Exercises for hernia, osteochondrosis and scoliosis of the spine at home

Exercises for hernia, osteochondrosis and scoliosis of the spine at home

What are the exercises for the prevention and treatment of spinal diseases?

In the presence of diseases, the spine or the best prevention and treatment with them is stretching and strengthening muscles.

This article will discuss all known techniques of preventing problems with the spine, as well as the most effective exercises to get rid of them.

Exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine

Exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine
Exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine

When used as therapy with vertebral osteochondrosis of various kinds of gymnastics and exercises, it is necessary to adhere to some rules and follow several conditions:

  1. Physiotherapy can only begin at the last stage of treatment of this ailment or as a prevention to avoid its appearance
  2. When doing exercises, the patient should not feel discomfort or pain. If in the process of performing a particular exercise there are pain, then you can try to return to this exercise a little later. Perhaps after some time, after the strengthening and hardening of muscles, they will already be more prepared for such a load
  3. Exercises should be agreed with the attending physician - do not self -medicate, since the situation can only aggravate
  4. Movements in a complex of gymnastics to combat osteochondrosis should be light and smooth, but at the same time you need to perform them clearly and regularly
  5. The main task of exercises for the spine is to strengthen the muscles of the back, as well as the return of relaxation and mobility it
  6. It is necessary to give a load on different muscle groups evenly - do not shake only certain parts of the back muscles
  7. Depending on the location of the sections affected by the disease, various kinds of exercises should be used - for the cervical region, there should be only loads, for the chest - the second, and for the lumbar - others - others
  8. It is necessary to perform gymnastics for the treatment of osteochondrosis in natural poses, with a flat back and proper posture

Exercises for the hernia of the thoracic spine

Exercises for the hernia of the thoracic spine
Exercises for the hernia of the thoracic spine

Here is a list of the simplest, but at the same time quite productive exercises used in the hernia of the thoracic spine:

  1. We turn our hands behind the head and sit on a chair with a high back. We begin to bend your back until it is in contact with the edge of the back of the chair. Turning to the back, we return to the starting position, and then lean forward. For the first time we make four repetitions, then repetitions can be gradually increased to ten to twelve times
  2. We fit on the floor on the back. Under the thoracic spine, place a small roller with a diameter of ten centimeters. We turn our hands behind the head and begin to slowly raise the body a short distance from the floor. Then again we lower it to its original position. Repeat this exercises is in the same amount as the first
  3. In a standing or sitting position, raise our hands up. With our right hand, clasp the wrist of the left hand and begin the tilt of the body to the left side. In this case, with the right hand, as if pulling the left hand to the right. We repeat the exercise for each hand ten times, while changing the side of the inclination to the opposite
  4. We sit on a convenient chair so that the knees are bent at an angle of ninety degrees, and the hands are lowered down. When inhalation, we draw the stomach, and when exhaling, let go. Repeat such an exercise is necessary about four times
  5. On inspiration, we begin to raise our hands along the body, bending them at the elbows. At the same time, the palms should slide along the whole body on the sides, reaching the axillary depressions. On the exhale we lower our hands down. We repeat the exercise three times
  6. We begin to slowly breed and reduce the shoulder blades. Repeat the exercise six times, while breathing calmly
  7. When inhalation, we raise our hands up, when exhaled - lower them down three times
  8. Raise up the even right hand, and take the left level to the left. Change the position of the hands at the average pace five to six times
  9. We begin to rotate with collarbones in a circle five times to the left, right, forward and backward. Breathing should be even
  10. We repeat the previous exercise only with the palms on the shoulders and elbows lowered down, and then raised up

All these exercises must be performed slowly, carefully and calmly breathing. If, when occupying such gymnastics, you suddenly feel discomfort or pain, it should be stopped immediately.

Exercises with a lumbar hernia of the spine

Exercises with a lumbar hernia of the spine
Exercises with a lumbar hernia of the spine

A set of exercises with a lumbar hernia has a number of differences from complexes for other spine.

Firstly, it necessarily contains exercises for the press.

Secondly, it should not include exercises for extension and deflection of the lower back in an upright position. The last loads can cause disk loss.

Here is a complex of the most effective gymnastics with a lumbar hernia:

