Learning geometric shapes for children 1-3 years old: teaching methods, games, coloring

Learning geometric shapes for children 1-3 years old: teaching methods, games, coloring

In this topic, we will consider the rules for studying geometric shapes for children.

One of the most important tasks for any mother is to familiarize his baby with the external environment. Knowledge of the forms of objects gives the baby the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world around us. The study of the basics of geometry from an early years is necessary for the development of logic, orientation in space and mathematical thinking. And this, in turn, will allow the child in the future it is easier to study the exact sciences. But you need to teach geometric shapes with kids correctly, which today we will talk about today.

How to teach geometric shapes with children: basics, basic rules, games

Already starting from the first year of life, the baby can be acquainted with various forms and figures. This does not mean that the child must immediately be loaded with geometry, but gradually showing different figures to the example of surrounding objects will not hurt. To make it easier, first you need to study only one geometric figure, and when the child remembers it, then proceed to the next form.

Important: already at the age of 2-3 years, babies are able to remember about 6 simple geometric shapes. And you can start introducing a baby to various forms from an early age in a relaxed conversational form. But do not panic if your baby does not possess the main objects at this age. After all, not only cyclical classes, but the individual's individual plays a role in this matter.

Start with simple basics
Start with simple basics

Primitive knowledge about geometry will allow the baby:

  • develop your spatial thinking and analytical abilities;
  • expand your horizons and vocabulary;
  • to develop your creative abilities, which can be useful in the future. For example, if a child decides to become an artist or architect. Yes, even just at school it will be easier for him to capture information;
  • conducting examples of similarity of geometric shapes with objects that surround the child, there is a training of associative thinking. And the baby learns to draw an analogy;
  • many toys are based on the ability to distinguish geometric shapes, which, in turn, affects the general development of the baby;
  • if the baby masters basic knowledge at an early age, then more complex figures will be much easier for him to study in the future.
Such games are incredible beneficial for kids
Such games are incredibly useful for kids

Where to start the study of geometric shapes?

  • Naturally, a child aged 1-2 years is unlikely to be able to understand how the trapezoid and a rectangle are different. Therefore, it is worth starting with the simplest basics . It is best to first familiarize the baby with a circle, a triangle and square.Only after the baby learns to distinguish them on his own, then begin to get acquainted with more complex forms.
  • One of the simplest and most affordable ways to learn geometric shapes with the baby, which does not require special devices - this is to show forms on the example of household items.For example, a plate is round, that is, it is a circle. But the book is rectangular, the cube is square, which means that they reflect the appropriate figures, and continue in the same spirit. Over time, expand your boundaries and affect not only furniture in the house, but also objects on the street or playground.
  • For children under 1.5 years old, such conversations with a mother are an excellent source of studying the world. Therefore, even if it seems to you that the baby does not pay attention to it and does not remember, do not stop repeating periodically. Any information when repeating will be remembered by the baby,even if he cannot immediately repeat it.

Important: in such a relaxed form, the baby will be able to gradually remember ordinary figures. But do not crush too much on the baby, because You can discourage the desire to pay attention to this.

Each object surrounding us has a certain form
Each object surrounding us has a certain form

Learning geometric shapes with a child at 1-2 years old

When the baby becomes older, he begins to get involved in various games, consider the book with the interest of the book, draw, etc. And in the process of such classes, you can also unobtrusively teach a child to various geometric forms. Consider the most important training for studying geometric shapes.

