The effect of color on humans, color treatment. The use of color therapy to relieve stress in children, in psychology, for the treatment of diseases. The value of colors in color therapy

The effect of color on humans, color treatment. The use of color therapy to relieve stress in children, in psychology, for the treatment of diseases. The value of colors in color therapy

The value of colors in color therapy. Treatment of diseases in adults and children.

  • The world is full of colors and therefore interesting. Human eyes are distinguished by colors, their shades are distinguished
  • Our ancestors noticed a reaction healing for the human body from contemplation of a particular color. Therefore, they paid special attention to his choice, the layout of the home and its color, clothes
  • Color is able to activate and extinguish the processes occurring in the body and psyche of a person. These properties are explained by the wave nature of each specific color. So it acts on the pituitary gland and pineal gland that are responsible for the production of hormones
  • Accordingly, the former either give a signal to their intensive work, or to a decrease in the rate of appearance
Let's talk more about color therapy, its features of application and benefits for humans.

Color for the treatment of diseases in children

Multi -colored fingers and palms of the baby
multi -colored fingers and palms of the baby
Children are impressionable in nature and prone to a deeper perception of everything they see. Perhaps because the treatment of their diseases has a positive effect:
  • red color has a beneficial effect on the treatment of skin diseases, including scarlet fever, chickenpox. The alternation of red and yellow rays remove anemia, apathy in babies, contribute to an increase in their physical activity, weight growth
  • orange is indicated with weakness of the heart and impaired lung activities. He treats the flu well if it is directed to the spleen area, and the green throat
  • yellow is the color of view. It is soft for eye perception and adjusts many of their diseases
  • blue proved its beneficial effect in mental disorders of a violent nature, relaxation of the muscles of the eyes
  • blue reduces the manifestations of jaundice, vitiligo, promotes scarring of burns, a decrease in appetite
  • green calms and relaxes, effective in the treatment of claustrophobia
  • blue, blue and green have a calming effect, relax the children's psyche, set up for sleep, give peace. Therefore, psychologists and designers are united in the opinion of the choice of such a color scheme for a bedroom room
  • violet color works to maintain the balance of internal processes of the skin, strengthen immunity, leveling blood pressure, mental health
  • pink heals kids even in a hospital. It is enough to use the linen of this shade

Methods of treatment with color

Color treatment - diagnostics of health by chakras
color treatment - diagnostics of health by chakras
Since people have used color therapy for a long time, there are many methods of its practice. Globally divide them into 2 groups:
  • special
  • everyday
The first can be attributed to treatment in:
  • clinics and specially equipped rooms in medical institutions
  • organization of space for color therapy in enterprises/firms involving a medical specialist
  • clinics or psychologists' offices by concentrating the patient on the color depicted on a sheet of paper
  • selection of minerals and applying them to sore spots according to a scheme determined by a specialist
In the second group you will find various ways of home treatment with color:
  • interior at home and rooms
  • clothes
  • table setting
  • food consumption of a particular color at a particular point in time, for example, orange in lunch, green - for dinner
  • eating water charged with one color. To do this, wrap a transparent vessel with paper or polyethylene of the desired shade and put it in the sun for several hours. Or dip the healing mineral and insist water with it under the sun's rays

The value of colors in color therapy

Flower palette in color therapy
flower palette in color therapy
Each color and shade carry certain information and vibrations. We distinguish them subconsciously and with the help of the eyes.
If you look at the value of colors in color therapy, then:
  • red has a warming effect, has a beneficial effect on blood flow, muscle function. He is able to cheer up a person, structure his emotions and thoughts
  • orange awakens the fire of digestion and normalizes breathing. It stimulates the production of hormones of joy. It was noticed that he can cure a person from infertility
  • yellow - the color of the sun and organs located near the solar plexus. Is able to inspire confidence, perseverance, forces especially before important negotiations
  • the green color personifies life, optimism, harmony with the outside world. The heart and lungs are especially susceptible to him
  • blue - the color of the seekers of truth. Activates mental processes, normalizes the activities of the urine system, relaxes the body and psyche before bedtime
  • blue color is loved by our bone system, organs of vision and breathing. It perfectly quenches pain, treats various kinds of dependencies
  • violet has simultaneously strength and softness, combines the energy of the body and spirit in itself. Affects the pineal gland, which means the mental and emotional work of our body
Be careful in working with flowers, since their overabundance provokes the reverse reaction - instead of curing from the disease, the latter intensifies.

Treatment in color therapy with green color

Therapeutic green color in nature
therapeutic green color in nature
The most harmonious and inspiring hope in color therapy is green. He personifies:
  • love
  • friendly relations
  • generosity and abundance
  • comfort
For the human body, it is useful:
  • as a regulator of coordinated heart function, respiratory and vision
  • in the role of anti -allergen and warnings of inflammatory processes
  • the ability to align the activities of sick kidneys
  • as an eliminator of headaches and dizziness

For our psyche, green is shown:

  • to relieve stresses, especially after the strongest experiences and stress
  • as a means for relaxation, restoration of inner harmony, calm
  • for decision -making, even in the most difficult situations
  • as a deliverer from negative feelings and emotions
Contemplation of natural green color streamlines thoughts, reduces mental excitement, prompts to think and determine the further plan of action.

