How can you feed a child at 6 months? Menu, diet and diet of a child at 6 months

How can you feed a child at 6 months? Menu, diet and diet of a child at 6 months

In half a year, it's time for the baby to give food dishes. Mom should find out what "adults" products and how exactly it is worth feeding the baby.

The only acceptable and most useful food for the little man who was just born is breast milk. In extreme cases, an adapted mixture.
But the time comes when the baby needs an “adult” food - new products in his diet. Despite the fact that each child is individual, pediatricians and children's nutritionists still recommend, given the characteristics of the body of the infants, to start feeding the baby only when he turns 6 months old.

How to introduce complementary foods to the child at 6 months with breastfeeding, where to start?

By six months, a small organism is already being rebuilt to eat new food. In it already:

  • a number of digestive enzymes are formed that can take other foods, except for milk
  • a sufficient level of local immunity is strengthened
    the need for other proteins, vitamins and minerals grows
    (the appearance of the first tooth may be an indicator of this)
  • the swallowing reflex is gradually changing - the baby is gradually learning to swallow food from a spoon and so on
In six months, the body of the crumbs is ready for complementary foods.
In six months, the body of the crumbs is ready for complementary foods.

So, according to modern medical recommendations, at 6 months the baby is ready to receive “adult” food, but in an adapted form - homogeneous.

Important: I must say that some mothers successfully begin to feed a 4-month-old baby. This is all normal and acceptable, given the individual characteristics of the baby and the features of his previous feeding

Feeding begins with:

  • vegetables brought to a puree state
  • cereal
  • juices

If possible, it is better to buy a child special baby food, which is perfectly balanced and designed for children of different ages - 6 months, 9 months and so on.

Vegetable puree is an ideal dish for the first feeding.
Vegetable mashed potatoes are an ideal dish for the first feeding.
  • In factory power supply for babies, all requirements are observed - it is perfectly crushed, prepared so that all the beneficial substances of the products are as preserved as much as possible, and some are even specially added, it is tested and microbiologically safe
  • You need to start the diversity in the diet of breast crumbs with one -component baby food, later you can add two -component puree and porridge
  • A baby on breastfeeding receives all the necessary nutrients - proteins, vitamins, microelements from breast milk
  • It also plays the role of a psychological factor - applying to his mother’s breast, the child feels calm and protection. Mamino milk also contributes to the formation of the protective forces of the child's body
The introduction of complementary foods is not a reason to cancel breastfeeding.
The introduction of complementary foods is not a reason to cancel breastfeeding.

Important: Starting complementary foods, you do not need to refuse to feed the baby, because from my mother’s milk the child receives about 70% of energy and most of the nutrients. Power feeding is not a replacement, but an addition to breast milk.

  • If the baby initially refuses any dishes of complementary foods, no matter what they are, and continues to eat only his mother’s milk, he does not need to refuse him, however, it is necessary to show persistence
  • For example, today the child categorically refused to take new food, do not force it, try to feed him again for a couple of days
  • New food should be offered to the child in the middle of the day, but not before going to bed
  • After a portion of a new delicacy, if the child is worried, you can feed him with mom's milk or a mixture
  • You should start complementary foods with small doses - with a third or half of a teaspoon per day. The dose of complementary foods gradually increases until it reaches the daily norm of a particular product - 150 - 180g
Scheme of the introduction of complementary foods by WHO.
Scheme of the introduction of complementary foods by WHO.

WHO recommends the first to introduce vegetables that grow in the “adult” diet in the latitudes where it lives. The reaction to exotic is very violent, so it is better to start feeding it:

  • zucchini
  • cauliflower
  • carrots
  • pumpkin
  • potatoes
With the introduction of complementary foods, there should be no hurry.
With the introduction of complementary foods, there should be no hurry.

