The temporomandibular joint: structure, anatomy, blood supply, innervation, movement, muscles, bones, articular surfaces, disk, capsule, classification, functional features, characteristics. IMFs diseases, types of diagnosis: pain syndrome, symptoms, arthrosis, arthritis, MRI, treatment, dislocation, subluxation, x -ray, inflammation, ankylosis, balancing, a doctor who treats

The temporomandibular joint: structure, anatomy, blood supply, innervation, movement, muscles, bones, articular surfaces, disk, capsule, classification, functional features, characteristics. IMFs diseases, types of diagnosis: pain syndrome, symptoms, arthrosis, arthritis, MRI, treatment, dislocation, subluxation, x -ray, inflammation, ankylosis, balancing, a doctor who treats

In this article you will find information about the temporomandibular joint. You will find out what diseases of this area exist and how to treat them.

The temporomandibular joint (VMS, LFS) is a connecting bone with cartilage, which fastens the basis of the cranial box and the lower jaw.

  • This is a pair node, since the movement of the head on the right side is impossible without moving the head on the left side, and vice versa.
  • Such a bone structure, like any other system in our body, can be subject to dysfunction and various diseases.
  • Read more about the structure and functional ability of this node, as well as about its diseases and pathologies.

Landing the mandibular joint: structure, anatomy, classification

Anatomy VMS
Anatomy VMS

Before you begin to understand the diseases of a particular system of the body, you need to know its structure, especially if the ailment applies to bones or cartilage, because it is a complex structure that is subjected to various influences from the outside.


Here is the scheme of the Building VMS:

Building VMS
Building VMS

This joint of the “muscle” type is paired with the other same knot on the opposite side of the cranial box. It is classified as a combined and income -loaded node. From above, this node is formed using bone heads of the lower jaw and temporal seeds. The hole in this node is concave inside, there is also a special tubercle, which is slightly protected and the protective mesial wall-all these are the surfaces of the intake. They have a special shape for good functionality and are slightly thrown forward compared to the neck.


ATS is the only diartrosis on the cranial box. The functioning of two nodes occurs simultaneously. According to the classification, it refers to condyle joints, but thanks to the cartilage-disc, it can rotate in three planes.

Landing the mandibular joint: functional features, characteristics

This node is involved in many different functions: chewing, development, creating speech and the ability to receive sounds for their further admission to the auricle, and it can also make movements forward, backward and to the sides. It has such functional features:

  • The joint form two connecting elements of the same structure. All their actions are performed in a synchronous order, and if such a simultaneous sequence is disturbed, the pathology of the node occurs.
  • It has a complex functional mechanism, which is based on the movement of the jaws and the transfer of neuroimpulses to the central nervous system.
  • Thanks to parallel and synchronous movements, complex and unique reflectors and their activities are carried out. It helps to close her teeth, chew and perform other functions.

The main distinguishing feature of the structure of this VMS is steaminess and synchronism in movements. Motor functions on one side and the other are completely identical.

TBU: blood supply, innervation

The movement of blood flow in the lower-chelulous node
The movement of blood flow in the lower-chelulous node

Nerve fibers and roots braid the entire surface of the joint.


Starting their movement from the base of the skull, the nerves help muscle and other soft tissues to be sensitive. The nerve root of the lower jaw originates from the cranial box and passes through the bottom, directly along the surface of the temple. Chewing and ear nerves help to be sensitive membranes of the node.

Blood supply

It is due to the presence of a large vascular mesh and its plexus. The sleepy artery is the main vein through which the MBM power occurs. The joints of the joint nourish the temporal artery and the vascular mesh located next to it. The outflow is performed through a vascular grid with small veins, which are woven into a large grid, and another vein, called the mandibular, is already coming from it.

Landing the mandibular joint: movements, disk, articular surfaces, bones, capsule

Bones, articular surfaces
Bones, articular surfaces

The meter fixes the position of the lower jaw in terms of the ratio to the upper. Thanks to this, it is the main apparatus for creating a direction in the planes for moving the lower jaw forward, to the sides and within the boundaries of its motor function.

Joint movement

Occurs in 3 directions. The receptors of this organ are closely related to elements of the periodontic system, chewing muscle tissue. The metro transmits signals to the Central Highway System about the position of the lower jaw so that coordinating movements and articulation are performed.

A special mechanism of the intake helps the proper setting of the jaws during the motor function. The lower jaw will be immobilized when the teeth are closed or the entire jaw is at rest. The load during food chewing on a metro is considered insignificant, since such a load during free movement is distributed equally, both on the lower and upper low-freedoms.


It is located between the two surfaces of the node. It is fibrous and consists of cartilage. The articular disc is not equipped with nerve roots, but the nutrition still occurs due to the lymphatic fluid and the liquid of the periarticular material. It is tightly attached to the joint with the help of elastic threads between the tubercle and the head. The thickness and shape of such a disk for each person is individual and depends on the shape of the hole in the lower jaw.


