Inflammation and redness around the nail of the thumb of the leg and arms: causes, treatment. The thumb of the legs and arms is swollen, hurts, the skin on the finger around the nail is laying and cracking: how to smear, how to treat?

Inflammation and redness around the nail of the thumb of the leg and arms: causes, treatment. The thumb of the legs and arms is swollen, hurts, the skin on the finger around the nail is laying and cracking: how to smear, how to treat?

The causes of inflammation around the nail on the fingers. Methods of treatment of inflammation and redness.

Panaritius - inflammation or redness of fingers on the arms and legs. Often, people who bite their nails face this problem. But this is not the only reason for inflammation.

Inflammation and redness around the nail of the thumb of the leg and arms: Causes

There are many causes of abscesses on the fingers and legs. Usually this is the simplest non -compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Causes of panaritius:

  • Cliff cutters. Very often on the fingers of the hands, tenders are formed due to their drying out. After we tear off the burr, we open fabrics for bacteria that fall into the wound. Accordingly, nothing needs to be cut off. Gently cut the burrs with tongs and treat with an antiseptic.
  • Nail extension. Often panaritius occurs in the nail plate due to the fact that the gel or acrylic layer burns the nail. A piece of acrylic crashes the skin, provoking the occurrence of inflammation.
  • Herpes virus. This is a dangerous type of abscess that cannot be opened. There are a lot of virus cells in the exudate, which quickly spreads.
  • Staphylococcus. In most cases, the fault is staphylococcus, which lives on everyone on the skin. In case of damage to the skin, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms grow.
Inflammation and redness around the nail of the thumb of the leg and arms: Causes
Inflammation and redness around the nail of the thumb of the leg and arms: Causes

Why is the thumb of the legs and arms red, swollen and hurts?

On the thumb of the leg, an abscess is often formed due to the growing of the nail. This happens with improper pedicure. Do not round the corner of the nail and cut the free edge under the root. During the growing, the nail crashes and grows into the skin. This provokes an abscess. In this case, surgery is often recommended.

The reasons for the swelling of the thumb of the hand and legs:

  • Arthrosis. This is inflammation in the joints. Often found on the thumb of the leg. At the same time, there is no pus, but there is acute pain.
  • Felon. This is an abscess that appears due to damage to the skin and the penetration of bacteria into it.
  • Gout. This is a disease that is due to a metabolic disorder. It occurs in patients aged. In the ailment, acute pain occurs. In general, some categories of people are inclined to abscesses on the fingers and legs. This is due to the high content of staphylococci on the skin.
Why is the thumb of the legs and arms red, swollen and hurts?
Why is the thumb of the legs and arms red, swollen and hurts?

Why does the leg and hands of blisters are around the nail on the thumb, the skin around them is laying and cracking?

Very often, the skin on the arms and legs peels and cracks. This can be due to constant open air. The epidermis dries and cracks. But if you work in the office, then cracking the skin around your fingers is an alarm.

Causes of cracks and blisters on the fingers:

  • Allergy. An allergic reaction to creams, powders or soap may be observed. The skin itchs and peel off. Small blisters appear.
  • Herpes. Herpetic infection rarely pours out on the fingers. But sometimes this happens. First, redness appears, which then develops into the papules.
  • Fungus. With a fungal skin lesion, the epidermis dries, and then cracks. Sometimes blisters or bubbles filled with liquid appear.
  • Stomach diseases. Very often, with problems in the work of the intestines and the stomach, a rash on the arms and legs appears. Papules are filled with transparent contents.
  • Nervous overstrain. Stress situations adversely affect the state of health. Problems with nerves provoke dry skin and rash.
  • Dermatitis. This ailment can be of different nature. Most often appears due to the effects of bacteria or fungi.
Why does the leg and hands of blisters are around the nail on the thumb, the skin around them is laying and cracking?
Why does the leg and hands of blisters are around the nail on the thumb, the skin around them is laying and cracking?

How to treat inflammation of the thumb of the hand and legs, how to smear?

In order to choose the right treatment, it is necessary to find out the nature of redness. To do this, contact a dermatologist. After a series of studies, the doctor will determine the cause of the disease and prescribe drug treatment.

Ways to treat blisters and cracks on the fingers:

  • Herpevir. This is an anti -Herpes drug that acts in relation to herpetic rashes.
  • Ichthyol ointment. This drug stretches pus and is effective in relation to panarition. That is, the drug treats abscesses.
  • Laundry soap. If you have a nail on your leg, because of this redness and an abscess, then prepare a healing mixture. Grate a little laundry and add grated onions. Apply the substance on an abscess and wrap with a plaster. You need to keep the compress all night.
  • Trimistin. This is a combined ointment. It contains an antibiotic and a homon. Thanks to this, it is possible to eliminate itching, edema and reduce the reproduction of bacteria.
  • Diclofenac. This is an anti -inflammatory drug that relieves itching and swelling. Used to treat arthritis.
  • Kefir and chalk. It is necessary to mix kefir with a small amount of chalk. It must be slightly chopped to the state of the powder. Apply thick porridge on the joints. This mixture restores cartilage fabric.
  • Blue clay. This tool is also effective in relation to arthritis and arthrosis. It is necessary to introduce a little warm water into the powder of blue clay. Apply the paste to the inflamed joint.
  • Eucalyptus. It is necessary to pour 20 g of dry grass with a glass of boiling water and let stand for 10 minutes. Strain the decoction and soak the fabric. Attach the compress to the sore joint for a third of the hour. Keep the joint warm.
  • Furatsilin. This tool perfectly disinfects wounds and abscesses. It is necessary to dissolve 3 tablets in 100 ml of water and bring to a boil. Rinse wounds and abscesses with the resulting solution. The tool is effective if the papules were broken.
How to treat inflammation of the thumb of the hand and legs, how to smear?
How to treat inflammation of the thumb of the hand and legs, how to smear?

In severe cases, the doctor may recommend the operation. This happens if the infection spreads quickly enough.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of inflammation and cracks in the fingers. After establishing the cause of the disease, adequate treatment can be prescribed.

Video: Inflammation around the nail

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  1. I confirm the fungus. I don’t know where I took it, maybe even brought it from the pool. The skin became peeling and itching is unpleasant. I dripped Mizol, wore only cotton socks and natural shoes. Immunity needs to strengthen and monitor hygiene.

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