The cat, cats with diarrhea: reasons, what to do, what to treat, feed at home? How and what to treat a pregnant and nursing cat from diarrhea: tips, a list of drugs. A cat, a cat has a bloody diarrhea, with mucus, vomiting: what to do, treat at home or see a doctor?

The cat, cats with diarrhea: reasons, what to do, what to treat, feed at home? How and what to treat a pregnant and nursing cat from diarrhea: tips, a list of drugs. A cat, a cat has a bloody diarrhea, with mucus, vomiting: what to do, treat at home or see a doctor?

We treat diarrhea at home.

Most people write off the appearance of diarrhea in their pet exclusively on overeating or bad food. Yes, the appearance of this symptom may well indicate that your cat has overloaded its gastrointestinal tract or just erected what has long spoiled.

If your favorite goes outside exclusively under your supervision, and you know for sure that he ate in the morning, day and evening, then the appearance of a liquid chair should alert you. It is likely to manifest itself a serious internal pathology, which requires immediate treatment.

The cat has a cat for diarrhea: reasons

The reasons for the appearance of diarrhea in a cat

Normally, the cat makes an act of defecation 1-2 times a day. As a rule, if she eats food by the clock, then she will go to the toilet at the same time. If pathogenic changes begin in the gastrointestinal tract of the animal, then it will begin to go to the toilet more often than usual, and its chair will become more liquid and watery.

The reasons for the appearance of diarrhea in a cat:

  • Allergic reaction. If a person is allergic to a rash on the skin and tearfulness, then in animals it annoys the digestive system. A new shampoo, flea or even indoor air freshener can provoke the appearance of the problem. In this case, the problem will not disappear until you remove the source of irritation from the house.
  • Worms. The parasites are inside the intestines and the stomach of the animal and intensively make toxins that irritate the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to the appearance of diarrhea. This symptom can intensify against the background of taking an anthelmintic drug. Dying, worms release even more toxins, and this, in turn, enhances diarrhea.
  • Fungal infection. In this case, the intestines are most often affected and, as a result of this, the digestive tract simply ceases to cope with the digestion of food and, as a result, it begins to linger in the digestive system longer than usual. The longer it wanders and rot, the more severe diarrhea will be observed in the animal.
  • Viral or bacterial infection. If these infections have become the cause of diarrhea in the cat, then in addition to the liquid stool, other symptoms of such diseases will necessarily be noticeable. The animal may increase the temperature and discharge from the nose and eyes. Also, almost all cats against the background of a viral infection refuse to eat.
  • Very severe stress. As practice shows, cats love constancy, so if something is not quite normal in their environment, they begin to get nervous. Thus, they can respond to loud music, a stranger and even relocation to a new place of residence.
  • Intestinal obstruction. This disease is considered the most dangerous for the animal as it can lead to its death. In this case, the amount of liquid stool will be minimal, but at the same time your pet will manifest the gag reflex. All this will lead to dehydration of the body and, as a result, a sharp deterioration in the condition.
  • Pathologies of the pancreas and liver. If your cat regularly manages to eat something wrong, then in the end this can cause chronic inflammation of the pancreas and liver. If these two organs work incorrectly, then your pet will be provided with a liquid chair.

A cat, a cat has a bloody diarrhea, with mucus, vomiting: what to do, treat at home or see a doctor?

Cat treatment from diarrhea

As you probably already understood, quite serious pathologies can provoke diarrhea in a cat. In view of this, it will be better if, when a liquid stool appears, you will immediately begin to take measures. As for the bloody diarrhea with mucus and vomiting, its appearance should be treated as responsibly as possible. As practice shows, the reason for its appearance may be either the obstruction of the entire intestine, or only the inflammation of only the thick.

If blood has already appeared in the chair, this indicates that the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract are so inflamed so that they began to be covered with wounds. And this means that without the right and, most importantly, immediate therapy, the animal will inevitably die. I immediately want to say that such pathologies should be treated under a strict supervision of a specialist. Therefore, it will be better if you show your pet to the veterinarian in the shortest possible time. A similar pathology is treated in several stages.

