What is the essence of vegetarianism? What types of vegetarianism exist?

What is the essence of vegetarianism? What types of vegetarianism exist?

Increasingly, people far from energy practices meet the concept of “vegetarianism” on the network and on television. In the modern world, this is a new fashionable course that pursues the goal of making stronger health and extend longevity. The essence of vegetarianism is known to everyone - this is a rejection of meat.

Those who delve deeper into this concept are faced with a variety of types of vegetarianism. There is an eternal struggle between the meat -eaters and the vegetarians. Each of the representatives of the "food camp" wants to prove that its nutrition method is healthier and more correct. Looking ahead, I would like to note that the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle. What method of nutrition to choose should solve each person on his own, having previously studied all the proposed material.


What is vegetarianism: the concept of vegetarianism

  • The concept of vegetarianism from the Latin word, which means "vegetable." If you give an accurate definition, then vegetarianism is a way of food in which all animal products (meat, fish, seafood, eggs and dairy products) are excluded. Human nutrition consists of plant products
  • Despite the fact that the term “vegetarianism” actually appeared in England in the 19th century, the practice of such a diet has existed since ancient times. The ancient cults of many peoples condemned the eating of meat. And, if ordinary residents have animal foods were still permissible, then clergy were required to completely abandon it. Such a system in India is most developed, under the influence of an ancient religion - Hinduism
  • According to this belief, all animals, plants and even stones are endowed with soul. Moreover, each soul has its own order. For example, the soul of animals is as close as possible to human. That is why there is animal food - heavy sin
  • Not only spiritual ministers adhere to vegetarianism, but also ordinary residents. The practice of refusing food of animal origin was reflected in Buddhism, in Chinese folk beliefs, in the beliefs of the peoples of South Asia and North Africa. Even in Christianity, vegetarianism is represented by compliance with the post
  • Vegetarianism is defended not only by adherents of a healthy lifestyle, but also by highly intellectual people who defend humanism. They are of the opinion that if a person can refuse to eat animals, then he must stop violence
  • However, in the northern regions and in regions with strong drought, vegetarianism has not become widespread. All due to the fact that the rejection of animal food would simply lead to the death of a person. Therefore, we can conclude that not all natural conditions make vegetarianism possible
The essence of vegetarianism
the essence of vegetarianism

The benefits and harm of vegetarianism

Despite the fact that scientists and doctors from many countries conducted experiments on the influence of vegetarianism on their health, there was no unequivocal conclusion. Some of the experts are sure that vegetarianism is a ticket in longevity. Others that this is a way to earn many chronic diseases. Where is the truth? Different points of view should be considered.

The benefits of vegetarianism:

  • Prevents the appearance of obesity, cardiovascular diseases
  • Does not cause an increase in cholesterol level
  • Vegetarianism does not contribute to the development of diabetes mellitus
  • According to studies, vegetarians have more positive views on life and optimistic mood
  • Thanks to the plant diet, a person absorbs a lot of fiber
  • Together with fruits, vegetables and herbs, a sufficient amount of vitamins come

The harm of vegetarianism:

  • Often vegetarianism leads to a lack of protein in the body
  • As a result, muscle tissue will begin to collapse
  • Fat deficiency can lead to diseases of the endocrine system
  • Vitamin B12, which is necessary for normal life, does not enter the body with plant foods.

What types of vegetarianism exist?

Vegetarianism has been widely developed in our time. There are many "gentle" nutrition systems that exclude only the use of meat. Some methods of vegetarianism allow you to adhere to their moral principles at the same time and do not radically change their diet.

  • Peskovetarianism. This power system is called many strict vegetarians "false vegetarianism." It provides for the exclusion of only meat from its diet. Peskovetarians eat fish and other animal products
  • Lacto-Vegetarianism. According to their principles, they can eat eggs, dairy products and honey. Lactarians explain the fact that living creatures do not suffer from these foods when eating these products. Eggs from stores are not a chicken embryo, because they are not fertilized
  • Lacto-Vegetarianism. Such a power system provides for the rejection of eggs, but allows for the use of milk and dairy products
  • Velotarianism. In this power system, it is forbidden to use milk and dairy products. But, the use of eggs and beekeeping products is allowed
  • Veganism. This is a strict form of vegetarianism, which excludes from the diet absolutely all products of animal origin
  • Raw food. Sometimes, this type of nutrition is also attributed to vegetarianism. A raw food diet is a refusal to use any food that was undergoing thermal processing
Types of vegetarianism
types of vegetarianism

Lacto-Sovo-Vegetarianism, benefit and harm

This is undoubtedly one of the most gentle methods of vegetarianism. Firstly, a person can honestly adhere to the posed principle of non-violence. Secondly, such a power system allows you to have a full-fledged diet.

  • Eggs contain many nutrients, protein and vitamins, which are so lacking in vegetarianism. Including, the eggs contain vitamin B12
  • Dairy products contain animal fats in moderate quantities, calcium, protein and minerals
  • This type of vegetarianism will diversify its nutrition and not infringe on the preparation of many dishes
  • However, you do not need to abuse eggs to replenish all vitamins. After all, eggs contain a lot of cholesterol, which does not affect health in the best way

Lacto-Vegetarianism, benefit and harm

Lacto-Vegetarianism is not too different from the previous variety of vegetarianism. The difference is that a person should refuse to use eggs. The only natural way of obtaining vitamin B12, eggs in vegetarianism, is also prohibited.

