Visceral massage: essence, types, purpose, technique, contraindications. How to perform visceral massage yourself?

Visceral massage: essence, types, purpose, technique, contraindications. How to perform visceral massage yourself?

In this material you will learn about the ancient visceral massage technique.

Visceral massage - A special method during which there is a deep manual effect on a certain internal organ, as well as on tissue. Such a technique also has a different name - visceral chiropractic. If translated from the Latin language, then the word “visceral” (viscera) means “insides”.

This massage is done through the wall of the abdomen located in front. If you look from the technical side, then such a massage allows you to work with organs inside. The technique itself has vibrational, massage, shifting and pressing character.

How did visceral massage appear?

Even when the treatment with the help of drugs practically did not exist, people tried to heal various diseases using herbs and massages. Persian Dr. Avicenna, living in the Middle Ages, was considered one of the first folk healers. He decided in practice to use healing massages when he cured his own patients. The doctor claimed that not every organ is necessary to treat in separate, but a completely organism.

  • Pro visceral massage People have known since time immemorial. However, many centuries ago this treatment methodology was called completely different. Massage was done in various countries.
  • China, India and other states used this technique in their own practice.
  • In Russia, such a massage was also used, hence another name for treatment that sounded "Old Slavonic belly massage".
  • Time was rapidly rushing, professional scientists, biologists, doctors tried to develop the latest ways to treat various diseases. Massages over time went to the 2nd plan, they were used only with those states that were significantly lagging behind in the field of medicine.
  • At the end of the 20th century, humanity was able to understand that the treatment of organs using medicines could not always give positive results. Sometimes after the implementation of such therapy, other diseases were manifested or side effects occurred. After that, doctors and scientists again decided to take advantage of the miraculous strong, which consisted in visceral massage.

Scientists began to conduct various studies of this treatment. Many were able to prove that massage really has an amazing effect. At the moment, massage is widely used by doctors in many states. In our country, they are also often used by doctors who call it visceral massage of the abdomen according to the method of Ogulov. It is he who is the founder of the school, where the doctors studied visceral treatment.

What is the essence of visceral massage?

The main goal of this massage is to normalize the functional state of each organ, tissues. We note that each organism in the human body is fastened to the bones of the skeleton with the help of ligaments that make up a single bundle. This bundle includes:

  • Blood supply system.
  • Nervous impulses.
  • A system due to which nutrient components enter the body and so on.

After human posture changes a lot, it becomes much worse, the beams holding organs are displaced or squeezed out. Due to such processes, blood circulation may also be disturbed, there is also a lack of innervation. After that, some organs receive insufficient volume of oxygen and nutrients, their overall functionality is disturbed. In addition, innervation can lead to disruption of the brain centers, which negatively affects the functionality of the organs.

For the whole body
For the whole body

In addition, metabolic processes can be slowed down in the displaced organ. Such delays, as a rule, can provoke the localized development of pathologies, diseases. Also, after the displacement of only one organ, almost the entire body begins to suffer.

Thanks to Visceral massage The structure, localization of each organ is normalized. An experienced masseur using a special method begins to probe the stomach, find violations that may occur in the ligamentous system. After that, the master gradually returns the organs to the position in which they were originally.

After a certain time, organs, tissues can return to their places. The patient will feel a surge of strength, will become more cheerful.

Popular types visceral massage

At the moment, most often people use the classic type of massage. It consists of the following processes:

  • Movement.
  • Pressing.
  • Tapping.

Thanks to this massage, you can:

  • Restore microcirculation of blood in organs.
  • Restore microcirculation in the space located between the organs.
  • Normalize metabolic processes.
  • Fighting functional disorders.

The process itself lasts approximately 60 minutes. The only negative of this technique is that it cannot always have a positive effect. Consequently, massage is often used along with other methods of treatment, for example, with banan massage, or with honey. If you competently combine techniques, you can get the right treatment, a healing effect. Be that as it may, the doctor will have to pay special attention to the study of the abdomen, during which he will adjust the condition of the organs.

Massage movements
Massage movements

We note that in the clinic of Ogulov, visceral massage is not used as monotherapy. The technique is included in the comprehensive treatment process.

There is another technique - this is psychovisceral technique. It immediately connects visceral massage and psychotherapy. When a massage session with the patient is performed, manual work with the psyche is used at the same time.

  • During the study of the abdomen, deep sensations appear, which make it possible to “pull out” outwardly deeply the layers of sensations. But this is impossible to achieve even during intense verbal massage.
  • The duration, rhythm of the abdominal massage is significantly different from the classical appearance. The process lasts at least 4 hours. For this period of time, all zones of the abdomen are deeply worked out.
  • The process takes into account the bioenergy, the mental state of the patient. When a session occurs, the specialist thoroughly delves into the patient's problems, is used in them.

