“In extreme cases”: stands out with commas or not?

“In extreme cases”: stands out with commas or not?

In this topic, we will talk about the isolation of the combination “as a last resort”.

In written speech, various introductory words, participles and expressions are often used. And there is confusion with what punctuation marks to arrange, and whether they are needed at all. Moreover, author’s punctuation is also confused. Therefore, we offer to deal with such a phrase as “in extreme cases”, and whether it is necessary to highlight it with a comma.

"In extreme cases": punctuation

The phrase "as a last resort" It is an adversible expression, therefore, it does not require the allocation of punctuation marks.That is, it is a logical bunch of meaning of the sentence. But, which knocks down a little from thought, this expression requires a breakdown.


  • She even thought out in extreme cases to send him a letter with a notice.
  • And then in extreme cases you can get a hat for such rudeness.
  • In extreme cases, you can always extract something instructive from such a situation.
  • In extreme cases, you can argue with me.

The same rule applies to similar expressions: “In any case”, “in this case”, “in this case”, “in your case” and in other possible “cases”.

Important: Remember - these phrases are not introductory words, so they do not need to be released.

To be easier to perceive this, it is worth remembering this expression: In any case, the comma is not needed.Whatever the case is - the extreme, any, such - the punctuation mark is not put.

Video: Adverb and its expressions

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