Vitamins Elevit Pronatal - composition, application, use during pregnancy

Vitamins Elevit Pronatal - composition, application, use during pregnancy

Vitamins Elevit Pronatal are assigned to replenish the necessary components. Learn about the rules of admission in the article.

Retinol, riboflavin, amide nicotinic acid, thiamine mononitrate, cyanocobalamin, vitamin D3, vitamin B5, tocopherol acetate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, ascorbic acid, calcium, vitamin B7, phosphorus, iron, folic acid, marganese, magnesium, copper, zinc - zinc - from the calculation of the calculation of the calculation of the calculation of the calculation of the calculation On one tablet of the drug.

Vitamins Elevit Pronatal: release form

Available in the form of tablets covered with a shell. The tablets are packed in blisters of 10 or 20 pcs. In each. The total number of blisters in a pack of 3 to 10 pieces.

Vitamins Elevit Pronatal: Description of the drug

The elongated shape of the tablets with convex side sides, externally - is covered with a film shell. District tablets of a muffled color. They have a dividing line on one side. The drug is virtually no smell.

Vitamins Elevit Pronatal: Pharmacological effects

It is a medication that includes 12 key vitamins, trace elements and minerals. These substances are contained in the permissible norm calculated for a day.

  • Vitamin A - promotes the development of useful elements. Normalizes the functions of the skin and eyes.
  • Vitamin B1 - regulates the heart and nervous system, stabilizes blood circulation. Beneficial affects lipid, carbohydrate, protein metabolism of substances.
  • AT 2 - is responsible for the restoration function of tissues, improves cell construction.
  • AT 6 - takes the main position in the formation of metabolism in the body. Reduces the amount of cholesterol and lipids in the composition of the blood. Serves to normalize the work of the central nervous system and myocardium. Improves the function and integrity of bone matter, nail plate and tooth surface.
  • Vitamin B12 - serves to adjust the work of the nervous system. It promotes the construction of blood cells - it increases oxygen metabolism in case of hypoxia of acute or chronic shape. Prevents the development of insomnia.
  • Vitamins in groups - activate in the body the development of enzymes contributing to the normalization of metabolic processes.
  • Vitamin C - affects the construction of the dentition, strengthening the gums, the impact on the stages of the formation of bone matter. Helps strengthen the tissues of small vessels. Regulates tissue restoration and blood coagulation. Increases the immune barrier and suppresses the destructive effect in the attack of viral infections. Helps the absorption of iron and calcium by the body.
  • The task of vitamin D3 - control the balance of calcium and phosphorus during pregnancy. It supports the absorption and accumulation of these substances in the body, thereby prevents the risk of teeth and bone tissue damage.
  • Disadvantage of vitamin d It can lead to rickets in the fetus.
  • Vitamin E - Natural antioxidant. It allows you to improve the restoration function of the tissue due to the normalization of blood circulation. Vitamin is also necessary to eliminate the risks of pathology with the development of the placental membrane - regulates the production of gonadotropin in the body of the pregnant woman. Warns the occurrence of anemia. Develops the production of elastic fibers and collagen in the skin. The presence of folic acid in the drug - allows you to create an anti -enemic effect on the woman's body. This component is also important both during conception and throughout the period of bearing the fetus. Thanks to folic acid - the fetus receives the correct development of nerve cells. In the early stages of gestation and during conception, the use of the drug prevents pathological changes in the nerve tube of the fetus, splitting the spinal column and anencephalus. It also warns the danger of spontaneous abortion, early damage to the amniotic membrane, untimely birth. It has a restorative effect on a woman's nervous system after childbirth - relieves symptoms of depression.
  • Vitamin B7 - It is a substance that helps to absorb protein that improves fat, carbohydrate and protein balance. It helps to improve the structure of the nail and hairline, increases the skin turgor. Calcium pantothenic acid - affects fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism. It produces fatty acids and amino acids, histamine, hemoglobin and cholesterol.
  • Vitamin B3 - synthesizes the hormones of the adrenal glands. Allows you to increase the digestibility of other vitamins, and also affects the creation of antibodies and fat metabolism. Regulates redox movements.
  • Calcium - It serves for the full development of bone matter in a pregnant woman and fetus, normalizes blood coagulation and the functioning of the cardiac and vascular system. Calcium is involved in the control of the functions of impulses of nerve endings and skeletal, muscle contractions.
  • Phosphorus - shows the effect on the development of bone mass, tooth enamel, and the energy metabolism of the body.
  • Manganese - It affects the development of memory, relieves irritability, has an effect on the reproductive ability of the female body.
  • Iron - forms the cellular composition of the blood. The component component of hemoglobin, delivering oxygen to the tissues of the body.
  • Zinc - The component of the substance of many enzymes affecting the synthesis and metabolism of hormones structures hair and skin.
  • Copper - It is a substance that forms hemoglobin prevents the development of anemia. It affects the reproductive activity of the body, as well as the development of the embryo.
  • Magnesium - Participates in the construction of bones and muscles, is one of the components of the cell composition of tissues.

