The collar zone of the back - the withers on the neck: training and a set of exercises from Anna Kurkurina - video. How to get rid of the withers on the neck at home with exercises, massage, medication, surgically and folk remedies?

The collar zone of the back - the withers on the neck: training and a set of exercises from Anna Kurkurina - video. How to get rid of the withers on the neck at home with exercises, massage, medication, surgically and folk remedies?

Holka on the neck: diagnosis, treatment, surgical intervention, folk methods.

Stress, sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle, tension, weight lifting and much more are given to the collar zone with pain, and even contribute to the accumulation of harmful substances in the spine. If you opened this article, then you are already bothering your shoulders, neck or spine. In this article, we will analyze what kind of feature is such a “withers” and how to get rid of it. We will also touch on the examination issues, after which the procedures can be carried out independently or exclusively under the supervision of a doctor.

The origin of the "withers" or "hump on the neck"

It is believed that on the neck over time, a fat fold is formed from excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle, called the "withers". You can find a withers and independently leading your hand around your neck, because the accumulation is formed on the 7-8 vertebrae.

The origin of the withers or hump on the neck
The origin of the "withers" or "hump on the neck"

Contrary to widespread opinion, not fat, but lymph, and if you do not get rid of it on time, cervical osteochondrosis develops around the cervical region: cervical osteochondrosis develops:

  • The first stage is damage to the muscles of the collar zone. Lengthening of one of the trapezoidal muscles and shortening the second. The initial stage of osteochondrosis arises;
  • The next step is the slowdown in blood circulation in 6-8 vertebrae, lympho-shaping worsens, lymph actively accumulates and causes severe pain, both in the cervical region and in the thoracic. At this stage, in addition to the lymph, fat is already growing;
  • Next, the lymph with adipose tissue accumulates, the movement of the neck is difficult, the pain does not allow the usual lifestyle, the connective tissue between the vertebrae is destroyed. The risk of a hernia of the cervical vertebra, displacement of discs is possible, the artery is compressed, which is responsible for the flow of blood in the head, and many other irrevocable destruction of the spine arises;
  • The last stage is accompanied by severe pain, vascular syndrome, and the destruction of the vertebrae.

The people are widely believed that the withers are formed due to a sedentary lifestyle. But there are several reasons for the formation of this ailment:

  • Office work, sedentary lifestyle, intense sitting work;
  • Active physical labor, training, injuries of the cervical region and the collar zone;
  • Nervous overstrain, stress, breakdowns;
  • Curvature of the spine, violations of posture;
  • Overweight;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Age -related changes;
  • Smoking;
  • Hereditary predispositions;
  • The wrong lifestyle, after tension there is no rest and relaxation.

The health of the cervical region is directly related to the muscle corset and elasticity of the ligaments. It is not enough to play sports so that the muscles are in good shape, training is needed directly by this department, as well as massage and stretching.

Massage of the neck of the collar zone: We get rid of the withers
Massage of the neck of the collar zone: We get rid of the withers

Which doctor to contact the track?

The essence of any treatment is do not harm. Yes, if there are no difficulties with the back, then training can be started without difficulty as the prevention of the disease. But if there is a withers or pain in the cervical region, you should start with the examination:

  • Preliminary consultation with a therapist or family doctor, also a visit to a neuropathologist;
  • Passage of ultrasound and x -ray to exclude intervertebral hernia, displacement of vertebrae, destroying connective tissue and other disorders;
  • If necessary, re -consultation with a specialist to obtain recommendations regarding the treatment and support of the body.

How to remove scruffy on the neck of women: treatment options

There are five areas of treatment, and we will consider everything.