What to treat yellow?

Yellow tulips are pleasant for the eye
yellow tulips are pleasant for the eye

Confident and ridiculous yellow color has a power in the treatment of our body and mind.

On the physical plane, it contributes to work:
  • digestive system
  • organs around the solar plexus
  • liver
  • heads - enhances concentration, memory
  • skin
  • excretory system, especially during the period of cleaning procedures
  • the whole organism in getting rid of toxins and excess weight
  • metabolic processes, especially liquids
Psychologically, he is strong in:
  • overcoming shyness, self -doubt, depressive and gloomy views on life
  • giving energy, liveliness to the mind, sophistication, concentration
  • improving curiosity and interest in life
  • improving common mood
  • establishing communicative ties between people. The latter feel the need to talk, express everything that has boiled in their souls

When to use white?

White flower healing in color therapy
white flower healing in color therapy
White color simultaneously personifies innocence and death, the transition from one stage of being to another.
It acts on the psyche as a cleanser from negativity. Dress white clothes if you are currently in a difficult and gloomy period of life.
In most religious movements of the world, white color is associated with holiness, immaculate, chastity, female essence.

What treats blue?

Blue clouds - a reflection of natural blue
blue clouds - a reflection of natural blue
The activator of intuition and the executor of desires - this is what they say about blue in color therapy. He is also the only strong painful color of the entire spectrum.
On physical terms, they are treated:
  • eye diseases, ears, brain
  • bone system, especially the spine
  • diseases of the endocrine system
  • deviations in blood pressure
  • manifestations of menopause in women
  • painful menstruation
  • respiratory organs and airspace from pollution
  • bruises, colds, asthma, skin diseases
  • habits harmful to health - smoking, alcohol and narcotic dependence
He is mentally capable of:
  • restore healthy brain and psyche in general
  • calm, instill confidence in the happy resolution of any situation
  • relax, lay down
  • to instill a sense of comfort and security
  • remove negative emotions and soreness from memories
  • inspire new achievements

Treatment in red

Red dress in a girl
red dress in a girl
The brightness and warmth of red color has a beneficial effect on both the general well -being of a person and his mental state.
From the point of view of the body, he is capable of:
  • it is beneficial to influence the circulatory system, expand the vessels, eliminate blockages, dilute blood, stimulate the production of red blood bodies
  • strengthen immunity and memory, increase low hemoglobin, help in the harmonious course of cleaning procedures
  • align the work of the liver, the glands of internal secretion
  • eliminate hypotension, anemia, colds, infectious and skin diseases
  • stimulate brain activity
  • reinstate the body weakened
At the level of the red mind, it acts as follows:
  • activates internal energy reserves
  • adds energetic, self -confidence, enterprise
  • removes from depression, suppressed conditions, melancholy

How to use pink, orange, purple?

Meadow flowers of orange, pink, yellow and white color
meadow flowers of orange, pink, yellow and white color
The color of delicate love is pink. It is used for:
  • heart treatment and restoration of his strength
  • getting rid of depression, melancholy
  • accelerating the process of recovery of children who lie in the hospital
  • elimination of diseases in the pelvic area
  • giving the skin of the hips and buttocks of healthy velvety
  • relaxation of mental and physical
Orange - the color of cheerful optimists, positive thinking and health. He copes with:
  • the function of cleansing the body due to the relationship with the spleen
  • saturation of the body and spirit with positive, faith in yourself, a healthy assessment of your strength
  • giving vitality and joy, wise judgment in difficult periods of life
  • transformation of negative emotions into creative
  • adopting their fate and all its turns, while maintaining the ability to start life from scratch
A mysterious purple color will appeal to those who are subject to emotional pitching, want to part with excess weight. In addition, he:
  • favorable for the organs of vision, immune and lymphatic systems
  • reduces heart rhythm, migraines, skin rashes, eye fatigue
  • protects from loneliness

Treatment of pain with color

Colored cheerful children's palms
colored cheerful children's palms
Scientists around the world have paid a lot to studying the effect of color on human perception, treatment of diseases. In particular, Russian minds based on research have developed a computer program that allows diagnostics of hospital patients to determine the nature of pain.
According to their works, there are three types of pain:
  • somatogenic - provoked by injuries, cancer, surgical operations, chronic diseases of tissues and joints
  • neurogenic-arising due to damage to the central and peripheral nervous system
  • psychogenic - is observed due to the prolonged influence of stressful situations, difficult periods of life. Medical examinations of the patient with this type of pain usually do not bark any results, that is, from the point of view of physical health, a person has no disease
Interestingly, all patients associate the lack of pain with green, yellow, less often red spectrum. So it can be assumed that it is these colors that have an analgesic effect on a person.