Against the background of used visceral technology The human nervous system begins to rest, his psyche. Therefore, each work with the body of the patient is more effective. In addition, thanks to the session, self -healing the body is activated.

A special type visceral massage - This is when important attention is paid to the navel zone. The basis of this technique is to understand that the navel is an energy conductor. It maintains a close relationship between all organs.

Visceral Massage: purpose

Visceral massage can be prescribed to people in the following situations:

  • In case of gastrointestinal tract disease, if a person is worried, for example, gastritis, constipation, digestive system.
  • With liver diseases.
  • If a person complains about the kidneys, the urinary system.
  • In diseases of the genitals.
  • During diseases that are associated with female genitalia.
  • With dermatological problems.
  • In diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • If a person has metabolic processes, he found a pathology of the thyroid gland.
  • With ENT pain.
  • If there is a violation of the musculoskeletal system.
  • In case of diseases associated with the respiratory system.
  • During obesity or vice versa.
In diseases
In diseases

Massage can also be prescribed to people who snore, stutter, they have certain speech defects. Massage of this type can be used at a time when a person is in isolation for a very long time, for example, during a flight into space. In such a situation, massage is required for him.

The technique was also able to become popular in the sports field. Massage can be used in order to increase the stability, endurance of a human ode, if a strong load is entrusted to it.

If we take this method as a whole, then visceral massage It plays an important role not in the very treatment of the disease, but during the weakening of the organs, the change in their location. Massage is interesting to almost every person, and it does not matter here whether he is sick or not. People who get sick can help cope with many diseases. A healthy massage is useful in order to prevent the development of the disease, to support the body in perfect condition.

Technique visceral massage

Visceral massage It happens only painlessly. And since people have various pain thresholds, the approach to each patient is taken individual. You care about how many procedures you need to do? Everything will depend on what health you have if you have readings or contraindications for massage.

Ideally, doctors prescribe about 10 massages. However, some patients are enough for one procedure. If the patient is prescribed 2 or more sessions, then they are carried out as follows: with each next procedure, the sick part is pressed stronger and stronger. Therefore, the body adapts to the effects that come from the outside.

For the tummy
For the tummy
  • First, the specialist identifies the massage of patients, spasmodic areas on the stomach.
  • Then he begins to do the massage itself. The specialist massages the stomach in a special sequence, since functional malfunctions can develop according to a special scheme.

The specialist initially makes massage in the zone where the gall bladder is located. Then it affects the liver, goes to the pancreas, and only then to the colon. The main goal of the session is to push all the organs. We note that the procedure for pushing a certain body occurs at a maximum of 3 minutes. This time can increase the masseur, but only during the next sessions.

One of the main features visceral massage - At the beginning of the procedure, you may appear in the zone of the abdominal "Rumbling". This suggests that the gallstones begin to open, cramps are removed.

You should know that pressure on the authorities is carried out with a certain force. When the masseur does not adhere to this rule, the patient may be disturbed by nausea, pain in the abdomen, sometimes even dizziness.

There may be a rumbling
There may be a rumbling

In addition to all that was listed above, massage is considered a wonderful way to diagnose organs. The massage therapist by pressure finds the localization of pathologies, the processes of changes that may be present inside a person.

How to perform visceral Massage yourself?

The main principle visceral massage - impact on a certain part of the abdomen. Before you do it yourself, keep in mind what diseases bother you, how the genitourinary system works, what a chair you have. Only after that can you start probing the abdomen with your fingers.

You can carry out the procedure at home yourself, but you will have to use the gentle regime:

  • Take the stomach to be soft. There are no seals, bloating.
  • Start with a shallow and light pressure of the abdomen.
  • When you feel the areas with your fingers, massage a little abdominal cavity, press on it.
  • Pressing only with your fingertips. Also include your palm.
  • Then go through the central part of the abdomen smoothly, using deep fingers.

To whom is contraindicated visceral massage?

Old Slavonic visceral massage technique It requires a specialist to know for sure the physiology and anatomy of the human body. Therefore, the process should only be done by a professional with the appropriate education. And, if you decide to go to the masseur, then initially make sure that he is experienced in this case.

There are contraindications
There are contraindications

Next, you will have to find out if you have contraindications. These include:

  • Malignant tumor.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Bleeding.
  • High temperature due to infectious disease.
  • Thrombophlebitis.

Massage is contraindicated to a person if he is in a drunken state. The doctor should also be aware of what drugs the patient takes. Before visceralmassage Take the examination, hand over all the necessary tests. So you will definitely know what kind of illness you have (if it is), its nature of development.

Video: Massage the internal organs

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