Spring vitamin deficiency. How to make up for vitamins A, B, C, D, PP reserves?

Spring vitamin deficiency. How to make up for vitamins A, B, C, D, PP reserves?

In this article we will talk about how to avoid spring vitamin deficiency. In addition, we will talk about serious diseases caused by the lack of certain vitamins in the body.

Products of poor quality, fast snacking fast food, insufficient use of fruits and animal products does not pass without a trace for the body. As a result of an unbalanced diet, vitamin deficiency may begin.

It is believed that vitamin deficiency is a seasonal phenomenon that appears only in early spring. In fact, vitamin deficiency can accompany a person all year round, in the spring there may be an exacerbation. We will figure out what vitamin deficiency is and how to deal with it.

What is vitamin deficiency and what are its main symptoms?

Avitaminosis is a disease that occurs as a result of a lack of vitamins in the body.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency:

  • Apathy, a tendency to fatigue, unwillingness to work, enjoy life
  • A tendency to frequent colds
  • Flaky skin, hands
  • Lifeless hair
  • Cracking lips that cannot be restored with balms and creams

Dean Drobot Spring Avitamin deficiency of TOP-5 products in the diet

Varieties of vitamin deficiency

There are two concepts of vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis. They differ among themselves, and often one is given out for the other.

How does hypovitaminosis differ from vitamin deficiency?

The people are accepted by vitamin vitamins in the body. But in medical terminology, the concept of vitamin deficiency means the complete absence of certain vitamins.

The disadvantage of vitamins is hypovitaminosis. Avitaminosis is characteristic of people living in the Far North. In most cases, hypovitaminosis manifests itself in our country.

Why does vitaminosis occur in spring?

In winter, the use of fresh fruits becomes less. And those fruits that fall on our table are often devoid of a sufficient amount of vitamins. Most fruits on the shelves of stores in winter falls from foreign countries.

Important: foreign fruits and vegetables are sent to us in a non -bored form, in addition, they are treated with chemicals to preserve the product. As a result of this, fruits do not benefit.

In addition to this, we are little in the fresh air and are practically devoid of solar heat. By the spring, the supply of vitamins in the body is depleted, and it is not possible to fully replenish the supply, and therefore hypovitaminosis occurs.

How to prevent the appearance of spring vitamin deficiency?

Video: Fighting with vitominosis

What diseases can be caused by vitamin deficiency?

Serious consequences as a result of vitamin deficiency in developed countries are extremely rare at present. Scientists have long been able to find out the connection between vitamins and their influence on the human body. However, even today, in countries with limited nutrition, the development of the following diseases is observed:

  1. Polyneuritis (Beri-Bury)
  2. Pellagra
  3. Scurvy
  4. Rickets
  5. Paresthesia
  6. Nicatalopia (chicken blindness)

People with very poor living and nutrition, alcoholics are subject to such diseases.

Scurvy - lack of vitamin C. Symptoms of scurvy

Scurvy - Disease of sailors. During the time of long shipyard, sailors ate meager food. Basically, it was a sololonin (salty horse meat) and dried grains. For a long time, sailors did without fresh fruits and vegetables.

Symptoms of scurvy:

  1. The defeat of the gums. The gums begin to bleed, acquire a bluish color, become loose, painful
  2. Hemorrhages. In the lower extremities, internal hemorrhages occur, which are manifested by solid swelling and coloring of the skin in blue, yellow

Cing in past centuries was considered a fatal disease.

It was later found that citrus fruits help to prevent scurvy. Citrum contains a large amount of vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

How to treat scurvy at home

Coeg will never touch those people who regularly eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C:

  • Lemons, oranges, grapefruit
  • Black currant
  • Red Bulgarian pepper
  • Kiwi
  • Strawberries
  • Apples
  • Brussels sprouts

Important: most people mistakenly believe that the greatest content of vitamin C in citrus fruits. In fact, the share of ascorbic acid in citrus fruits is not as great as in some other sources. For comparison, a 100 g of the product is: rosehip - 650 mg; Red sweet pepper - 250 mg; Currant - 200 mg; Orange, lemon - 50 mg.

Sick scraps need to rinse your mouth:

  • decoction of oak bark (1 tsp for 250 ml of hot water)
  • hot water with ant alcohol (5-6 drops per 200 ml of water)
    tincture of horseradish on vodka

Chicken blindness is a lack of vitamin A. Symptoms of chicken in humans

Chicken blindness - A disease that about half a million people in the world are exposed annually. Symptoms of chicken of blindness are very poor visibility in weak light. Suffering to chicken blindness can completely stop seeing in the dark. Even the ancient Egyptians found that the disease is successfully treated with the administration of the liver into the diet. The liver is rich in vitamin A.

Curina treatment of blindness in humans

Treatment of chicken of blindness is the use of products rich in vitamin A (retinol):

  • Liver of marine species of fish and animals
  • Pumpkin
  • Tomatoes
  • Green onions
  • Carrot

Beri-Buri-lack of vitamin V. Symptoms of Beri-Buri disease

Currently, Bari-Bury's disease or polynevitis is extremely rare. There is another name - rice disease. It used to be a common disease in Asia. The reason for the appearance is a lack of vitamin B1.

Symptoms of the disease:

  1. Mental disorder
  2. Fatigue
  3. Nausea
  4. Caviar pain when walking
  5. Pain in the feet, legs
  6. Deterioration of appetite

Interesting: rice disease struck mainly rich people, and the poor passed. The fact is that the rich carefully washed the rice before cooking, and the poor ate with the husk. The rice husk, as it turned out, is rich in vitamin B1.