  1. We lie down on the floor on the back, stretch our hands along the floor over your head. We bend the feet for ourselves. Slowly begin to stretch in a given direction and also slowly relax. We will alternately raise the shoulders first, and then the hips
  2. We fit on the floor on the back and begin to take their knees to the chest in turn. Then we simultaneously bring both knees to the chest. At the same time, the exercise can be tried at the same time to pull the knees and the head to the chest. However, this complication is not suitable for everyone. The fact is that with a similar arrangement of the body, the entire load is concentrated on the lumbar of the back, which can extremely negatively affect its condition
  3. We lie down on the floor, put our hands to the sides for a better stop. We begin to lower the legs bent at the knees in one direction or the other. When the knees turn out to be one side of the body, we turn the head into the opposite. The back should be relaxed
  4. We stay lying on your back. In this position, connect the feet with each other. Gradually lift the hips. At the same time, we smoothly move the emphasis from the back to the chest, and from the chest - to the shoulder blades. We return to the starting position according to the same scheme. We rest for about five seconds and repeat the exercise again. For a boring effect at the point of maximum lifting the hips, we additionally strain the muscles of the buttocks
  5. In the “lying on the back” position, pull the legs to the chest and wrap them around with our hands under the knees. We begin to swing back and forth
  6. The exercise is called the "playful cat." We kneel, we rest on the floor with our hands. On the exhale, we begin to bend, tilting our heads down. We go to the end point of the arc, bending as much as possible. The head at the end point should look up. We return to its original position along the same trajectory
  7. We are located on the floor in the “Fours” pose. At the same time, we pull and fix the left hand and right leg in one plane for twenty seconds. Then we change the hand to the right, and the leg to the left. We do the same with opposite hand and foot. You can do such gymnastics until the muscle is completely exhausted
  8. We stay in the “fours” pose. We turn the body of the body and rearrange the hands in this way, so that the legs in the first remain in the starting position. Then we repeat the same exercise in the other direction

Scoliosis exercises

Scoliosis exercises
Scoliosis exercises

It is worth noting that before performing exercises that can get rid of scoliosis, it is necessary to warm up.

Such a warm -up is necessary in order to avoid sprains of ligaments and muscle injuries. The warm -up should be easy, but all muscles of the body should be involved in it.

Effective exercises in the fight against scoliosis of the spine include the following exercises:

  1. We fit on the floor on the back, slightly reaches your head. With our feet we begin to produce the “scissors” known to all. Such movements should be both vertical and horizontal. In total, fifteen repetitions need to be made for all directions
  2. We get on all fours. We begin to bend the back up - the head remains lowered down. Then we begin to bend in the other direction - the head should already be raised up. This exercise must be repeated seven times
  3. We sit on the floor - the legs are bent under the pelvis, and the buttocks are placed on the heels. We tilt the case forward and stretch the hands there. We begin to sort out the fingers on the floor, thereby moving only the case in one in the other direction. The exercise needs to be repeated five times in each direction
  4. We fit on the floor, under the stomach we have a pillow or roller. We clutch our hands behind the back in the castle. We begin to raise the case to the maximum possible height and again lower it into its original position. Exercise can be performed up to ten times
  5. We take the position of standing, hands extended along the body. Slowly begin to shift the shoulder blades with each other with the help of the muscles of the back and chest muscles. Return the shoulder blades to its original position. Hands all this time are along the body. Repeat the exercise ten times
  6. We fit on the floor on the side of the spinal curvature. Under the lower side we have a roller. We align the leg from the bottom, and the upper one is bending at the knee. We put the lower hand under the neck, and bend the top at the elbow and hold the floor parallel. We fix the resulting pose for a few seconds. Then we rest and strain all the involved muscles again. This exercise is recommended to repeat about five times

It is worth noting that in yoga there are also a number of asanas that help get rid of scoliosis. These include Tadasana, Asana Cobra and Triconasan.

Exercises with a stick for the spine

Exercises with a stick for the spine
Exercises with a stick for the spine

Exercises with a stick are considered quite effective for problems with the spine. They should be performed slowly and carefully.

In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor breathing. It must be calm. If you have felt any unpleasant sensations, it is better to stop gymnastics.

The most popular exercises with a stick for the spine are the following exercises:

  1. We take the position of standing (legs shoulder -width apart), hands with a stick are lowered down. We begin to slowly raise our hands with a stick up, and then take them back to the maximum possible position. Then, just as slowly, we return our hands to its original position. Repeat this exercise is recommended up to ten times
  2. We stay in a standing position, only now we hold the stick below. We begin to slowly tilt the case forward, while the hands with a stick behind the back are also pulling up as much as possible. Then we return to its original position. Repeat this exercise up to ten times
  3. We stay in a standing position. We raise our hands with a stick in front of us to the level of the shoulders. We begin to rotate the stick, lifting one hand immediately, and the other dropping down, and then vice versa. Thus, we turn the stick until the hands crossed. Repeat this exercise is desirable ten times
  4. The position of the body is the same. We bend our hands and take it back so that between the back and hands you can go through the stick. We begin to turn the body ten times in one or the other
  5. Keeping the previous pose, we carry out tilts of the case in one direction or the other ten times
  6. Being in a standing position, stretch our hands forward and rest them on a stick. We begin to lean forward a little forward with a flat back. The stick also shifts a little forward. Hold the hands even, and the head is raised. Repeat the exercise up to ten times