  • Vitamins and trace elements are mandatory both during exacerbation and the prevention of the disease. Two courses per year;
  • Non -steroidal anti -inflammatory - during an exacerbation for the rapid removal of the inflammatory process;
  • Blocks and painkillers - to relieve pain syndrome, but only in cases where there is no way to withstand pain independently;
  • Vascular drugs - for liquefaction of blood, blood flow and limf's outflow;
  • Muscle relaxants - are used to reduce muscle tone, actively used for physiotherapy;
  • Chondroprotectors are means of helping the restoration of cartilage and connective tissue. They are used both internally and externally in the form of ointments and gels.


  • Laser treatment
  • Reflexology
  • Electrophoresis
  • Magnetotherapy
  • UHF-therapy
  • Balneotherapy

Massage of the cervical-brothel zone.


Establishment of power for the rest of the life. Please note that this is not a temporary diet, but a constant lifestyle.

Limf and eliminating withers
Limf and eliminating withers

Recall that any type of treatment is possible exclusively after examination by doctors.

Is it realistic to remove a large withers from behind on the back and neck without surgery?

The question arises for many women - is it really possible to remove a large (running) withers on the back and neck without surgery. Yes, yes and again yes! But you have to work hard.

First of all, the examination and exclusion of a hernia, displacement of discs, etc.

Now we establish food. Add to the diet:

  • Chondroprotectors (all that helps to recover cartilage): cold men, filling, jelly, etc.;
  • Water: For problems with a neck, as well as with a spine, it is very important to drink the required amount of fluid, in addition, there should be 1.5-2 liters of water per day in a person’s diet from the accumulation of salts and lymph. Insufficient flow of water leads to the degradation of the vertebrae, namely the inability to retain the liquid in the intervertebral discs and tissues;
  • 5-6 One-time food. Thanks to this, a person launches metabolic processes in the body and loses weight faster;
  • Rice, as it helps to remove salt from the body. But rice should not be cooked, but wan. On 2-3 tablespoons of rice 100 g of boiling water, cover the plate with a lid. In an hour you can eat. The seasonings cannot be added, but you can dilute with fresh herbs: dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, salad, etc. Best of all rice is absorbed for breakfast;
  • 1/3 of the diet - proteins. Moreover, either animals are low -fat, but better fish and vegetables, legumes;
  • Calcium: dairy products in all its diversity;
  • Vitamin A: Eggs (Gogol-Mogol), liver, fish, melon, pumpkin and carrots.

Exclude from the diet:

  • Minimize table salt;
  • Canned food, both home and store;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Sausages, sausages;
  • Dyes, fast foods.

The next step is physical activity, massage, medicines and other procedures prescribed by a doctor.

How to do a head of the withers on the neck?

Firstly, you need to remember-self-massages are allowed when the lymph, fat and salts are formed. As soon as any deformations are found in the spine-only a specialist should touch the back. Even ordinary strokes can harm if the patient has mobile vertebrae, hernia or deformation of the cervical region.

Break salt on the withers
Break salt on the withers

For massage, a convenient chair and a table you can rely on. You need to remove all the clothes. Many miss this moment, since the video most often show women in underwear. But this is a demonstrative video that is removed taking into account the fact that different age groups can watch it. In compressive underwear, the back will definitely not relax.

Massage will require ointment or massage oil. Funds with livestock are well suited, combining two procedures at once: rubbing therapeutic ointment and massage. We proceed to the procedure:

  • Warm the site with stroking movements with dry hands;
  • We warm up with a jar or a hard towel until light redness of the skin;
  • We apply oil or cream for massage and carefully with massage movements knead all the muscles, stroking up if reduced or normal pressure, and down with increased pressure. We massage from 15 to 20 minutes;
  • We walk around the neck, but carefully, without intense movements, in order to stretch the muscles and increase blood flow;
  • We go to the “withers”: from the center to the edges we spend intense, but not strong movements in a circle. Now we put the two sides of the spine on the two sides of the spine or knuckles just below the withers (so that you feel the location of the spine) and lead up. Salt and lymph will “play” at hand - it means that you do everything right. So up to 10 times, without painful pressure and again from the center to the edges, intense strokeing movements. The purpose of this exercise is to break salt and disperse the lymph;
  • With light delicate movements from the middle of the back to the shoulders, we carry out so that the body “calms down” for 30 seconds and covers with a terry towel or a sheet and a warm blanket;
  • Low on an even surface and let it rest for about 30 minutes. Do not rise sharply after massage, as dizziness and impaired coordination are possible for several minutes.