One of the denser, thick and strong parts of the TMS. It consists of fibrosis and endothelial connective tissue. The ligaments that are woven into the capsule help to perform the motor functions of the disk of the node and the head. At the same time, they limit and help to perform motor functions to the right, left, forward, backward, and also protect against stretching. Without them, there would be no such rigid fixation of the VMS.

The bones of the lower-chelulous joint
The bones of the lower-chelulous joint

Bone The heads are located at the very end of the condyle processes. Thanks to this, the structure of the bones, the lower part of the TBU is mobile. In infants and adults, this head is different in size, shape and structure.

Joint surfaces And the composition of the bones changes with each new month of the baby - during the appearance of milk teeth, they are overgrown with cartilary, and then new functions are acquired, chewing reflex abilities are developing, and it is so forth. The head of the lower jaw in each person has an individual size and shape. All this depends on the characteristics of the body, developing factors, human activity and changes in the body with age.

The mandibular fossa is located between the temple, a hillock and a zygomatic process. This hole from the auditory pass is protected by a thin bone plate, and the bone arch separates from the eardrum of the eardrum. Thanks to such dividing plates, infections do not get inside the TMS and various complex pathological processes do not develop.

The structure of the bones of the underwear node of an adult
The structure of the bones of the underwear node of an adult

In young children up to a year, the articular tubercle is absent and appears only by 12 months. It will be completely formed by 6-8 years of life. In older people, this tubercle, on the contrary, decreases, due to the loss of teeth and deformation of the jaw.

Landing the mandibular joint: muscles

Muscle tissues of the lower-chelulous node
Muscle tissues of the lower-chelulous node

Under the influence of muscles The head of the lower jaw is located. Until now, there are disputes between the scientists about how the correct position of the head should be.

  • Some experts argue that the joint will be correctly located and the person will be comfortable if his head is near the hillock of the tubercle.
  • Others are sure that the head should be in the deepest part of the nodal fossa.
  • After the latest studies, it became clear that the right position of the head of the node does not exist. In addition, there is completely no rule of the pattern of its location.
  • At rest, its position will depend on muscle tone, and when moving - on the location of the jaws.

VMS is surrounded by such muscle groups:

Name muscle groups VMS
Name muscle groups VMS

Any muscle that is attached to the lower jaw helps to move in the node. The restrictive ability of the volume of movements in the node is determined mainly by muscles, and only some of the motor function - the shape of the articular surfaces, as well as binding tissues.

The work of the chewing muscles is regulated by the central nervous system. This muscle group carries the main load when moving the lower jaw. The work of all muscles in the IMC is regulated by periodontal receptors. Thanks to this, a uniform resistant, but insignificant load is performed on both sides.

Diseases of the temporal mandibular joint: pain syndrome, symptoms, balancing

For the first time, Academician Kostenko spoke about VMS dysfunction. This was the first scientist who studied the functional diseases of the node. His name is the dysfunction of Kostenko. There is a violation of the motor capacity of the ITS, which should move simultaneously on the right and left in synchronized order. When pathology appears, the rights and the left side begin to work asymmetrically. Details about this disease and its treatment, read the article on our website.

The reasons for such a pathology can be different:

The state due to which the dysfunction of the lower-melting node occurs
The state due to which the dysfunction of the lower-melting node occurs

At the beginning of the development of the disease, the symptoms can be so minimal that it is almost invisible to a person. But, if you do not contact the doctor in a timely manner, then the pain intensifies and the amount of unpleasant sensations increases.

Symptoms of dysfunction include the following sensations:

Symptoms of node dysfunction
Symptoms of node dysfunction

During the treatment of MBM dysfunction, the patient needs to reduce the load on the node - consume only soft and liquid food, limit speech. To eliminate the pain, blockade, NSAIDs, intra -articular injections, massage, physiotherapeutic procedures, as well as various drugs that will help reduce pain are prescribed.

It is important to undergo treatment with a dentist to create a correct bite. Many patients are prescribed psychotherapy and bos therapy, which teach relaxation, namely chewing muscles.

It is also useful to fulfill balancing TMB. It is balancing that is often becoming the number one method in the treatment of various diseases of this node. This is the process of relaxation of the joint muscles, without outside intervention, painful procedures and tools. It is carried out by a specialist using the use of a special relaxation methodology.

Inflammatory diseases of the ITS and their treatment: arthrosis, arthritis and other inflammations

Arthritis TMS - This is an inflammatory process with pain that they give to the ear and the temporal part of the head. With this disease, body temperature may increase, it is impossible to completely close the teeth, and there is also a limitation of opening the oral cavity. For the treatment of this disease, antibiotics, intra -articular injections, physiotherapeutic procedures and myogymnastics are prescribed.

