A fun birthday for a child is 5 to 10 years old. Home birthday: organization and conduct. Children's festive table

A fun birthday for a child is 5 to 10 years old. Home birthday: organization and conduct. Children's festive table

The article will give ideas for organizing a children's birthday, recipes for delicious dishes for babies and their parents.

  • Children's birthday is a holiday for the whole family. Parents, grandparents undoubtedly want every holiday to be remembered for the baby for many years
  • You must understand the age characteristics of the child, know his tastes and preferences. For children over 7 years old it is necessary to arrange a holiday, taking into account the wishes
  • Let the kid himself say who he would like to see at the holiday, what friends he wants to invite. An organized holiday always takes place more brightly. But it is not necessary to spend a large amount on its organization. A little knowledge and fantasy is enough

Children's birthday at home: organization and holding

  • You have as many as two options for organizing the holiday: independent and with the help of a special company
  • Independent organization requires longer training. You need to take care of the menu, scenery, scenarios and entertainment
  • Well, if one of the parents or relatives has a pedagogical education. This will help in organizing a holiday for a large children's company
  • The holiday must be arranged taking into account the age of the child, his tastes
  • Although the birthday person should be in the spotlight, one should not forget about invited children. For a friendly atmosphere, everyone should be fun
  • You can turn to a special company for holidays for help for help
  • The range of activities of such firms is very wide. You can order a turnkey holiday and partial services
  • Special demand requires children's animators. After all, every baby wants to see his favorite heroes on his holiday. But make a believable suit for a long time and costly
Children's birthday
Children's birthday

Scenario for children's birthday at home for a boy 5 - 10 years old

  • This scenario is suitable for a child of 5 - 10 years. Time for the entire children's party - approximately 4 hours
  • An important stage is preparation. The first thing you need is to find out which of your child’s friends will be at the holiday. Then you need to call all parents and invite their children to your baby
  • Parents need to find out if their children are allergic or intolerance to some products, can they help in the organization and are they going to attend the holiday themselves
  • After clarifying these questions, we prepare invitations. You can do this with the child, it will cause him a feeling of joy from the upcoming holiday
  • Invitations are customary to hand at least 5 days before the event
  • The next step should be to think through the scenery. A great option is balls, bright ribbons, figures of a beloved character (for example, Spider-Man)
  • Now it is very fashionable to arrange a thematic party. For a boy, it can be a cowboy -style party. It will be necessary to stock up on cowboy hats, fones and figures of horses
  • Think about the holiday menu. There should be both the main dishes and a sweet table
  • If necessary, invite an animator or clown. He will be able to conduct active games with the guys
  • If there is no animotor, one of the adults should take responsibility for holding games. The network has many ideas of active games, games and entertainment games for children at home
  • The holiday itself usually consists of such parts: receiving guests and presenting gifts to a birthday man, festive dinner, games and contests, a sweet table
  • Parents need to warn in a timely manner what time the holiday ends. If the event is obtained longer than planned, warn about it in advance
Holiday for the boy
Holiday for the boy

Scenario for children's birthday at home for girls 5 - 10 years old

  • The essence of the organization of the holiday for the girl is the same. But it must be borne in mind that the girls' interests are radically different from the boy
  • Girls love elegant costumes, festive makeup and beautiful photos. Consider this in your holiday
  • From ideas that can be used: a festival in the style of pink ponies, princesses or fairies
  • It’s not good to think out a suit for only one birthday girl. If you have a costume party, you need to warn the rest of the parents to think out the costume
  • To remember the holiday for a long time, make a photo shoot for girls. Then photos can be printed and presented to each participant in the holiday
Holiday for the girl
Holiday for the girl

Games for children for birthday at home

Games at the children's birthday should be varied. Children quickly get tired of monotonous activity, even game.

