Totem - Instructions for use

Totem - Instructions for use

The "totem" drug, often prescribed for anemic iron deficiency conditions. We will discuss its specific properties in what cases it is assigned and when this tool has contraindications for use.

« Totem» instructions to application

  • Described means is effective at restoration level gland in body at anemic states, related with iron deficiencySo the same « Totem» contains components magnesium and zinc, which accept direct participation in vital to the body oxidizingrecovery reactions
  • Iron, contained in drug « Totem» accepts participation in synthesis component parts hemoglobingema, in construction mioglobin, some species protein structures. Iron so the same necessary for creation and adequate functioning certain enzymes organism. Role gland so the same consists in stimulation breathing functions on the cellular level
  • AT norm microeveron gland poorly has sucks in system Gastrointestinal tract. But at his acute deficiency this process it flows much more active. Big part drug acts in organism from lumen duodenum guts and initial departments thin intestines
  • For improvements absorption gland from Gastrointestinal tract costs, on the row with reception « Totem» accept ascorbic acid, which promotes assimilation gland. At this use caffeine-containing drinks (coffee or tea) much reduces volume absorbed gland

« Totem» the form release

"Totem" form of release

Medication produced in ampoules volume on 10 ml, which contain dark liquid with expressed smell gland sweet taste.

« Totem» indications to application

  • For application this drug exists one the main one indicationthis is iron deficiency anemia different genesis
  • Toyem apply for prevention iron deficiency states u of people, which the relate to group riskthis is pregnant, teenage age and children, women in age childbearing and the elderly people
  • Apply his in conditions, when no capabilities provide sufficient admission trace elements with products nutrition

« Totem» dosage

"Totem" dosage
  • Solution, contained in ampoule, necessary dissolve in glasses or half glasses water, maybe at this addb sugar. AT period therapy need strictly observe those recommendations, which wrote treating doctor, observe mode and doses, prescribed in given case for therapy.
    Adults « Totem» assigned from 2 before 4 ampul in day
  • Duration course treatment it is before six months. For prevention iron deficiency anemia at pregnancy « Totem» assigned in dose 1 ampoules in day, on the length first half a year pregnancy(one and 2go trimester)
  • For use ampoule necessary open, having broken off the ends ampoules with both sides. Means drink on the hungry stomach, for amplification absorption gland from lumen Gastrointestinal tract. But only at absence nausea at reception funds, in nasty case « Totem» accepted in moment reception food or after him

« Totem» children

  • A drug not contraindicated for application u children and maybe used already with moment execution baby 3x months
  • Dose medication for kids calculated in compliance with weight child. On the each kilogram masses bodies baby allowed from 5 before 7 mg drug « Totem» in day. At this daily dose necessary separate on the 2 or 3 reception
  • Assigned « Totem» for prevention anemic states at blood loss, correction insufficient revenues trace element in organism with food or in situations increased needs organism in iron

« Totem» side action

"Totem" side effect

Reception drug maybe provoke development the following states:
Sensation heartburn and night
Color kala it changes, staining in dark color
maybe availability vomit reflex and vomiting
Violations digestion and chair how in side constipation, so and diarrhea
Sensation soreness in areas stomach
Enamel teeth maybe color and darken
maybe development allergies
« Totem» contraindications
Totem it has row restrictions for reception and contraindications:
Hemochromatosis (at this condition red blood cells have high color index, thenthere is full iron, but them amount few), hemosiderosis
Anemic states, which not connected with disadvantage in body trace element
Exacerbation diseases Yabzh and ulcers duodenum guts
Insufficient amount sucrose and not tolerance fructose
Age child before 3x months
High sensitivity to components components drug

Carefully costs apply means at availability u patient sugar diabetes.

« Totem» special instructions

"Totem" special instructions
  • Should conduct control indicators blood after 3 months after beginning therapy
  • Should remember, what in time course treatment it is forbidden abuse caffeine-holding drinks
    Optimal way drinking drug is his drink through cocktail tube for reduction impact gland on the enamel teeth
  • Patients, suffering Sd costs recalculate dose basic drug, so how 10 ml « Totem» contains 3 g sucrose
  • Reception medication not affects on the attentiveness and ability management transport means

« Totem» overdose

  • At excess concentration drug maybe to be observed weakness, nausea, maybe convulsive condition, disorders digestion and pain in areas stomach

AT practice described cases dying cells epithelium Gastrointestinal tract and development shock

  • For therapy similar states conduct washing stomach 1% solution drinking soda. Possible need intravenous introduction deferoxamine and conducting symptomatic therapy

« Totuma» analogs

Green star
Nutricon a plus

Video: iron deficiency anemia symptoms. Iron preparations for anemia

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