Methods for treating Beri-Buri

Treatment is carried out medication:

  1. Intramuscular injections are prescribed with a 5% solution of tiamine chloride
    Injections with a solution of prozerin, nicotinic acid
  2. In addition, coniferous bathtubs, special massage, physiotherapy exercises, UV exposure, diet are shown

For the prevention of the disease, it is necessary to consume products with vitamin B1:

  • Beef, pork
  • Beans, peas, soy
  • Potatoes, cabbage, carrots

With timely treatment with Beri Bury, they successfully cope. If you start the disease, it flows into a chronic form.

Rickets - a lack of vitamin D. How does rickets manifest?

Rickets - The disease that occurs to the present day among children. The reason for the development of rickets is the lack of vitamin D. The peculiarity of vitamin D is that it is contained in a small number of products and cannot replenish the required amount, entering the body with food.

But vitamin D can be obtained by taking sun baths. In those places where the sun rarely appears, there are most often cases of rickets. That is why pediatricians recommend to children under three years old in the winter season to take a few drops of vitamin D per day. Vitamin D can be purchased at the pharmacy.

The first signs of manifestation of rickets is:

  1. Increased sweating
  2. Intermittent sleep
  3. Excessive tearfulness

Some time after that, muscle sagging and flattened stomach are added. With the further development of the disease, bone tissue is affected and it is deformed:

  • Legs can take an o-shaped or x-shaped shape
  • Disproportionately large skull, large forehead
  • Protrusion or falling of the chest
  • Deformation of the pelvic bones in girls

Deformation of the pelvic bones in girls can prevent in the future of normal labor.

How to treat rickets in a child

To prevent innate rickets, the future mother must often walk in the fresh air, eat right. A good prevention for a newborn baby is prolonged breastfeeding, massage, swimming.

With rickets, drug treatment and the organization of the right regimen of the day are indicated. With drug treatment, the doctor calculates the necessary dose of vitamin D, prescribes drugs with calcium and phosphorus. It is also supposed to do a special massage, visit the pool, organize proper nutrition.

Pellagra is a lack of vitamin PP. Symptoms of pellagra in humans

Pellagra is developing due to a lack of vitamin PP and proteins.

One of the main causes of Pellagra is the lack of amino acid Tractophan.

This disease was manifested in people whose main food was corn. Today, Pellagra is common among chronic alcoholics, as well as in African countries. Symptoms of Pellagra are:

  • Aggressiveness
  • Insomnia
  • Dermatitis
  • Diarrhea
  • Paralysis of the limbs
  • Weakness
  • Alopecia (baldness)

Pellagra is called the disease of three D: dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia (acquired dementia).

How to treat Pellagra to avoid complications

Pellagra is treated under the supervision of a doctor in a stationary department. On average, the course of treatment lasts a month and a half. During this time, the patient is prescribed vitamins and taking nicotinic acid. If the patient is depleted, then blood transfusion is possible. Vitamins can be introduced into the body in the form of injections and droppers.

Important: a complication of Pellagra is the transition of the disease to an acute form and the subsequent death. The disease can kill a person in 4-5 years, if not proceeding.

Diet with vitamin deficiency

To avoid problems associated with vitamin deficiency, various products should be used daily:

  1. Freshly squeezed juices (carrot, apple, orange)
  2. Fresh fruits and vegetables
  3. Dairy products
  4. Meat, liver

Food should be varied and useful.

Give preference to seasonal vegetables and fruits. In winter, you need to eat sauerkraut, beets, seasonal apples, nuts, pumpkin, etc.

It is better to cook dishes for steam or in the oven, so more vitamins will remain. Avoid fried, acute, salty.

What vitamins to take with severe vitamin deficiency?

If the symptoms of vitamin deficiency are too worried, you should consult a doctor. Based on the results of the blood test, it will become known which vitamins are not enough in the body. The doctor will prescribe a complex of multivitamins that will be most beneficial to your body.

Differences of adult vitamin deficiency and children's vitamin deficiency

Signs of vitamin deficiency in children are:

  • Drowsiness
  • Bad memory and performance at school
  • Bloodiness
  • Lack of interest in what is happening
  • Weak mental and physical development

Unlike adults in children, the lack of vitamin D is manifested by deformation of bone tissue. In adults, this is: sleep disturbance, reduction of vision, the frequency of bone fractures.

How to cure spring vitamin deficiency: tips and reviews

Alina, 23 years old: March-April for me just terrible months. Everyone rejoice at the sun and heat, and I suffer from vitamin deficiency. I constantly climb my hair at this time, my skin is peeling, my lips crack. Salvation for me was the reception of complex vitamins. I also try to walk more often in winter and eat apples constantly.

Ivan, 40 years old: There will be no vitamin deficiency if you eat varied. All my life I have been playing sports, both in summer and in winter, I eat right. Therefore, by the arrival of spring, I do not observe any negative changes in the body.

Oksana, 29 years old: I am the mother of a five -year -old child. The pediatrician wrote to us polyvitamins. I noticed that my daughter was sleepy, irritable, weak. Of course, it bothered me very much. It turned out that this is due to a lack of vitamins. And we live in Moscow, you can’t buy natural products.

Eat vegetables and fruits, try to eat a variety of food, often in the air. Then spring can be found in a good mood and with a surge of strength.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about rickets and vitamin D

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Comments K. article

  1. Well replenishes the lack of vitamin A retinol palmitate. It is relatively inexpensive, but quickly and effectively absorbs.

  2. I didn’t have scum due to vitamin C deficiency, thank God. But there was weak immunity and frequent colds. I decided to play it safe and immediately drink the Evalarovsky vitamin C in hissing tablets (I took 100 mg dosage). After 10 days of admission, it became much less often, a sea of \u200b\u200bstrength and energy appeared.

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