The intrauterine spiral of Juno Bio-T AG with silver: pros and cons, introduction instructions, reviews

The intrauterine spiral of Juno Bio-T AG with silver: pros and cons, introduction instructions, reviews

Indications, contraindications and instructions for installing a spiral of Juno Bio-T AG with silver.

There are a lot of contraception methods that allow you to prevent the emergence of a new life. Most often, in our time it uses barriers to methods such as condoms. However, this method is not popular among couples who live with each other for a long time and are legal spouses. In this case, the ideal option is to install a spiral. In this article we will talk about the spiral of Juno with silver. 

The spiral of Juno Bio-T AG silver: characteristics, advantages

Most often, women who live sex with a permanent partner can prescribe oral contraceptives, that is, tablets, or recommend the installation of a spiral. Reception of oral contraceptives can be considered a simpler manipulation, since it does not require the participation of a gynecologist during the installation and removal of the subject of contraception. However, there are a lot of reasons why the use of oral contraceptives is undesirable.

The spiral of Juno Bio-T AG with silver, advantages:

  • The fact is that after the cancellation of contraceptives, it is necessary to try to protect yourself and prevent pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the body needs about six months in order to completely restore the normal cycle.
  • After removing such a contraceptive, there is no need for so long. You can start conception immediately. In addition, such a contraceptive does not contain any hormones, but is a mechanical agent that prevent the penetration of sperm into the uterus. Now on the shelves of pharmacies there are a huge number of spirals that differ in their shape, composition, as well as content.
  • The simplest are plastic contraceptive means, which are currently practically not used. This is due to the fact that they are poorly fixed inside the cervix, can slip out of itstuffing, or severe bleeding during menstruation. Similar contraceptives of the second generation include copper products. However, the fact is that copper can oxidize, which negatively affects the state of health of the woman and the mucous membrane of the uterus.Therefore, it is also advisable not to use such contraceptives due to quick oxidation and a short service life.

The spiral from the pregnancy of Juno Bio T-shaped: instructions for introduction

Copper products were replaced by a new version of contraception, such as silver. In fact, almost all the spirals with silver made of copper, but with a slight silver content. It is it that prevents the rapid oxidation of the contraceptive, and its service life is also extended. In addition, silver is a metal that disinfects and prevents the penetration and development of conditionally pathogenic flora into the vagina.

Accordingly, a woman, subject to all hygiene rules, and if there is a permanent partner, the risk of getting vaginitis is minimized. Women who have spirals are much less likely to suffer from a thrush, as well as vaginosis or vaginitis, which is provoked by conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, for example, such as E. coli. 

High -quality contraception
High -quality contraception

The spiral from the pregnancy of Juno Bio T-shaped, instructions:

  • As for the juno spiral with silver, this is a fairly cheap version of contraception. The cost of this product is low, the service life is up to 5 years, and the percentage of efficiency is 98%. This is a fairly high probability of protection, the condom allows you to protect yourself by about 99%.
  • The most interesting thing is that due to the presence of silver, the risk of endometritis after childbirth is minimized. In general, such contraceptives are recommended to women who had complications during childbirth, and perhaps not all blood came out, or pieces of placenta inside the uterus remained.
  • Thus, this prevents the growth of bacterial flora and improves health.
  • For introduction, it is necessary to use a special piston and tube. The piston is placed on the cervix channel. For expansion, use mirrors and a clamp for the lower lip of the cervix. After that, the piston with a fixed tube is clamped.
  • The contraceptive is introduced inside. It is necessary to put pressure on it until you replace the limiter. The pipe with the piston is extracted, the antennae is cut, it is necessary that they stick out of the cervical canal 2 cm. All manipulations are carried out by the doctor.
  • Extraction is carried out by pulling the funds for antennae on the 3-7 day of the menstrual cycle.

On what day of menstruation is the spiral of Juno bio -t AG with silver?

Juno spiral with silvermade In the form of an umbrella, which makes its introduction and the toe is almost imperceptible.

On what day of menstruation is the spiral of Juno Bio-T with silver:

  • They put the product in the vagina during menstruation, for about 3 fifth day. At this time, the cervix is \u200b\u200bslightly opened, so an extraneous item can be introduced into it.The procedure is carried out in the office of a gynecologist and is almost painless.
  • From the cervix, only small antennae sticks out of the uterus as a result of installation, which, if necessary, can be cut. Accordingly, there is no discomfort during sex. 
  • In the same way, the removal of the contraception is carried out during menstruation. Typically, removal occurs due to its not taking place, as well as due to the fact that the service life passes.
At the appointment with the doctor
At the appointment with the doctor

Side effects from the spiral of Juno Bio-T AG

It is worth noting that Juno showed itself perfectly, and causes a minimum of complications. Of course, you should be prepared for some side effects that can occur during the installation of a spiral and its stay inside.

