How beautiful it is to hang photos on the wall: design ideas, placement schemes. How to place photos on the wall original?

How beautiful it is to hang photos on the wall: design ideas, placement schemes. How to place photos on the wall original?

Choose a way how to hang photos on the wall: schemes, choice of style and method.

Do you want to give individuality to your home? We will tell you how to hang photos on the wall to reflect your individuality, as well as supplement the house with a stylish and unique design. Photos on the wall are an ideal way of reminding of the best moments in life.

How beautifully to hang photos on the wall: placement schemes

The stylish house differs either by the cost of furniture, nor the high cost of repair, on the contrary, the stylish house is characterized by individuality, simplicity, laconicism, sophistication and feeling of the taste of the hostess. If you wondered how to hang photos on the wall, it means that you strive to find harmony and individuality in your housing.

The leading world designers have developed unique, and at the same time simple placement schemes, both photos and paintings on free walls. Thanks to this, on the one hand, several copies are placed on the wall, on the other hand, everything looks harmonious and natural.

Large portraits on canvas - perfect photos for wall decor
Large portraits on canvas are perfect photos for wall decor

The first placement scheme offers options in free space above the sofa, sofa or chest of drawers. These schemes are suitable for both the living room and other premises.

A variety of posting schemes for a photo above the sofa, shelf, chest of drawers
A variety of posting schemes for a photo above the sofa, shelf, chest of drawers

Also pay attention to interesting solutions for the wall, adjacent to the stairs, fireplace and, of course, fresh decisions how to place photos on a hinged shelf.

A variety of posting schemes for photos on the wall near the stairs, as well as on shelves and in space near the shelves
A variety of posting schemes for photos on the wall near the stairs, as well as on shelves and in space near the shelves

Now consider the main methods of posting photos in more detail. We recommend that we consider all the options, “try on” them to our wall, and only after that make a final decision.

How beautiful to hang horizontal photos?

How to hang photos on the wall on a horizontal line clearly shows this picture. Please note that with this decision, all photos are printed in one size and posted in identical framework.

One way to post a photo horizontally
One way to post a photo horizontally

How beautiful to hang photos on an inclined line?

But how to hang photos on the wall along an inclined line perfectly shows a picture of the wall design by the stairs. We draw attention to the fact that in this design decision there may be photographs in different sizes, but designed in the same style. You can post both randomly mixed large photos with small ones, and starting with small frames gradually increasing their size to the largest and most significant photo.

Posting photo on an inclined line in a chaotic manner
Posting photo on an inclined line in a chaotic manner

It is simple to achieve an ideal location-draw a visual or easily removed inclined line that will be parallel to the stairs and, having retreated the desired distance of 30-100 cm, simultaneously draw one more. The space between these lines must be filled with the photo so that they are placed homogeneous, and are in contact with the edges of the frames with conditional lines, while the edges of the frame should not go beyond the edges of these conditional stripes.

Square or rectangle from the photo

How to hang photos on the wall in the form of a rectangle, as well as a square, the above schemes illustrate below. Please note that these solutions have options for modular paintings that depict family photo shoots.

Posting photo in a checkerboard pattern in the shape of a rectangle
Posting photo in a checkerboard pattern in the shape of a rectangle

In this embodiment, many solutions can be offered. The most laconic is a photo of the same size in the same frames, placed row per row. As a result, a rectangle or square is formed.

Photos in the same frames and with identical Paspartt create the perfect square from the photo
Photos in the same frames and with identical Paspartt create the perfect square from the photo

The rule is also working well in placing photos along the inclined line. Draw a rectangle on a free wall that you are ready to highlight under the photo. Place large paintings inside the dedicated zone so that they look harmoniously, fill the space uniformly and if there are free places between them, fill them with small photos.

One photo shoot, one style, canvas - an ideal solution for a collage photo on the wall
One photo shoot, one style, canvas - an ideal solution for a collage photo on the wall
But the photo of nature will perfectly dilute the cold atmosphere and add sincerity even to the office
But the photo of nature will perfectly dilute the cold atmosphere and add sincerity even to the office

How beautiful to hang photos located symmetrically in the arc?

How to hang photos on the wall symmetrically in an arc? This will require buttons and thread. Choose a zone on the wall, draw an arc that you imagine and after that fill out the photo so that the frames are in contact with the line, but do not go beyond it. As soon as the paintings are hung - remove the thread and enjoy viewing.

