Injections in the knee joint for arthrosis: drugs, description. What injections are prescribed for arthrosis of the knee joint?

Injections in the knee joint for arthrosis: drugs, description. What injections are prescribed for arthrosis of the knee joint?

Arthrosis is a disease of the joints and injections are effective in its treatment. To date, there are many drugs to combat arthrosis of the knee joint and in our article we will tell you about them.

The knee joints are most often subject to arthrosis, because it is on them that the largest load is on them during the day. With arthrosis disease, the cartilage occurs and they gradually become thinner and destroy.

The main symptoms are crunch, restriction in movements, the inability to bend and unbend the knees. If the treatment is absent, then the disease switches to the later stages and the joint begins to deform, the pains are constantly worried, even at rest.

Arthrosis represents a rather dangerous state of health. The fact is that it can lead to a very strong deformation of the knee joint and this will lead to disability or the appearance of new diseases.

Are injections effective for arthrosis?


As a rule, at the initial stages, medications are used to treat arthrosis. Basically, you can do with the use of tablets or using ointments. One of the most effective means is injections that are introduced directly into the joint. In addition, intramuscular injections are also used, which allow you to stop the inflammatory process and relieve pain.

Among the advantages of intra -articular injections, they stand out:

  • The substance penetrates immediately at the destruction site, and therefore the effect is as fast as possible, and the concentration of the drug is very high
  • The drug enters the bloodstream in small doses, and therefore the risk of side effects of almost zero
  • Injections are distinguished by a long effect, which is enough for more than six months

But, despite all the positive aspects, there are also shortcomings:

  • If the doctor treats the needle incorrectly, then he can damage blood vessels or nerves. Both are extremely undesirable
  • In addition, the improper introduction of the needle can cause edema or death of fabrics
  • There is also a risk of infection

Articular injections - when prescribed: readings, contraindications

Intra -articular injections
Intra -articular injections

Injections in the knee joints are used not only for arthrosis, but also of other diseases. Among the contraindications for such a procedure, they stand out:

  • Intolerance to some components
  • The occurrence of rash and allergies at the place of administration of the drug
  • If body temperature is increased, then the injection cannot also be placed
  • If the patient feels bad, the injection can be delayed
  • Mental disorders
  • Poor blood coagulation
  • Hypertension

It is important to note that such injections are strictly prohibited for children. This applies not only to the components in the composition, but also by the inability to carry out the procedure. No child can calmly look at such injections, and even more sitting calmly. So for children more gentle methods are used.

If we talk about possible complications, then the most harmless of all is an allergic reaction. In the worst situations, soft tissues can be damaged, purulent arthritis develops a synovial shell that surrounds the joint.

What injections are used for intra -articular injections: drugs

Arthrosis is treated not by any one drug. There are a huge number of them. What specifically will be prescribed for you depends on the nature of the disease, indications, contraindications, chronic diseases, and so on.

Anti -inflammatory drugs

They are prescribed in different forms, but most often it is used intramuscular. It most effectively relieves inflammation, pain syndrome and lowers the temperature.

Some funds even have decongestant properties. They must be accepted carefully, because they depressively act on the digestive system. Actually, therefore, some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are a contraindication for their use. The most effective drugs can be called:

  • Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen injections
Ibuprofen injections

This is a well -known analgesic and antipyretic. In the treatment of joints, it is also used to relieve inflammation. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven over the years of its successful use.

  • Diclofenac

It has a pronounced anti -inflammatory property and analgesic effect. Allows you to remove swelling and hyperemia. Diclofenac is often used for joint diseases of varying degrees.

  • Ketoprofen

Another very effective tool for eliminating inflammation and pain. In terms of effectiveness, it differs little from Diclofenac and Ibuprofen.

Hormonal corticosteroids

These drugs are made on the basis of hormones that are released adrenal glands. As a rule, they are used for very severe pains, as well as an acute character. In other words, if drugs of the first type are not effective, then hormonal ones are already entering the battle. As a rule, the course of treatment in such drugs is very short. This is due to the fact that they can cause strong side effects, as well as affect the development of osteoporosis.

  • Dexamethason

The active substance in this case is dexamethasone. Use it for arthritis, osteoarthritis, and so on.

  • Hydrocortisone

The drug is distinguished by the most powerful effect, and it is used to treat various diseases and not only joints. It allows you to remove pain, as well as inflammation.


These drugs are usually used in cases where the cartilage is already starting to collapse. When the medicine is administered to the destruction, the process is inhibited and may he turn in the opposite direction, that is, cartilage begins to recover. Painful sensations are reduced to everything.