Side effects from the spiral of Juno Bio-T AG:

  • Typically, many note that menstruation become longer. A couple of days before menstruation and two days after them, smearing brown discharge may be observed.This is due to the fact that the mucous membrane as a result of the effect of this contraceptive can increase, and during menstruation it comes out a little more than usual. Some women note the inconvenience during love, due to the fact that the antennae can interfere.
  • However, when cutting them, and the correct installation, there are no unpleasant sensations. It is worth noting that immediately after installation, it is necessary to try not to lift weights, and also not to make love. This is necessary for the contraceptive to take root. Gynecologists note that Juno practically does not grow to the neck, and is easily extracted. 
  • Intermenstructure Men. That is, the release of brown or red between menstruation. Usually they are not plentiful and disappear within 3 months from the date of installation of contraception. This is due to the take -off of the product inside the cervix.  
  • Soreness and abundance of menstruation. That is, menstruation can become plentiful. According to gynecologists, it usually also takes place within 3-6 months after the installation of a contraceptive.  
  • The risk of infections and injury to the uterus increases. Despite the fact that the spiral contains silver ions that prevent the emergence and growth of pathogenic microflora, it is still a foreign body, to which the body can react inadequately.  
  • Perforation of the wall of the uterus. This happens extremely rarely due to the fact that the spiral pierces the wall of the uterus. As a result of this, bleeding may begin.  
High -quality contraception
High -quality contraception

Spiral Juno Bio-T AG, reviews

Usually such a spiral is recommended to be set immediately after the birth of a child. This reduces the risk of getting pregnant during lactation, when menstruation is irregular or completely absent. They usually recommend women who already have one child. In general, after removing the spiral, there are practically no complications, as well as difficulties with conceiving the baby. However, before installation, try to chat with the girls who installed or are now protected with a juno spiral. There are both positive and negative reviews about installation. A few of them are presented below. 

Spiral Juno Bio-T AG, reviews:

Marina, 35 years old. I installed a spiral immediately after the birth of a second child at 32 years old. Now I’m going with a spiral for the third year. Everything suits me, did not feel any uncomfortable sensations. The menstruation did not become longer, remained absolutely the same as they were. In general, very satisfied. No need to drink pills that cost a huge bunch of money. The spiral in general is worth a penny, given that it has been working for 5 years. 

Veronica, 28 years old. Not so long ago I installed a spiral, but after a while I had to remove it. She didn't suit me. During menstruation, bleeding was observed, and in general they practically did not end. We can say that only 7 days from the entire cycle I could normally make love. This is not a protection, but a real torment. Therefore, 3 months after installation, I went to the doctor and took it off. It turned out that the spiral did not suit me due to physiological characteristics. 

Oksana, 23 years old. More recently, she gave birth to the first child, and at the examination after childbirth, the doctor invited me to put a spiral, and I agreed. In general, if I learned a little more information, perhaps I would choose another option. Juno bribed me at its price, as well as almost complete security. In general, in general, I am satisfied, but the menstruation has become longer. Now instead of 5 days, my menstruation lasts 7 days. I do not experience any unpleasant sensations, or pulling pain in the lower abdomen. In general, I have been protected for 8 months with this spiral. There are no unpleasant sensations during sex either. I am satisfied, and my husband too. Now there is no need to worry and think that you can get pregnant. 

The appearance of the spiral
The appearance of the spiral

Contraindications to the spiral of Juno Bio-T AG

Despite the simplicity of installation and effectiveness, this means of contraception can not be suitable for everyone. There are contraindications to installation.

Contraindications to the spiral of Juno Bio-T AG:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the body of the uterus and appendages 
  • Ectopic pregnancy in the past 
  • Endometritis or endometriosis 
  • Inflammation of the cervix, dysplasia, erosion, as well as cervicitis 
  • The presence of malignant and benign neoplasms in the body of the uterus 
  • Individual intolerance to the alloy from which a contraceptive is made 
Before installation
Before installation

Many gynecologists warn their patients and say that after installing this contraceptive there may be side effects. 

Video: Juno spiral with silver

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Comments K. article

  1. I stood with me. I was very tormented, as a nightmare I remember. Legs swelled away, menstruation walked for 2 weeks. Why should I protect myself if you can’t have sex with this spiral normally?

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