Verona - Instructions for use

Verona - Instructions for use

The proposed article will tell about the drug "Verona". This medicine is intended, for the most part, for men and it is to them that we will tell them about the readings of the drug and contraindications. We will clarify in what points this drug is most effective.

"Verona" Instructions for use

Verona is not a hormonal drug, therefore it has a minimum of contraindications. This tool acts as a biostimulator and antioxidant. Another tool has a general strengthening effect and normalizes the sexual male function. Due to the fact that "Verona" reduces manifestations astheno-neurotic Syndrome, sex drive rises.

This tool helps to increase the volume of sperm, normalizes the process of spermatogenesis, has a beneficial effect on mobility sperm And increases their concentration in sperm. When taking the drug, a decrease in the formation is not correct forms of sperm.

With the use of the drug, stimulation of the release luteinizing hormone that stimulates cell recovery Leidig. "Verona" helps the development of seed cells and increases the number of cells Sertoli.

The medicine also helps to increase the energy potential of brain cells by increasing the amount of enzyme succinatdehydrogenase. In this regard, the tool stimulates the active activity of the brain and helps adaptive processes.

"Verona" form of release

"Verona" is produced in the form of capsules, in bottles of 20 or 60 pcs. This tool has no other forms of release.
The main substance of the product is the extract of dry fruits anchorstsev creeping. The concentration of the substance can be from 25 mg to 100 mg in the capsule.

"Verona" indications for use

“Verona” is a tool that is shown to treat sexual function in men experiencing problems in this area:
• decrease in sex drive
• Violation of spermatogenesis
• Weak erection
• A combination of dysfunction and early ejaculation

The most clearly the drug manifests itself in the treatment of dysfunction associated with astheno-neurotic violations. This tool is also used in secondary or primary hypoganadism, at underdevelopment Yaichk in men.

Verona is also used to stabilize the emotional state in women during menopause.

"Verona" side effects

No special side manifestations are observed when taking the drug, and the product is well tolerated by patients.

The only noted manifestations is an allergic reaction to the components of the drug. They can appear in the form of urticaria, rash on the skin and itching. In this case, it is worth canceling the drug and seek consultation with the attending physician.

"Verona" dosage Potency

  • The drug "Verona" is intended for oral administration and this product should not be washed down not water, a milk in order for the effect to be maximum. The dose recommended for admission per day is divided into 2 doses, these techniques are divided into morning and evening before eating
  • The dose and duration of medication is prescribed individually when consulting with a doctor
  • With a decrease in sex drive and asthenic syndrome, taking the drug 2 times a day is recommended
  • With a decrease in fertility and other sexual pathologies, the prescribed dose increases in two and take 2 capsules twice a day.
  • In the first case, the duration of treatment is from 4 to 6 weeks of administration, in the second from 8 to 14 weeks of treatment
    With a disorder of the emotional state in women during the menopause, the duration of therapy is from 8 to 10 weeks of taking the drug

"Verona" contraindications

“Verona” is not accepted by patients with a pronounced allergic reaction to the bottom and is categorically contraindicated for admission in children and adolescents. These are the only contraindications for taking this drug.

"Verona" overdose

Having studied many articles about this drug, we have not found data on the possible overdose of this tool.

"Verona" during pregnancy

This is a medicine not accepted not Only pregnant and lactating women, but also women in childbearing age. The medicine initially has a directed effect on the male floor and practically does not find any other use in women, with the exception of the period of completion of childbearing during menopause.

"Verona" interaction with other drugs

Since Verona has a stimulating effect on the cells of the brain, it should not be combined with drugs that inhibit the central nervous system and soothing (sedative) drugs, with barbiturates or antidepressants And, of course, with alcohol.

We have already described the effects of ethyl alcohol on the central nervous system, you can familiarize yourself with this article and find out about the oppressive the action of alcohol on the human brain.

In any case, even with the combination of the drug “Verona” with other drugs that we have not mentioned, we should inform the doctor about this, and learn about the possibility of accepting these funds at the same time.

"Verona" reviews

  • Due to the lack of side effects, the drug found a large number of positive reviews in men. He is easy to dosage and reception. Since the product is not hormonal and in general affects the state and capabilities of the body, it does not have a temporary effect in the form of an erection, but helps the body independently adequately respond to the situation, regardless of the time of taking the drug
  • And of course, once again we note the absence of hormones as part of the medicine. This does not have a pernicious actions on the hormonal system of the body, does not violate its function
  • We noted many positive reviews about the medicine, and there are practically no negative ones. Their small amount is associated either with an allergic reaction, or with absence effect, due to deep organic disorders in which the drug is powerless


There are no quality and structural analogues of the Verona tool, since it is created on the basis of natural plant components.

There are drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect:
• Viagra

Video: drugs to increase potency

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