The child has teeth: symptoms, signs, behavior. When are the first teeth cut in infants, babies? In what order, and at what age do the teeth are cut in babies?

The child has teeth: symptoms, signs, behavior. When are the first teeth cut in infants, babies? In what order, and at what age do the teeth are cut in babies?

How to understand that the child is cut tooths? Symptoms of teething in a child.

Your beautiful baby for almost six months. Behind the period of the newborn, the regime of the day and feeding is established, and colic are no longer tormented. The baby shows activity with might and main and is about to start to crawl. It seems that a wonderful period has come in his life and yours. Do not relax! Soon, the child will begin to cut milk teeth, and this process does not always go smoothly. Read the article to find out the terms, priority and symptoms of teething in a baby. You can distinguish these symptoms from colds or intestinal infection, learn to relieve them.

When, how many months, the first teeth of infants are cut?

From the doctors of the "old hardening" you can hear that the first teeth are cut out in a baby at the age of 6 months. Modern pediatricians set a range from 4 to 8 months. The famous Dr. Komarovsky generally claims that it is unfair to install any deadlines: one and 2000 babies are born with 1-2 teeth, one of 2000 does not have up to 15-16 months. Everything is individual here, since many factors affect the baby: the baby will stand up:

  1. Genetics. If the mother and dad of the child, the teeth began to cut through from 3-4 months, probably the baby will also be early. And vice versa, do not worry that the nine -month -old crumbs still have a toothless smile if his parents at this age had the same.
  2. Features of pregnancy. Pregnancy with pathologies delayed the terms of teething.
  3. Features of the current and the term of childbirth. If the baby was born prematurely, his teeth may begin to cut out later. In this case, the biological age of the baby should be taken into account, and not his age according to the testimony.
  4. Diseases in a child (due to some infectious diseases suffered by the child, his teeth may appear later), the sufficiency of his nutrition, climatic conditions, living conditions, and so on.

IMPORTANT: If the child has no first teeth in six months, you should in no case panic. Subject to the health of the baby, this is considered the norm. For your own reassurance, discuss this issue with a pediatrician.

The procedure and timing of teething in a child.

Can teeth be cut into 2, 3, 4 months?

1 and approximately 2,000 newborns are born with teeth.
1 and approximately 2,000 newborns are born with teeth.

It is already obvious that teething in the baby can be early, that is, one that occurs up to six months (at 2, 3, 4 months). But this does not mean that you need to climb into your child, if he, in your opinion, is for no reason:

  • it becomes restless
  • sleeps badly
  • refuses to eat
  • constantly pulls toys and rattles in the mouth
  • the temperature
  • coughs or gives other alarming signs

Show the child to the doctor, first of all, it is necessary to exclude diseases, and then sin on the early teeth.

The child in 2, 3, 4 months may have the first tooth.
The child in 2, 3, 4 months may have the first tooth.

What teeth are cut first in children? In what order are the teeth are cut in the kids?

The order of teething can be as individual as the timing. But in most babies it still remains. Study the table in the figure to understand which teeth are cut first, which and when to wait after them.

The sequence of teeth teething in a child.
The sequence of teeth teething in a child.

What age are teeth cut in children?

The milk teeth that are cut through the last are fangs. On average, they appear in a child in 1.5 - 2 years. Again, due to individual circumstances, this can happen earlier or later.

Video: first teeth - School of Dr. Komarovsky

How to understand that the child has teeth cut: symptoms. How does the child behave when the teeth are cut?

How to understand that the child is cutting teeth? This process is accompanied by certain symptoms:

  1. The child behaves uneasily. He is capricious for no reason, to distract him with something with difficulty and not for long.
  2. The kid may be provided from food. Or, conversely, to ask for your chest more often if it is on breastfeeding. Mom may notice that the child seems to be chewing a nipple - so he scratches the gum.
  3. The child has increased salivation. If the crumbs have a scream around the mouth or chest, perhaps this happened due to the saliva from the skin.
  4. The child pulls his fingers, toys, objects in his mouth, bites a nipple or spoon. He wants to scratch the gum.
  5. The gum of the baby is swelling, swelling and inflamed. Sometimes white bubbles are visible under the mucosa, sometimes cyanotic hematomas.
During teething, the child may refuse to eat.
During teething, the child may refuse to eat.

