Witer on the legs and arms: symptoms, causes, treatment with drugs and folk remedies. Witer on the fingers of the arms and legs in elderly, adults and children: how to treat?

Witer on the legs and arms: symptoms, causes, treatment with drugs and folk remedies. Witer on the fingers of the arms and legs in elderly, adults and children: how to treat?

Foot edema and hands are called a wannel. The article is about the causes of its occurrence and methods of treatment.

About 50-70 percent of the body weight of an adult falls on water. It is part of the cells and is in extracellular space, blood and other body fluids. As they say, without water, neither there nor here, dehydration threatens death. But if there are too many fluids in the body, or it accumulates not where necessary, they say that a person has dropsy. What is this disease? How to overcome it?

Witer - what kind of disease is this?

Important: “dropsy” is a folk name for several diseases at once. This word is called a water callus - a bubble on the skin, which is most often formed as a result of friction, as well as accumulation of water or serum fluid in the subcutaneous tissue in one or another area or a certain human body. If the corn is just a nuisance, knowing how to remove it is easy enough, then dropsy-ooteus requires complex treatment, its causes lies in health problems.

Witer - subcutaneous edema happens:

  • general - excess fluid is distributed under the skin of the whole body at the same time
  • local-edema is observed under the skin of a certain part of the body

A liquid emerging from blood and lymph vessels is called a transudate.
Most often diagnosed the dropsy:

Abdominal, or ascites. In this case, transudate (excessive liquid) accumulates in the abdominal cavity due to circulatory disorders in large arteries. Sometimes such edema signals heart failure. Its treatment is aimed, first of all, at the elimination of the disease - the causes, is carried out exclusively by doctors. Surgical intervention may be required.


Head, or hydrocephalus. Cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the cranial cavity, most often in the ventricles of the brain. The causes of hydrocephalus are injuries and internal diseases that led to various kinds of brain lesions, due to which there was a violation of blood circulation in the brain vessels. The drain of the brain is treated conservatively and surgically. Eliminate both the cause of the accumulation of fluid in the cranium, and its consequences.


Corporedal, or hydrandicarditis. Violation of blood flow or permeability of blood vessels, leading to an accumulation of transudate in a subordinate bag, is provoked by diseases of the kidneys, liver, parasitic and infectious diseases, as well as blood cancer. It is treated conservatively, but in some cases, pericardial punctures are performed in order to pump fluid.


Yaichka, or hydrocele. The liquid accumulates between the sheets of the vaginal process of the testicle. It is more often observed in infants and is associated with the characteristics of embryonic development. But it may also be the result of the inflammatory process. It is treated surgically.


Uterus and uterine pipes, or hydrosalpinx. Most often, the liquid in the left, right or both fallopian tubes immediately accumulates as a result of a dormant or non -treated inflammation of the organs of the female reproductive system. Violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes caused by wars is often treated surgically.

Witroe on the arms, legs, fingers, feet: causes. What does the dropsy look on the legs and arms: photo

Most often, doctors have to deal with edema (wars) of the limbs. Patients come with a complaint that their fingers, arms, legs, feet increased in volumes, are swollen. Swelling can be local, for example, only legs. Sweecrated skin, depending on the severity of the edema, becomes pale, cyanotic, on it a grid of small vessels can be seen on it. In severe edema, trophic skin lesions are visible. Often one limb becomes more than another.

Important: swelling of the fingers, arms, legs and feet are venous and lymphatic.

What the dropsy of the arms and legs looks like - in the photo.

Fingering edema photos
Witer of the fingers.
Edema of NSHSHSHSHOGS photo
Witer's hand.
Swelling of the foot photo
Witer of the foot.
Swelling of the foot photo
Witer's legs.

The edema of the arms and legs is characterized by the accumulation of transudate in the subcutaneous space due to a violation of the outflow of fluid caused:

  • inal meals
  • a sedentary lifestyle
  • injury
  • an insect bite
  • internal disease (heart, liver, kidneys, endocrine system)
  • allergies, including drugs (hormonal and anti -inflammatory drugs)
Witer's arms after an insect bite.
Witer's arms after an insect bite.

