All breeds of domestic cats and cats with photographs and names: photo, description of character

All breeds of domestic cats and cats with photographs and names: photo, description of character

A variety of cat breeds.

Who does not like pets, especially delicate and beautiful cats. But the variety of breeds of these animals is so large that it is even difficult to imagine. In this article, we will try to offer your attention the characteristics of the known and little -known cats of cats, and also give the opportunity to look at their images.

Famous, popular fluffy breeds of cats and cats with photographs and names: photo, description of character

Farm lovers are with particular success, fluffy breeds. The wool of such pussies can be long or semi -duel. Caring for these animals needs a special one, since a long pile requires constant combing and special hygienic procedures. The following fluffy breeds are considered the most famous and popular.

Siberian cat - A large, strong animal with an amazing “Siberian” rich fur coat. At the same time, their wool is hypoallergenic. Truly "natural", a natural breed with the following properties:

  • wonderful mice catchers
  • recognize only one owner, to which they are very affectionate, but unobtrusive
  • cheerful and playful
  • freedom -loving
  • fearless: no dogs or loud sounds are afraid
  • not aggressive and not prone to revenge
  • love to bring different objects in their teeth
  • they feel better in a private house where their hunting instincts can show
  • color can have a very diverse
  • they are considered a “family” breed, but at the same time they are unlikely to jump to your knees in order to “freeze”.
Siberian cat
Siberian cat

Main-kun - Weighty large cats with brushes on the ears and expressive eyes. They have a rather "wild" appearance. But at the same time:

  • good friends to the owner, constantly run after him, looking into the eyes
  • players to old age
  • easy to adapt
  • very active and frisky
  • "Boltty"
  • in general, friendly and peaceful, but can be quite wayward
  • clean
  • thinly feel the mood of the owner
  • smart
  • beautiful mice hunters
  • not afraid of water
  • love young children
Maine Coon
Maine Coon

Neva masquerade -A variety of a Siberian cat with a color-punt color. A fairly large animal with the eyes of a blue shade. Such a cat:

  • devoted and tender
  • requires the attention and love of the owner
  • friendly, but stubborn
  • laconic
  • calmly tolerates loneliness
  • likes to play
  • ungalled
  • responds in its name
  • with care treats young children and will never release claws, no matter how they squeeze it
Neva masquerade
Neva masquerade

Burmese cat - It has the color of the Siamese cat and the long coat of Persian. The color of the eyes is piercing blue.

The main features of character Such cats:

  • quiet
  • playful, but not prone to active running
  • trying to stay closer to the owner
  • love when they are praised
  • consider themselves a full -fledged family member
  • easy to get along with other pets
  • do not like loud sounds and controversy
Burmese cat
Burmese cat

Persian- It is considered the longest cat. A distinctive feature of the breed is a flattened muzzle with a wide nose upholstered upward. The color is characterized by rich variety. Main features:

  • sociable, even affectionate. Love to sleep on the knees of the owner or in his bed
  • they do not really like loneliness, prefer to follow a person from a room to a room
  • patient
  • self -sufficient
  • males are more affectionate and loving than females
  • trusting
  • inquisitive
  • the voice is rarely presented. Attract attention, calmly and intently looking at the face of a person
  • are quite playful and even like to catch insects
Persian cat
Persian cat

Balinese- The distant relative of Siamza. It has a medium -length coat, but very fluffy. It has a subtle graceful body and a special character:

  • active and curious
  • wayward
  • infinitely devoted to its master
  • he loves children
  • very talkative
  • requires soft patient education
  • he does not like loneliness
  • needs the opportunity to throw out energy: jump, climb upstairs
  • feels perfectly and builds individual relations with each person

Himalayan-a large blue-eyed cat with a color color. Outwardly similar to the Persian.

