Grass Issop Medicinal: therapeutic properties and contraindications. Issop: the use in folk medicine for children from cough, treatment of bronchial asthma, for hair growth

Grass Issop Medicinal: therapeutic properties and contraindications. Issop: the use in folk medicine for children from cough, treatment of bronchial asthma, for hair growth

Issrop is effective in the treatment of many serious diseases, but it must be used with caution due to a number of existing contraindications.

A worthy replacement for the universal unpretentious plant used in medicine and cooking from the 10th century has not yet been found. Issrop is indispensable both in the treatment of some diseases and in the creation of culinary masterpieces.

What is Issop, what it looks like, what is called differently, decoding

Hyssop - A semichstarnic plant, reaching a height of 80 cm, growing mainly in Africa and Eurasia, but also found in the Caucasus.

Blooming Issop
Blooming Issop

Numerous stems of the plants have a quadrangular shape, long, slightly rounded down the edges and sharp at the ends of the leaves are planted right on them. The inflorescences are located above the leaves and resemble the collected oblong spikelets with purple, pink or blue corolla.

Issop blooms for a very long time, new flowers from spikes-color replacement each other every 5-7 days. In August, fruits begin to appear on the site of fading corrugations - nutty trihedral seeds of brown color.

Issop is popularly known as Blue St. John's wort, bee grass, sacred grass, Susop, Gisop, Yuzefka.

Issrop is propagated by both seeds and by dividing the rhizome. The transplantation and change in climatic conditions tolerates perfectly.


Issop benefits and harm, healing properties, contraindications

Issop can be safely called a universal multifunctional plant:

  • Unpretentious and decorative, he can decorate climbers and front gardens of private houses. At the same time, he easily coexists in the neighborhood with other plants, does not require special care and, well overgrown, can play the role of hedge
  • Long -term and abundant flowering of Issop, as well as its pleasant aroma attract bees, so it can plant between vegetable beds
  • ISSOP is used as an ingredient for the preparation of various folk antitussive, wound healing, antiseptic, anthelmintic agents
  • The plant is spicy seasoning and is widely used in cooking

The plant has the healing properties thanks to its unique rich composition. It contains essential oils, tannins, flavonids, glycosides, oleanolic acid and vitamin C. The main therapeutic properties of Issop:

  • antimicrobial
  • expecting
  • anesthetic
  • diuretic
  • exciting
  • antipying
  • laxative

However, Issop has a number of contraindications:

  • With an overdose of Issop, spasms occur
  • Issop is prohibited from applying children, pregnant and nursing women
  • Not recommended with increased acidity of the stomach
  • It is unacceptable to use Issop with hypertension and people suffering from epilepsy and convulsions
Issop is used as a cough remedy
Issop is used as a cough remedy

Video: Issop useful properties

Issrop essential oil, decoction, tea: application

A light emerald color of the ethereal oil of Issop with a tangid-sweet smell is obtained from the leaves of the plant. It is used for sore throats, asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism, depression, nervous exhaustion, stress. Also, the essential oil of Issopa helps to normalize pressure.

With bronchitis, rubbing is effective: The essential oil of Issop (20 drops) is mixed with vegetable oil (40 drops) and thoroughly rubbed the chest and back of the patient for 10 - 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day (in the morning and evening) until the condition is facilitated.

People prone to depression and nervous disorders, should be taken baths with Issopa oil. 5 - 7 drops of essential oil are added to the bath and inhale its aroma for 7 to 10 minutes, taking the bath.

The decoction of Issop It is recommended to use women in violation of sweating during menopause. The decoction is prepared as follows: 1 tsp. Dry grass is poured with 200 g of boiling water and left under a tightly closed lid for 2 - 2.5 hours. Then take 3 times a day 70 g before meals.

Tea from Issop, having a diuretic effect, drink hot, allowing to brew for 7-10 minutes.

Issop tea has a diuretic effect
Issop tea has a diuretic effect

How to brew Issop correctly?

The recipe for brewing the SSUP depends on what purpose the resulting tool will be used.

With bronchitis: Dry flowers of Issop (1 tbsp.) Fill with boiling water (1l) and allowed to brew for 1 - 1.5 hours. Then the infusion is filtered through a small sieve, sugar (1 tbsp.) Is added to it and mix thoroughly. Drink at 0.5 tbsp. 1 time per day.

With colds: Dry chopped leaves and Susop stems (1 tsp) are poured with boiling water (1 tbsp.) And insisted under the lid for about 2 hours. Take 0.3 l 3 times a day. Sugar, honey and lemon to taste can be added to the prepared infusion.

Issop: use in folk medicine for children from coughing

It is not recommended to use ISSOP for the treatment of children, however, if the attending physician agreed to use antitussive drugs based on it, this must be done extremely carefully, observing the reaction of the child to the drug.

Children over 3 years old are offered a decoction of Issop twice a day (morning and evening) 100 g before meals. If the child has signs of allergies, you need to immediately stop treatment, give an antihistamine and consult a doctor.

I SSSOP is not recommended to use coughing in children
I SSSOP is not recommended to use coughing in children

How to treat asthma with a saber?

For the treatment of bronchial asthma It is necessary to drink the infusion of Issop with a course of 1 month, without breaks. They prepare the infusion like this: crushed dry Issop (3 tbsp) is poured in a liter thermos with boiling water and closed with a lid after 5 minutes. After 1.5 hours, the infusion is pranked, then again poured into a thermos. They drink hot, 1 spoon before each meal.

Important: regarding the possibility of combining the treatment of asthma, the infusion of Issop and other drugs must be consulted with the attending physician.

How to use Hair Hair Sensop?

When the hair is falling in shampoo (or balm), the essential oil of the Issop is added. For 15 g of shampoo you will need 2 drops of oil. Regular use of this tool will help to restore hair for 1.5 to 2 months and stop falling. Also, Issopa oil helps with dandruff.

Important: in no case can you increase the amount of oil in the shampoo. This will not bring benefits, but it can harm.

Essential oil of Issop strengthens the hair
Essential oil of Issop strengthens the hair

When to collect Issop for drying for the winter, how to harvest?

For drying, Issop is harvested in July - August, cutting off the upper flowering shoots. Dry them, decomposing them with a thin layer and avoiding direct sunlight and moisture. You can also tie the branches of Issop for drying under a canopy, flowers down.

After drying, Issop becomes prickly and hard, so you need to grind it carefully.

If Issop is planned to be used as a seasoning, then you need to cut it at the time of the greatest flowering. Such grass has the strongest aroma and the ability to improve the taste of dishes.

Issop is cut for drying at the time of the greatest flowering
Issop is cut for drying at the time of the greatest flowering

Important: the coloring of the plant is preserved after drying, therefore, if you need to make a seasoning of different colors, you need to dry blue, pink and purple Issop separately from each other.

It is best to store Issop in a cotton bag or closed tin cans. However, after 6 to 8 months of storage, its aroma weakens and disappears.

Those who have the opportunity to plant Issop on a personal plot must certainly do this. This unique plant should always be at hand, as it can be useful at any time.

Video: Issop medicinal

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