The indicator that you do the massage wrong:

  • Discomfort
  • Pain
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Darkens in the eyes
  • Deterioration of condition

In this case, you immediately stop the massage and do not continue without consulting a doctor.

We recommend a magnificent massage from Anna Kurkurina, an inimitable athlete and a coach, as well as a sports doctor. Her tips are not unique, but accurate and excellent. Working according to the method of Anna 100% of people, they cope with the problem of the withers.

Video: back massage, remove the withers

Excellent charging for the collar zone from the hump and withers: Exercises

Several charging options are considered in this article.

We will also talk about the simplest exercises that will help return the back lightness and the aesthetic fossa between the neck and back.

In the morning and before bedtime:

  • To lie in bed and holding the pelvis and legs on the bed, reduce the shoulder blades so that the chest rises up. Thus, the head, shoulders, pelvis, arms and legs on the bed, and the chest is raised as much as possible. We hold until the body begins to tremble. Lie down and repeat again to 10 minutes;
  • The body is exactly, hands to the sides, the right leg is bent, and we try to get the bed on the left side with a knee. We do not tear our shoulders. We hold to trembling in the body and change our leg. At this moment, your back may crunch - do not worry, it is salt;
  • We rise and sit in Turkish. The legs are in place, turn the torso and reach the hips. The vertebra is twisted and worked out.

Once per hour during the day until a complete recovery:

  • With a small amplitude: nods forward back, right and left, turns to the right and left. It is forbidden to do completely with force, as well as circular movements. In each direction - 1 minute, total 3 minutes;
  • We become exactly, hands on the shoulders, 5 circular movements with elbows forward, 5 ago - 1 minute;
  • Exercise scissors and swings horizontally familiar to us since childhood 1 minute;
  • Hands in the lock and pull up - 30 seconds;
  • Circular movements of the shoulders - 30 seconds;
  • Exercise a mill or a swimmer 1 minute.

In total, in 7 minutes you perform a whole complex. If you get distracted once an hour - a day to an hour of intensive training! But it is important to make the complex no more than 7 minutes at a time, and no more than once per hour, since the back should rest.

Video: training and a set of exercises for the collar zone from Anna Kurkurina

Medication treatment of the withers

Of course, neglected forms (and most often they are launched, since we are used to seeking help, when on the next morning we simply cannot start work) are treated not only with exercise therapy and massage, but also with drugs.

We indicate the entire spectrum of medical treatment, but there are basic, and those that can be excluded:

  • Non -steroidal anti -inflammatory (necessarily at the time of exacerbation): ibuprofen, dikelaphenac;
  • Anesthetics (with severe pain that cannot be tolerated): ketanov, analgin and other painkillers;
  • B vitamins, and in the RR complex (mandatory 2 times a year with the course);
  • To relieve spasm of both muscle and vascular - Trental or Midokalm;
  • External ointments with an irritating effect for the flow of blood and the outflow of lymph are apisartron and the like;
  • Chondroprotectors both internally and locally externally for the restoration of cartilage and connective tissue in courses 2 times a year, plus during the exacerbation;
  • Non -steroidal anti -inflammatory gels and ointments, such as voltaren.

Also effective treatment with old are unfairly forgotten banks. Yes, yes, the very ones that they put us in childhood with colds. We wipe the skin with alcohol, heated jars on the withers and around it, but do not touch the spine. After 10 minutes we remove, thereby giving a good flow of blood to the collar area.