The animal is different:

  • flexibility
  • friendliness to all family members, especially for children
  • mind
  • energy
  • with a calm disposition
  • intolerance to loneliness
  • full dependence on the affection and love of the owner, to which they often ask for
  • fear of small spaces
  • love for water procedures
Himalayan cat
Himalayan cat

American core - Unusual cats, in which ears twisted out and silky dense wool. Representatives of this breed

  • very friendly
  • active
  • independent
  • players at any age
  • adapt to changes well
American core
American core

British long -haired - A variety of British breed, whose wool does not cause absolutely no trouble to the owner, since he does not fall off and does not sink.

Cat of this breed:

  • it is considered the most affectionate among all cats
  • calm and balanced
  • quiet
  • inquisitive
British long -haired
British long -haired

The American bobtail is long -haired - A powerful cat with a short tail, which is distinguished by a flexible disposition:

  • very good -natured
  • does not like loneliness, but at the same time freedom -loving
  • he loves children
  • it gets along well with others
  • smart
  • calm
  • not very talkative
American bobtail
American bobtail

Ragdoll("Rawn doll") - an unusual cat with low muscle tone. Artificially bred breed. These animals are able to relax muscles as much as possible. It cannot be thrown to the floor, since it does not know how to group and land correctly.

Such cats are unique soft in nature:

  • fly
  • sociable
  • have a phlegmatic character
  • they cannot stand loneliness
  • very attached to the owner
  • sensitive and vulnerable, so you cannot scream on them
  • do not fight for their territory, preferring to go aside

Ragamaffin - The result of crossing Ragdollah with a purebred cat. The breed only recently received official recognition. These are large animals with silky wool. Such a cat has a pleasant disposition:

  • devoted, very loving master
  • communicative
  • fly
  • smart
  • calm
  • very depends on the affection and care of the owner, often asks for his hands
  • does not know how to defend himself, since absolutely not aggressive
  • it lends itself to training
  • completely devoid of hunting instincts

York chocolate - The breed artificially bred in America. An unusually beautiful cat with an unusual color of wool and a wonderful character:

  • very mobile and cheerful
  • he loves children
  • attached to the owner and his family
  • playing
  • extremely curious
  • constantly requires attention
York chocolate
York chocolate

Somali cat - came from the Abyssinian breed. An elegant and graceful animal with medium -length wool.

Is different:

  • love for the owner, whom he considers his property. Always violently rejoices in his arrival
  • curiosity and mobility
  • playing and mischief, while it can take everything that lies badly: pencils, erasers, small toys
  • unusual love for water fun
  • insconductiveness
  • sociability
  • affectionate
Somali cat
Somali cat

Famous, popular breeds of short -haired cats: photo, description of character

Many people prefer to have a short -haired cat, as it is easier to care for it. In addition, a short pile does not hide the beauty of the body of the animal. We describe some of the most striking and interesting breeds.

Brazilian short -haired - Aristocratic natural breed. Outwardly similar to the yard. It has a small muscular body, a wedge -shaped head and almond -shaped eyes.

In cats of this breed, character develops throughout life and depends on how the owners relate to it:

  • kind from nature, from a lack of attention and affection, these pussies can become nervous and irritable
  • sociable and playful
  • beautiful hunters
  • love walks
  • demand love and attention to themselves
  • easily trained and amenable to training
Brazilian short -haired
Brazilian short -haired

American short -haired - A powerful strong animal with a rounded head, well -developed chest. It may have a different color.

Is different:

  • endurance
  • good health
  • love for jumping
  • courage
  • smart
  • tenderness and affection in relation to the owner
  • laziness, so it is necessary to force it to actively move
  • they show greed in food
  • independent, but obedient
American short -haired
American short -haired

Siamese cat - A bright short -haired cat, which cannot be confused with other rocks due to the unique color, the thin structure of the body and blue eyes. It is noteworthy that this breed was not crossed with anyone.

