Toasts on wires in the army - a friend, beloved guy, son, funny, funny, beautiful, short, original, interesting, cool, unusual, modern, comic: list, text

Toasts on wires in the army - a friend, beloved guy, son, funny, funny, beautiful, short, original, interesting, cool, unusual, modern, comic: list, text

In our article you will find ideas for congratulatory toasts for wires in the army for a native and close person to you.

In the life of every real man, a period inevitably occurs when he must repay a duty to his homeland - to go to serve. As a rule, in honor of such an important event, the native people of the future soldier arrange a cheerful holiday so that he can finally have a good fun. After all, in the coming year, exclusively military science will wait for him. At such events, the future defender of the Fatherland usually speaks congratulatory toasts. Look for the ideas of toasts for wires in the army in this material.

Toasts on wires in the army - friend, son: Text

Toasts on wires in the army - friend, son: Text
Toasts on wires in the army - friend, son: Text

Toasts on wires in the army - friend, son: Text

  • My dear friend, tomorrow you will leave your home, the city, and in your life a new stage will begin. You will have to get up under the scream - “Rot Row”, and go to master military affairs. Maybe now it seems to you that it will be difficult and not very interesting there. But believe me, this is not so, especially since we are smart and hardworking, which means that you will probably succeed. Just believe in yourself, in your strength, and then you will definitely be able to achieve great heights in military affairs. I wish you easy service, faithful and reliable comrades and a pleasant pastime. Let all the time spent in the army, it will seem to you one instantly, and you are happy and healthy to return home.
  • My dear and beloved sonToday, today we all gathered together at this festive table to celebrate an important day for you - you begin your way to the formation of a real man. Know, I'm already very proud of you, because not all modern guys go to serve. But you have one of those who, with joy and pride, is going to give a debt to the Fatherland. And I know for sure that military science will certainly benefit you, and you will return home more powerful, courageous, self -confident and your abilities. I promise that when you go this path, we will all meet together in this company again, and we will be happy with your successes. I wish you, my dear, cloudless service and good and wise mentors. In a good way, my Dora!
  • Our dear man, today we came to visit you to rejoice for you. Today you begin a new stage of your life, and I want to believe that it will bring you exceptionally positive moments. The army service will definitely help you develop many new qualities of character, get new friends, and learn a lot of interesting things about how to correctly and harmoniously defend the place where you were born and raised. Therefore, do not lose a minute, but absorb military knowledge like a sponge, so that we know for sure that a real warrior has returned to us, who can protect us from all enemies. I wish you a lot of internal energy to serve with dignity, and more courageous and stronger to return home.
  • Seeing into the army is a special day in the life of a young guy. After all, today we fill our glasses with wine in honor of a man who lived a light and carefree life. He did not even think about what could happen that his homeland could demand protection. But the army service will do its job, and a more wise, courageous and responsible person will return home to us. More precisely, a man who can be rely on in everything and always. Dear guests, raise your glasses for the future defender of the peaceful sky, health and all the best!

Toasts on wires in the army - beloved guy

Toasts on wires in the army - beloved guy
Toasts on wires in the army - beloved guy

Toasts on wires in the army - to your beloved guy:

  • My beloved man, tomorrow we will already part for a long period, And this is very sad. Of course, I am very scared to stay without you, your support. I will very much lack our meetings in the evenings, our walks under the moon, your warmth and smiles. But I can handle it, because today I become a soldier’s girl, which means that I should also be strong. I oath promise to wait for you, and be sure to meet when your army service will be over. Know, I love you with all my heart, and I know for sure that a long separation will only strengthen our feelings. I wish my sweetest service my dear!
  • My lovulka, if you knew how sad I am From the fact that we have a long separation. But what can you do, you have a real man, and is obliged to pay the debt to the Fatherland. But the fact that you did not act as some representatives of the stronger sex, and did not pay off the service, only made you even better in my eyes, and now I know for sure that I connected my fate with the best person on the planet. When you become very sad, always remember me, and know that I think about you every second of my life. