The symbol of the signs of the zodiac in astrology, a brief description of the signs of the zodiac, symbolism in astrology

The symbol of the signs of the zodiac in astrology, a brief description of the signs of the zodiac, symbolism in astrology

Each zodiac sign has its own name and all of them, of course, are known to us. However, in addition to the name, each sign has its own symbol, simply put a symbol to which it is indicated. Each such symbol carries its own meaning.

Conditioning of the signs of the zodiac in astrology

  1. Aries - This sign is the first in the list of zodiac signs. It is quite simple to recognize its symbol, because if you look closely, you can see in the graphic image of the symbol of the horn of the ram or the English letter “V”, with which sometimes the horns of this animal are also depicted. This sign symbolizes a powerful explosion, by the way, people born under this zodiac sign have an explosive, quick -tempered and strong character.

    Aries sign
    Aries sign
  2. Taurus - If you look closely at the graphic image of this zodiac sign, then you can easily see the head of a horned bull. The circle in this icon symbolizes the sun, and the arc above it is the moon. The nature of people born under this sign is similar to the character of the bull, they are inherent in stubbornness, strength and perseverance.

  3. Twins - In the icon depicting this zodiac sign, you can see the Roman number 2. People whose zodiac sign of the twins have a certain duality of their nature, often their mental state is very different from what they show others.

  4. Crayfish - This symbol resembles 2 inverted commas, also in the image of this zodiac sign, you can consider the claws of cancer. Rasic claws symbolize security and safety. People who are born under the sign of the zodiac Cancer strive to live in peace and others, however, prefer a solitary life, which few will know from their environment.

  5. a lion - The zodiac sign Leo is graphically depicted as a small circle and a fairly large curl. This curl is often compared with the mane of the king of animals, well, and the circle traditionally symbolizes the sun. There is another version with which this symbol has a similarity, with a sperm. This identification makes it possible to talk about the strength of this sign, about the male beginning.

    a lion
  6. Virgo - Most often, the letters “MV” are seen in the graphic image of this sign, which can be deciphered as a virgin Mary. People born under this zodiac sign have a great life force, pure energy and love the earth very much.

    The sign of the Virgin
    The sign of the Virgin
  7. Scales - Often the real old scales recognize this symbol, but in astrology it is customary to identify this graphic image of the zodiac sign with the setting sun. People who were lucky to be born under this sign have a natural talent to find a middle ground and see the truth.

  8. Scorpion - In this symbol, the letter “m”, which has a sharp tail directed outward, and not inward, as we could observe at the sign of the Zodiac Virgo, clearly visible. The tail itself is compared with the real tail, the sting of Scorpio. Born under this sign differ in a strong character, activity and determination.

  9. Sagittarius - Perhaps the easiest in perception is a symbol, since in it you can clearly see an arrow rushing up with a wand in the middle. Sagittarius are very purposeful personalities who always know what they want from others and from themselves, including.

  10. Capricorn - Compared to the previous zodiac sign, this one has a completely unusual and incomprehensible graphic designation at first glance. In it, one can consider both the inverted letter “V” and the symbol that indicates the sign of the Zodiac Taurus, however, it is customary to identify this icon with a goat and a fish tail. Capricorns can boast of their patience, determination, strength and dexterity.

  11. Aquarius - Undoubtedly, the graphic image of the zodiac sign Aquarius looks like waves, sometimes the symbol is interpreted as waves that rise due to the influence of the wind. People who are born under this sign are incredibly smart, they are inherent in logical thinking, they are endowed with force.

    Waves of Aquarius
    Waves of Aquarius
  12. Fish -The sign of the zodiac of fish is depicted in the form of 2 curved arcs, which are interconnected by a stick. In astrology, it is believed that these are 2 fish that seek to swim in different directions. The first fish symbolizes a person’s desire for peace and unity with the soul, the second - for personal growth, development and career. There is also an assumption that one of the fish dutifully floats with the flow, gratefully accepting everything that meets her in the way, but the second tries to swim against the current in order to get what she desired at all costs. People with a zodiac of fish are inherent in the duality of nature, the changeability of character.

It is in this way that such graphic symbols in astrology indicate the signs of the zodiac. As you yourself were able to verify this, each zodiac sign has its own image and its secret meaning.

Video: Astrology and zodiac signs

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