Trinity and Spirits Day in 2023: what date, how many days after Easter? Trinity - signs and customs: what can and cannot be done? Can I go to the Trinity in the cemetery?

Trinity and Spirits Day in 2023: what date, how many days after Easter? Trinity - signs and customs: what can and cannot be done? Can I go to the Trinity in the cemetery?

The article will tell you what the Trinity is, how this Orthodox holiday triumph and what signs exist.

Trinity and Spirits Day in 2023: what date, how many days after Easter?

In this 2023, the Trinity is June 4.
Spirits Day - June 5.

Trinity is an important Orthodox holiday that occupies a special place for all believers in the church calendar. Trinity is, in other words, the “birthday” of the Orthodox Church and the baptism of all parishioners. On this day, the faithful companions of Christ - the apostles took their baptism.

The Trinity is customary to celebrate exactly 50 days after Easter (to be more precise, 40 days fall after the resurrection of Christ and 10 after ascension). In 2023, the Trinity falls on June 4. (This is exactly 50 days later from the celebration of Easter). The Trinity also has another name “Pentecost” (precisely because of the number of days). This holiday always falls on Sunday.

Holy Trinity: How many days is celebrated?

The bright holiday “Trinity” is preceded by another day - a gift.

His Church celebrates a few weeks before the Trinity and it is from this day that active preparation for the celebration begins. Preparation is an important part of the holiday, it begins with chants, which helps to accept the believer of the Holy Spirit.

It is customary to celebrate the Trinity holiday itself for one day, but the day after the holiday, on Monday, you should triumph the day of the Holy Spirit. It is he who is the “culprit” of all the best that descended to a person. On Monday, accept the read seven special prayers, they are read once a year.

Interesting: it is important to note that after Easter and to the Trinity, no one can tidy their knees in the church and all prayers are read standing. But on the trinity, first of all, you need to fall to your knees and ask for those who have already died, so that the living is calm.

Can I go to the Trinity in the cemetery?

Trinity is an important Orthodox holiday of “all living”. That is why the symbol for the church on this day is a twig of birch, which has just bloated. It is precisely such twigs that is customary to decorate the entire church, many believers also decorate their homes.

Precisely because the Trinity is a “holiday of life”, you should not go to the cemetery that day. To do this, there is a special “parental day”, in which you need to visit the graves of all the deceased relatives and restore order there. In the Trinity, you need to remember the dead in the church, on this day instead of the cemetery, visit the temple.

Do you go to the cemetery before the trinity?

To remember the deceased is a kind tradition that teaches children to have good habits, and adults do not forget important people. Memorial consists in a number of simple customs, such as: put things in order on the grave (remove weeds, garbage, align the ground, wash the monument, leave flowers and symbolic treats).

To visit the cemetery, the church has special days as, for example, Radonitsa — April 25, 2023 (Parents day). He occurs on the second Tuesday after Easter (not difficult to remember). It is believed that on this day all the dead together alive sincerely rejoice at the resurrection of Christ.

Interesting: it’s not desirable to go to the Trinity to the cemetery, but on Saturday before the trinity June 3, 2023 - can. The day is called "Trinity Saturday."

Parental Saturday before the Trinity of 2023, when?

Trinity Parental Saturday is an important commemorated day for all believers of Orthodox people.

In 2023, it arrives on June 3, since the Trinity itself is celebrated on June 4.This parental day should always occur 48 days after Easter.

Who is remembered for the Trinity?

On this day, the Orthodox baptized deceased should be remembered and sing a memorial prayer for those who led a righteous memorial life. It is believed that on this day the Lord perceives prayers in a special way for all souls, even for those that are in hell. Also, the Orthodox believe that everyone who asks for forgiveness on this day will definitely receive it.

Is it possible to remember the suicidal on the trinity?

Suicide is a terrible sin, but in life there are often such situations that in a fit of deep disappointment or resentment, a person commits this act. And then relatives are wondering: how to honor the deceased if the Church denies suicide and does not seal such dead?

For such people, you cannot read ordinary church prayer and memorial service for such people are not serviced.

It is for this that there is a special day - Semik June 1 2023 (just 7 Thursdays after Easter, which precedes the Trinity). This is a national day of commemoration of such people, since the church does not recognize this day.

The church welcomes if relatives remember and pray for such people at home.

Nevertheless, you should know that on this day you should read a general prayer for all dead, and not specific suicide. Therefore, the martyrs from this will not become much easier, but relatives will be able to pay tribute and reassure themselves a little.

On this day, relatives of suicides pray with special zeal and hide what happened in fact, since this is also a sin. If the prayer will hide the cause of the death of his relative or pray incorrectly, the Lord may not accept these prayers. In Radonitsa (second Tuesday after Easter) you can remember all the dead, including suicide, only at home.

Important: suicidal cannot be mentioned in general church prayers. For them, you should read special prayers on special days of memory, realizing that this is not a requiem at all. This is just comfort to relatives and therefore the prayer should be read at home, and not in the buried body. It is also good to put a candle behind the repose of the soul, but where exactly - you need to ask the clergyman, since it is also impossible to do this before common icons.

Is it possible to baptize on the Trinity?

There are no special prohibitions on the baptism of the baby in the Trinity, but not every church agree, because this is a great holiday and takes a lot of effort and time to prepare. However, small churches can agree to baptism on this day.

If the priest agreed to baptize you, you must understand that you are very lucky. You should not argue with the rituals on this day, argue and not obey the clergyman. Baptism should pass calmly and according to all the rules. You can’t be late, you can not dress vulgarly, you can not fade and inappropriately behave.

Important: If you want to baptize a child on a day preceding the Trinity, you should know that it is better not to do this. Radonitsa is a memorial day, on this date you need to honor the dead.

