In which regions of our planet are the greatest concentration of volcanoes, how volcanoes are formed, what are there, seismoactive zones: a brief description, photo

In which regions of our planet are the greatest concentration of volcanoes, how volcanoes are formed, what are there, seismoactive zones: a brief description, photo

From this article we learn where the largest number of volcanoes on our land.

The volcano for people at all times has been and remains mysterious and terrible. Indeed, now, when science has advanced so far ahead, people cannot prevent the troubles brought by a volcano. The only thing we can find out in advance when the beginning of the eruption of the volcano. In this article we will find out where the largest and most dangerous volcanoes arise on Earth.

How are volcanoes form, and what are they?

On Earth, the whole land consists of huge plates. The continuation of the slab is also under water in the ocean. Places where the slabs are in contact with the other, they are called seismoactive zones in geology, earthquakes and volcanoes are concentrated in them.

There are volcanoes:

  1. Acting - Sometimes from them the fiery lava, which covers everything in its path, is deducting from them, which is fatally dangerous for the whole world.
  2. Sleeping - Preserving their shape, but not showing themselves for the time being, for the time.
  3. Exactly - retaining their shape, but not manifesting a long historical period, for example, for a millennium; Their eruption is unlikely.

Volcanoes can be erupted:

  • On the ground
  • Under the water
  • And even under the glaciers

If mentally cut the volcano, then it looks like this:

  • Zherlo - a vertical pipe created by nature, according to which the hot magma acts
  • Crater - a large hole on the surface formed after the passage of lava
  • Camera with volcanic lava (inside the volcano)
  • Cone - hardened mountain formed from a hot lava

Most often, the volcano, erupting, forms a large mountain on the surface, but inside the volcano with molten magma takes up much more space than can be seen on the surface.

Why are volcanoes erupted?

Underground, at great depths, all the time the lava is in a hot state. The contact or extension of the plates squeezes the lava. From such pressure, cracks appear in the ground. According to them, the lava, along with ash, hot with luminous gases erupted to the surface, destroying everything in its path.

What are seismoactive zones, and which are on Earth?

Seismoactive zones appear in places of contact of mainland plates.

On Earth there are 3 seismoactive zones:

  • Pacific
  • Mediterranean Asian
  • Afro-Asian

Pacific seismic zone: photo

Kamchatka. In Russia, in the Far East The Kamchatka Peninsula is located - a very active area of \u200b\u200bmountain formation. It is at times erupted here 28 volcanoes, the most famous:

  • Klyuchevskaya hill
  • Burnt
  • Flat Tolbachchik
  • Vilyuchinsky
  • Mutnovskaya hill
  • Avachinskaya hill

In addition to the current ones, there are still about 500 extinct volcanoes. It is here Valley of Geysers With the largest geyser giant, throwing a column of hot water to 30 m.

Volcano Klyuchevskaya hill in Kamchatka


Volcano Sakuraudzima -He throws boiling fiery lava constantly, starting from 1955, a 700,000th city of Kagosima has grown next to the volcano. In 1914, after a large eruption, the volcano changed the terrain - a small island, thanks to Sakuraudzima, joined the Great Island. The last time the volcano erupted in 2013.

Sakuraudzima volcano in Japan

Volcano Fuji - Sleeping, located 90 km from Tokyo, but the smoke on the top is often noticeable. The volcano occupies an area of \u200b\u200b126 km, a height of 3776 m, the crater has a diameter of 500 m. The last time it erupted 300 years ago. On the slope of the Holy Mountain for the Japanese, there are many thermal sources that formed warm lakes, but the climate of the terrain (in the summer until +18̊c, in winter -30̊c) does not allow them to swim in them.

Vulcan Fujiyama in Japan

Philippine Islands

Pinatubo volcano - Active, located 26 km from the city of Angheles, its height is 1486 m. The last time was activated in 1993. Now the crater of the volcano is filled with rainwater, which does not go anywhere, and looks like a beautiful lake with magnificent tropical vegetation along the banks. The recreation area is open here.

Lake in the crater of the Pinatubo volcano in the Philippine Islands

Volcano Taal Located on the island of Luson, and rises in a mountain (350 m) in the middle of Lake Taal, owned by the Philippine Islands. Lake Taal is a crater of an ancient powerful volcano. The powerful explosion of the lava from the volcano was in 1911, only 10 minutes died 1335 people living at a distance of 10 km. The last time Taal erupted in 1965, there were about 200 victims.

Volcano Taal on Lake Taal, Philippines


The volcano measured Located near the small town of Jokyakart, on the island of Java. A feature of the volcano, and a great horror for the inhabitants of the island, is a large (150 km/h) speed of promotion of magma. The last time the volcano was active in 2006. Then it destroyed 300 thousand human villages, 130 people died.