The first animal gives drugs that stop bleeding. It can be, for example, Dicinon. It is given to the animal 2 times in knocks of 0.5 - 1 ml at a time. In addition, together with the drug, ordinary clean water is found. As soon as bleeding stops, it will be possible to proceed to blocking inflammation and restoration of microflora. For these purposes, sick animals are prescribed Metronidazole (20 mg each for every kilogram of the body).

What can be given to a cat, a cat, if you reproach, a liquid chair: a list of drugs, tablets, antibiotics

List of diarrhea

Before you introduce you to the list of drugs to combat diarrhea, I would like to clarify that in order for the medicine it can have an effective effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, they must be completely cleaned of food. In order to achieve a similar effect, it will be enough to remove all food approximately on knocks. All this time you will have to give a pet exclusively water.

If he refuses to drink it, then you will have to drink it by force. It will be possible to drink a cat using an ordinary medical syringe. All that you need to do, get water into the syringe, take the pet in your arms, fix its head and in small portions to introduce water into the oral cavity. If you want the water to be useful for the stomach and intestines, then dissolve the register of the regron in it.

List of drugs for diarrhea:

  • Enroploxacin. It will help to cope with a bacterial infection. Can be given to the animal orally or introduce intramuscularly
  • Gentamycin. It is attributed to the animal if diarrhea has led to the development of sepsis. The drug is better to drive intramuscularly
  • Tilosin. This tool is ideal for the treatment of infectious diseases. You can only introduce it intramuscularly
  • Glucose. It is needed to restore the water balance and normalize the work of the cardiovascular system
  • Activated carbon. Absorbent that effectively removes toxins from the body
  • Enterosan. Normalizes digestion
  • Ainyl. This medicine will help you reduce body temperature to normal indicators, and also save the animal from spasm
  • Lactobacterin. Help restore the microflora of the stomach and intestines
  • Azins. Antiparasitic agent that will help you get rid of helminths

How to treat diarrhea in cats with folk remedies: recipes

Folk remedies for diarrhea: recipes

The easiest way to help the cat cope with diarrhea, feed it with boiled rice. To begin with, you will need to boil it until fully readiness, drain excess fluid from it and after that it will be possible to give it to the pet. This remedy is also good because in this case not only the croup itself will be useful, but also the liquid in which it was cooked.

If the animal categorically refuses to eat rough food, you can pick up a rice decoction in a syringe and feed it in this way. Once in the stomach, the rice broth will begin to envelop the walls of the stomach and intestines, thereby, not allowing toxins to have a pernicious effect on them.

Moreover, it is such a decoction that is better than other means that helps to remove toxins out. True, you must remember that such a tool can also be dangerous. If you do not want the cat’s stomach to completely stop processing food, then try to alternate a rice decoction with some useful food, for example, with boiled protein.


  • Measure 60 ml of water and bring to a boil
  • Lay in it for 1 tsp.
  • After 15 minutes, remove the product from the fire and let it cool to room temperature
  • Divide it into 4 parts and using a syringe enter the cat's oral cavity

Anti -inflammatory agent

  • To prepare this medicine, you will need dried sage and wormwood
  • They will have to be taken 1/2 p. L, pour all 80 ml of boiling water and put it over low heat for 15 minutes
  • After cooling completely, the product will be ready to use
  • You will need to strain it, and in small portions during the day to pour it to a sick animal

How and what to treat a pregnant and nursing cat from diarrhea: tips, a list of drugs

Medicines for diarrhea for pregnant cats

Diarrhea in a cat during pregnancy can cause rather serious consequences. If you do not be able to restore the correct operation of the gastrointestinal tract in the minimum time, then this can lead to spontaneous abortion. In view of this, if you see that the condition of the pet does not normalize after 3 days, then you must seem to be a veterinarian.

But even in these three days you should be as attentive to your favorite as possible. If the diarrhea is very strong, then dehydration will begin earlier and, as a result, it may begin premature birth. For this reason, it will be better if during the day you will periodically check whether a lot of fluids have left the body. To understand this, it will be enough to touch the gum of a cat.