Color therapy in psychology

Colored pencils for drawing as a method of therapy
colored pencils for drawing as a method of therapy
The knowledge of our ancestors about the effect of color on a person was proved by scientists in practice.
  • Our eyes are able to perceive three colors - red, blue and green due to the presence of the corresponding cones in the structure of the visual apparatus. And we distinguish shades depending on the percentage mixing of primary colors
  • If no of the colors is captured by an eye, we say that we see black
  • If you have a specific goal to reduce the manifestations of the disease at the physical or psychological levels, study color therapy and select the desired color to achieve it
  • Scientists went further and proved that human skin is able to distinguish and assimilate the vibrations of a particular color. For this, a number of studies were conducted with the placement of a stripped person in rooms of different colors, including dark, devoid of lighting
  • Look into the works of the great doctors of antiquity. For example, Avicenna advised her patients to wearing clothes and natural minerals of a particular color, change of colors of the walls of the dwelling, taking a bath with painted water
  • The contemplation of living natural landscapes and depicted in the picture also causes certain emotions and associations in us. For example, a cloudy day of late autumn or a bright sunny summer day instill in us longing or joy, happiness.

The use of color therapy to relieve stress

Drawing with colorful paints with fingers as a method of stress relief
drawing with colorful paints with fingers as a method of stress relief
  • The dynamism of the modern world leaves its mark on every person. Therefore, the number of stress does not decrease
  • There are enough methods for overcoming them, among them, color therapy, or chromotherapy, took a worthy place
  • Thanks to scientific and practical works of scientists, we can independently choose the desired color and work with it in order to relax, bring our body and mental state in balance
A few tips for those who want to try treatment with color in order to free themselves from an easy stress of an irregular nature:
  • red color is contraindicated in people suffering from hypertension
  • blue to avoid hypotonic
  • green color springs relapses in those who suffer from cancer
  • avoid prolonged contact with only one color, it should be changed
  • black Cauler will never lead you out of stress and depression
If you are in a state of depression for years, then one chromotherapy will be not enough. Be sure to contact a specialist for advice and help.
Practice treatment with color with:
  • special lamps painted in different collars
  • lamps for lamps, lampshades
  • special glasses
  • charged with a specific color under the sun's rays
  • accepting a colored bath. You can stain water, for example, using colored sea salt
  • wearing the clothes of the desired shade
  • food intake of one or another color

Color therapy: exercises

Formation of bouquets from flowers as a method of color therapy
formation of bouquets from flowers as a method of color therapy
Consider several different color therapy exercises:
  • rainbow - to relieve fatigue, gaining vitality and energy. Exercise is lying with closed eyes. Turn on a pleasant meditative composition or sounds of nature. Imagine that you were a summer day in the forest in a tent. Hear the singing of birds, the noise of foliage and small rain. You relax, filled with joy, unity with the sounds of nature. The rain ended and you went out. Around you, a sparkling world and a rainbow between the trees. Imagine that you can fly and rise to her. Slowly plunge into the beneficial vibrations of each color of the rainbow in turn. Lying on each of them for 20 seconds. Then feel your body, condition. When you are ready, slowly open your eyes. Look at a short video about the rainbow to consolidate the effect
  • to eliminate myopia, pictures or cards with landscapes are used, in which there are many either white, either purple or black colors. Thus, areas of the brain that are responsible for concentration on remote objects are stimulated, which means that the eye muscles are training. After the end of the lesson, close your eyes for a couple of minutes and relax
  • yellow square. Prepare a square of yellow paper in size 40x40. Fasten it at a distance of a meter and a half from the chair on which you will sit. For a quarter of an hour, look at him without being distracted. Then close your eyes for a couple of minutes and relax. Your brain will independently convey yellow vibration to those organs that need it
  • with a candle and a picture for training vision. Place a lit candle at a distance of a meter away from you. Alternately take the picture in one or the other hand. Pull it as much as possible so that a candle is visible in your field of vision. Try to clearly see what is shown in the picture. This result should be achieved with both eyes

Color therapy: Games

Children play with colored toys
children play with colored toys
Treatment and adjustment of the mental state with color is equally good for both children and adults. Only due to the fact that the kids believe in miracles and are more willing to include in the game, more opportunities have been developed for them for chromotherapy:
  • dancing with scarves or pieces of fabric of a particular color
  • compilation of drawings from multi -colored pieces
  • coming up with colorful stories
  • association of your mood with a specific color
  • coloring
  • search for objects of a particular color
  • games with pencils, felt -tip pens, crayons, colored paper
Among adults, coloring in the form of mandalas was widespread - this is a drawing consisting of small repeated segments, each of which is painted in its color.
  • During the work to paint over the fragments of the drawing, you calm down, pondering the event of your life, enrich yourself with the colors that you use in the process
  • So, we examined the meaning of colors and their influence on humans, including with the aim of curing specific ailments in adults and children. Identified exercises and games with tints suitable for any age
  • Color therapy as practical science has been tested by time and proved its relevance until the current moment. Moreover, she does not have side effects with reasonable use of accumulated knowledge

Video: The effect of color therapy on a person to cure diseases

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