The combination of enjoyable with useful: massage of the withers with essential oils and medicines
The combination of enjoyable with useful: massage of the withers with essential oils and medicines

Walk Treatment: Bubnovsky Method

The author’s complex, including exercises for the muscles of the back and arms using elementary sports shells - fitball (large ball) and expander. At the end of the training, mandatory massage. The Bubnovsky doctor proved that with the help of his methodology, even the most difficult cases show positive dynamics without operations within 3-6 months.

We give a selection consisting of 33 videos of Dr. Bubnovsky, in which the whole back is being worked out.

Video: Bubnovsky: Speak exercises

Walk Treatment: Norbekov Method

And another author’s course that has already helped thousands of patients to avoid surgical intervention. The technique is so popular that it is used by both doctors and housewives.

Video: articular gymnastics M.S. Norbekova (full version)

Surgical treatment of the withers

Three types of surgical treatment of the withers are currently used. Doctors must examine and conduct preoperative treatment (or get acquainted with information on how treatment was performed earlier). And only making sure that there is no other way of positive dynamics - to proceed to prepare for the operation.

Criteria Laser liposuction Temetric liposuction Ultrasound liposuction
Effect on the body In the process of surgery, the connective and adipose tissue is destroyed under the influence of a laser, which enters through a thin cannula entered through a small hole. Excess is sucked using a tube and compressor. Anesthesia is introduced and adipose and connective tissue is destroyed using physical efforts, after sucking in the compessor. A small incision is practically not noticeable after healing Ultrasound is destroyed by adipose tissue and does not affect the connective tissue and nerve cells. Destroyed fabrics are excreted using a compass. A small incision is practically not noticeable after healing.
Addressure The vessels are sealed and minimalized by blood loss, and therefore it does not happen hematomas. The destruction of adipose and connective tissue avoids re -development of the disease. Relapses are extremely rare. But at the same time, this method is most suitable for overweight people. With a worse weight, it is much more difficult to perform the operation as accurately as possible. Thanks to a special methodology, which selectively destroys some fabrics and does not affect others, the procedure is considered gentle and suitable for everyone. Minimum blood loss is also suitable for people with any physiological specificity.
Flaws Due to the heating of the skin, the creation of scars, as well as subcutaneous tissue, is possible. There are also damage to the nerve endings, due to which numbness of the skin occurs and which is worst the risk of dying. In the procedure, anesthetics are used, which can affect the development of arrhythmias and allergies. Injuries that receive vessels sometimes lead to embolism. Warming up tissues can lead to scarring, a repetition of the disease is possible after a while.

Video: What is laser liposuction of a hump on the neck?

Folk remedies for getting rid of the withers on the neck

Folk methods are good at the initial stages, as well as help in more advanced cases. To begin with, we introduce new rules in our life:

  • Sleeping place. Hard orthopedic mattress, flat pillow, best orthopedic;
  • Workplace. A chair and a table fit in size, providing even sitting at the table, if necessary, supplemented by orthopedic rugs, overlays;
  • Correct posture. If it is not, we produce using exercises, proofreaders, massages;
  • Cryotherapy. After a hot shower, be sure to finish cold. The contrast for the withers is dangerous and makes her retreat even in the most neglected cases.

Folk methods are very diverse:

  • Treatment with leeches. Very successfully in cases of hypertension, when massage is strictly contraindicated;
  • Mix 20 drops of propolis and 1/3 cup of castor oil. Mix. Righten into the problem area 2 times a day;
  • 3 parts of homemade milk, 3 parts of honey, 1 part of the bay leaf and the same amount of grated onions. Apply on the withers, cover with linen (necessarily contact with flax) fabric, cellophane and cover with a blanket for half an hour. Wash off with warm water and wrap us up for the night;
  • We mix heparin and troxevas ointment, rub 3 times a day;
  • Mix alcohol and honey in equal quantities, apply to the withers and wrap it overnight;
  • Black clay is mixed with hot water, formed in a plate and applied to a heated body. We cover a blanket for an hour.

Video: Get rid of the hated "withers" on the neck!

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