Important: if you suspect that the teeth of the crumbs are on the way, you do not need to climb into his mouth a hundred times a day, especially, dirty or groomed hands. Firstly, he will be painful and unpleasant. Secondly, there is a high risk of infection in the body.

Swelling and swelling of the gums are signs of teething in children.
Swelling and swelling of the gums are signs of teething in children.

What do the gums look like when the teeth of infants are cut?

To find out what the gum of a baby may look like when his teeth are cut, look at the photo.

First teeth: photo.
Photos of the gum of the child when teething.
Hematoma on the gum when teething.

How long is the first teeth in a child?

The child who was just born in the gum has 20 follicles of temporary teeth. Before “catching”, they pass through bone tissue and gums. This requires a certain amount of time, strictly individual for each baby. Usually, the process of tearing the first teeth in the baby takes from 1 to 8 weeks.

What temperature can a child have when the teeth are cut? The child’s teeth are cut - the temperature is 37.5? C, 38? C, 39? C, runny nose, diarrhea, vomiting: what to do?

There is a category of mothers that write off all the troubles that occur with their child up to 2 - 2.5 years “on teeth”. Rhinitis, sneezing, cough, fever almost up to 40 degrees, a rash on the body, constipation and diarrhea, they consider symptoms of teething. This is a huge misconception that can cost a child health. Such symptoms accompany SARS, influenza, tonsillitis, stomatitis, herpetic infection, a variety of intestinal infections, other, occurring in parallel with teething.

When teeth teething, the child should not increase.
When teeth teething, the child should not increase.
  1. Normally, there are no temperatures above 37.5 degrees when teething does not exist. A certain increase can occur due to local inflammation (gums). Subfebrilal, febrile, pyrem or hyperpiretic temperature indicates the presence of a child not related to the teeth.
  2. Diarrhea, vomiting, accompanied by fever, anxiety, various manifestations of intoxication are symptoms of intestinal infection. The child needs urgent medical care, since dehydration can occur very quickly, his consequences are often fatal.
  3. Rhinitis, sneezing, cough are signs of colds. If the child has snot, it coughs with a dry or wet cough, while its temperature is normal or increased, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Important: Indeed, due to increased salivation during the teething period, the child can sneeze and cough, thereby cleansing the respiratory tract of saliva. This happens irregularly. If salivation is too plentiful, the child can even tear out.

What teeth are cut most of all in children?

It is very difficult to answer the question of which teeth when teething deliver the baby the greatest discomfort. Again, everything is individual. There may be several reasonable options:

  1. Fangs. These teeth are sharp, they literally cut the gums. In addition, the upper fangs (the so -called “eye teeth”) are in close proximity to the facial nerve.
  2. Molyar. The surface of these teeth has the largest area, their teething through the gum can cause pain.

Can you walk when your teeth are cut?

Walking with a child who has cut teeth, you can and should. Fresh air and activity will only benefit him. But the places of a large accumulation of people, where it is highly likely to catch the infection, during this period it is better to avoid.

Important: starting from the first, the teeth of the baby will be cut one after another. You can’t sharpen it at home for 1.5-2 years!

Walking with a child who has cut teeth, you can and should.
Walking with a child who has cut teeth, you can and should.

Is it possible to vaccinate when the teeth are cut?

Teeth teething is not a contraindication for vaccination. The doctor will give a discharge for vaccinations only if during this period it reveals a different disease that is not related to the teeth.

Teeth teething - there is no reason not to vaccinate.

Is it possible to introduce complementary foods when the teeth are cut?

Some doctors do not recommend complementing complementary foods to the kids whose teeth are cut. But what if this process takes 2 weeks or more?

  1. Before the introduction of complementary foods, consult your doctor.
  2. Enter complementary foods carefully, strictly according to the recommendations.
  3. Carefully follow the reaction of the child to new products.
  4. If the baby’s menu is already quite diverse, if possible, wait for the introduction of new products.

A conspiracy that will help if the child is cut teeth

Unfortunately or fortunately, modern medicine does not know ways to help the baby’s teeth to cut through. No need to tear his gum with a finger with a bandage, spoon and other objects, let him nibble apples and drying (which, by the way, the baby can easily choke). Certain drugs that should be prescribed only by a doctor, and special toys are somewhat facilitated by the process.
If you are from those parents who simply cannot let the process on its own, try the conspiracy "to teething with teeth." They say it works well.
You will need to say such words three times: “A month, a month, you have a brother Antinius, his teeth grew easily, never hurt, so the servant of God (baby name) gums do not brainwide, teeth grow and do not hurt. God forbid, so that my teeth grew easily, do not hurt, do not hurt. Amen".

