In the planted seedlings of tomatoes, the leaves and stems turned blue, became purple in a greenhouse, open ground and it does not grow: what is the reason, what is missing, what to do, how to feed tomatoes?

In the planted seedlings of tomatoes, the leaves and stems turned blue, became purple in a greenhouse, open ground and it does not grow: what is the reason, what is missing, what to do, how to feed tomatoes?

From this article you will learn what to do with tomato seedlings planted in the ground if it has become purple.

All gardeners who grow vegetables from seeds dream of growing a beautiful healthy tomato seedlings, and then a good harvest of tomatoes. But it does not always work out the way you want. What to do if the seedlings planted in the ground turned blue, the leaves and stems have become a purple shade and grow poorly? We find out in this article.

In the planted seedlings of tomatoes, the leaves and stems turned blue, became purple: what's the reason, what is missing?

Leaves of tomatoes on the underside of steel became purple

If the leaves and stems of the tomato seedlings planted in the ground are purple, the reason for this may be the following problems:

  • It is cold (less +15ᵒc) tomatoes, and phosphorus is poorly absorbed by them
  • Lack in the soil of phosphorus

There is not enough phosphorus in the ground and, if the leaves on the tomatoes are twisted or stretched up, leaning against the stem.

Phosphorus needs tomato plants at all stages of growth:

  • Fosphorus is especially needed in the beginning, when the roots of tomatoes are formed.
  • During flowering.
  • With a lack of phosphorus in the soil, the fruits are tasteless, small and they are poorly sedible.
  • With a lack of phosphorus, nitrogen cannot be absorbed, also necessary for a good taste of fruits.

In the planted seedlings of tomatoes, the leaves and stems turned blue, became purple: what to do, what to feed tomatoes?

If the leaves and stems of the seedlings are purple and grow poorly, they need to be fed with fertilizer with phosphorus

If the cause of the bluish or purple color of the stems of the planted seedlings of tomatoes only in the lack of phosphorus, then they need forth one of the fertilizers:

  • Superphosphate
  • Double superphosphate
  • Diammophos
  • Ammophos

To feed tomatoes with phosphorus fertilizer, you need to 2 weeks after planting in the ground.

If the cause of the purple leaves of tomatoes at a low temperature (below +15ᵒc), then watering the above fertilizers is useless, they are not absorbed if it is cold. Recently, the Israeli drug “Pikit” has appeared in our markets. It is absorbed by tomato plants at low temperature.

How to dilute the superphosphate fertilizer to feed tomato seedlings?

Recipe 1. Superphosphate fertilizer solution for feeding tomatoes

  1. We take 1 glass of “superphosphate” and boiling water, and mix.
  2. We insist 8-12 hours.
  3. We dilute the water with a bucket of water, and water the plants, at the rate of 0.5 liters per 1 bush.

In addition to chemical fertilizers, you can use and folk remedies for replenishing phosphorus in seedlings of tomato. From folk remedies, you can apply:

  • Ash
  • Compost of plants: fruits of mountain ash and hawthorn, grass of Kovyl, wormwood, thymeyan

Important. Excess phosphorus in the soil is as harmful as the disadvantage. With an excess of phosphorus, the leaves on tomatoes turn yellow, brown spots appear on them, and they fall.

So, with bluish or purple plants of tomatoes, you can help if you increase the temperature of the air and soil where they grow and feed them fertilizer with phosphorus.

Video: shock. The seedlings of tomatoes are purple. What to do?

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