They are distinguished by a rather peculiar character:

  • stubborn and wayward
  • independent
  • have pronounced hunting instincts
  • very attached to the owner and are very jealous of him
  • are alert and incredulous in relation to strangers
  • sensitive to the mood of the owner
  • playful, love attention to themselves
  • in case of disagreement, they “swear” loudly
Siamese cat
Siamese cat

Thai cat - The eastern breed, which can have a different color, except purely white. It has a muscular elegant body, a slightly wedge -shaped head and blue eyes.

Main features:

  • observant and curious
  • very smart, quickly learns to open closed doors
  • extremely devoted to the owner: rejoices at the arrival, but during his illness does not leave him
  • among other pets, he tries to take a leading position
  • talking enough
Thai cat
Thai cat

European short -haired (Celtic cat) - quite massive animals that have unique hunting qualities. There are a lot of color variations. The character is purely individual and largely depends on the upbringing and attitude of the owner to the animal. For the most part, these animals:

  • smart
  • affectionate
  • tied to their master
  • easily adapt
  • unpretentious in leaving
  • have an independent character
European short -haired
European short -haired

Australianand I Mist (Australian smoky). One of the unique new breeds. It practically does not meet outside Australia. It has a spotted or marble - spotted color and beautiful aquamarine eyes.

Cat of this breed:

  • it has a flexible disposition
  • sociable and friendly
  • not afraid of strangers
  • he loves children
  • playing and active
  • easily tolerates loneliness
  • calmly refers to closed spaces and lack of walks
Australian myst
Australian myst

German (Prussian) Rex - A cross between Angora and Russian Blue. Holders of wavy plush wool.

The nature:

  • calm, even lazy
  • patient and hardy
  • it is believed that the features of their master can adopt
  • require a lot of love and affection
German Rex
German Rex

Bengal cat - an artificially bred breed of medium size, with a spotted color, like a leopard.

Such animals:

  • very active, even mischievous
  • love walking, allowing you to put on a leash
  • they have high intelligence
  • love to fight and hunt
  • can make a variety of sounds
  • good and friendly enough
Bengal cat
Bengal cat

Maine hateful cat (MANKS) - Large strong muscular animals. The tail is very short, looks like a hare.

They differ in such features:

  • very active and playful
  • sociable, in all take an active part
  • emotional
  • loving and direct
  • not indifferent to water, but do not like swimming
  • beautiful frisky hunters
Maurian hateful cat
Maurian hateful cat


Burman's cat - Small animal. It is the owner of a proportional body, well -developed muscles, round amber eyes and unusually silky wool.

It is distinguished by a wonderful light character:

  • extremely sociable
  • very devoted to man
  • smart and everything understanding
  • loves bodily contacts
  • devoid of aggressiveness
  • requires attention to itself
  • he loves active games

Pixibob - A young breed, bred as a result of crossing domestic cats and wild short -tailed cats. It has a muscular body, a short straight tail. Outwardly similar to lynx.

Despite the appearance of a wild animal, they have a flexible character:

  • good and tender
  • quickly tied to the family and the owner
  • very active, love to jump and play

Oriental - Graceful oriental cat of various colors, except white. It has large ears and expressive eyes. It has the same standard as the Siamese cat. It is also graceful and elegant.


  • it has a piercing voice
  • very trusting
  • inquisitive
  • sociable
  • not fearful
  • is in constant motion
  • it lends itself well to training
  • can go on a leash and bring different objects in the teeth
  • differs in fidelity to its owner, so they can be very longing in separation
Oriental cat
Oriental cat

American bobtail - leads a story from ancient Indian breeds. Some believe that this is an domesticated lynx. A squat cat, which has a dense slightly shaggy wool and a short tail. There may be different colors.

The nature:

  • good -natured and affectionate
  • smart
  • calm
  • they do not really like loneliness, try to be with family members
  • love to play and require attention
  • freedom -loving
  • on walks they do not climb trees, but calmly follow on a leash next to the owner
American bobtail
American bobtail

Ceylon cat - A small muscular cat, the only Italian breed.