Arthrosis - This is a more complex disease that leads to a violation of the power mechanism of this node. Different endocrine, neurodistrophic and metabolic disorders predispose to the appearance of this disease. Arthrosis can also develop if you do not begin timely treatment of the inflammatory process. Here are the conditions that may precede the development of arthrosis:

Conditions due to which arthrosis of the lower-chelulous node develops
Conditions due to which arthrosis of the lower-chelulous node develops

More often, several conditions are combined that lead to an undesirable load on the node. As a result, the cartilage wears out, partially destroys, which leads to a slowdown in the processes of the synthesis of the joint structure. The knot can no longer amortize the load, losing elastic properties. In those places where large pressure occurs, the bone grows. As a result, there is a violation of the synchronism of movement in both nodes and as a rule, this leads to muscle dysfunction.

Treatment of arthrosis is carried out comprehensively. Its goal is the normalization of biomechanical processes in the affected node, as well as the prevention of the degenerative process in the tissues. It will not be possible to completely recover from this disease, but you can stop progression so that you can restore the functional ability of the node.

Treatment will consist of such procedures:

Therapeutic procedures of the lower-chelulus node
Therapeutic procedures of the lower-chelulus node

Which of these methods to use is solved only by the doctor. The operation resorts to the operation last, when all other methods do not bring results. Dental correction plays a large role, because without the correct bite, none of the treatment methods will bring the desired result.

Functional diseases of TMO: dislocation, subluxation, ankylosis

Dislocation of the lower-chelulous node
Dislocation of the lower-chelulous node

Dislocation of VMS It is more found in women than in men. This is due to the fact that less pronounced articular surfaces and not too strong ligaments near the node. During the dislocation, the articular head goes beyond the node. In general, from such a problem, this node is protected by a special tubercle, capsule and binding fabrics. But this may not be enough, and as a result of external influences there is a shift in the head, which leads to stretching and rupture of the capsule.

Types of VMS dislocation:

Types of dislocation of the lower-chelulous node
Types of dislocation of the lower-chelulous node

As you can see, there are many types of dislocation. Regardless of this, it is important to turn to the doctor in a timely manner in order not to start the process and it was possible to restore the functional ability of the joint.

Subluxation - This is a separately highlighted pathology. This is incomplete dislocation, since the head of the node is in contact with the hole, but it is still shifted in one of the directions. The diagnosis of subluxation is made with the dislocation of the articular disk, when its displacement occurs to the side.

Ankylosis - This is a pathology when the bones are fought, which leads to a decrease in the clearance between cartilage. They are completely overgrown with connecting fabrics. This entails the immobility of the node. Of course, ANTS ankylosis is less common than a similar disease in the joints of the knees, elbows or spine. But it is important to prevent the process of ossification if it has already begun, since in advanced cases only the operation helps.

Types of diagnosis in ITS diseases: MRI, X -ray, doctor who treats

The doctor examines the patient for the presence of pathologies of the lower-melting node
The doctor examines the patient for the presence of pathologies of the lower-melting node

It is important to correctly make a diagnosis when problems with the ITS occur. The dentist conducts palpation and determines where exactly the patient hurts. The patient must describe in detail his complaints and symptoms so that the doctor can find out the first cause of these violations. Then the doctor prescribes such diagnostic measures:

  • X -ray - The picture will be seen in the picture. Based on the picture, you can already prescribe treatment and prescribe a joint procedure for the patient.
  • MRI - allows you to more accurately describe the problem. It is prescribed in case of unpleasant sensations in the node: the appearance of click, numbness, discomfort when chewing, reduced amplitude of the jaws.
  • Orthopantomography.
  • Gnatinamometry.
  • Dopplerography.
  • Electromyography.
  • Urine and blood tests - They allow you to see the general picture of the patient’s health and the presence of inflammatory processes in his body.

Doctorsthat help to cope with the disease of the ITS, there may be several:

  • Dentist
  • Surgeon
  • Orthopedist
  • Therapist
  • Rheumatologist
  • Infectious disease specialist
  • Traumatologist
  • ENT
  • Neurologist
  • Phthisator (if there is a suspicion of tuberculosis)
  • Psychotherapist (if you need to conduct a personality correction)

Advice: First you need to consult a therapist, and then he will direct to a highly specialized doctor who will not only help eliminate the problem, but also identify the “root” of the disease. For example, the dentist will correct the wrong bite by nature, and the infectious disease specialist will eliminate the infectious problem.

When the first signs of the disease appear, do not postpone a visit to a doctor. This can be fraught with terrible consequences. It is better to eliminate the problem at the very beginning, until the ailment began to progress, and brought even more troubles. Be healthy!

Video: Landing-soil joint: structure, function, blood supply, innervation

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