At what age to start teaching a child to drink from dishes? How to choose a fellner, a cup and teach to drink a child from it? What difficulties can be and how to get around them?

At what age to start teaching a child to drink from dishes? How to choose a fellner, a cup and teach to drink a child from it? What difficulties can be and how to get around them?

In order for the child in time and correctly learned to drink from a cup, mugs and a drinker - study the proposed material.

Teaching the baby to independent drink from special dishes requires the same phased learning as any other action. This process is not fast, but important in the future life of the child.

At what age to start teaching a child to drink from dishes?

Many parents, due to their error, do not pay attention to the baby's age. Experts say - early attracting a baby to meaningful actions, leads to an increase in intellectual abilities.

  • Due to the fact that a bottle of a nipple can ruin a bite - experts advise accustoming a child to the child as soon as possible to a circle. The most optimal age for getting used to the circle is from 6 to 8 months. Just at this age, the child shows interest in surrounding objects, copying the actions of the parents. A special role is played by the moment of food and utensils.
  • The kid is already feeling independence and greater confidence in movements - he knows how to sit, pick up objects. At this moment, it is important for the parent to show tolerance, involve in the process of familiarization with the necessary objects and not react acutely if the baby damages the subject.
Learning from six months
Learning from six months
  • Of course, you can resort to training and at an earlier age, from 4 months - if a good dynamics of the child’s development is visible, the baby shows interest in adult dishes, repeats the movements of the parents. Training should take place gradually.
  • First, the child is accustomed to drink from a special bottle, similar to a cup with a nose or tube - a jerk. In order for the learning process to be successful and easy - it is necessary to choose the right chipper and follow the rules of use.

How to choose a drinker?

The stroke is convenient to use - the lid and the nose allow the child not to choke and not shed the contents. The use of the drinker does not violate the bite of the teeth in the baby. There are many varieties of drinkers: a lid with a thread and without, with handles and without pens, non -pollinage, with nose or tube.

When choosing, you should pay special attention to how easily the liquid flows - the baby should not throw his head much to take a sip. During the training period, several types of drinkers may be needed depending on the situation and their purpose.

Types of drinkers

Children's drinkers differ in their type, as well as in the recommended age category:

  1. The jacket for children under 6 months consists of a silicone tip and nipples. The nozzles are interchangeable - they can be alternated if necessary.
  2. Snovalia - a jacket with a valve. When drinking, the valve opens and returns to the starting position at the time of turning.
  3. Locking chipper. Thanks to the double walls - such a drinker is able to save the temperature of the drink for the whole day. It is necessary for long winter walks in nature.
  4. A tank with a tube - has a removable upper cover, into which a special tube is inserted.
  5. A bottle with a silicone or plastic tip. Removable covers with a silicone tip are in demand - in the case of contamination, it is convenient to rinse them, and the silicone tip is more pleasant to the touch.
  6. Nevalyashka is a jerk created from durable material. The special shape of the bottom of the drinker allows him not to overturn and not shed a drink. Suitable for active children who love to throw out objects on the floor.
There are many types of jackets
There are many types of jackets

Children's drinkers and the recommended age group are distinguished - this information should be indicated on the package. Each age group corresponds to a certain width of the holes, which allows you to adjust the amount of swallowing the drink in one sip. Drinks must be perceived as auxiliary dishes when switching to drink from a cup.

The kid gradually weanes from a bottle of a nipple and learns to bring a bowl to his mouth. Such a container allows you to achieve the desired skill without additional parental care. At the same time, drinking does not cause discomfort in the baby - it remains clean and dry.

Operation measures of the drinker

Before any use, the stroke should be thoroughly washed. It is also necessary to clean all removable parts each time. Make sure that there are no chips and damage. In case of cracking, the jacket should be replaced with a new one. Do not let the child drink from the drinker in a lying position. You can not store the remains of food or drink in the drinker, as well as mix the remains with a fresh portion. The contents in the drinker should be focused on the age of the child.

Methods of accustoming to the drinker

Do not immediately replace the familiar bottle with a nipple on a drinker - this can cause stress in a child and a refusal to drink. To the drinker should be accustomed gradually - from time to time offering the baby to drink water or juice from it. It is better to choose for the first familiarization an option with a silicone nose, similar to a pacifier.

So the baby will not pay much attention to the substitution. Initially, the parent needs to hold and direct the drinker himself until the baby understands the action of this subject.