Important: during the pronunciation of the words of the conspiracy, it is recommended to lubricate the gum of the child with honey. But you know how much it is a strong allergen. The reaction to honey in a baby can be very strong, up to edema.

Video: First teeth. Symptoms of teething. The temperature on the teeth. Diary on the teeth

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Comments K. article

  1. Great article! Thanks to the author, everything is laid out on the shelves and understandable.
    When my daughter was cut in my daughter, cold editors helped well -
    She gnawed at them almost all the time - and Gel Late Baby. I was very quickly anesthetized and was enough 2-3 times for the whole day, and they got a dream with him. In general, there was simply salvation for us.

  2. The teeth are visible, you need to survive, not the lightest period. I applied a holisal to the baby - this is a gel one that has painkillers. After him, even according to the child, it is clear that the pain is reduced, the baby becomes immediately smiling, stops crying and nervous.

  3. Thanks for the advice!

  4. I’m the first reenct, that the second, when teeth teeth, the Desna Holisal Mazal. A good remedy, I still like it, is that it not only relieves pain, but also has an antibacterial effect, otherwise in mercenary periods, children are dragging all in a row in a row.

  5. In all, our first tooth is climbing, and everyone has already exhausted, so hard everything goes. As I imagine how many more teeth it will climb, it immediately becomes bad.

  6. My son and I easily passes, because I also bought a special tool - Holisal. And before that she knew that he was anesthetized and the gum inflammation relieves, but here and in reality she was convinced of this. The Desna smeared her son with this gel, after a few minutes he became much calmer.

  7. Interestingly, what is the means. I am generally afraid to smear the gum for a child (((

  8. Julia, but what about it? If, of course, the teeth are cut painlessly for the baby, then you can not smear anything, but if the gums hurt, then of course I want to help the child. By the way, I, too, holisal gel gel to the baby to the baby, so at least we sleep normally, but we eat, although we have several teeth at once.

  9. What a brand! What other conspiracy?! There is a prayer for God, and everything else is an abomination for God !!!

  10. Well, whoever uses what, when the teeth are cut: who relies on traditional medicine, who conspires, who uses painkillers. I somehow trust the last way most. Also for Holisal. It works well, 6 teeth are already experienced))

  11. I gave birth to a daughter with two teeth 8 months ago, now we have 4 teeth)))

  12. My son’s teeth climbed, it didn’t seem a little to us-I was terribly, I slept badly. They visited the pediatrician here and he advised not to endure. Now we use the Holisal gel, it relieves inflammation and the pain reduces. The child became clearly calmer.

  13. Thanks to everyone for the reviews, we will try.

  14. Girls, thank you very much for your reviews. I no longer knew what to do. Our teeth are also cut, so all the charms of this teething were experienced with her husband on themselves, since they did not sleep with the child at night. And now I smear the gum holisal gel and the child is calm, and the swelling of the gums began to go. It’s good that I read the reviews here, thanks again.

  15. Our teeth are also very painfully cut (((

  16. Jeanne, what are you doing? I began to apply a gel to the gel to the child now, about which the girls wrote above. So ugh, ugh, ugh the child is calm, the gums are not inflamed, but our teeth are cut in full.

  17. Yes, our son was also very moody during teething, the period was difficult.

  18. I have all the familiar mothers used Holisal Gel when teeth teeth in their children. So we used it with might and main, I usually put it on the gum before bedtime, the baby slept better and then was not so capricious.

  19. My daughters and I are now going through it for only 3 months, it is very strong. The same holisal began to smear more calmly. With the eldest daughter, there were no problems at 4.5 months. The first teeth got out and did not have time to understand the truth for three nights in a row, but I could not even think that they would climb so early. So I’m not surprised that the youngest is climbing now.

  20. and our teeth are also cut very painfully, I will try, smear them with gel.

  21. Anna, if you mean that the holisal gel will be applied to the gums, then of course you should try it))) I and I, and many friends with him have experienced a child's teeth calmly. He does not relieve the pain badly, the child is so calm.

  22. Everything is great, but why the Desna, and not the "Desna"?

  23. I would also like to say that our baby also poorly tolerated the teething until we bought the Holisal gel, his pediatrician recommended us. Our child began to sleep much more calmly, he was used three times a day after eating.

