Why isn't you at 30 at the age of 30? The reasons for the loneliness of women after 30 years. Is it realistic to get married after 30 years?

Why isn't you at 30 at the age of 30? The reasons for the loneliness of women after 30 years. Is it realistic to get married after 30 years?

The reasons for the loneliness of women after 30 years.

The number of lonely women is growing every year. This is due not only to a gradual decrease in the number of men on the planet, but also with other causes. In this article we will tell you why many women are unmarried after 30 years.  

At the age of 30 you are not married: a conscious choice or a tragedy?

The most interesting thing is that in our society some notes that were noticeable after the war have been preserved. Then really many men were taken to the front, and only disabled people or those who managed to hide remained in the settlements.

Why you need to get married early:

  • It was then that any man enjoyed popularity, and the woman sought to please him as much as possible to get married. This was due to the minimum chances to find a partner in connection with their lack. That is why the women who were born after the Second World War began to treat marriage somewhat differently, but still believed that it was necessary to marry up to 25 years.
  • Then it was believed that if a woman did not marry up to 25 years, she is an old maid, and no one needs. Now the mood has changed somewhat, but many people believe that if a woman under 30 was not married, and she has no children, then something is wrong with her. However, scientific psychologists note some phenomenon that is associated with millennials.  
  • These are people born between 1980 and 1990. Now these people are about 29-39 years old. These are people of a new category who have the opportunity to postpone the adoption of vital decisions. If earlier all vital decisions were made between 20-25 years, now this period has been stretched. Most people can afford to postpone the adoption of fundamental decisions.
  • Accordingly, women now do not seek at the age of 30, and do not run to marry. This is due to the fact that many understood and appreciated the advantages of life alone. Indeed, there are really quite a lot of free time, as well as the ability to spend your life the way you want. Many girls give all their free time to their careers.

Bad or good if the girl is 30 and she is not married?

Advantages of loneliness:

  • Some are engaged in a hobby in their free time, communicating with friends, and travel. For many women, it has become much more convenient to live alone. This is especially appropriate if a woman is self -realized, she has her own housing, a car, a constant source of income, and a good job.
  • The fair sex is convenient to dispose of her time as she wants. But among the older people, you can see some reproaches and misunderstanding, why did the girl not get married at the age of 30.
  • Most likely, she has some problems, or too high requirements. This is how married acquaintances think. In fact, this is nothing more than the stereotypes of society that appeared in the post -war years. In fact, now completely different moods are present among young people. The number of Childfri, as well as asexual people who do not seek to enter into sexual relations, is increasing, all the more to marry, or to bind themselves to marriage.  
  • In fact, a woman owes nothing to anyone. There is no reason that she must be married by all fails by 25 or 30 years. All this is an erroneous opinion, and the life of a woman in her own hands, and she can spend her as she personally wants.
Not married at 30
Not married at 30

Why are you not married at 30?

  • It is at the freedom of choice that people ask stupid, uncomfortable and incomprehensible questions that relate to marital status, the presence of a husband and children. The most interesting thing is that many married women who have several children with some envy watch Instagram of unmarried girls leading a rather active lifestyle. Such girls can afford to travel, and waste time as they want.
  • While married women with several children do not have free time and are forced to spend it on schedule. After all, each of the family members needs the attention of a woman. There is no free time to care for yourself. Accordingly, a woman with children and her husband envies the free representative of the fair sex. But nevertheless, some women after 30 years begin to visit anxious thoughts that they will no longer be able to get married.
  • This is due to the fact that the age, optimal for the birth of children, up to 35 years. After 35 years, it becomes much more difficult to conceive a child due to the fact that the amount of ovulation per year decreases. That is, a woman is already incapable of producing eggs in such a large amount. The biological clock is ticking and from time to time they begin to visit the obsessive thoughts of marriage and children.  

Not married at 30: the reasons for loneliness

Why are women at 30 years old not married? There are many reasons, the main of which are distinguished by psychologists.