Mom can do something like this:

  • give the baby a half a teaspoon of a homogenized zucchini and wait for the reaction to it
  • per week - two gradually increase the portion and bring its size to normal (by age)
  • let the child try the cauliflower brought to the puree state, wait for the reaction again
    When the child reacted normally to mashed potatoes from both monop products, you can connect vegetables in one dish

Important: if the child’s body reacted to a new product somehow wrong-it has a liquid chair, rash and so on, complementary foods from this product should be postponed for at least two weeks. After you can try to give it again. With a repeated negative reaction to the product, you should consult a pediatrician

  • After homogenized vegetables, the turn of cereals is coming. Although, doctors allow them to give them first if the child is poorly gaining weight
  • If the baby initially ate only mother’s milk and with mixtures, cow or goat is not familiar, at first it is better to give him silence porridge
  • Later, already at 8 - 9 months you can try to add milk to cereal dishes
    You can feed the child with porridge for dinner, then he will be well saturated and will sleep tight
  • Then juices (vegetable, apple) and fruit puree (apple) are administered
  • They are given a few drops, because they can still irritate the mucous membrane of the baby's stomach. It is also important to ensure that the child does not have an allergy

Kefir, cottage cheese, meat is administered to the child later.

If a baby on breastfeeding does not want to drink juice, compote or tea, you do not need to insist that he will receive the required amount of fluid from his mother’s milk.

VIDEO: Super-cheat for kids. Where to start complementary foods

How to introduce complementary foods to a child at 6 months with artificial feeding, where to start?

  • A child under artificial feeding can receive complementary foods earlier than the one whom mom feeds
  • "Adult" products should be given only when the child is completely healthy. The best time for vegetable dishes is lunch, for porridge - lunch and dinner
  • Vegetables and cereals in the diet of artifications are introduced in the same way as in the diet of children on breastfeeding
The feeding of the baby is introduced in the same way as the baby, only a little earlier.
The feeding of the baby - the artificer is introduced in the same way as the baby, only a little earlier.
  • We also offer the child first cereals of silence, then porridge on milk diluted in half with water, and only lastly add whole milk to them
  • From six to seven months, the child is given egg yolk, pushing it and adding either in mashed potatoes or to milk. You need to start with the fourth part of the yolk
  • In the same period of the child’s life in his diet, you can gradually introduce meat. If you do not buy ready -made food for the baby in a special store, then when preparing the product at home, you must definitely rub the meat in a blender until a homogeneous porridge, so that there are no lumps, and the child could not choke on
  • The best meat for the baby is veal, beef, rabbit or chicken. Beef and veal contain a lot of iron, and this is important for the baby's body

Important: do not give a small child a meat broth, he is heavy for his non -formed digestive system

Feeding meat should be chopped.
Feeding meat should be chopped.
  • Starting from the age of six months, children's dairy kitchens offer children lactic acid products, which the pediatrician will help choose
  • They are important for the children's organism as suppliers of beneficial bacteria for the intestine, as suppliers of protein and calcium. However, you should not particularly get involved in such products - it is enough to give them once a day so that the kids of the baby manage to cope with an additional amount of protein
  • From the age of 8 months, the baby can be introduced into the diet fish containing vitamin D so necessary for the child's body
  • In general, the beginning and type of complementary foods for the baby is determined individually, depending on his development. As already mentioned, if the child does not get in weight, then you should start complementary foods with cereals

Video: 5 errors in the introduction of complementary foods

Porridge feeding at 6 months

Porridge for feeding today is diverse.
Porridge for feeding today is diverse.

The rules for introducing cereals in the diet of a baby are as follows:

  1. The baby-infants for the first time they are given at 6-7 months, an artificer-B4.5-5 months
  2. Cereals from cereals are necessary as a source of carbohydrates, vitamins, plant proteins
  3. The first to introduce cereals without milk
  4. It is better to start with buckwheat, rice, corn and oatmeal. If the child has constipation, rice should be given with caution
  5. When it becomes clear that the child’s body is used to the porridge and normally assimilates it, it is worth trying to add vegetables or fruits raised to soft mashed potatoes to it
  6. The first portion of porridge should be in the volume of one spoon. Every day, the dose can be increased from two spoons or more
  7. If the child is on artificial nutrition, then after introducing porridge in the complementary foods, the volume of the mixture from the bottle must be reduced so that the total volume of products is approximately 180 - 200 ml
WHO recommends starting complementary foods from silence porridge.
WHO recommends starting complementary foods from silence porridge.

Feeding menu at 6 months during breastfeeding: Table

Feeding menu at 6 months with breastfeeding.
Feeding menu at 6 months with breastfeeding.

Feeding menu at 6 months with artificial feeding: Table

A menu for feeding at 6 months with artificial feeding.

Video: complementary foods - School of Dr. Komarovsky

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