  24. And I still worry that the child has wounds, and an infection may get into them. Is that so?

  25. Diana, everything is right. That is why I was looking for a remedy that would not only relieve inflammation with its effect, but also has an antibacterial property. Found. I use Holisal, the child is calm, although our teeth are cut in full.

  26. Diana, everything is right. That is why I was looking for a remedy that would not only relieve inflammation with its effect, but also has an antibacterial property. Found. I use Holisal, the child is calm, although our teeth are cut in full.

  27. i am also very sorry for the child, because painfully teeth are cut.

  28. Elena, are you doing anything? I do the massage gum, and give the child to the child, well, plus the holisal gel ointment to everything to reduce the pain. So, we calmly experience the period of teething.

  29. When my teeth were cut, so we took turns entertaining the child to at least somehow distract. Even at night, either my husband, then I took turns in my arms, lulled, talked. It was difficult time.

  30. Sunno nights are not useful to anyone. Neither the child nor his parents. Still, it is necessary to relax and restore strength. And teething sometimes proceeds very painfully. As we faced this, so they immediately began to look for a suitable gel for children. We bought a holisal and applied it to the gums of a daughter. Thus, the child received anesthesia, protection against all kinds of lamings, since a gel with an antibacterial effect. And I felt normal. They suffered teeth teething without hysteria.

  31. The teething of the baby’s teeth is probably the most unforgettable time in life ... We have it passed more or less normal. The article is good, how to facilitate this difficult period for both the child, including for yourself

  32. Also, when the child’s teeth began to cut, we began to use a Holisal gel, which reduces the pain and pain. All the teeth survived with him)

  33. Thank you for the article. I'll keep it on mind.

  34. Everything is correctly written about Holisal. After all, I used to be afraid of any means to buy and the gums to smear them to the child. And now I understand that in vain and the child and he tormented himself. Now I apply a gel to the gum, it becomes easier for the child, since the gel is anesthetized.

  35. If the child has a very painful teeth cut, then of course it is worthwhile to anesthetize with something.

  36. Arina, of course. True, I first used the means containing lidocaine in the composition. But as I read that this substance is prohibited in many countries, I immediately refused such a means and began to use Holisal Gel. The child is calm, there is no lidocaine in the composition, but for me this is the most important thing.

  37. Tails were given to us, all improvised means came to the rescue - and the teethers are cold, carrots, apples .. gel we used the doctor's first teeth, he has natural composition, and most importantly, there is no lidocaine and it can be used an unlimited number of times a day . In general, they coped. )

  38. Our chief assistant when teething Baby Doctor is the first teeth, the composition is natural. Yes, and it is simple as a use - to squeeze, apply to a gum, massage. After 5 minutes, the daughter is already calm, smiles)

  39. The son’s teeth climbed, it is not easy for him at all, sleeps poorly, cries. At first I bought a dentinorm, but I did not see changes at all, yet homeopathy is homeopathy. I decided to try the holisal -after it the baby became calmer and began to sleep better and more violently, it is clear that his teeth are not so tormented. The agent has anti -controling and antimicrobial properties.

  40. Now there are so many means that the pain is reduced with teething that I do not think this is a problem.

  41. Irina, I completely agree with you, but I prefer, for example, using Holisal Gel. And all because it reduces pain, and at the same time it does not contain lidocaine in the composition, otherwise the child has an allergy to this substance.

  42. I'm afraid to smear the gums by any child, because he can lick them (

  43. Arina, and what is terrible about that? For example, I took a holisal gel, and I know that there are no harmful substances in its composition, so without any problems I apply this tool to the child on the gum when teething. Of course, there are dangerous funds. I think that on this occasion you better consult a doctor.

  44. And the doctor told us that the teeth should be cut naturally, but we can no longer, the child is tormented.

  45. Galina, did you think to change the doctor? We have a good pediatrician, said right away that it is better for a child to apply gels on the gum to facilitate teething. So now we buy a Holisal gel.

  46. We immediately cut three teeth at once. Of course, the child is painfully to tolerate all this (

  47. We have several teeth at once cut at the same time (((

  48. Lyudmila, we have the same story (also a few at once are cut and the child is very painful. True, I bought a Holisal gel. This remedy and pain and inflammation are reduced, I am satisfied. The child is calm.

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