yourself a small cheat sheet with tips. They will help determine how you need to form or adjust the nail of the desired shape. This is what our almonds look like.


Now we put a file strictly under the nail, Diagonally to cut out all the lower irregularities - the whole almond must have the perfect line! You pushing the side rollers well. To make a sawdust on the other side, turn the client’s finger to one side.

Correct the lower parallels on both sides
Correct the lower parallels on both sides

If you see that the client’s nail “pecks” a little, Then put the file strictly under the “nose” of the nail and fade it slightly to raise it a little to raise it.

Raise the nose
Raise the nose

As a result - put the file strictly parallel to the points of the stroke. They must be on the same level!


We check the opposite fingers with each other, putting the cuticle to the cuticle.


Raise and turn the client’s hand - look at all the fingers. If there are any irregularities, you can file them in the same position-smooth movements. We do not even saw, but stroke!

In conclusion, in order to remove the “husk” after a sawdust, use the buff. The movements should be smooth, soft and without pressure - we only polish!

Classic almond manicure
Classic almond manicure

Video: Almond technique and gel modeling - how to make an almond -shaped shape on long nails?

How to form an almond -shaped shape on short nails - is it possible to use a soft almond?

If you have an insufficient length of the nails, you do not want to resort to building, but you love the almond -shaped shape of the nails very much, then you can use its softer version.

Important: in order to perform almonds on short nails, the required length of the free edge should be from 5 mm.

We will form a soft square
We will form a soft almond

We also start with the fact that Finds the point of the center of our nail, focusing on the finger itself!

We measure the center
We measure the center

We begin to form this form a little differently - your movements should be long, but the saw should lie At an angle of 45 ° under the nail. There we will open the free edge. But we work without fanaticism!

Under the nail!
Under the nail!

After that, we proceed to the formation of the side arc. As in the case of long nails, the soft almonds excludes the cut off immediately from the point of intricate. We are a little retreat! Forming a smooth arc from the side, we look at the end of the file.

Thereafter We focus our nose. Sleeping our tip with slipping, swaying movements. Our hand passes the silhouette of a boat. After all, we repeat, all lines are soft and smooth.

We form a nose of a free edge
We form a nose of a free edge

Now we cut down the lower parallels. We put the file under the nail and smoothly bring to the center.

Under the nail
Under the nail

Check the evenness of the saw.


Check the rest of the nails.

We check
We check

Who should choose the almond -shaped shape of nails and who is suitable for almonds?

  • Of course, when choosing a manicure Consider the shape of the cuticle. Each of us has its own, but the main species are distinguished - this is a square, a circle and a triangle. Almonds in this matter are more attributed to Oval, so it occupies a universal place and is suitable for almost any form.
  • Also almonds are considered a universal manicure Given the characteristics of the fingers. He will make wide fingers thinner, and short fingers - longer. But still, a narrow nail plate and a short nail bed are more suitable for almond manicure.
  • Here It is also important to feel the line of ratio -If you have a small nail bed, but the fingers are puffy and short, then the almonds will only attract attention even more due to asymmetric ratio. It is worth paying attention to a soft square or oval (depending on the shape of the cuticle). Girls with long and narrow fingers in this matter were lucky - almonds, like another form, will look great!

The almonds are well lengthens slightly full fingers with the nail plate of medium length and width!

  • If you want to create an almond -shaped form, also Consider the length of the free edge! The best of all works on medium and long nails to really create an extension effect. If you have wide fingers, then you are contraindicated in a short almond, since it will be even more filled with phalanx. Better make an oval temporarily - it stretches any shape of nails!
  • But the most important thing melted - this is the choice of a client! If you have a soul to this form, then it is difficult to love a different form only on the advice of another person. Make yourself such a manicure that it goes to your form and your fingers. You will not like it - you will return back to your favorite form.

The almond form is considered one of the most practical forms - it is practically not afraid of chips and damage. Although it still requires a careful attitude, since in practicality it is still a little inferior to Oval. But with such nails, your fingers will always be a modest object of attention! After all, the almond -shaped manicure can be attributed to the classics with which your nails will always look feminine and gently. Perhaps that is why many women choose almonds for manicure.

Video: How to make a sawdust - how to make an amygdala shape?

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