It is distinguished by a kind of disposition:

  • peaceful, but can stand up for himself and punish the offender
  • active, loves to play with the owner
  • cheerful and sociable
  • tries to always be with the owner, but at the same time unobtrusive
Ceylon cat
Ceylon cat

Singapore cat - A miniature very elegant cat with a pinkish shade of wool.

These pussies have a very delicate temperament:

  • shy, afraid of noise and quarrels
  • caution with strangers
  • quiet and modest
  • peaceful and moderately friendly
  • self -sufficient, a person will never be authority for them
Singapore cat
Singapore cat

Famous, popular plush species of breeds of cats and cats: photo, description of character

Some cats have a short, but very thick fur, which gives them a similarity with a plush toy. Such a wool is unusually pleasant to the touch. The most famous and popular are such “buns”.

British short -haired - Bright representatives of the "plush" breed. Strong serious animals, with a round head and serious eyes. These cats have wonderful properties:

  • calm
  • clean
  • endowed with high intelligence
  • affectionate
  • subjected to their owners
  • rarely bite or scratch
  • easily tolerate loneliness. Ideal for people who are infrequent at home
  • they don't like when they are squeezed
  • easy to get along with other pets
  • unponducted in food
British short -haired
British short -haired

British chinchilla - A calm and inactive cat, bred as a result of crossing the British and Persian breeds.


  • very lazy, prefer to lie all day
  • affectionate and delicate
  • they need constant attention from the hosts
  • easily adapt and learn
  • patient
  • need their own corner and do not like when a person encroaches on their territory
  • not aggressive, but stubborn enough
British chinchilla
British chinchilla

Exotic short -haired - A pussy, conquering human hearts with its naive muzzle and plush wool. The breed was bred by accident, but quickly gained popularity. These cats are similar to Persian, only with short wool.

Exotes are almost perfect in nature:

  • good -natured and affectionate
  • curious
  • lazy lezeloboki
  • do not make noise, preferring calm games with toys
  • devoid of aggression, in the case of an incorrect relationship, they simply leave offended
  • indifferent to strangers
Exotic short -haired
Exotic short -haired

Scottish Straight (Scottish straightforward) - Fluffy strong representative of the Scottish breed, endowed with a wonderful character:

  • friendly, devoid of aggressiveness
  • quickly tied to all family members
  • calm and steppe
  • afraid of heights
  • unable to force and violence on the hands
Scottish Straight
Scottish Straight

Famous, popular breeds of bald cats and cats: photo, description of character

False cats are bonded by exotic lovers and people suffering from wool allergies. Due to the lack of a fur coat, such animals often freeze, so they can live only in warm apartments. These breeds are not suitable for people who are rarely at home, since they can not tolerate loneliness at all and require constant attention.

It is believed that unsteady breeds of cats are endowed with extremely high intelligence. The bald cats are different and are not like each other.

Canadian Sphinx - A fairly weighty cat of medium sizes with very short hair, which resembles suede to the touch.

The nature:

  • very active and playful
  • quickly gets used to people and the habitat
  • follow the owner on the heels and on occasion always strives to jump onto the knees
  • not vindictive
Canadian Sphinx
Canadian Sphinx

Peterbold (Petersburg Sphinx) - a breed that appeared from crossing the oriental cat with the Don Sphinx. These animals have an elegant, even sophisticated look.

Have a flexible and light disposition:

  • smash and sociable
  • affectionate with all members of the family
  • players
  • very attached to a person
  • easy to get along with everyone
  • not conflict

Ukrainian levka - a huddle -free cat, not a recognized young breed. It has an unusual appearance and wonderful character:

  • extremely loving and affectionate
  • devoted to the owner
  • easily adapt to the new
  • not capricious and not picky
  • they have high intelligence
  • the heights are afraid
Ukrainian levka
Ukrainian levka

Don Sphinx - relatively young breed bred in Russia.