Can I work on a trinity?

Orthodox people have long honored the traditions of the Church and respected all church holidays. It was considered a bad sign to work in the Trinity to work in the field and work in any way. Hard work could somehow harm a person, because instead of rejoicing in the Lord, people were distracted by work.

Important: even the fact that every working day was valued very expensive for a simple peasant, could not allow him to go out to work in the field. After all, such work in the Trinity could bring crop failures, which is even worse.

Is it possible to swim on the Trinity in the river, the sea, the bath?

There is one interesting sign for the Trinity, which should be honored, and which should be followed.

It is believed that you can’t swim on the Trinity, but we are talking here about natural reservoirs. Christianity considers such a sign as pagan superstition.

Speaking specifically, the week before the Trinity is considered very dangerous, since the waters of rivers, seas and lakes are filled with souls and evil spirits. These souls appear in the image of mermaids. It is they who can grab a person and drag into a “other world”. Believe in a sign or not is everyone’s business. As for the bath or bath - it is completely safe.

Can you clean the trinity?

Any work on Sunday on Trinity is considered a sin. The fact is that instead of working, you should honor the Lord and read prayers. Especially the warning concerns hard work: work on Earth (garden, garden), washing, sewing and cleaning.
All this should be done before the holiday itself comes. Some household chores may be with exceptions, such as small cleaning (for example, if you accidentally scattered something) and cooking, washing dishes.

Can I cut yourself on a trinity?

In the Orthodox faith, there are no special warnings for the care of themselves, in particular hair cutting, mustache, beards and nails. The Orthodox Church denies all superstitions and therefore cut on the Trinity is completely safe.

Can I fish for a trinity?

The Church has no special warnings about fishing in the Trinity. Fishing is not a job that is prohibited on a holiday, but a rest and a way to have a good time. Orthodoxy allows you to relax in nature, arrange a picnic and fish, as well as honor the Lord. On the other hand, folk beliefs warn a person from fishing in the Trinity, since the waters are filled with dead souls and mermaids, which can play a “angry joke” with him.

Signs on the Trinity
Signs on the Trinity

Is it possible to mow grass in the Trinity?

It is impossible to mow grass into the trinity, as well as to do any work in the garden and in the garden. Such work can harm a person and bring him many misfortunes: health problems, crop failure, livestock disease.

Can I go in for sports in Trinity?

Sport is not labor, but an activity for the soul and body, exercises that bring health. That is why the church does not forbid Orthodox people to play sports in the Trinity and you can do this voluntarily with a kind and calm soul.

Can you embroider a trinity?

Any work in Trinity is considered a sin and therefore such an activity as sewing and even embroidery is also considered. Set aside it the next day and try not to “enjoy” the Lord in the Trinity, violating his covenants. Even if you embroider icons with threads or beads, you should not deal with such needlework in the Trinity. Calm the Trinity with the people, pray to the Lord God!

Is it possible to put candles on the trinity?

Trinity is a holiday that is not only possible, but even you need to put candles. This is done, both for health and for the rest. If you only want to remember a loved one, then it is best to put a candle on his previous day, on Saturday.

  • Put a candle in the trinity for health in front of the icon from which you are looking for protection.

Important: of course, on such a holiday you should not leave without attention and honor the icon of the Holy Trinity. According to custom, people even put her three candles at once. Also pay attention to the icon to the Virgin and the patron.

Is it possible to do wake on the trinity?

The clergy are confident that the Trinity is the triumph of life and all living things. That is why the wake on this day is very undesirable, because there are special days to revere the dead. However, if the case made you bury a loved one on this day or celebrate his anniversary of death, you can do this, but it is advisable not to visit the cemetery.

What are they cook for the trinity, what dishes?

A person who venerates the traditions and customs of the Orthodox Church is also interested in the issue of preparing for the Trinity, in particular, that it is necessary to prepare and serve their loved ones on the table. It is customary to visit their friends and relatives after the church service, goes to visit and celebrate.

Since the holiday most often falls on the first summer days, the table decorates many "fresh" dishes: salads, young potatoes, vegetable dishes. People are also used to serving on the first okroshka, lean or meat.

If the child was born on the Trinity: Sign

Trinity is a large and bright holiday for all believers. Therefore, all the good that happened to the person on this day should have brought him only good.

The birth of a child on Trinity is a good sign that will bring the baby happiness, health and God's blessing.

If a wedding for a trinity: a sign

From a long time ago, all good deeds committed in the Trinity were respected and it was believed that they could bring only good to the believer. A wedding on Sunday (Trinity always falls on Sunday) is a rarity, but in large cities it has the right to exist, because I work registry offices every day.

Important: marrying Trinity is a good sign, like getting married. It was believed that such an event would certainly bring young happiness in life, healthy children.

Petrov post after Trinity: how to observe, what rules?

After the trinity, the post should be observed, it is called " Petrov post". The beginning takes its post from Monday of the Day of the Saints - June 12, 2023 to July 11. All week after the Trinity in 2023 ( june 5 to June 11), people can celebrate and eat meat, but then adhere to post for 11 July.

This post should cleanse a person before the triumph of another important Orthodox holiday - the day of Peter and Paul. Last Petrov post before July, 12.
July 11 The last day of the post.

It is interesting that Petrov post can change its number of days every year, depending on how sooner or later Easter began. The longest recorded post lasted 42 day (this is exactly 6 weeks), and the shortest - total 8 days.

What to do with birch branches after the trinity?

As already mentioned, churches and houses of Orthodox people on the Trinity are customary to decorate with young branches of birch and other trees (also you can). After the celebration, the branches did not throw out. It was customary to put them under the roofs and store them, like a talisman, until the first Kupala fire, where they were burned.

Video: "Holy Trinity Feast"

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