If they are completely dry, then it's time to immediately run to the clinic. And remember that the veterinarian can be attributed to antibiotics in this case. Therefore, if you decide to treat the pet at home, then give him only safe drugs and clean water. It can be Activated carbonor Enterozoo.

Medicines for diarrhea for pregnant cats:

  • Probifor (contribute to the restoration of microflora)
  • Nifuroxazide (antibacterial agent)
  • Stop cystitis (will restore the work of the kidneys and urinary system)
  • Drontal (effective remedy for worms)

Diarrhea in cats and cats in case of violation of the pancreas: how to treat?

Diarrhea treatment with pancreatitis

The pancreas in cats is as vulnerable as in people. In view of this, if it is overloaded in the body, the enzyme is ceased to be produced, which is responsible for the absorption of food. As a rule, as soon as this happens, the animal immediately begins a strong diarrhea.

A characteristic sign of pancreatitis is the pronounced sour smell of feces. Therefore, if you notice this sign, then immediately go to the veterinarian. If you pull with the treatment of this pathology, then a cat may develop diabetes or even sepsis.

The treatment of diarrhea for pancreatitis is carried out by the following drugs:

  • Antihelminth
  • Antiviral
  • Antibiotics
  • Antiemetic
  • Cordial
  • Anti -inflammatory
  • Analgesics

Yes, and in this case you must remember that a sick cat should eat as easily as possible. And this means that during treatment from its diet it is necessary to completely exclude fatty meat and fish, as well as dry feed.

All this time, give her boiled rice and oatmeal, and sometimes dilute all this with a small amount of chicken fillet or turkey. When the animal is recovering, you can start introducing dairy products and familiar foods into its diet.

Diarrhea in cats and cats after sterilization: how to treat?

Diarrhea in cats and cats after sterilization

Most often, diarrhea after sterilization in cats appears due to hormonal imbalance. Against the background of this process, all processes, including metabolism, slow down in the body for a while. This is what causes the appearance of a liquid stool. For this reason, qualified veterinarians, after such a procedure, attribute hormonal agents with sterilized animals, which at the initial stage will contribute to the normal functioning of the body.

As for the treatment of diarrhea in cats after sterilization, in this case there will be enough proper nutrition and taking fastening and absorbing agents. If the diarrhea is complex and dehydration begins in the animal, then in addition to these drugs, antibiotics will have to be served.

Also, during this period, it is advisable to give special vitamin complexes that will support the balance of beneficial substances in the body at the right level. This will also contribute to normalizing the work of internal organs and, as a result, the digestive system will begin to work correctly correctly.

How to treat green diarrhea in cats?

Green diarrhea in cats: treatment

Green diarrhea indicates that the cat does not work correctly in the cat. And more precisely, the food in it simply wanders and rot. If you do not try to normalize the work of the intestines, diarrhea can become chronic and against this background the animal will develop pancreatitis and problems with the kidneys and liver will appear.

Therefore, until the problem has worsened, try not to get rid of, especially since this can be done very easily. All you need to do, transfer the animal to lightweight food and give it all this time probiotics and enzymes. If you see that the animal has a spasmolytic syndrome, then be sure to try to remove it.

If you do not, then against the background of stress diarrhea will increase even more and then you will have to connect heavy artillery - antibiotics. At home to remove this symptom even ordinary No-shpa. Just keep in mind that the cat must be given in very small doses. In order to alleviate the condition of the pet, the fourth part of the tablet is enough.

How to feed a cat with diarrhea?

Products that can be given porridge during diarrhea

I immediately want to say that feeding a cat with diarrhea with milk, kefir and cottage cheese, even fat -free, is strictly prohibited. While the diarrhea is in the acute phase, they will overload the stomach even more and this will aggravate the problem even more. Also, during treatment, it is best for you to refuse dry food.

Since it has the ability to swell in the stomach, taking moisture while taking, this can accelerate the dehydration process, which will lead to vomiting and temperature. In addition, remember that the whole period of the sick animal should eat food in small portions. Even if the pet will constantly ask to eat, do not make concessions to him and feed him no more than once every 2 hours.

And, of course, remember that during treatment it is undesirable to give water from the tap. If you want your favorite to recover faster, then spend money and buy him filtered water.