  • be completely devoid of aggression
  • extremely friendly and cheerful
  • very active, therefore capable of leprosy
  • sensitive, feel great master
  • hygienic procedures calmly endure
  • easily trained
  • love attention
Don Sphinx
Don Sphinx

Bambino -Funny little animals, the result of crossing Mancovy and Sphinxes-Canadians. They look like funny kittens, the same cute and touching.

From both breeds, these cats took the best:

  • social and curiosity
  • merry disposition
  • devotion to the owners
  • affectionate and tenderness
  • high intelligence
  • love for walking and traveling
  • life with other pets

Kornish Rex- Not quite a bald breed. Unlike other representatives of the Rex, they only have a undercoat as a hairline. They have a karakule wool due to the lack of outer hairs. Slender and elegant cats.


  • do not tolerate drafts
  • they love to eat
  • devoted to the owner, and even wag their tail like dogs
  • smart and quick -witted
  • mobile and very playful
  • sociable and curious
Kornish Rex
Kornish Rex

Famous, popular breeds of flowering cats and cats: photo, description of character

Funny animals with an unusual shape of the ears fell in love with many. The amount of fluel -shaped rocks is very small, since by the nature of their cat are hunters who need sticking ears for good orientation.

Scottish Fold (Scottish berth) - plush cat, outwardly similar to a British breed. A distinctive feature is the ability to sit "on the priest."

The character also resembles a lot of the British:

  • friendly
  • inquisitive
  • calm
  • easily trained
  • feel the mood of the owner
  • not afraid of strangers
  • kittens quickly get used to the tray
  • not aggressive
  • not capable of revenge
  • sensitive, do not tolerate screams and gross circulation addressed to them
  • easily tolerate crossings
  • they do not like to jump
  • do not shout loudly, only quiet sounds make
Scottish Fold
Scottish Fold

Highland - Fold - Scottish knuckling long -haired cat. An animal of medium size with a silky long pile.

Like all Scots, they differ:

  • calm and balanced disposition
  • playfulness that does not pass with age
  • curiosity
  • good adaptation, not afraid of moving
  • love to be next to people
Highland - Fold
Highland - Fold

Also refers to the breed ukrainian levka, which was mentioned above.

White breeds of cats and cats with photographs and names: photo, description of character

White cats are very beautiful and elegant. According to the standards, no spots and impurities are allowed in white breeds. A similar color can only be obtained when crossing purebred rocks, which did not allow a mixture.

White color in cats can be for various reasons:

  • due to the specific gene associated with deafness (observed in cats with green or blue eyes)
  • due to albinism, when animals do not have pigmentation of wool, and the eyes and skin of a pinkish shade
  • due to the presence of a gene that determines white spotting. Sometimes there are a lot of such white spots, they merge together, and the cat becomes white

Many breeds can have a white fur coat:

  • persian
  • devon Rex
  • maine-kuna
  • british

We present the most striking representatives of the snow -white color:

Turkish Angora - Ancient aristocratic breed. It has delicate silky wool and greenish or blue eyes.

Cat data:

  • very smart. Can learn to use switches and open the refrigerator door
  • active and mobile
  • inquisitive
  • they do not like loneliness
  • are tied, as a rule, to one person
  • love attention to their person
  • they play toy or live mice with pleasure
Turkish Angora
Turkish Angora

Kao Mani - A short -haired cat comes from Thailand. This rather ancient breed is officially registered recently. An extremely graceful snow -white animal that has such features:

  • curiosity
  • mind
  • playing and mobility
  • love for the owner whose society is simply adored
  • trusting even to strangers
  • high sociality (therefore, it is not recommended to start such a cat if you do not have other cats)
Kao Mani
Kao Mani

Forin White - short -haired cat, the result of crossing the Siamese and a short -haired European. They have a graceful body and blue eyes. At the same time, animals are endowed with excellent hearing. The breed is quite rare.


