Female legs care. Best legs

Female legs care. Best legs

From the article you will learn how to properly care for the skin of the legs and nails. We will also introduce you to the most popular hair removal methods.

Modern women devote a lot of time to their appearance. They try to dress fashionably, beautifully lay their hair and do not forget to take care of the skin of the face, arms and legs. And, perhaps, it is your legs that have to be given the most time. After all, if a woman wants this part of her body to always attract the eyes of men, then she must be carefully looked after.

Foot care should include not only hygiene procedures, but also various masks, baths, and relaxing massages. If a woman is lazy, then it is quite likely on her feet by corns, cracks, and the skin will begin to peel off. All these defects will have to be hidden with deep shoes or dense tights, which means that for a while you will have to forget about beautiful and fashionable shoes.

Hygiene of the legs

Legs, like all other parts of the body, have a skin that needs everyday care. This part of the female body is subjected to fairly strong loads that have a negative effect on both the epidermis and on the nails.

The fair sex, who every day wears high -heeled shoes know that at the end of the working day the legs are very tired and do not smell very pleasantly. All this is due to the fact that the foot is constantly in a raised and stifled state. Getting rid of not quite pleasant sensations can help hygiene procedures.

Care tips:
• Each evening wash your legs with warm water and soap
• Remove the keratinized skin particles with a hard washcloth or pumice
• Carefully wipe the skin with a soft towel
• Do not forget to pay attention to the skin between the fingers
• apply a nourishing cream to the epidermis
• Periodically make herbial baths for your legs

Foot care products

If you decide that you will carefully take care of your feet and nails, then do not use cosmetics for this, which is intended for the face or hands. It will be better if you spend a little and buy specialized tools in the store.

Indeed, in order for the skin to always remain attractive and soft, they should not only be washed, but also moisturized, feed and scrub. Well, and, of course, for all these manipulations you will need very different cosmetics.

Types of feet care products:

• Nutrients. You can apply creams, masks and oils to your feet or cook cosmetics yourself. For the preparation of healing products, cottage cheese, sour cream, honey and various fruits are well suited
• Moisturizing agents. You can moisturize the skin with the same means that are used for nutrition. Also, various oils are perfect for these purposes. They will help quickly restore the normal condition of the skin and make them soft and elastic
• cleansing agents. For these purposes, scrubs and baths are suitable with the addition of various herbal decoctions or sea salt. Such cosmetics reveals pores, softens the keratinized skin, thereby preparing it for mechanical effects
• medications. Each woman should beat anti -inflacal and anti -varicose drugs at home. Also do not forget about vitamin complexes that will take care of your legs from the inside

We take care of the skin of the stop

Those women who like to wear open shoes know how important it is to properly take care of the heels. After all, if the skin in this place dry out, then corns and not quite beautiful cracks will appear on the foot, which can begin to whiten and bleed without timely treatment.

Therefore, it will be better if you do everything so that you do not have such problems. All you need to regularly moisturize, nourish and soften dermatological covers of the feet for this.

Procedures that will help to take care of the feet of the legs:

• Moisturize the heels. Regularly apply creams made on the basis of corn, olive, and castor oils. Such a cream should be applied to clean skin, with light massaging movements, starting on the fingers and ending with the heel
• Masks for softening. This procedure will help to moisturize the skin as much as possible and prevent the appearance of cracks. Effectively help to soften the epidermis of masks made on the basis of sour cream, honey and eggs
• Baths for heels. This manipulation has not only a good soothing effect, but also nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin at the same time. He can carry out a complex with other procedures

We care for the nails on the legs

If you want your legs to always attract attention, then take care not only behind the skin and feet, but also to nails. They should always be clean, healthy and beautifully painted. Well -groomed nails will help make your daily image even more beautiful and original.

Pay special attention to cutting off the nail plate, because if you do this manipulation not entirely right, then the nails will begin to grow into the skin and then there will be no talk of beauty, in general,. You will have to wait a long time when the nail plate returns to a normal state.

Simple tips:

• before cutting off your nails, make a softening bath
• Be sure to disinfect the scissors with which you will make a pedicure
• In no case do not wear close and uncomfortable shoes
• if required, apply a cream that has a nutritious and refreshing effect to the toes

How to deal with cracks on the heels?

Typically, cracks on the heels are the result of a long fungal infection and severe drying of the skin. At the initial stage, these are just barely noticeable notches on the skin.

Over time, they become very noticeable, increase in size and begin to hurt. If you quickly do not take the necessary measures, then these wounds will also begin to bleed and, then you will not be able to walk or even stand for a long time.

Getting rid of cracks on the heels can be in the following ways:

• Seek for advice to a specialist. If you have a fungal infection, then you can get rid of it only with special medical agents
• Wear comfortable shoes. If you dressed shoes and literally after half an hour the skin of the feet began to burn and itch, then you need to choose a more convenient model
• We make contrasting and softening baths. Such a manipulation will send a common skin tone, increase the flow of Krova to the epidermis and help relieve fatigue
• We apply compresses to the affected areas of the skin. For these purposes, high -quality plant oils are best suited. They quite effectively soften the skin and contribute to healing wounds

Hair removal methods

Most women believe that her legs are a sign that the girl does not follow herself. Therefore, almost all girls strive to get rid of hated vegetation as soon as possible.

Those who are afraid of pain most often prefer salon services, others remove the hair with a chemical method or simply shave it. Every woman herself chooses which method is closer to her, because in principle you will always get the same result, the difference will be only how quickly the hair will grow again.

Hair removal methods:

• Laser method. Gives the best result. Hair is removed painlessly and in this place no longer grows
• photoepilation. It is somewhat similar to laser, but the structure of the hair is destroyed by thermal exposure. But dark -haired women can be excluded to make it. Blond and gray hair does not see the device
• Removing hair wax. Although this method costs much less than two previous ones, it has several disadvantages. Remote vegetation grows quickly enough again and during the procedure there are pain sensations
• We use the epilator. This is a rather painful procedure, but it can be done independently. After removal, the skin remains smooth from 15-20 days
• We use a special cream. Such a cosmetic product removes unwanted vegetation quite quickly and painlessly. After applying to the skin, you will need to wait a bit, and then wash off the cream with a stream of water. If the product has the right effect, then you will get smooth and beautiful skin

Prevention of varicose veins

Another enemy of our legs is varicose veins. At first, we simply do not notice the severity that appears at the end of the working day, but when the first vascular stars are visible on the legs, we begin to look for methods for treating this defect.

But unfortunately, such a disease is poorly treated and there is a possibility that it can return again. Therefore, it will be better if you are engaged in prevention, and does not waste time on long -term treatment.

Prevention measures:

• Lead an active lifestyle
• often walk on foot
• Do the legs gymnastics
• move your fingers several times a day
• Follow the heel of the shoes is no more than 7 cm
• Give up bad habits
• periodically put on special compression tights

Video: Cracks on the heels. Legal care. How to treat cracks on the heels.

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