The reasons:

  • In most cases, the cause of loneliness is the lack of a suitable partner. A woman does not want to marry anyone, especially this often happens to those who have a good education or even two higher education. Indeed, educated women have great demands for a partner than those with a low educational level. A woman who is erudite can analyze, with a pragmatic approach belongs to the choice of a partner for life. If at the age of 20 there were quite broad shoulders and beautiful eyes, then after 30 a woman begins to make decisions not with passion and heart, but to think with her brain. Now the character of a man, his bad habits, the level of earnings, as well as the financial situation are of great importance. The woman now does not want to go beyond the locksmith, who cannot tie two words in the phrase.  
  • Another reason why the woman does not marry by the age of 30, these are complexes. Very often, women who were brought up in incomplete families, or where their parents were offended, possibly a stepfather, or stepmother, suffer from a huge number of complexes. Most of which are absolutely not true. From childhood, they said that they are ugly, ugly, no one needed. This provides a certain imprint on the behavior of a woman, she feels inferior, notorious, worthless. That is why she does not believe that someone is able to love her. In this case, the only right approach is an appeal to a psychologist.  
  • Unwillingness to change the usual life stability. By the age of 30, a woman is already used to living in a certain way, relations with loved ones have been established, she has a certain life. Therefore, a change in the usual life charter seems quite complicated to her. That is, the woman is in the comfort zone from which she does not want to leave. After all, after marriage, it is necessary to look for new housing, to change your usual daily lifestyle. This affects the fact that a woman simply refuses marriage. After all, after marriage, it will be necessary to devote a lot of time to her husband, if children soon appear, then about fitness, and dinner with friends can simply be forgotten.  
  • Excessive self -confidence. Indeed, many men are scared by an excessive self -confident woman who knows what she wants. Indeed, in nature, most men are dominant and are used to leading in this life. Accordingly, they are not ready to marry a woman who takes everything into her own hands.  
  • Manic desire to get married. The man really feels this on an intuitive level, and in every possible way avoids such women. Accordingly, in this case it is necessary to weaken your grip, and not hang on the first oncoming man who will show you signs of attention.  
  • Another reason for the absence of a husband in a woman after 30 is high requirements. The woman appreciates herself very much, so she is simply not ready to connect her relationship with anyone. In this case, you need to contact a psychologist in order to really evaluate your capabilities and the probability of getting married in general.  
  • The presence of children. In most cases, single mothers are really in no hurry to get married, and devote themselves to children. Many consider this approach to be wrong, as they think that happiness can only be built with a second half. As practice shows, such women are quite self -sufficient, and are in no hurry to get married, so they are completely given to children.  
The desire to get married
The desire to get married

Get married after 30: Is it really - statistics

According to Professor John Mirovsky, from Texas University , the ideal time for the birth of the first child is 34 years. It is by this age that the optimal balance between the health of a woman and her material well -being is achieved.

The chances of getting married after 30 years:

  • Men for the most part are either in marriage or in the search, but at the same time they are in no hurry to bind themselves to marriage. This is due to the fact that the psychological attitude to loneliness in men and women is slightly different. In men aged 30-40 years, the desire to start a family is not yet as pronounced as a woman 30 years old. They think that they have time to wait, while women after 35 years, are already seriously thinking about family and children. Biological time is leaving, and a woman does not get younger with age.  
  • Oddly enough, but among many unmarried women there are those who have a permanent partner, but at the same time they cannot get married. This usually happens in a relationship with a married man. Most often this happens when a woman aged 20-25 accidentally meets a married man and their relationship is established. At the same time, the woman still hopes that the lover will divorce with her wife, but this does not happen. Thus, a woman is losing her time, and after 30 years remains lonely. In this regard, the chances to marry her are significantly reduced.  
  • According to psychologists, in connection with the improvement of the standard of living, really many couples marry much later than it was 50 years ago. Previously, it was necessary to immediately jump out to marry, and then watch what was happening and how. Now everything is happening the opposite. Now, first of all, the girl wants to find a really worthy partner, and is in no hurry to bind herself to marriage with anyone, so that a stamp appears in the passport. This is due to an increase in the educational level, as well as an improvement in the well -being of most citizens of our country.  
Do not get married
Do not get married

Indeed, after 30 years of free men are much less than women. In most cases, these are people with some complexes, lack of character or bad habits. Among the girls after 30 there are a lot of old virgins who were never married, as well as women with children.  

Video: not married at 30 years old


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