  • highly intellectual
  • social
  • friendly
  • independent
  • freedom -loving
  • they are chatty enough, have a loud voice
  • mobile, love active games
Forin White
Forin White

Turkish van - A large cat with semi -long white wool almost without undercoat, with colored spots on the tail, ears and muzzle.

Key Features:

  • mobile
  • players
  • inquisitive
  • they swim well, they like water fun
  • love affection, although they are wayward
  • as a rule, tied to one of the family members
Turkish van
Turkish van

Black breeds of cats and cats: photo, description of character

Black cats are quite common. Almost all breeds can have such a color: both short -haired and long -haired. It is believed that black cats have special telepathic abilities and feel the owner well. There are few breeds with exclusively black color.

Bombay cat - The breed, which was created by breeders for more than 20 years. The animal has smooth short wool and outwardly very similar to Panther. During the life of a cat, the color of the eye changes: at birth it is blue, then it becomes gray, and then acquires an amber tint.

Features of this breed:

  • have a bright temperament
  • have a very individual character
  • they have high intelligence
  • they meow a lot, but their voice is quiet, therefore it is perceived without tension
  • they do not like loneliness
  • sit in their arms with pleasure
  • balanced
  • among other pets try to take a leading position
Bombay cat
Bombay cat

Mandalaya - A new rare breed that is not fully recognized. These are the descendants of the Burmans with a specific dense uniform dark chocolate or black color. The wool literally shimmers and silky and pleasant to the touch.

Main features:

  • calm and friendly
  • love all family members without allocating anyone
  • patient
  • love affection and attention

Gray breeds of cats and cats: photo, description of character

Gray cats always look elegant and aristocratic. This color is called “blue”, and varies from light - ashen to dark - gray. Blue cats should be distinguished from smoky. The latter has a white wool at the base.

There are several breeds that have exclusively gray color:

Chartrez (Cartesian cat) - a fairly large strong animal, with amber eyes.

The cats of this breed are characterized by the following:

  • easily adapt to any conditions
  • obedient and easily study
  • playfulness is replaced by rest periods
  • not intrusive
  • not prone to pranks
  • tied to a person, not a habitat
  • choose one owner who is accompanied everywhere
  • adore affection and stroking the head and cheeks
  • foreign people are quite indifferent to
  • love space and walks
Chartrez (Cartesian cat)
Chartrez (Cartesian cat)

Russian blue - Popular expensive breed. It has a thick, dense, shiny wool of uniform blue color with a silver tint. It has an elegant and slender body.

This proud cat with character has its own characteristics:

  • a little stubborn and freedom -loving, but at the same time obedient
  • good and affectionate
  • can spend at home alone all day
  • unobtrusive, but rejoices if it is taken with you for a walk
  • he sits with pleasure in the arms of the owner, while only when he wants it
  • curious and observant
  • wary of outsiders
  • does not like closed doors
  • homebody
  • likes to hunt
Russian blue
Russian blue

Coat - An ancient breed, whose homeland is Thailand, where these animals are considered a symbol of happiness. Outwardly, they look like Russian blue cats. The only recognized color is blue wool with silver tips. It has large and bright emerald or amber eyes.

Have a specific character:

  • do not like cats of other breeds next to them
  • jealous and really miss the owner in his absence
  • do not like strangers
  • males are lying to brawls, but at the same time show themselves as caring fathers
  • do not like long walks
  • are homebody, they rarely come out of the house
  • good -natured and restrained
  • players
  • they require increased attention

British blue - Strong cats with a round head, small ears and a wonderful short thick hair. This cat is the embodiment of British aristocracy:

  • resilient and strong
  • friendly and contact
  • patient, gets along well with children or other animals
  • does not like a familiar attitude
British blue
British blue

Nibelung("Child of Fog") - a rare breed, graceful owners of silky soft wool and emerald eyes. The long -haired version of the Russian blue.

