What games can you play with children 4-6 years old at home? Didactic, directorial, role-playing, board and outdoor games for preschoolers

What games can you play with children 4-6 years old at home? Didactic, directorial, role-playing, board and outdoor games for preschoolers

What developing games can you play with a preschooler? Preparation for school and games for the whole family.

The sweetest dreams are in childhood. The most delicious grandmother's pies are in childhood. The most interesting games are in childhood. Games for the baby can be not only interesting, but also training at the same time.

Playing logical developing games with the whole family - fun
Playing logical developing games with the whole family - fun

Didactic games for preschool children

Play with children and engage in mathematics without leaving your own kitchen. Indeed, among products there are always 2-3 apples or tomatoes. It remains to give them to your baby and count out loud fruits or vegetables. The task can be complicated, if you say to the preschooler that he has three apples, and dad ate one apple. How many apples are left? The answer is in your child's hands.

Mathematics in the kitchen
Mathematics in the kitchen

The most ordinary plates or cups can also be a help for classes in the kitchen. Ask the child which cup is less, and which is more? Or count how many plates are needed today for lunch, if the whole family gathered at home?

And how many of them do you need if the guests have come to the house? And you can develop logical thinking if the mother sets the task more complicated and asks to fold two plates with three tablespoons. How many cutlery will it turn out in the end?

Cooking and covering on the table is both a useful activity and an interesting developing game
Cooking and covering on the table is both a useful activity and an interesting developing game

Board games for preschoolers

In toys stores today you can buy just a huge number of board training games. What can you learn by playing? Learn letters and learn to put them in syllables and words. Bright pictures will help to remember the letters.

Didactic games for children
Didactic games for children

To learn the numbers and learn how to solve problems easily playing a mathematical lotto. It happens that it is difficult for a child to get comfortable with an account. Here pictures will come to the rescue, which one can pick up one at a time and slowly count.

The child learns to count
The child learns to count

The games “Pond”, “Follow the pattern”, “Pick up the word for the story” will help to develop logical thinking. Here you will need to not only read or count, but also learn to think.

Game for the development of logical thinking
Game for the development of logical thinking

If several children play in the board game at once, then along with teaching letters or account there is also training in the art of communication. The desire to be better, to know more and be a leader, perhaps it will be laid at the table for the game.

Game for two and more children
Game for two and more children

Board games for preschoolers

Chess - a game that is interesting for both adults and children
Chess - a game that is interesting for both adults and children
  • For playing at home, not only training games are suitable, but also those in which the child will simply be interested in playing with peers or parents. No need to discount such time -tested games as dominoes, checkers, chess and backgammon
  • Perhaps someone will think that preschool children are too small to start playing such games. Well then, you can recall that Anatoly Karpov’s father taught how to play chess when he was 5 years old. Who knows, perhaps your child is a great chess player in the future
  • Domino for children can be in traditional performance or with images of animals, vegetables or fruits on bones. Choose for the game the option that will be more interesting for children
Children play dominoes
Children play dominoes

Plot-role-playing game for children 4-6 years old

Playing the role-playing games, the child “tries” on different situations and learns to respond correctly to them. To come up with a plot for the game and parents can distribute roles, but it is better if the child himself is the director of the game. Topics for such games can be taken by losing life situations - cooking in the kitchen, receiving guests, washing and ironing things, profession.

Plot game
Plot game

It would be nice to buy or make doll cribs, tables and cabinets yourself for playing with dolls.

Moms who know how to sew can sew bedding and new dresses for dolls for cribs. You can try to teach girls to cut and sewing simple clothes for dolls.

Learning to sew
Learning to sew

Children love to play "into the house" copying the behavior of their parents. And often parents are surprised to see how the child screams at their toys, puts them in a corner, makes them eat all of the toy plates.

Therefore, parents need to try not to break into children due to poor mood or trouble at work.

The child embodies in games the situations that he faced in real life
The child embodies in games the situations that he faced in real life

Puppet Theater

Children love to go to puppet theaters for performances. But what if you make such a theater at home? You can buy special dolls for such a theater that are dressed in the hands. If there are no such toys, it will be possible to organize a performance with ordinary toys.

Make a small screen, come up with a child’s plot or take a fairy tale that you read and boldly create in your mini-theater. If your child’s friends participate in the view, invite these children to the premiere of these children.

Home puppet theater
Home puppet theater

Well, you can go further, and do not puppet, but a real performance at home. Your children can be actors, screenwriters and directors of such a performance. Trust them the preparation of replicas, costumes and scenery, the directorial game will help to develop the imagination.

Let the scripts not be perfect, but invented by your child on their own. Speaking at home in front of the parents whom the kids trust, they learn the art of public performances, and even the most shy will be easily performed on such ideas in kindergarten or school.

The plot-role-playing game
The plot-role-playing game

Outdoor games

Outdoor games need a child like air. You need to splash out the accumulated energy somewhere. Well, if there is a spacious children's room, even better if parents installed the simplest sports shells in the form of a gymnastic wall, rope or ladder in such a room. In this case, the child himself will find a mobile activity for himself.

Outdoor games
Outdoor games

If the places are not enough to save the situation for jumping. And the Batuta areas will simply become a wand-lifesaver of parents. In such a arena, children can jump up and even compete "who will jump above."

Of course, such a arena should be stable and well fixed on the floor. The games combined with the movement include the performance of physical exercises and dances to the music.

Outdoor games with parents
Outdoor games with parents

You can even hold a family competition in sports dancing inside. Who is better to dance? Mom, dad, grandfather with grandmother or baby? The winner may be a chocolate medal, toy or sweets.

The reward for parents after such classes will eventually be able to read well, count, logically think, not be afraid of public performances by a child. Therefore, plunging into everyday worries - allocate time for playing with children. Do not dismiss the requests "Mom, well read!" Or "Mom play with me!" After all, there is nothing more important than children in the world.

Video: Dad and daughter play the game "Thumbelina"

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  1. My boy fell in love with small board games for children,
    Lately we play the valcate

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