Symmetry in the arc is a great idea for creative location of the photo
Symmetry in the arc is a great idea for creative location of the photo
Children's bedroom - a great place for commemorative family photos
Children's bedroom - a great place for memorable family photos

Chaotic hanging photos

Chaotic location of the photo in the living room
Chaotic location of the photo in the living room

They wondered how to hang photos on the wall randomly? Remember the basic rule of a chaotic style - everything should look easy, natural and harmonious. If you are not a professional designer, then creating a stylish chaos is very difficult, therefore, first lay out the pictures and decor on the floor, evaluate, if necessary, make changes and then only hang on the wall.

Chaotic posting photos goes well with additional decor
Chaotic posting photos goes well with additional decor

Heart, cloud or other figure from the photo

The heart from the photo is another way to express love
The heart from the photo is another way to express love

Do you know how to hang photos on the wall in the form of a drawing (heart, clouds, stars, etc.)? As in the previous versions, we make a scheme - a line in the form of a drawing, and place the photo so that they are in contact with a frame with a line, but do not go beyond it. The photo is mistakenly posted so that they are deeper than the line, but in this case the corners of the frames do not form an accurate contour, and instead of a clear and concise decor, you will get a blurry area in the photographs.

Family cloud scheme
Family cloud scheme
And so you can beat a free wall with a clock
And so you can beat a free wall with a clock

How beautiful to hang photos on the wall: design ideas

Before deciding how to hang photos on the wall, you should pay attention to the ideas of designing the photo themselves. Regardless of how the photos on the wall are located, they must be made in the same style, display one line (for example, photos of the family, or photos and portraits of one person, yourself or their child).

A huge role is also played by the style of design, the presence of a frame, a pass, as well as withstanding the entire decor in a single style, a plus in the style of the room.

How beautiful to hang photos in the frame?

The most expensive frames are made of metal, but their stylistics is very limited and is far from every style of the room. A universal solution is an environmentally friendly wooden frame. Such frames are performed in various styles, from laconic even lines, to curls in the Baroque style. The budget line is plastic frames that can be made both in the high-tech style and imitate wooden frames in a variety of colors and styles.

Photo in frames with a paspartm - classic solution
Photos in frames with a paspartm - classic solution

If you make photos into frames from various periods of life and photo sessions, then not only the same frames, but also the Pasparte aged in a single color scheme will help to achieve a single style.

Photos in the frames on the shelf look stylish and accurately
Photos in the frames on the shelf look stylish and accurately

In the house where there are children and animals (and at least the slightest chance is allowed that the photo may fall), choose anti -pile plastic instead of glass. The pricing policy is almost the same, but safety is many times better.

Printing on the canvases

Modular paintings are a ready -made solution for luxurious wall design. Modular paintings with your photos are the best stylish solution of recent years! In addition, the question is how beautifully to hang photos on the wall will immediately disappear. After all, the designer in printing, before printing will definitely help you place photos by modules, and you will receive a ready -made scheme for decorating the wall.

Photos on canvas - contemporary art in every house!
Photos on canvas - contemporary art in every house!

Huge frame for small photos

A large frame with many photos will add lightness and comfort to the room
A large frame with many photos will add lightness and comfort to the room

Photo on the clothespin is a fashion trend that rapidly gaining momentum. For such a solution, one huge frame will be required on the back wall, to which ropes are attached, and decorative clothespins. And, of course, printed photos. Plus such a stylish solution - the photo can be periodically changed!

Photo on the clothespin in a large frame
Photo on the clothespin in a large frame

Bilateral adhesive tape - excellent solution

For this design solution, a smooth wall is required, on which you can attach a double -sided tape, adhesive tape, and a photo. Think about the figure or drawing - we plan and start magic! We glue the tape on the back of the photo, remove the protective film from the second side and press in the right place on the wall. One second and everything is ready! We continue until all the photos are glued. This solution especially likes children and adolescents.

Figures with photos can be created so
Figures with photos can be created so
Stylishly decorated angle with minimal costs
Stylishly decorated angle with minimal costs
Photo on adhesive tape - a great idea for the holiday
Photo on adhesive tape is a great idea for the holiday

"Drying Photo" on clothespins

Photos on clothespins look easy and airy
Photos on clothespins look easy and airy

This solution answers two questions at once: how to beautifully hang photos on the wall and how to do it budget. For work, you will need a rope, two cloves without a hat and several outburst of decorative.

Add a hanger and a unique decor on the wall!
Add a hanger and a unique decor on the wall!

How to hang photos on the wall original?

