In what words are more sounds than letters in Russian: a list of words

In what words are more sounds than letters in Russian: a list of words

In this article we will talk about in which words of the Russian language are more than letters than letters. Read the details further.

No wonder the Russian language is considered difficult and rich in synonyms and various rules for writing certain words. Children have been teaching grammar from the first grade and this baggage of knowledge is not placed in several years. Even in adulthood, you can find out something new in Russian. Interestingly, there are words in which the number of sounds and letters does not coincide. It happens that there are fewer letters, and there are more sounds. Why written, differs from what was said, we will consider further, we will find out in which words there are more sounds than letters.

In what words are more sounds than letters in Russian: a list of words

If you disassemble the word phonetically, then the result is the following picture: the number of sounds will not correspond to the number of letters in the word. It often happens that there are more sounds in words than the letters themselves. And if you also know in what words there are more sounds than letters in the Russian language, then you definitely remembered the information that the teacher taught at the school. Below is a picture where there are examples of the correct spelling of words and their phonetic analysis, or rather the word is dismantled to sounds.

Words, sounds
Words, sounds

As you can see, one thing is written, but another is heard. Look below some examples of such words in Russian grammar:

  • Christmas tree - (Yolochnaya) comes out seven letters and eight sounds
  • Lighthouse - (Myac) Four letters, five sounds
  • Yula - (yula) three letters, four sounds
  • Snowstorm - (Vyuga)

There are many such words with the number of sounds than letters in Russian grammar. And knowing the rules when the vowel and consonant letter means two sounds, you can give many examples on your own. Next, see some more examples of such words.

Two sound letters
Two sound letters


  • Eralash - ⌈yiralash⌋
  • Apples - ⌈yablaki⌋
  • Caustic - ⌈yetk`Iye⌋
  • Raccoon - ⌈yinot⌋
  • Christmas tree - ⌈yolk⌋
  • Capacious - ⌈yomk`iye⌋

IMPORTANT:When there is a soft, hard sign in the word and there are vowels: e, e, yu, I, the letters and sounds will be equalized due to the fact that the soft, hard signs have no sounds.

In what words are more sounds than letters in Russian: Rules

There are some rules precisely thanks to them and you can understand in which words there are more sounds than letters. When performing phonetic analysis of the word, students often have some difficulties due to incomplete knowledge of the rules for writing sounds.  The graphic symbol that is used in the letter is considered the letter.

See the image below, remember when yo, e, I, yu, indicate two sounds.

Vowels that indicate two sounds
Vowels that indicate two sounds

With phonetic analysis, the word is written as it is heard and if the letter is soft, then it is indicated by two sounds. When just a word is written, then such designations do not need to be done. As you have already seen that the letters e, e, I, u, can designate two sounds, much depends on the position where they are in the word . Examples: Luke - ⌈L′UK⌋, cabin - ⌈KAITA⌋.

In the 20th century, the publication often did not print the letter EAnd in our time, this tradition has remained for some publications, but still such a letter is in Russian grammar and it means two sounds: ⌈Yu⌋ under certain conditions. Namely, when it is at the very beginning of the word, when it is written after any vowel, and if it is written after a soft, solid sign.

IMPORTANT: Interesting the fact that back in 1942, Stalin indicated that the letter E There is a place to be in Russian grammar. And it should be written where she is consonant.

Sounds in words
Sounds in words

In the Russian language, everyone knows that there are 33 letters of them vowels only - six pieces, consonant twenty -one, but how much sounds are known not to everyone. The consonants, more precisely those that denote them - thirty -six, and vowels - ten.

According to the phonetic sound of the word, it should be pronounced, including all sounds, soft, hard, etc. The key information is consistency. In any language there are differences when writing and pronouncing words. It is interesting that languages \u200b\u200balso spread between the people at first at the level of sound, and then the spelling of words is studied.

Of course, the question arises, why complicate everything like that? But sounds are widely used not only for conversations, but also in vocal works. All talented singers, singers study these sounds, for example the letter I With a long sound, it goes to the sound in the future A. This is taught specifically, with the incorrect pronunciation of the word, the song will not sound and the sound of a word will not be completely revealed. Thanks to vowel sounds, the word can sound more melodic and more long. It is sounds that form the basis of the correct pronunciation of the word. Thanks to them, our language can convey not only meaning, but also emotions.

Video: In what words of sounds are more than letters in Russian?

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