Volcano measured, island of Java

Volcano Krakatau - Active, its height is 813 m, until 1883, it was located on the island near the Java and Sumatra, is known for the fact that with a powerful eruption in 1883, and the allocation of a lot of volcanic smoke, which rose to a height of up to 70 km, closed the sun. , After which there was a cooling on Earth.

Krakatau volcano in Indonesia

In total in Indonesia 130 active volcanoes.

Papua New Guinea

Volcano Ulavun Located 130 km from the city of Rabaul, 2334 m high. At the foot and to a height, 1 km of mountain is covered with vegetation, above - bare rocks. He began to act actively from the beginning of the 18th century, and erupted 22 times already. In 1980, as Peplom from the volcano, an area of \u200b\u200b20 km2 was covered. The last time he was activated in 2010.

Ulavun volcano on the islands of Papua-New Guinea

New Zealand

Volcano White Island - Active, arose on the islands of New Zealand. The last eruption was in 2012-2013 The main crater was formed even before our era, has a diameter of 2 km. After the last eruption, the island has a Martian landscape: jets of hissing sulfur gas rises from the ground, the top of the volcano is covered with a crust of sulfur, there is almost no vegetation and animals, except for sea birds from the genus of pelicans. And yet this is the most visited island, volcanologists and scientists, as well as tourists, often visit here.

Volcano White Island in New Zealand


There are several active volcanoes in the Andes mountains in the north Chilea: San Pedro (6145 m), San Pablo (6092 m), Serro-Paniri. The last time San Pedro was active in 1960. Now volcanic mountains are actively conquering, but local authorities all the time remind that the ascent should be made in masks protecting from toxic vapors secreted by the volcano.

San Pedro volcano in north Chile

Volcano Lewlylyako - Active, arose in the Andes, at the confluence with the most waterless desert of the attack, on the border of Chile with Argentina. The last time the volcano was active in 1877. The second-height volcano in the world is 6739 m. And although the park was opened here, climbing Lewlyalyo can do a little due to difficult conditions in the mountains.

Lullyalyako volcano in north Chile, close borders with Argentina


Volcano Okhus-del Salado - An extinct, the highest volcano on Earth (6893 m) arose in Argentina, near the border with Chile, in the Andes, on the border with the attack desert. The climbers often make climbers on the volcano and nearby mountains, and the first ascent was made in 1937 by the Pole Justin Vojnis.

The highest volcano in the world-hunt-del salado, is located between Argentina and Chile


Kotopakhi volcano - Sleeping, 5897 m high, in the Andes. The crater has approximately 450 m2. The top of the volcano is always in the snow, which is a rarity for a tropical country. The national park is located here. In 2015, the volcano is a pillar of smoke, 5 km high, it was repeated 5 times, and then calmed down.

Kotopakhi volcano in Ecuador


Volcano Galeras - For 7 thousand years, he erupted 6 times, and all his eruptions were very powerful and sudden. The volcano has an area close to 20 km2, its crater is 320 m. Near the volcano, along its eastern slope, there is a large city of Pasto with a population of 450 thousand. The last activity of the volcano was in 2010.

Volcano Galeras in Columbia


Volcano Santa Maria It rises with a high mountain (3772 m) near the city of Kesaltenango. After the destructive eruption in 1902, 6 thousand people died close, and the explosion was heard 800 km. The last time the volcano woke up in 2011

Active Santa Maria volcano in Guatemala


Volim volcano -Dangerous for all Mexico, consists of 2 high (4625 m and 3846 m) peaks: Nevado de Kolim-extinct, and Volcan de Fiego-de-Kolim-active. The volcano was activated in 1576, and erupted more than 40 times. The last activity of the volcano was in January 2017, then the smoke with ash rose to a height of 2 km.

Vulcan Colima in Mexico

Volcano Popocatepetl - Acting, he ashes, sulfur gases thrown out every month, over the past 10 years - 3 times erupted the lava, and it is located 50 km from Mexico City. In addition, 2 more cities of Mexico are exposed to dangers.

Volcano Popocatepetl in Mexico

Volcano Orisaba - Sleeping, located in the cordils, 5636 m high. The last time was active in 1687. After that, the ice shell was chopped.

Orisaba volcano in Mexico


Mauna-Loa volcano - occupies the largest area (80 thousand m3), given its underwater part. Located in the Hawaiian islands belonging to America. The last time the volcano was active in 1984, within 24 days. In addition to the Mauna-LoA volcano on the islands, 5 more volcanoes. Now the territory with a volcano is included in the National Park.

Mauna-Loa volcano (Hawaiian Islands)

Kilausian volcano -Caldera 4 km long, 3.2 km wide, is located close to Mauna Loa, on the Hawaiian Islands. It is erupting now. On June 2, this year, the settlement of Kapoko was destroyed by lava.