We teach to the drinker
We teach to the drinker

Several general tips will help to speed up the process of developing the drinker:

  1. It is necessary to arouse in the child a reflex of sucking a drinker's nose. It is enough to use the habit of the child to pull everything in the mouth and let play with the subject. As an option - to offer a drinker's nose instead of a nipple.
  2. Show the child how to drink from the drinker with his own example - having drank a little from the nose. It is advisable to conduct training in a playful way - to demonstrate pleasure from the process, the child will certainly want to copy the behavior.
  3. Periodically make a substitution of a bottle with a nipple on a drinker during feeding. Pour the same nutrition into the bottle and a jail, when the child will passionately absorb the mixture - alternate the containers. Such a technique will allow the baby to evaluate the drinker and understand that he is no worse than the bottle with a nipple.
  4. Effective are also a comparison of the amenities of drinking from the drinker or cup: the baby is first offered to drink from the cup, after an unsuccessful attempt - they give a stroke. But in this case, the main thing is not to discourage the child’s hunt in the future to use the cup.
  5. You can also attract the child’s attention to the drinker through the taste reflexes - moisten the nose in the mixture and let it be licked. This will attract interest and help the baby understand the function of the drill.

If the baby still does not lend he to training from drinking from the drinker, you should make sure of the correctness of choosing a container. It is necessary to give the baby the baby to choose himself a drinker in the store: to offer the child to hold several different options in his hands, to play with them, to look at which one the baby showed the greatest interest, and to acquire this. In this case, a more confidential contact of the child with the subject is established - the jacket can perform not only his direct tasks, but also act as your favorite utensils. After overcoming the drinker, you can start drinking from a cup.

What should you pay attention to when buying a cup for a child?

The result of teaching the baby will be from the correct choice of the cup how successful and quick. The first cup is better to choose colorful, comfortable and light from the inseparable material. You can give the baby several cups at once to choose from - he himself will determine his favorite cup.

Bright cup
Bright cup

The main points when buying:

  1. The cup should be plastic - this will prevent chips and damage during damage.
  2. Environmental materials - the product should be made of raw materials designed for the use and storage of food. But do not give preference to wooden cups or clay, not covered with a protective layer - such cups are not very sterile.
  3. The weight and size of the cup - it should be borne in mind that it will be difficult for the baby to hold a heavy and voluminous object.
  4. Design - you need to pay attention to your favorite fairy -tale heroes of the baby. Choose a cup with familiar characters, giving preference to a bright and positive picture or color.
  5. Comfort - there are cups with one or two handles. If possible, it is necessary to have both options to determine which one is suitable in the future.

Taries of teaching to help to teach a child to drink a cup

To teach the baby to drink from a cup, you need to stock up on, since this process takes a long time. You can not punish the child for a spilled drink - this can ruin the learning process.


The following steps must be observed:

  1. Prepare everything you need for drinking - fill the cup with a small amount of liquid. Given that at first the child will shed a certain amount of fluid on himself - it is better to choose simple water for classes. You can not give hot or cold liquid, as well as with gases - it should not cause unpleasant sensations in the baby.
  2. Protect the child’s clothes - put on a slobber or apron.
  3. Demonstrate the baby how to hold a cup and drink from it - make a few sips from his cup, and then substitute a cup with a drink to the baby's mouth.
  4. Do not let the child use a cup instead of a toy - the baby must realize that the cup is intended only for drinking. Softly stop the desire to overturn the cup, roll it on the table - at every attempt, set aside the cup to the side, and then offer it to the baby again.
  5. It is important to choose the right time for learning - the child should be in a good mood and want to drink.
  6. It is necessary to help the baby - to hold the cup and tilt slightly, helping to drink. Do not rush - right, let the child drink a sip and make a break. Then the baby will not get tired and will not choke.
  7. If the baby managed to drink from a cup, you need to praise.

What difficulties can be and how to get around them?

  1. A child may refuse to drink from a cup, requiring a drinker or a bottle. In this case, you can outwit the baby's desire: to give a drink from a cup a favorite juice, and from a bottle - the juice that the baby does not like.
  2. It happens that the baby is afraid to drink from a cup - in this case, you can try to drink from a spoon.
  3. In order for the child to quickly take the habit of a bottle or drinker - it is necessary to remove these objects from his field of view. In extreme cases, unscrew the chopper cap - imitating a cup.
  4. It is better to postpone the training if the baby began to cut through his teeth or his well -being.
  5. In order for the child to interested in the learning process, you can use toys: plant a beast doll or toy nearby, show how to drink a toy, let the child try to drink it himself. This form of the game allows you to quickly understand the baby how to drink from a cup and that it is not at all scary.
Difficulties may arise
Difficulties may arise

Do not be upset if you can’t accustom the baby to the cup in the age allocated by age, this process is individual for each child. But you should not ignore training at all. The opinion is erroneous - the older the child, the easier he will cope with the habit.

Video: teach the child to drink on their own

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  1. Hello! Why is the article everywhere we are talking about the fact that the child drank earlier from the bottle, the mixture is also mentioned? My baby is exclusively on breastfeeding and at 6 months will begin to try complementary foods and water. I hoped to find out how to introduce the child to water in this case and from what dishes.

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