Vitamins Elevit Pronatal: Application

It is used as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent with a lack of appropriate elements in the body during the conception of the child and the primary stage of embryonic development, also in lactation, if there is a need at these moments to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients. The drug compensates the deficit vitamins and trace elements, which has a beneficial effect on conception and full development, and the power of the embryo in the early stage of its formation.


The use of the drug allows you to regulate the manifestations of negative symptoms when bearing the fetus: Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, increased fatigue. The tool is also used for the preventive purpose: to eliminate the development of congenital malformations of the fetus, eliminating the deficiency of iron and anemia, with a lack of folic acid during the period of bearing and lactation.

Vitamins Elevit Pronatal: Using Method

Vitamins are taken orally at the rate-one tablet once a day, after 10-15 minutes. after meal. The tablet must be washed down with abundant amounts of water. Taking the drug is designed for the course of three months before the alleged conception and the entire period of bearing the baby, as well as in moments of lactation.

The duration of preventive and therapeutic use is established regarding the general well -being of the pregnant and its medical indicators. Treatment with a medication is carried out strictly under the control of a medical specialist.

Vitamins Elevit Pronatal: Special Cautions

You can not take the drug if there is susceptibility to components of the composition, hypervitaminous condition, with renal and liver pathology, problems associated with the assimilation and processing, as well as the utilization of calcium and iron. In case of established disorders in the area of \u200b\u200bthe gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcer, the drug should be taken with caution, under the supervision of a doctor.

Vitamins are quite favorably absorbed by the body. In rare cases, the existence of diseases of the digestive system or the non -perception of the components of the drug, can entail the occurrence of the following symptoms: difficulty defecation, pain in the submarine zone, bouts of gastritis and colitis, ulcerative disease, skin allergic rashes, accompanied by itching and redness.

It is important to follow the rules
It is important to follow the rules

A headache or dizziness, sleep loss, increased emotionality can also occur. During the period of taking the drug, Urina acquires an enhanced orange shade, which is not a violation and is justified by the fact that Lactoflavin is present. Iron in the medicine - provokes a change in the black shade of feces, which is also not a pathology. If severe symptomatic manifestations are observed, you should immediately stop the use of the drug.

Eating according to the scheme does not give the effect of vitamin -free overabundance. The development of symptoms of an excess of vitamins A and D is expressed in the manifestation of vomiting, nausea, difficulty defecation and headaches. This means that it is necessary to immediately limit the use of tablets until the symptoms are eliminated.

Vitamins Elevit Pronatal: Impact on other medicines

Vitamin C increases side effects in the use of antimicrobial drugs of the sulfanilamide group. Do not use drugs containing vitamin and mineral complexes.

It should be taken into account, the purpose of tetracycline - reduces the ability to absorb iron by the body. For compatibility, the period of drug use should be two hours.

Elevite use during pregnancy and lactation

Based on practical research, vitamin A B exceeding the norms of doses at the initial stages of fetal development is able to provoke the development of defects in the embryo. It is necessary to take into account the amount of vitamin A and D in the daily grocery diet. These vitamins may be contained in products such as liver or fruit juices. You should also be attentive to exaggeration of the norms of consumption of vitamin D, capable of having a direct effect on the fetus.

During pregnancy
During pregnancy

When breastfeeding, you need to pay attention to other nutritional supplements used by the baby. The ability of calcium and vitamin D to concentrate in breast milk can lead to an overdose. The permissible dose of components during lactation for a woman is 50 μg during the day. The drug contains vitamin D in one tablet - 12.5 μg.

Vitamins Elevit Pronatal: measures and shelf life

This drug should be stored in a dark dry place. The savings temperature should not exceed 25 ° C. It is also necessary to prevent the access of children to the drug. The permissible shelf life is 2 years. It is not recommended to use the drug after expiration of the expiration date.

Video: Instructions for use Elevit Pronatal

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Comments K. article

  1. Good vitamins, in the first pregnancy of Elevit saw straight from the planning stage. And in the second I also wanted to, but it didn’t work to get pregnant, there was something with ovulation there. Therefore, at first I drank ovariamin so that the ovaries would work as it should, and when I realized that I was pregnant, I began to drink Elevit again.

  2. Vitamins are the right thing, but also citizens, if there are problems with the ovaries also play an important thing. The most important thing to drink everything under the strict observation of the gynecologist and constant monitoring of the level of hormones and then everything will be fine, like mine).

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