That is why Lacterians, Vegans and raw foodists are recommended to periodically use a complex of vitamins and minerals that contain this element.


Oscillations, benefits and harms

Under the ban, milk and all dairy products are now banned. Therefore, vegetarians should replace the source of calcium with plant products. For example, calcium is contained in:

  • Legumes
  • Nuts
  • Rosehip
  • Nettle
  • Apricots
  • Strawberries
  • Currant
  • Sesame seeds.

What is veganism? The benefits and harm of the vegan power system.

  • Veganism is a strict form of vegetarianism, which provides for the exclusion from the diet of all animal foods. Including milk and dairy products, eggs and beekeeping products
  • According to studies, it is impossible to clearly define the benefits or harm of veganism. The task of a person who decided to switch to such a power system is to compensate for the receipt of trace elements from animal foods
  • For a person who is superficially familiar with medicine and nutrition, this is quite difficult to do. And the lack of vitamins and trace elements can lead to serious diseases of the internal organs and systems of the body
  • One can definitely say that it is impossible to sharply move from eating meat to veganism. Moreover, you should turn to a specialist who will help to balance plant foods and recommend biological additives containing missing vitamins

How to switch to vegetarianism? Vegetarianism for beginners

Perhaps the first thing a person should determine for himself is the motive for the transition to vegetarianism. If the reason is only a fashion for such a course, then the transition to this power system will not be long.

The second common reason is to improve health (for example, with obesity). But, in such a case, vegetarianism is not the best way out. There are many balanced food systems that are in stock animal products. They will be less stressful for the body.

As already noted above, vegetarianism is not only a power system, but also moral components. Consider the main motives that encourage the transition to vegetarianism:

  • Ethical component. It is based on pity for living beings, for our smaller brothers. Vegetarians are unbearable food, which is a product of the suffering of some living creature
  • The economic component. According to studies, if humanity completely excluded or significantly limited the use of animal foods, hunger could avoid on the planet
  • Influence on health. Vegetarians are completely sure that such a power system will help them make health stronger and look younger.
  • Religious aspect. In this case, vegetarianism is a way of training its own willpower, the ability to abandon food weaknesses

Vegetarianism for adolescents and children

In adulthood, a person can cover a lack of vitamins and trace elements from animal foods with plant foods. However, some categories of people need much more vitamins and minerals. In sufficient quantities, it is simply impossible to get from plant foods. That is why, it is strictly not recommended to adhere to strict forms of vegetarianism:

  • pregnant women
  • children
  • teenagers under 16 years old
  • people suffering from chronic diseases.

Statistics of vegetarianism

According to many statistical indicators, vegetarianism is more healthy for health than uncontrolled nutrition. Here are a few statistics:

  • According to studies in the United States, vegetarians are more active, do not suffer from obesity and chronic diseases
  • In the United States, studies were dedicated to the economic benefits of vegetarianism. The indicators were stunning. For example, 70% of grain crops go to livestock feed (these products could have been spent on overcoming hunger in other countries)
  • Vegetarianism can save many kilometers of forests, including tropical
  • A third of all the water used in the United States is spent on the content of livestock
  • The abuse of meat and products in which many saturated fats can lead to diseases: diabetes, heart attack, stomach and intestinal ulcer, intestinal cancer, kidney problems and nervous system
  • People consume significantly more meat than they really need it. Meat is a product on which many companies earn millions
  • Modern meat industry processes meat with chemicals to increase the expiration date and improve the appearance of the product. Some of these substances are poisons for the human body
Interesting facts about vegetarianism
Interesting facts about vegetarianism

How to safely switch to vegetarianism: tips and reviews

  • The first thing that is necessary will be determined by motivation. It is also necessary to decide whether the transition to vegetarianism is a temporary measure or it will become a constant norm
  • Many nutritionists and doctors do not recommend a sharp transition to vegetarianism. First you need to reduce meat consumption to 2 times a week. At the same time, other products do not exclude. Further, you can switch to lacto-va-Vegetarianism, as to the most sparing stage
  • Before switching to a new nutrition system, conduct a study of the body. Fix health indicators
  • Every half a year, pass such an examination to monitor health and notice changes in time
  • If there is a clear intention to adhere to vegetarianism constantly, properly balance your nutrition
  • Use the advice of people who have successfully adhere to vegetarianism for a long time
The transition to vegetarianism
The transition to vegetarianism

Famous vegetarians

Many famous personalities of the past and present adhered to vegetarianism:

  • Henry Ford
  • Thomas Edison
  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
  • Bruce Lee
  • Uma Thurman
  • Richard Gir
  • Paul McCartney
  • Natalie Portman
  • Mike Tyson
  • Karl Lewis

This is an incomplete list of those who refused animal food consumption.

Refusal of meat
Refusal of meat

Vegetarianism, in whatever form it may not be the object of fanaticism. A person must sensitively monitor the state of his health.

Video: Vegetarianism. Pros and cons

















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