The character is quite peculiar:

  • not very sociable
  • at a young age can aggressively relate to strangers
  • all understanding, but loving to do in their own
  • cunning enough
  • affectionate with the owner and household

Red rocks of cats and cats: photo, description of character

Red cats were considered a symbol of the sun and happiness in Russia. And in some countries, such animals are associated with financial well -being.

Red color in felinology is called red. It is worth noting that there are no animals with a uniform red shade, such a color is always heterogeneous, with impurities, decorated with stripes and spots. It is believed that the more spots or stripes in the color of the animal, the more complicated its character.

The temperament of red cats is always individual, and the character depends not only on the breed, but also the relationship of the owner to the animal. However, the common features of all the "saffronies" can be called:

  • solder
  • courage
  • cunning
  • a demand for increased attention to his person
  • mistraction and playfulness

Especially often the red color occurs in representatives of "wild" breeds.

Caracal - Steppe lynx. A predatory animal that can be tamed only if it grew in captivity.


  • curious and nerd
  • it is difficult to educate due to wild disposition
  • requires an attentive, patient attitude, especially in the first two years of life
  • devoted to the owner
  • feels good in a private house with a spacious aviary

Abyssinian cat - One of the oldest breeds, the ancestor of which is African cats. It has a thickeled reddish color (sorrel). However, blue and faun may occur. The breed is characterized by small offspring.

The main character traits:

  • obstinacy
  • mind and curiosity
  • melodic voice
  • mobility and energy
  • emergency love for games and spaces
  • sociability, alone such a cat is difficult
Abyssinian cat
Abyssinian cat

Bengal cat - The result of crossing domestic cats with leopard rocks. Holders of reddish wool with spots. Silver color is less common.

The character combines wild and "home" features:

  • very energetic, attack everything that moves
  • smart and smart
  • do not like tactile caresses
  • quickly get used to a person and conditions
  • devoted to the owner, but sometimes removed from him, preferring loneliness
  • are wary of strangers
  • get along well with other animals
Bengal cat
Bengal cat

A bright sunny hue is often found in more familiar pets:

  • persians
  • british
  • siberian cats
  • maine - Kunov

Striped breeds of cats and cats: photo, description of character

Striped cats are very common. This color is considered a “wild type” and is called “Tabby”. Cats of many breeds can be striped. And for some, such a color is the main one:

Toiger- A cat with a tiger “striped” color, a massive skeleton, a rounded thick tail and expressive, deeply planted eyes. It looks like a small tiger. The breed did not finally form.


  • playful
  • friendly
  • unpretentious
  • well get along with other inhabitants
  • easily trained
  • do not require much attention

Egyptian Mau - Ancient breed of cats. It has an unusual silver color with spots, like a jaguar and clearly outlined eyes.

Features of character:

  • extremely affectionate
  • devoted friends to their master
  • love to be in the spotlight and often sit on the knees or shoulder of a person
  • they can walk with a collar on a leash, as they love long walks
  • very energetic and mobile
  • quickly run and have hunting qualities
  • bounce, expressing their joy
  • love to "chat"
  • quickly accustomed to the tray
  • cats often help the female during childbirth
Egyptian Mau
Egyptian Mau

Asian Tabby - A representative of the Asian breed of cats. The color can be in the form of rings, spots or strips on the wool.

The nature:

  • calm
  • tolerant
  • friendly
  • small enough
  • energetic
  • players
  • practically do not cause trouble to the owner
Asian Tabby
Asian Tabby

Sokok - Kenyan Forest Cat, reminiscent of cheetah, with brushes on the ears. They are able to change the color of the eyes, depending on the mood.


These cats have such features:

  • independent
  • playful and very energetic, so in the conditions of the apartment it is necessary to highlight free space for active activity
  • swim well
  • tender and very attached to the owner

Unusual, exotic breeds of cats and cats: photo, description of character

Some people prefer to have unusual, exotic cats of cats at home. Such animals differ in high cost and sometimes require special conditions of detention.