Pool exercises

Pools for the spine
Pools for the spine

It is believed that water aerobics is one of the most useful and effective sports. It allows you to quickly strengthen all the muscles of the body and improve the body. Swimming and aquaerobics have a number of advantages over other activities and physical exercises:

  1. Firstly, to perform a particular exercise in water from a person and his muscles will require many times more effort than to perform the same exercises on land. All this is easily explained by water resistance. Thanks to him to do gymnastics in water is much more difficult
  2. Secondly, in water, the weight of a person is felt much easier, because the load on the spine is also reduced
  3. Thirdly, it is believed that water takes part of the pain on itself. Therefore, painful sensations in water are almost completely excluded

In the pool, in principle, you can perform all the exercises described in the article a little higher. Some of them, thanks to the effect of water, will become somewhat lighter, and some, on the contrary, will be even more complicated by water resistance.

Spinal stretching exercises

Spinal stretching exercises
Spinal stretching exercises

Here are the simplest exercises for stretching the spine that can be performed even at home:

  1. We sit on a chair, stretch our hands along the case. Gently begin to turn the head in one direction to the maximum possible point. Then turn it in the opposite direction. We make ten such repetitions
  2. We cling to the upper edge of the door with our hands and hang our body for several minutes. At the same time, bend the legs at the knees. Such exercises can be performed several times a day
  3. We fit on the floor, bend our legs at the knees, and stretch our hands along the body. We begin to strain the muscles of the press. We delay the tension for a few seconds, and then relax the muscles. We make ten such stresses
  4. We sit on the floor - we pull one leg forward, and the other - bend at the knee. We lean ten times to the elongated leg. Then we change the legs in places and repeat the procedure for the other leg

Power exercises for the spine

Power exercises for the spine
Power exercises for the spine
  • Power exercises for the spine can hardly be called therapeutic. This is most likely a certain prevention to the appearance of diseases of the spine
  • Such exercises, as a rule, are performed in gyms under the sensitive guidance of a coach or instructor. The fact is that strength exercises are quite effective, but at the same time rather complicated
  • It will be difficult for a beginner in the first workouts to overcome all the specified number of repetitions and approaches at once. However, over time, when the back muscles get used to such loads, it will be possible not to worry about your back

Here are a few power exercises aimed at strengthening the spinal corset:

  1. We fit on the stomach. We put the right hand behind the head, and stretch the left to the side. Raise the upper body, while raising the back of the head up. We make sure that the legs do not come off the floor. We make twenty repetitions. Then we change our hands in places
  2. We stay in the previous position, only we already put both hands behind the head. Raise the highest possible case, while holding the legs on the floor. At first, you can do only ten repetitions. However, gradually their number must be increased to twenty times
  3. We get on all fours. We try to bring the right elbow closer to the left knee, while rounding the back. Then we align the hand and leg, stretching them forward and bending the back. When the extremities approached, we make a deep exhalation, and when they are discrepressed, inhale. Then we change the hand and leg to the opposite. You can repeat this exercise up to ten times

Chinese spinal exercises

Chinese spinal exercises
Chinese spinal exercises

Chinese exercises of qigong are considered very useful and effective. This Chinese gymnastics allows you to stretch and strengthen the spine in all its departments.

Here are the most famous Chinese exercises shown to strengthen the spine:

  1. We take the position of standing. We hold our legs together, and raise our arms up and clutch them there in a lock. Gently rise on socks, while pulling our hands and head up
  2. We remain in the previous position, only the hands in the lock are bend at the elbows. We begin to swing slowly in different directions. At the extreme points of swing, it is sometimes necessary to stop for a couple of seconds, and then continue to move again
  3. Repeat the second exercise only with bent legs
  4. Being in a standing position, lower the chin to the neck. In this state, we begin the slow lowering of the body down, and then raise it to its original position
  5. Remaining in the starting position, raise our heads and spread our arms to the sides. We begin to turn one shoulder at once in one and the other, and then the second. In this case, we hold the spine in a stationary state
  6. We stay in a standing position, stretch our hands up. We begin to tilt the case to the corner to ninety degrees. At the extreme point we are fixed for seven seconds. We return to the starting position
  7. In the starting position, we spread our hands to the sides. We begin to raise our legs alternately, while reaching the feet

What exercises are useful to do for the health of the spine: tips and reviews

What exercises are it useful to do for the spine?
What exercises are it useful to do for the spine?
  • Regardless of what gymnastics and for which parts of the spine you choose, you must comply with all personal safety rules and not overdo it
  • The best option would be if the exercises are appointed by a narrow specialist
  • Only professionals know all the nuances in the treatment of diseases of the spine
  • After all, it is incorrect treatment in most cases that is the cause of deterioration, progression or relapse of the spinal disease

Video: Exercises for spinal diseases

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you, exercises help - I make them for 10 days, I noticed that my back has become more mobile. I already have osteochondrosis for a long time, from pain in my back I drink, I drink quickly. But the stiffness still could not remove, so the article directed directly

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