The reasons for dropsy of the hands are usually:

  1. Syndrome of the upper hollow vein. Simultaneously with the swelling of the hands, a bluish tint of the skin, the appearance of a capillary mesh, nasal bleeding, headache, and a drop in vision are observed.
  2. Diseases of the nervous system. Witron of hands and fingers on the hands can develop after a stroke, accompany the cubital channel syndrome, so on.
  3. Thrombophlebitis. If a subcontracting vein thrombosis occurs, the hand swells from the corresponding side. The upper limb becomes heavy, quickly gets tired. At the same time, the patient complains of shortness of breath.
  4. Lymphadenitis and lymphangite. The outflow of lymph in inflamed vessels and nodes leads to swelling of the hands, increase temperature, and general weakness. At the same time, the lymph nodes are increased and painful.
  5. Mastectomy. The edges of the hand can be observed in the postoperative period and descends, after the development of the outflow of blood and lymph in the limbs will be restored.

Important: the causes of dropsy of the hands can also be sought on the surface. For example, swelling is a reaction to hand cream if the product contains an allergen. And the fingers swell with those who have been working at the computer for a long time.

If a person spends the whole day on his feet, walks in uncomfortable shoes (and a woman-in heels for more than 2-3 hours a day), in the evening some swelling of the legs, which passes quickly, and in itself.

Swelling of the legs from uncomfortable shoes.
Swelling of the legs from uncomfortable shoes.

But the reasons for dropsy of the legs and feet are much more serious:

  1. Bombosis of the vessels of the lower extremities. It is observed in bedridden patients, accompanied by the blue of the skin, soreness, shortness of breath.
  2. Heart failure. The feet and lower legs swell after sitting, appear not only in the evening, but also after sleep.
  3. Renal failure. When the kidneys do not cope with their work, and water is not excreted from the body in sufficient quantities, mainly in the morning the patient has swelling of the legs, face and lower back.
  4. Varicose veins. Witer is associated with impaired venous blood outflow.
The severity of dropsy of the legs.
The severity of dropsy of the legs.

Video: swelling of the legs causes and treatment of swelling of the legs with folk remedies

Witer on the legs and arms of the elderly, adults and children: symptoms

If the dropsy of the limb appeared only once, she went through herself, most likely she was a physiological reaction. If the arms and legs swell systematically, swelling exacerbates, it is definitely about pathology, you need to consult a doctor without fail. These are the symptoms of dropsy, which should alert:

  1. Both or one of the limbs immediately swell at once.
  2. To the touch, a swollen place is like the dough.
  3. The skin on the swollen area is glossy stretched, pale and loose, cyanotic. If trophic skin changes appear on it, this indicates a severe degree of edema.
  4. When pressed on a swollen place, a fossa-admit remains on it.
The hole on the skin on the palpation of dropsy.
The hole on the skin on the palpation of dropsy.

Doda with diabetes: Symptoms

In people with diabetes, carbohydrate metabolism and other nutrient metabolism occurs, which is why the vessels of all calibers are affected. Often, for this reason, dropsy of the legs develops.
When the permeability of blood vessels in a patient increases with diabetes, transudate goes into the near -vascular space, accumulates there. In conjunction with changes in blood viscosity, protein deficiency, damage to soft tissues, skin, joints, dropsy gives a diabetic foot syndrome. The power of the lower tissues is disturbed, irreversible trophic changes in the tissues occur, necrosis develops.
Witron in diabetics manifests itself:

  • swelling of the legs
  • numbness of the legs
  • sensitivity to temperatures, especially low (legs freeze all the time)
  • fridges (marbled) of the skin of the legs
  • the skin dries, thickens and ulcerates
Witer with diabetes.
Witer with diabetes.

If the diabetic dropsy of the lower limb is ignored, the so -called “amputation of the foot” will occur (the power of the limb is missing almost completely), the ulcer will affect the larger area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, “delve into” the muscles and bones, there will be a risk of joining the infectious process and the development of gangrene.
How to care for your feet and remove swelling, the doctor should tell the diabetics.

Swelling of the arms and legs - dropsy: what to do?

Important: having discovered swelling of the arms, legs, fingers or feet, you must consult a doctor.
If the patient himself does not imply for what reason he had dropsy, he should come to the therapist. He will conduct an external inspection, confirm the edema, give a referral for tests. Based on the results of a blood and urine examination, it will be possible to assume what disease led to fluid delayed. The patient will be sent to the doctor - a specialist:

  • cardiologist
  • nephrologist
  • vertobrologist
  • endocrinologist, so on
Witmark of the limbs - an occasion to see a doctor.
Witmark of the limbs - an occasion to see a doctor.

