Bugs of bugs and fleas on the body of a child, adult: symptoms and treatment. What do bites look like, how to distinguish them from mosquito bites?

Bugs of bugs and fleas on the body of a child, adult: symptoms and treatment. What do bites look like, how to distinguish them from mosquito bites?

Any mother wants to enclose her child from insect bites, and for an adult they do not represent any comfort. How to distinguish the bites of fleas, a bug and mosquito, and how to help with a bite, we will tell you below.

Insects, such as fleas, bugs and mosquitoes live everywhere. But unlike mosquitoes that disturb us in the summer, bugs and fleas can dwell in the apartment in any season. Many of them are carriers of diseases, and their bites, in general, cause discomfort, allergic reaction and danger.

To begin with, we will tell you in the general features about these insects:

  • Flea - Aphewed jumping bloodsucker with strong chitin cover. The body of black or dark brown. Vulnerability is associated with a small size of an insect and its flattening from the sides. It is more familiar to see it on the body of animals or birds, but there are species that bite human flea. Depending on the habitat, they distinguish - land, sand and bedding
Human flea
Human flea
  • Bug -blood-sucking insect brown or dark brown. In the neighborhood with a person lives a bed of a bug, devoid of wings. The body is rounded and flattened, up to 6 mm in length, having eaten blood, increases by 2 times. It attacks mainly at night from 3 a.m. to 8 a.m. and bites delicate areas of the skin. It rarely eats once a week, but multiplies quickly. They distinguish a characteristic smell, similar to almonds or fermented raspberries by which you can determine the presence of parasites in the house
  • Mosquito - A flying insect with a thin body, long legs and a sharp proboscis. Only females bite. In tropical countries are carriers of a dangerous disease - malaria

How to distinguish the bites of the bug, fleas and mosquitoes among themselves?

The bites of these insects are similar to each other, everyone has redness, swelling and itching. But all the same, it is possible to distinguish them by the following signs:

  1. Bug bites located in the form of "long paths", accompanied by burning and possible severe allergies and anaphylactic shock
  2. Flech bites They differ in pain, because In their saliva, there is no analgesic substance. Mostly the body of the body with thin skin bites, on the upper side of the foot and in the heel. The bites are next to each other, no more than 2 cm
  3. Mosquito bite painless. The individual bites only once, so the bites are scattered over the body

What do fleas and bug bites look like?

Bed bite
Bed bite
Flea bite
Flea bite

How to treat traces of fleas and bug bites?

To treat traces of insect bite, you need to initially take preventive measures:

  • First, to disinfect the place of the bite with any antiseptic
  • Secondly, remove itching using a cold object, ice, vinegar or drinking soda
  • Thirdly, apply a remedy for itching and swelling

Folk remedies for the treatment of bites: lemon juice, aloe, dandelion, celandine, parsley or plantain, gruel made of onions.

Pharmacy products: antihistamines (fenistil gel, suprastin), antiseptic (Bor-plus, zindol) and homeopathic (ice, apis). Specialized creams marked "from insect bites"

Important: do not comb the place of the bite in order to prevent the risk of inflammation and infections

How to smear bug bites from itching?

How to smear bites?
How to smear bites?

Itching can be removed by improvised means:

  • ice cubes
  • baking soda solution (1 tsp per 200 ml of boiled water)

Or use the following drugs:

  • Fenistil gel
  • Psilo-Balm
  • elidel cream (used for severe allergies)
  • Bepanten with Dexpanthenol
  • cycaderma ointment
  • Propomisol
  • Erythromycin ointment
  • Council
  • Non -zulin
  • patch with analgesic effect against insect bites

Kuro bite and fleas bites

Disinfection with insecticidal agents
Disinfection with insecticidal agents

In order to prevent bugs attack, you can use folk remedies:

  • lay the wormwood under the mattress, carpets, in the ventilation departments
  • fumigate the room with herbs
  • use the essential oils of rosemary, tea tree, eucalyptus and lavender

Important: folk remedies do not have a persistent effect, the smell lasts 3-4 days

In the fight against bugs, disinfection with insecticidal agents, such as: Tetricks, Cyphox, Fufanon Super, Combat and Forsyth, will help.

Important: disinfection is carried out toxic means - you need to be careful!

Important: for the complete disappearance of the bugs, and thereby their bites, a complete insecticide processing of a special service is needed

To remove the fleas from the apartment and get rid of their bites will help:

  • insecticid aerosols: Raptor, RED, Combat
  • insecticids: dust, pyrethrum (eliminates fleas larvae)
  • processing the apartment of a special service for destroying parasites

How long are bites, mosquitoes, bugs and fleas?

  • Mosquito bites stay on the skin from 3 hours to several days
  • Bite bugs and fleas pass after 2-3 days

Important: the duration and consequences of a bite for each person are individual, it all depends on the reaction of the body.

Assistance for allergies to bites

In order to help with allergies to insect bites, you need to know the signs of its manifestation.

  • An allergic reaction to a mosquito bite: increasing temperature, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, urticaria and the most important symptom-redness of a bite of a bite with a diameter of 5-10 cm and edema
  • Allergic reaction to fleas bites: anxiety, fever, complication of breathing, fever and diarrhea

Important: when signs of allergies appear, see a doctor immediately

What can be the consequences of bite bugs and fleas?

The most common consequences of bites are the body's reaction to enzymes contained in the saliva of these insects. Inflammatory diseases appear on the skin, which lead to pustules and eczema. A strong allergic reaction develops.

  • Pulicosis is a dermatic disease that is caused only by a bite of a flea. Symptoms of its manifestation include: an increase in lymph nodes, fever, suppuration of bites, the appearance of ulcers in the oral cavity and throat, headache and insomnia

Infections transferred to fleas and bugs:

  • Siberian ulcer (they are carriers of dispute
  • Typhus
  • Erysiploid
  • Brucellosis
  • Tularemia
  • Pseudotuberculosis
  • Smallpox

Important: the spread of such infections is inherent in developing countries where unsanitary conditions are mainly observed

In order to protect yourself from the attack of fleas and bugs, do not allow them to appear (maintain cleanliness of the house, monitor pets and care for them, carefully vacuum carpets and furniture).

A mosquito grid and special means to destroy them will help to be saved from mosquitoes. Any insect bite must be processed in order to avoid consequences, especially for children. Take care of your health!

Video. Insect bites

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