Calder volcano Kilauz on the Hawaiian Islands

Volcano Rhinir - Sleeping, appeared 87 km from the city of Seattle. The highest mountain (4392 m) with two volcanic craters. The last time I threw a lava in 1854. A park was opened here for rest.

Rhinir volcano in the USA

Yellouston Vulcan-Calder - The crater is even, does not form a mountain, like ordinary volcanoes, but it is much larger. The last time the volcano erupted 640 thousand years ago, and then it changed the relief of North America, and the entire territory of the current US was covered with ash. Scientists calculated that the second eruption can begin in the next 60 thousand years, and perhaps it will be fatal for our planet.

Yellouston Calder in the USA
Yellouston Calder in the context

Volcano Augustine - A young, acting volcano, is in Alaska. The places here are deserted. The eruption of the volcano is always accompanied by an earthquake and tsunami.

Augustine volcano in Alaska (USA)

Mediterranean-Asian seismoactive zone: photo

Etna volcano (Sicily Island, Italy)- Active, occupies an area of \u200b\u200b1250 km2. In addition to the main crater, about 400 side craters appeared during the action of the volcano. Previously, more than 30 thousand years ago, the volcanic eruptions were more powerful than now. Judge for yourself: only in the 18th years of the current century he erupted more than 10 times - and no one was injured, fortunately.

Etna volcano on the island of Sicily (Italy)

Vulcan Vesuvius (Italy) -Acting, known for completely destroying Pompey and 2 more cities. Its crater in a diameter of 750 m. 15 km from the volcano is Naples with 3 million population. The last eruption was here, here, to the crater of the volcano, excursions are now held.

Vulcan Vesuvius in Italy

Wulkano -This is a group of volcanoes-kalder located on the island of Wulkano (Lipar Islands), which is near the island of Sicily. The islands belong to Italy. The island of Wulkano is small, with an area of \u200b\u200b21 km2, permeated with internal smoking cracks, from which hot gases emerge. This is a young island, formed 136 thousand years ago. The island is open to tourists. He attracts vacationers: mud baths, hot springs. 470 people constantly live on it.

Calder Wulkano on the Lipar Islands (Italy)

Volcano stromboli - Active, with 3 craters, 2 of them often erupt the lava, and they throw ash, the third extinct. The volcano is located on the island of the same name, included in the Lipar Islands belonging to Italy. The area of \u200b\u200bthe island stromboly 12 km2. The volcano has a height (counting the underground part) 2 km. The foot of the volcano has 3 small settlements, numbering permanent inhabitants up to 400 people.

Volcano Stromboli on the Lipar Islands (Italy)

Vulcan Elbrus (Russia) - Sleeping volcano, consists of 2 peaks (5621 m and 5642 m). The last time was active for more than 2500 years. Craters fell asleep over time. Snow and ice on tops do not melt even in the summer. Inside the volcano is active, the gases consisting of sulfur are seeped along the cracks. At the foot of the mountain have sources with hot (52-60̊c) water.

Elbrus volcano in the Caucasus (Russia)

Afro-Asian seismoactive zone: photo

Nieragono volcano (Congo) - Active, arose in the mountains of Virung. A volcano crater at a depth of 250 m, 2 km wide. Liquid stooping lava in the crater is seething without stopping for several years now. The main cone of the volcano is surrounded by more than a hundred small cones, all the time of steaming. Lava flows move at a speed of 60 km/h. The last eruption was in 2002, then 120 thousand people lost their beds.

Nieragono volcano crater in the Congo

Volcano Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) - Exactly, the highest (the top of Kibo) in Africa - 5895 m, is among the plane of Masai. From the crater of the volcano, gas release occurs constantly. Scientists are afraid that the top of the volcano can collapse, as it was already partially, and then not to avoid a major eruption. The last eruption was close 150 thousand years ago.

Kilimanjaro volcano in Tanzania

Iceland volcanoes

Iceland is an island of contrasts. There is everything: eternal glaciers, active volcanoes with hot springs, the summer temperature does not exceed +15̊c, and winter -20̊c.

There are about 15 existing volcanoes in Iceland, in total 25. The most famous are: are:

  • Aska
  • Grimsvotn
  • Gekla
  • Katla
  • Eskugvatn
  • Eiyafyadlaikyudl

Gekla volcano - The most active in Iceland, is located 110 km from the capital of Reykjavik, 1491 m high. Not the entire volcano begins to erupt, but only 1 crack, 5.5 km in length. When the eruption begins, the crack reveals even more, and fiery tongues jump out of it with noise and clouds of ash. The last time the volcano spruce it with fire in 2000. Now it is a popular place for tourists, in the summer - on foot, in winter - on skiing.

Gekla volcano in Iceland

So, now we know where the most volcanoes are concentrated on our planet.

Video: volcanic eruption! A grandiose and destructive natural phenomenon!

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