Disease, pathology, dysfunction of the temporal mandibular joint: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Disease, pathology, dysfunction of the temporal mandibular joint: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

TMB pathologies requires an immediate solution, and how exactly you learn from the article.

Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (TMS) is manifested in the failures of the coordination of the joint itself as a consequence of disorders in the contact static and dynamic ratio of teeth, the structure of the joint and muscle function. This is one of the most common jaw pathologies.

This disease, affecting many departments of medicine, therefore its cure largely depends on the coordinated actions of not only dentists, but also neurologists, psychologists.

Causes of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint

Undoubtedly, The main reason There are abnormal processes in the jaws and defects of the teeth themselves, from injuries and improper contact between teeth, to errors when prosthetics. If a person chews food on one side or by the nature of the activity he has to talk a lot, this can also contribute to chronic microtrauma, and therefore provoke the pathology of the temporomandibular joint.

  • Unconscious compression or rattle of teeth (such a feature has the name Broxsism) is another of the causes that cause the disease, since the abrasion of tooth enamel entails. One of the factors entailing the development of the TMC is the disproportion of articular elements.
  • Its reasons for the development of VMOS determine the direction associated with psychogenic factors, considering the cause of failure in the work of the central nervous system, in particular, nervous or physical disorder, which leads to impaired muscles, including and jaw. So, under the influence of stress, many have an unconscious contraction of the chewing muscles, which leads to their spasm.
  • The reason for the pathology A birth injury, an infectious disease, an inflammatory process in the middle ear can also be also. Medical errors are not excluded: an incorrectly placed seal, for example, violates symmetry and often leads to a one -sided load of the jaw with all the ensuing consequences.

Symptoms of the temporomandibular joint dysfunction

One of the main symptoms - The feeling of dull pain in the TMS zone. When taking food, you can hear the clicks of the jaw. Headaches, discomfort in the spine are possible (namely, in its cervical region), dizziness is not excluded.

Joint problems
Joint problems
  • Hearing acuity decreases, and in the ears there is noise, clapping, a feeling of sore throat or nose - all this is symptoms of VMS disease.
  • The joint can “jam” and it is not always possible to open the mouth quite widely, for this you have to make several attempts, moving the jaw.
  • Pain can spread to the area of \u200b\u200bthe ears, teeth, neck, possibly a feeling of pressure on the eyes, up to visual impairment.
  • By the nature of the pain, the MBM pathology is sometimes similar to otitis media, trigeminal neuralgia, etc.
  • With a MBM pathology, sleep disorder, a dental rattle, a depressive state, difficulties in swallowing, dry mouth, pain in the tongue, photophobia, snoring, etc. are also not excluded.

Diagnosis of IMC diseases

It is quite difficult to diagnose the dysfunction of the IMC, since it has very diverse manifestations related to the sphere of both dentistry and neurology.

It is important to diagnose
It is important to diagnose
  • The joint is palpated, the sounds formed in the process of its work, the possibility of completely opening the mouth, mobility of the jaw are determined. A relief print of occlusal tooth contacts is made.
  • In order to more accurately make a diagnosis, almost all diagnostic methods are used: ultrasound, x-ray, magnetic resonance and computed tomography, blood circulation in the periosemantial region, bioelectric potentials that occur in skeletal muscles during excitation of muscle fibers are determined, joint noise is determined, and compression strength indicators are recorded before the occurrence of pain in the joint, etc.
  • All these special research methods make it possible to differentiate the TBU pathology from diseases of another etiology and jaw injuries.

Treatment of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint

The main and general rule in the treatment of ITS diseases of any complexity is a reduced load on the joint. It consists in softer food, reducing the voltage of the speech apparatus.

  • Since the dysfunction of the IMF is a polyetiological disease, not only dentists are involved in the course of treatment, the help of specialists in the field of surgery, orthopedics, gastroenterology, otorhinolaryngology, vertebrology (treatment of pathologies of the spine), psychology and neurology, manual therapy and one of its methods - osteopathy and osteopathy and one of its methods is used. T.D.

Drug treatment is aimed at removing pain and consists in taking non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs:

  • voltaren
  • nimesil
  • healing
  • ibuprofen
  • ketanol
  • aspirin
  • ketarol


  • afobazole
  • fevarine
  • amitriptylin
  • tsipralex
  • pirazidol
  • grandaxin

Funds that have a general calming effect on the central nervous system:

  • sirdalud
  • midokalm

Botulinum toxins, chondroprotectors:

  • chondrolon
  • chondroitin
  • teraflex

Steroid hormones are introduced inside - glucocorticosteroids.

Drug treatment
Drug treatment

In the treatment, elements are used myogymnastics resort to massage, physiotherapy procedures: low -intensity laser therapy, using high -frequency magnetic fields, electrophoresis, ultrasound procedures, acupuncture, etc. Psychotherapeutic factors and special training of the therapy are working in the complex, during which the patient learns to relax the chewing muscles.

In the field of dentistry, the treatment process is aimed at achieving the correct bite, if necessary, braces, capes, orthopedic tires are used. According to indications, correction is possible using prosthetics.

Dental treatment
Dental treatment

If drug treatment and dental measures are not very effective, resort to the operational method. Methods of minimally invasive surgery include arthroscopy, arthrocentesis, tissue infiltration of the temporomandibular joint. Myotomy is possible (muscle dissection to restore its function), condylotomy (dissection of the joint head), etc.

Without the treatment of VMO dysfunction, it can do, otherwise you can wait for the complete immobility of the joint. And in order to prevent the development of pathology, doctors recommend avoiding stress, not overloading the joint, treating in time and, if necessary, prosthetics of their teeth. Teeth and jaws are a single system in which a violation of the work of one link entails its destruction.

Video: Elimination of VMS dysfunction

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