For those who appreciate their history, and who like to compose a tree of life or a family tree, we offer the original placement of photos on the wall. This will require dry, polished or opened twigs of trees, as well as photos, and decorative laces. In the upper part of the photo we make a hole and tie the lace. It remains in a certain sequence to hang on an imitated tree.

Original solution for the family tree
Original solution for the family tree

Where is it better to hang photos in an apartment, house?

If you saw a beautifully hung photo and caught fire with this idea - great! After all, the walls hung with photographs are much more interesting than empty surfaces. But sometimes at first the question arises, how to beautifully hang photos on the wall, and only then the next where? Especially if an apartment or house is small.

To hang a photo across the wall is a whole art!
To hang a photo across the wall is a whole art!

On the whole free wall to hang the photo original and inspiring, but, as a rule, such a wall is in the corridor. It is worth remembering that narrow corridors are not suitable for such purposes, because family members will constantly hurt photos and eventually it will begin to annoy. But if you plan to decorate the office, beauty salon or other working area - this is a great option to take an empty space.

An interesting solution for a stylish office
An interesting solution for a stylish office

In apartments, most often a free zone is above the sofa, as well as in the head of the bed. Below are several ideas on how to beautifully hang photos on the wall above the sofa.

The zone above the sofa cannot be empty - add photos from life
The zone above the sofa cannot be empty - add photos from life
Another option for a photo above the sofa. Pay attention to the backlight
Another option for a photo above the sofa. Pay attention to the backlight

TV - without it in a modern house nowhere. But the zone around the TV is most often empty, and thereby creating a kind of technical zone. Having hung a photo around or near the TV, you will fill this zone with comfort and unique positive emotions of family shots!

Photo around the TV - fresh solution of recent years
Photo around the TV - fresh solution of recent years
And another way to decorate the wall near the TV
And another way to decorate the wall near the TV

The zone above the desk is a great place to post personal photos in a mix with motivating quotes in the framework.

The zone over the desktop is a place that should inspire!
The zone over the desktop is a place that should inspire!

The zone around the mirror can come in handy. The mirror is the center of the composition surrounded by randomly posted photos. Do not forget to create a single style.

Favorite photos around the mirror will set a good mood even on the most cloudy day
Favorite photos around the mirror will set a good mood even on the most cloudy day
The mirror in the hallway can be beaten very interestingly by hanging several personal photos
The mirror in the hallway can be beaten very interestingly by hanging several personal photos

The deaf wall in the corridor most often remains empty, since it does not carry functional necessity. But do not miss the opportunity - place memorable photos in a prominent place. After all, the hallway of this place that meets guests and sets the mood for all housing.

The deaf wall in the corridor will no longer be empty! Photos on a deaf wall will give the comfort to a boring corridor
The deaf wall in the corridor will no longer be empty! Photos on a deaf wall will give the comfort to a boring corridor

The corners between the rooms can also decorate photos and drawings in the frames. This is a great way to add creativity to your housing.

A unique way to arrange the outer corridor angle
A unique way to arrange the outer corridor angle
No place for a photo? Look at the corners - perhaps their place is there!
No place for a photo? Look at the corners - perhaps their place is there!

How beautifully to hang photos on the wall: step -by -step instructions

The question arises, how to beautifully hang photos on the wall, so that later you do not have to redo it? We offer step -by -step instructions for work.

  • We draw a sketch with a photo marking. At the same time, we pay attention to the fact that the main viewing angle is 150-180 cm from the floor. Higher and below you can post large photos, but you should not hang up small photos from the floor to a height of 200 cm from the floor that cannot be fully examined. This rule also acts at a height below 140 cm from the floor;
One of the ways of marking paintings on the wall
One of the ways of marking paintings on the wall
  • The distance between the photo should be the same, for example, 5 cm. To the edge of the wall, doors and other interior details do not reach 15-20 cm;
Marking the corner zone with templates before hanging a photo
Marking the corner zone with templates before hanging a photo
  • We make a paper template. We cut out the rectangles of the size of the frames, numb and hang on the tape to the wall. We leave, look, and if everything turned out well and organically, we move on to the next step;
  • We attach the photo gradually From high to low, removing paper templates. This will minimize the probability of an error.
Look at the photo markings and finished work - isn't it perfect?
Look at the photo markings and finished work - isn't it perfect?
  • Check if the photo is reliably hung And enjoy the work done!

We hope that our article answered all your questions and you, inspired by ideas, go right now to select photos that will decorate your walls. And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video with vivid ideas how beautifully to hang photos on the wall.

Video: how to hang photos - 10 original ideas

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