Bruise of the nail on the leg or hand. What to do if the child pinches the nail with a door or a bruise: first aid, treatment

Bruise of the nail on the leg or hand. What to do if the child pinches the nail with a door or a bruise: first aid, treatment

Unpleasant sensations caused by a bruise of the nail can be quickly eliminated, as well as prevent the severe consequences of this injury. To do this, you need to know the methods of providing first aid for bruising of the nail and the specifics of its treatment described in this article.

Burnt of the nail - An unpleasant accident that can happen to everyone. In such a situation, it is important to know how to provide first aid And how to alleviate painful sensations. Read about how to help yourself with a bruise of the nail in this article.

First aid for bruises of the nail on the arm or leg

Burnt of the nail - A trauma, as a result of which bruises and hematoma occur under the nail plate. No one is safe from the bruise of the nail, because, as a rule, such an injury occurs for domestic reasons:

  • hit
  • pinches a finger in the door
  • the fall of a heavy object
  • narrow, uncomfortable shoes
Should not be tightly bandage the nail with bruises
Should not be tightly bandage the nail with bruises

These and other incidents deliver not only strong painful sensationsbut also lead to the occurrence of a blue nail characteristic of a bruise. Immediately after the incident, it is important to properly provide first aid in order to prevent serious consequences.

The bruise of the nail is characteristic:

  • bruisewhich is characterized by blue or even black nail platinum
  • the release of the nail (the nail can get down shortly after the injury)
  • painful sensations (sometimes, with severe bruises, pain can be pulsating and even bring to loss of consciousness)

Immediately after the blow, it is necessary to soberly assess the situation in the event of symptoms that are not characteristic of the bruis seek help from a doctor.

When bruised the nail, it is necessary to attach cold
When bruised the nail, it is necessary to attach cold

If the blow is not severe and the pain is tolerant, then the doctor is not necessary. In any case, it is necessary perform a first aid:

  • attach the cold bruise (it can be ice, in extreme cases - any frozen product from the freezer)
  • treat the bruise with an antiseptic (iodine, green, peroxide)
  • exclude pressure on your finger (select comfortable shoes, do not cover the place of damage with a blanket during sleep)
  • do not warm up the bruise and do not bandage
  • if the nail immediately begins to retreat, it must be fixed with a layer

If under the entire surface of the nail is observed black hematoma, then you must see a doctor to prevent infection. The specialist will make a puncture through which blood will come out and process a bruise. Thanks to this, the nail will not depart, and the injury will heal faster.

If the hematoma with a bruise of the nail has become black, consult a doctor
If the hematoma with a bruise of the nail has become black, consult a doctor

With severe unstable pain, it is possible the use of painkillers. Most often, doctors recommend aspirin in such cases, as well as a compress from a solution of dimexide (in a ratio of 1: 1 with water).

How and what to anesthetize a pinched or bruised nail to a child?

Very often victims of bruises of the nail plate the children become: Due to inattention or neglect of security measures. Need as quickly as possible provide the child first aid And try to eliminate pain.

As soon as possible with a bruise of the nail, it is necessary to provide first aid
Burnt of the nail in a child

First of all, as in the case of an adult, it is necessary to lower as soon as possible struck in the cold. It is better that it is a stream of cold water, but ice, any cold object is also suitable. If the pain does not pass, then such a procedure must be repeated every 10-15 minutes, Until facilitating the condition.

Only after eliminating severe pain is produced treatment of a bruise with an antiseptic. In the event that the edema of the limb tissue is observed, then it is necessary to make an iodine net.

With strong bruises, when under the nail plate is observed big hematoma, should immediately consult a doctor who will examine the injury and prescribe the necessary treatment.

How and what to treat a bruised nail if he has turned blue and blackened?

Treatment of a strong bruise of the nail - the case of a specialist. If the trauma is insignificant, then you can provide yourself the first and subsequent help at home. If there is no large hematoma under the nail, then its surface it is treated with an antiseptic And this treatment ends.

Cated blood accumulates under the nail, which leads to the color of the nail black
Cated blood accumulates under the nail, which leads to the color of the nail black

In the case when the bruise forms in the place of the bruise and the nail turns black It is necessary to release blood as soon as possible by puncture of the nail. If this is not done, then severe consequences in the form of blood poisoning and exfoliation of the nail plate.

In order to reduce inflammation and relieve soreness, often used heparine ointment. It is applied several times a day to the nail with a thin layer until completely healing. It is also advisable to use ointments that improve blood supply The damaged area and contribute to the resorption of the hematoma.

When bruising of the nail, heparin ointment is often used
When bruising of the nail, heparin ointment is often used

There are many recipes for treating a bruise of the nail plate folk methods, here is some of them:

  • bodyagu (in the form of dry powder) It is necessary to mix with water and knead the elastic dough, which is applied to the affected area
  • plantain leaves and the juice of the millennium is mixed in homogeneous porridge and applied to the nail compress
  • wine and vinegar Mix in equal proportions and add a pinch of salt. The bandage is soaked in the resulting mixture and applied to the bruise
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt Mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of soda, add warm water. The affected finger is kept in the solution for 15-20 minutes

Important: If a pus is oozing from the nail or a bruise bleeds, then you must immediately consult a doctor!

Video: Treatment of hematoma under the nail

What to do if the nail is getting off, how to save him?

With severe bruises, blood vessels are damaged, which are located under the nail. At the same time between the nail and the soft cloth bruises are formed, And after a blood turning - a hematoma. If the blood is not released in time, then over time the nail will begin to exfoliate and move completely. In this case, the new nail will grow up for a very long time.

With a bruise of the nail, it is necessary to release blood - otherwise the nail will exfoliate
When bruised the nail, it is necessary to release blood - otherwise the nail will exfoliate

In order to protect the nail, you need as soon as possible stop the bleeding With the help of ice and only after that, release blood from under the nail. It is better if a specialist does it, because independently, not knowing how such a manipulation is carried out, You can worsen your condition.

Often, in order to save the nail, they apply a pressure bandage on a bruise. You should not do this Since squeezing the nail prevents the hematoma from resolving, and the injury - to heal.

If the nail began to leave, then it is necessary to attach it with a patch. But save the nail this will not help - If it has exfoliated significantly, you will have to wait until the next grows.

When is the removal of a bruised nail?

Usually, surgical removal of the nail It is carried out only in emergency cases when the injury is so strong that the presence of a nail plate has a negative effect on damaged tissues. In other cases, the nail that suffered from the bruise, trying to save in all ways.

The nail removal is surgically carried out in rare cases
The nail removal is surgically carried out in rare cases

Even if the nail itself exfoliates, then it is glued with a patch so that the damaged tissue is protected by the nail plate From additional injuries and infection.

Delete the retreating nail Sooner or later, you still have to if he does not depart himself. When the injury heals, the formation of a new nail will begin, and the old one will only hold on on burrs and cuticle, then it can be safely removed. To do this, it is not necessary to rush to the surgeon - you can do such a procedure at home using a manicure set.

If the nail leaves it, you can remove it yourself
If the nail leaves it, you can remove it yourself

It is better to remove the nail plate in stages, cutting off small pieces with nippers. In no case do not tear the nail - So you injure the tissues of the nail bed.

Burnt of the nail - A trouble that can be easily survived if you provide first aid in time and know how to treat this type of injury. Moreover, with proper care, you you can keep the nail And you will not expect many months until the new grows.

Video: How to cure a bruise of a nail?

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Comments K. article

  1. with such injuries, I must immediately apply ice, freezing helps me for athletes of Frivet, cools, relieves pain, prevents the appearance of bruises and hematomas

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