It doesn't work for me, does not load VK - what's the reason? What to do if VK does not work now?

It doesn't work for me, does not load VK - what's the reason? What to do if VK does not work now?

Sometimes VKontakte users are faced with the fact that the site suddenly stops working. This happens for various reasons and we will talk about them in our article.

VKontakte social network is the most popular resource of all. This suggests that every day millions of people come here who have different questions. Technical support works in continuous mode and, if you try to ask them a question, you will not immediately receive an answer.

In addition, the social networks server experience enormous loads, and control of them requires a lot of equipment and specialists. Despite the fact that the social network has all this, users sometimes note that their site does not work or is not loaded. It is important to note that problems mainly arise from users, but there are also problems from VKontakte. Let's figure out in detail what the reasons are and why VKontakte may not work.

Why doesn't it work for me, does not load VKontakte?

At the entrance to the VKontakte page, this mistake may be displayed:

The page is not available
The page is not available

Or such a plan:

The server was not found
The server was not found

This does not yet guarantee that VK does not work, but such an opportunity is possible to be. To make sure that the social network really does not work, try to go into it from another device, for example, from the phone. If VKontakte really does not work, then the error will also be displayed or the application will not update the tape and load the pages.

You can also try to go to the news section and find out if the site is really not available. Usually, if the problem is massive, then it always instantly appears on different resources.

The plus to everything, the problem can be the inaccessibility of some servers, so try to restart the page a couple of times. Basically, cases of “fall” in VKontakte rarely happen. The reasons for the inoperability of VKontakte may be others.

  • The provider has problems

This option is also rare, but still it happens. So, there are times when the site may be inaccessible because of the provider’s malfunctions, and at the same time other sites are usually inaccessible. You can find out about the availability of problems only using the call to the service supplier. In this case, no action on your part is required. It remains only to wait for everything to get better.

  • VK is blocked
Access is denied
Access is denied

It means that VKontakte is blocked by a network that is used to connect to the Internet. For example, you are trying to go from a work computer where access to such resources is limited. If your Wi-Fi is available, but VK does not work through it, then most likely the blocking applies to a wireless connection.

  • Viruses and malicious programs

Another access to VKontakte can be blocked by a virus or a malicious program. For example, you recently installed a program that contained a virus and it is a source of the problem. What to do in this case?

First of all, turn on your antivirus or download it. Launch a complete check of the computer and you will see if there are viruses in your computer. After the check is completed, the viruses will be removed and may work.

Always be careful when downloading programs, because today very often they contain viruses. If possible, it is better to download them from official resources.

Virus on the computer
Virus on the computer

You can also add VKontakte to the Fund Mauer Exception list, if you have it.

If you tried everything, but nothing helped, then try to roll back the system to an earlier option when VK still worked. At the same time, you will not have any files deleted. The most important thing is that you have the necessary recovery point.

  • Extra lines in the Hosts file

Hosts is a system file that contains information about domain names and the type of broadcast to the network. When the system connects to the Internet, it first of all takes data from this file and only then addresses the DNS servers.

Speaking even easier, then this file can completely block access to the site. Moreover, instead of the necessary resources, the user can be redirected to another site. The latter are often used by attackers.

What's the point? You can climb the Internet for a long time and then go to VK. Perhaps your computer penetrates the Trojan, which replaces the lines in the Hosts file without the user's knowledge. Thus, when the user opens VKontakte, he gets to a completely different site, but very similar to the desired one. This is done with different goals.

Basically, to obtain access to a password or money. The last option is visible immediately - a page is displayed on the screen, which reports that your profile is blocked and you need to send an SMS so that access code comes. This should not be done, because besides the money spent, you will not receive anything.

In general, if you have problems with VKontakte of a similar plan, then open “My computer” and insert the link in the line with the address of the disk: C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Drivers \\ ETC \\. Or go on this path manually and open the file using a notebook.


The last word in the file should be "Localhost", if there is something else, then remove all the lines. In our example, the lines belong to VKontakte.

All unnecessary records need to be erased and saved the finished document. If you can’t save the document, then open it on behalf of the administrator again and the preservation will pass without problems:

Launch from the administrator
Launch from the administrator

In conclusion, we recall that if you do not work in VKontakte today, then do not despair, the problem is quite solved. First, make sure that the problem is not in the site itself and only then look for the reasons for your side.

Video: does not work, does not come in VKontakte.

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