It will be possible to fight the wannel with the help of pharmacological drugs and folk remedies.

Video: 5 facts about edema

Treatment of dropsy of hands and legs with drugs and drugs

Important: they are treated, first of all, not the dropsy itself, but the disease, if one entailed it.

Therapy will be prescribed by the appropriate specialist. At the same time, measures are being taken to reduce edema.
The patient is shown a special mode:

  1. Depending on the case, physical rest or physiotherapy exercises is prescribed.
  2. Sometimes the patient is indicated by a therapeutic drainage massage.
  3. The patient's medical diet provides for a restriction in water consumption.
The drug for dropsy of the arms and legs: heparin ointment.
The drug for dropsy of the arms and legs: heparin ointment.

Witroe caused by a violation of the outflow of blood is treated with ointments, creams and gels - phlebotonics. The most effective heparin ointment, troxavasine, liotone, detralex are considered. Inside, drugs that thinning blood are prescribed - Aspkhard, Cardiomagnil, Lospiril.

The drug for dropsy of the arms and legs: furosemide.
The drug for dropsy of the arms and legs: furosemide.

Heart and kidney edema treat:

  • diuretics - furosemide, hypotiazide, Veroshpyrone
  • potassium preparations - Asparkam, Panangin
  • preparations of plant origin - Kanefron, Hofitol
The drug for dropsy of the arms and legs: hofitol.
The drug for dropsy of the arms and legs: hofitol.

Important: the dosage and duration of the course of receiving funds from dropsy are determined by the doctor.

Treatment of dropsy of hands and legs with folk remedies: recipes

After the approval of the doctor, the edema of the limbs can be treated with juices.

IMPORTANT: SOKOLOPISION is carried out exclusively fresh squeezes of fruits and vegetables with a pulp content of up to 10 percent. Even after several hours of storage in the refrigerator, juices lose most of their healing properties. Canned and packaged juices from stores are not suitable.

The recommended dose of juices is up to 600 ml per day, if you can’t drink so much, you do not need to force yourself.
Witer is treated with juices:

  • cucumber (100 ml of clean, it is added to apple, carrot, beetroot)
  • celery (also up to 100 ml per day)
  • pumpkin
  • carrots
  • beets
  • apples
Folk remedy for dropsy: juices.
Folk remedy for dropsy: juices.

You can make drainage baths for arms and legs. Grasses are brewed for them: chamomile, fragrant seitnes, figs, clover, oak -dubrovnik.
Swelling limbs are also carefully rubbed with alcohol tincture of Kalanchoe.

Folk remedy for dropsy: viburnum with honey.
Folk remedy for dropsy: viburnum with honey.

Important: as a folk remedy for dropsy, you can use a vitamin mixture of viburnum berries, viburnum juice and honey.

What herbs are taken with dropsy of the arms and legs?

Herbs with dropsy are also taken orally.
Recipe 1: Brusnic leaf decoction.

  • 2 teaspoons of lingonberry leaves
  • 250 ml of water
  1. The leaves are boiled in boiling water for a quarter of an hour.
  2. After 30-40 minutes, the cooled broth is drained through a sieve.
  3. Drink a decoction of 3 tbsp. tablespoons during the day.
Brusnic leaf decoction.
Brusnic leaf decoction.

Recipe 2: Wild buzina tincture (root).

  • 0.5 teaspoons
  • 200 ml of water
  1. The powder is poured with a glass of boiling water.
  2. The drug is infused and filtered.
  3. The infusion of the root of the wild drink in two doses.
Infusion of wild elderberry.
Infusion of wild elderberry.

Recipe 3: A decoction of parsley in milk.


  • 800 g parsley of greenery
  • 1 liter of milk
  1. Washed and crushed parsley is sent to boiled milk.
  2. They languish the decoction over low heat until half the volume of milk evaporates.
  3. Filter a decoction.
  4. Drink 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of decoction every hour.
Parsley in milk.
Parsley in milk.

Video: Get rid of swelling of the legs in 5 minutes

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  1. Thank you, for 4 days I was tormented by swelling of the legs due to the heat. The massage from the last video helped, moved from the dead point, the legs were puzzled, they were white, like a dead man with veins.

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