  • Rumalon

This medicine is distinguished by the presence of glucosaminoglycan in the composition. These are peptides that are obtained from the bone marrow of young calves. It is usually used for joint pathology of varying degrees and helps to rehabilitate more effectively after surgery. The drug stimulates the joint so that it restores the synovial shell. This allows you to improve the lubrication and sliding of the joint, as well as to establish its metabolism.

  • Aflutop

A drug containing a bioactive substance obtained from small marine inhabitants. The active substance of the drug is chondroitin sulfate, a mineral complex, as well as amino acids and peptides. This drug allows you to restore cartilage tissues.

  • Artrandol

A medicine whose active substance is chondroitin sodium sulfate. It is also used to treat various joint diseases. Artranda allows you to remove pain and eliminates inflammation. In addition, it allows you to return good mobility to the joint, as well as normalize the metabolism in the cartilary and start the regeneration process.

  • Don

A solution for injection used for diseases osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis. It differs in good anesthesia, and also effectively relieves inflammation and promotes the production of hyaluronic acid. In addition, the drug normalizes calcium exchange, and also does not allow cartilage to collapse further.

  • Chondroxide

The main substance is chondroitin sodium sulfate, which allows you to relieve inflammation, anesthetize the destruction site, and also activates the process of joint regeneration. After undergoing a course of treatment, the mobility of the knee cup is restored, and it also ceases to be constrained, and swelling is reduced.

  • Chondrolon

This medication allows you to establish metabolism in the cartilage and allows them to regenerate, and also stops their destruction. Moreover, the chondrolon is able to improve the lubrication of the joint, which allows you to remove stiffness in movements and eliminate an unpleasant crispy sound.

Frequency substitutes

These drugs contain hyaluronic acid. It is the main component of the joint shell.

  • Ostenil

This is a dense substance that is introduced directly into the joint cavity. This is a certain implant for the knee, because the substance completely fills the joint cavity and improves its performance. Thus, the mobility of the knee becomes better, and pain also leaves.

  • Farmatron

This drug is designed to treat arthrosis. It contains hyaluronic acid, which allows anesthetize the destruction site and improve the mobility of the joint. In addition, thanks to it, the destruction of the shells stops and the lubricant preventing friction during walking is improved.

  • Sinwisk

This drug is considered the best substitute for synovial fluid in the joint. It is administered through a one -time injection. Additionally, it has an analgesic effect and allows the joints to return mobility.

  • Durelan

This tool contains hyaluronic acid, as well as a solution of sodium chloride. It is used for arthrosis of large joints, and it also allows you to give cartilage to the proper nutrition and relieve pain. Among other things, the joints become mobile and stiffness disappears.

Video: intra -articular injections in the knee joint

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Comments K. article

  1. I had an arthrosis-unpleasant one, of course ... And I want to say that injections-getting are definitely unhappy. After them, the pains only aggravated. That's what really helped, so it is the tincture of McClure (rubbed them into the joint)+Honda Glucosamine maximum. Ugh ugh, I got rid of pain quite quickly, there is no more arthrosis ... Is this not happiness?)).

  2. And who is afraid of injections, like me, he treats his knees with other drugs.

  3. I move little, also excess weight, perhaps, that's why I have problems with the joints. I was at the doctor, when it entered into my knees, prescribed me eight -seams, he possesses anti -inflammatory properties. My pain subsided. I am glad that the product does not harm the stomach.

  4. Over the past 5 years, the knee pain periodically bothered. I was not addressed to the doctors,
    The pains took place on their own. Six months ago, she started running. There were pain in the knee, did not pass and intensified when walking. The traumatologist diagnosed gonarthrosis 2
    degree, appointed Flexotron ultra. The injection itself is absolutely painless. After the injection
    It has become much better, the pain in the knee almost passed, only slight discomfort by the end
    days .. dosing the load, I continue to run. In a year I plan to repeat the procedure.

  5. The doctor advised intraarticular injections with hyaluronic acid, but I was afraid to do to horror. However, terrible pains forced me to try, I chose a flexotron ultra, as there is enough one injection. The effect is striking, abandoned painkillers, you do not have to use ointments every day. I recommend trying, the injection perfectly relieves pain and a feeling of severity

  6. I have osteoarthrosis of the knee joint, a chronic disease that slowly destroys cartilage. Over time, the pain becomes unbearable, up to the point that a person is chained to the bed. A good doctor proposed injections of Flexotron solo, they are introduced into the synovial space. The effect after the course of the drug is about a year, after which the procedure should be repeated. I can say that the drug helped me, the pain practically disappeared and the joint has become more mobile.

  7. And I recently diagnosed osteoarthritis, the doctor said that this indication is just for intraarticular injections. But to be honest, it’s scary to decide on this, so I asked the doctor, you can’t somehow. He said you can try to drink structum with a course - this is a chondroprotector that contains chondroitin. And indeed - it became easier, and without injections there was a lot)))

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