  • Drawing takes the first step. To do this, you will need pencils (felt -tip pens, paints, crayons, etc.) and an album. At a time when the baby diligently draws his “kalyaks-little ones”, mom can take a pencil of a different color and draw any geometric figure side by side, calling it.
    • This figure can not be painted over, but invite the baby to shake it or fill it with applique with you. So it will not only be more interesting, but also allow you to develop creative abilities in the crumbs.
  • Poster on the wall. On sheets of A4 format, draw various figures and decorate the children's room with them. This will not only revive the interior, but also attract the attention of the baby. Periodically ask the child, attracting his attention to the figures: “Where is the square?”, “And show me the circle”, etc.
Make a poster with your child into his room based on figures and flowers
Make a poster with your child into his room based on figures and flowers
  • Geometric lotto. On a sheet of paper, draw 3-4 figures in duplicate, one of which cut. You can use ready -made figures from the sorter. Recall that this is a sorting game according to various criteria.
    • Invite the child to lay out cut figures on a geometric field so that they correspond to painted forms. At first, it is worth drawing the figures with a plain, dim color, because Different paints can distract the attention of the baby. And with calm shades, he will only focus on form.
  • Game sorter, Of course, it very much develops the development of geometric shapes. You can even say that this is one of the simplest ways to study geometric shapes with the baby. When choosing a toy, you need to focus on the age of the baby, and choose simpler figures, and not various hearts and crescents.
    • If you already have a sorter network with a large selection of shapes, then for the first time it is worth selecting lighter figures and playing only with them so as not to once again confuse the baby and not distract his attention. Such classes allow the baby not only to strengthen knowledge from geometry, but also perfectly develop fine motor skills.
More often lay out and sort the figures by color and shapes
More often lay out and sort the figures by color and shapes
  • Love toy - This is a logical game in which you need to invest various figures in the corresponding cutouts. It can be purchased in the store according to various options, or you can make it with your own hands.
  • We glue different materialsand learn to work with them. The process of working with glue itself is very interesting for children, and in the process you can study various figures. First, you can lay out the figures in a chaotic order, while pronouncing their naming, and already closer to 2 years, it will be easier for a child to build various applications.

Important: even if the baby, in your opinion, has mastered the main geometric figures, do not stop repeating the material studied with him. Developing games can be gradually complicated: add figures, colors, sizes, etc. And in parallel, you need to pronounce the forms of surrounding objects, for example, ask the baby to bring a round mirror, a rectangular book or a skirt with square pockets, etc.

Repeat the material covered
Repeat the material covered

We study geometric shapes with a child in 2-3 years

When the baby is growing up, he begins to remember better and can repeat the material studied. Therefore, games should be more complicated. At this age, children already know colors and know how to navigate in size, so the following classes are suitable for studying geometric shapes.

Important: as soon as the baby begins to navigate and distinguish figures, you can complicate classes. But do not forget - that elementary and simple, at first glance, things for the child can be complex and unknown. Therefore, in no case, you should not put pressure on the baby if it does not remember new material so quickly, as you would like.

  • Drawing with stencils. At first, you can simply invite the child to paint a stencil, and then simply circle. Moreover, stencils of figures can be both from the inside and with an external line.
  • Games with illustrations. To do this, you can use books with images of ordinary objects. You can invite the baby to find objects in the picture, which in shape resemble this or that geometric figure. For example, let the child find all triangular or square items in the picture.
Such designers help well in training
Such designers help well in training
  • Find too much. You can take, for example, several pictures with square objects, and one with a triangular image. The kid must choose which picture differs from other options. To complicate the level, you can find out why he chose this particular image.
  • Decompose correctly. To begin with, you can take 2 figures of 3-4 pictures, then invite the child to put them in two piles according to the corresponding figures. Do not complicate the task of the baby at once, but gradually increase the number of pictures.
  • From ordinary cardboard, you can cut various colors and sizes geometric shapes, and then - to offer the baby to sort them. For example, large blue triangles - in one pile, and small red circles - in the other direction. Such a lesson will strengthen the knowledge of colors and allow the child to better navigate in size.
  • Volumetric thinking will help to study the most ordinary designer or cubes. In addition, buildings are completely different shapes and colors, which, in turn, perfectly develops imagination in children.
  • Find the treasure. This game is suitable for children from 2-2.5 years old. It will need a bowl with any cereal in which hide various geometric figures. When the baby will find them, it must definitely give the name to the found item. Such a game will not leave indifferent any child.
Do not stop there
Do not stop there

In addition to the above methods of studying geometric shapes, there are many other methods and games.

IMPORTANT: In order for the baby to easily remember the new material to interest him, to connect the imagination. Therefore, do not be limited only to ordinary drawing. To study any figure, tactile contact is very important - modeling of plasticine or dough, cutting, working with glue. In addition, drawing, studying figures and other objects, you can small on the asphalt, a stick in the sand. And also do not forget to lay out geometric shapes from acorns or pebbles in the sandbox.

Geometric shapes for children: cards, coloring

Conduct associations
Conduct associations
Find the figure
Find the figure
Decorate the desired color
Decorate the desired color

There are a lot of ways to study geometric shapes with the baby. The main thing - do not forget to praise the baby for his labors, efforts and achievements. This will give the child an additional incentive to expand his knowledge.

Video: How to learn geometric shapes with children?

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