Savannah - A rare and expensive breed. This cat is large, strong, with an unusual spotty color. Reaches a weight of 14 kg. A descendant of Serval.

Distinctive features:

  • extremely smart and resourceful
  • in temperament and habits are similar to dogs
  • very energetic and frisky
  • well trained
  • love walks, even on a leash
  • they do not like cold
  • prefer to be next to the owner
  • love to swim

Minskin-Cats are “hobbits”. A dwarf breed with short paws and delicate wool with rexid fur.

The nature:

  • sociable
  • social
  • easily tolerate crossings
  • curious
  • nimble and playful
  • very attached to the owner and demand his constant attention to himself

Manckin -a charming cat is a dachshund, which has the length of the legs three times shorter than the length of the body. Are long -haired and short -haired. The character is quite individual, but in general these cats:

  • they have a cheerful disposition
  • friendly, focused on people
  • sociable and playful
  • independent enough and can repulse the offender
  • have a tendency to hide small objects in a hidden place

Kimrik - Not so long ago a recognized free breed. The cats have a small strong body, long wool and short paws on which they are funny.

  • very kind and friendly
  • love to be in the spotlight
  • playful and active
  • they never show aggression
  • smart
  • touchy, but not vindictive
  • endowed with excellent memory
  • extremely devoted to their master

Chausie- A rare breed, the ancestor of which is a swamp lynx. The animal has a muscular elongated body with strong limbs.

Features of the breed:

  • friendly
  • very energetic, leading active lifestyle
  • love obstacles, so they often climb up the cabinets
  • these cats require frequent active walks

Devon - Rex - A small cat with wavy wool and large ears. It has a funny touching look, reminiscent of a fabulous elf. It is considered the most socially adapted breed.

It differs with such features:

  • playfulness
  • smart
  • extraordinary tenderness and affection
  • in a quiet voice
  • enormous confidence in the person who will literally idolize
  • dexterity and jumping
  • he responds to the nickname
  • males do not mark the territory
Devon - Rex
Devon - Rex

Havana - The result of crossing the Siamese cat and the European shorthair. Graceful slender animals. The color in adults is bright brown.

Temperament features:

  • extremely playful and mobile
  • hard and patient
  • likes to be in the thick of events
  • betrayed to the owner and is very sad without communication with him
  • requires a lot of affection and attention
  • very sociable
  • easily adapts
  • is good about other animals
  • likes walks

Lykoi (Cat - Oblast) - an unusual cat with a unique appearance obtained as a result of crossing the sphinxes and short -haired cats.


Despite the wild, strange appearance are of a wonderful flexible character:

  • devoted to the owner and with all their might achieve his affection
  • love to be in the spotlight
  • habits resemble dogs, love to hunt small living creatures
  • have instincts of a guard

Elf- A rare unrecognized breed of unsteady cats. It differs in small sizes, a rounded tummy and extraordinary large ears with bent tips.

The nature:

  • very friendly
  • moderately active
  • all family members love equally strongly
  • they need to affection
  • love to spend time on the knees of the hosts

Napoleon - The original, but officially unrelated stunted breed with short paws, thick long hair and large rounded eyes, which give a children's expression on the flattened muzzle.


The character is extremely pleasant:

  • friendly and peaceful
  • affectionate and calm
  • very trusting
  • patients, allow children to squeeze themselves and even swaddle
  • absolutely not aggressive

As you can see, the variety of cats is huge. After all, the proposed options are not the limit. We hope that if you are faced with a choice, then the descriptions proposed in this material will help you choose your favorite pet in your house.

Video: TOP-21 of the most beautiful cats of cats

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Comments K. article

  1. I really liked many cats of cats, but especially Napoleon. I have never met such a wonderful breed anywhere.

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