  • Any game is doubly more fun if the prize is provided at the end. The prize can be a sweet treat or a small toy. Stock up "comforting prizes" for all game participants
  • The game "Draw an animal". For the game you need: 2 Watman A2 and several color markers. The essence of the game: children are divided into 2 teams. Each team chooses the beast that he wants to portray. 2 Whatmanities are hung on the wall. Each participant with closed eyes draws part of the animal. The team whose animal will be as realistic as possible win
  • The game "Field of Miracles". This is an intellectual game that both adults and children like. You need to stock up on the drum on which glasses and possible prizes will be indicated. You also need to prepare cards to guess words. Children share 3 people each and in turn guess the word. The one who guessed is considered to be the next tour. In the last round, the task is more complicated, but the “super prize” is also being played. The rest of the participants will be able to exchange points received for comforting prizes at the end of the game
  • The board game "Monopoly". If there is absolutely no time to invent games, invite the guys to play the monopoly. The disadvantage of this game is that only 4 people can play it
  • If the company of children is large (7 - 12 people) play the famous Mafia game. It is necessary to initially prepare cards with heroes (mafia, civilians, sheriff and doctor). In an imaginary city, a mafia appeared (3 people). The role of civilians to find out which of all at the table of the mafia. Decisions are made in disputes and discussions, taking into account psychological reactions

Competitions for children 5 - 7 years old at the birthday of the house

  • Competitions take less time than full -fledged games. They are indispensable for children 5 to 7 years old, which are quickly tired
  • For girls, you can come up with a competition for the best outfit. Buy a few cuts of multi -colored fabric, ribbons and lace. Remove to the girls in the set of materials (scissors, fabric and decor) and let everyone make an outfit for a certain period of time. Then you can arrange a fashion show that girls like so much
  • You can come up with a lot of creative contests: who will better tell a verse or draw a drawing
  • Another interesting way to hold a competition is to use balloons. Place a piece of paper in the balls, where it will be written that the participant in the game must perform (dance, song, tell a verse or a funny story). Each participant chooses a ball, bursts it and performs the task. The remaining participants in the competition evaluate it. The one who scores the maximum number of balls will be the winner

Animator for a child's birthday at home

  • You need to order an animator in advance, especially on a day off
  • Before inviting the animator, visit the office of the company that provides this service. See how professionally people are related to the entertainment of children
  • Ask a photo of a suit and similar events at which this animator worked. So that there are no unpleasant surprises
  • Find out in advance how long the entertainment program passes and what will enter it
  • Prepare the children in advance by the arrival of the animator so that they are not scared

Festive table for children

  • A festive table is an obligatory part of any children's holiday
  • If your event is short -lived, then only a sweet table can be limited. But at the same time it is necessary to warn the parents of other children about this so that they feed the children with the main food at home
  • Dishes should be bright and colorful. Try to use only natural products
  • Find out in advance which of the children is allergic. Perhaps it will be necessary to exclude some fruits or sweets
  • The cake is the most important part of the festive table. Use holiday candles and decor

Birthday dishes recipes

  • Snacks - canapes. Canapes look bright and very appetizing. Children's canapes can be decorated in the form of bright balls strung on skewers. Also, you can make a canap with God's cows from a cherry tomato. To do this, lay in layers: a cracker, cream cheese, a piece of salmon, a tomato of cherry, we fix everything with a skewer. Tomato must be cut in half and cut in the form of a ladybug. Authents and points can be decorated with mayonnaise or olive
  • Eggs in the form of mushrooms. To do this, we need eggs, melted cheese, mayonnaise and a little garlic. Boil all eggs. We select part of the eggs and stain them in the tea leaves. To do this, the cleaned egg must be boiled in strong tea for 3 - 5 minutes. These will be the hats of our mushrooms. We cut the rest of the eggs across, put inward the filling of melted cheeses and mayonnaise. We cover with a brown hat on top. We decorate our mushrooms with herbs
  • The main dish is potatoes - an accordion. A very simple and beautiful dish. I carefully wash the potatoes and cut not to the end into thin plates. Then, we inserted cheese and ham into places. Bake potatoes for 30 minutes
  • The cake can be ordered in a specialized store. It can be made in the form of a car, dolls or beloved hero of the baby
  • Cut the fruits and serve them in an original way. For example, in the form of canapes
  • Provide drinks. For children, the best option will be juice. You also need to have clean water

Children's birthday, prepared with love, is always noisy and fun. The main thing is that a warm company gathered and be a friendly atmosphere.

Video: Organization of children's birthday

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Comments K. article

  1. Good afternoon! The article is interesting and understandable. Thank you. But why are mistakes made: at the bottom of birth, funny birthday.?

  2. What good tips))) I agree to everyone. But what if mom does not have time to prepare?

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