Products that can be given to the cat during diarrhea:

  • Boiled chicken
  • Boiled turkey
  • Children's meat puree
  • Boiled rice
  • Egg yolk
  • Bouillon
  • Oatmeal

Is it possible and how to give a cat, cat Smectu, Loperamid, Enterofuril, Furazolidon, Phosphalugel, Ftalazole, probiotics, activated carbon during diarrhea: dosage

Medicines for diarrhea: dosage

And finally, I would like to say if you do not have the opportunity to buy special veterinarian from diarrhea in the near future, you can try to cure the pet with medicines intended for people.

True, using such products, you must consider that a whole tablet can provoke an overdose with the drug, which will lead to the appearance of allergies and increased diarrhea. For this reason, it will be better if before giving the cat the medicine, you divide it into small doses.


  • Kitty - 5 mg per 1 kg of weight per day
  • Adult cat -10-20 mg per 1 kg of weight per day

How many drops of ASD to give a cat with diarrhea?

Using ASD drops for diarrhea in cats

I would like to say that the ASD is a rather powerful drug, so it must be given a carefully to the cat. It will be better if you first give her the smallest dose, and only by making sure that everything is fine, you will treat with this tool.

As practice shows, with good tolerance of the active substance, recovery occurs after 48 hours. It is prepared by this means very simple. You will need to measure 5 cubes of water and dissolve 3-5 drops of the product in it. After thorough mixing, it can be given to the sick animal.

Video: The cat has diarrhea, what to do? The main causes of diarrhea in a cat

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Comments K. article

  1. Of course, it would be nice to show the cat if the diarrhea has begun. Our recently had, I thought that the food was not quite familiar to her, so she reacted like that. I gave the cat Enterozoo -this is a special enterosorbent for animals, which removes all the muck from the body. After him, it became better for her and cool that he has no taste and smell, I mixed with food, the cat calmly ate him.

  2. Thank you, it was interesting to read. Ideally, if the cat's diarrhea begins, it is for her to be taken to it.

  3. Margo, to the veterinarian? There is not always an opportunity. Even I have a residents of a metropolis. And what to say about those who live in the villages, etc. I’m, or rather, to my cat, and grandmother's animals (she lives in my village), also bought Enterozoo, which was mentioned above. The means and really cool turned out - it is suitable for cats, and dogs, and other animals. It helps not only with diarrhea, but also in other cases: with allergies, poisoning, etc. As a means of first aid - the most.

  4. You can give an activated coal. Only with the weight to decide so as not to overdo it.

  5. Olga, more careful with carbon, he washed out everything from the body, including beneficial substances. But Enterozoo is a thing. I also bought it to the cat, I gave it a couple of times with diarrhea - it works)) only the harmful, without harming the microflora. It is easy to give a cat - neither taste nor the smell of enterosorbent. In general, the right thing.

  6. thanks

  7. My cat occasionally also has such a nuisance. Rarely, but nevertheless. They advised me to accept the Enterozoo cat - a special tool for eliminating harmful substances, toxins from the body. It is intended, by the way, for animals. We are saved.

  8. I give my cat with diarrhea Enterozoo - Enterosorbent for animals. Like this tool, removes the cat from the body of everything harmful, without affecting the useful. As a result, the diarrhea stops, and the condition of the cat improves.

  9. thank you very much for the article

  10. Pah-pah, such serious cases bypass us. But, nevertheless, the cat has a diarrhea several times over the past couple of years. I also give him, by the way, Enterozoo, the veterinarian advised us this tool, we don’t buy it at random) But the remedy, however, is cool, quite effective - removing the cats from the body harmful, and improves well -being.

  11. And my cat happened. From a year ago, I bought a special enterosorbent for animals - Enterozoo for such cases. We are saved now. This remedy removes harmful substances from the body, in the end, and the well -being of the cat improves, and diarrhea stops, and vomiting, if suddenly was, also passes.

  12. thank you for the article

  13. What a cat, that the dog in such a situation Enterozoo is useful. This is a special enterosorbent that absorbs all the nasty things and removes them from the body. Immediately pets come to their senses and cease to suffer and DRI ** at.

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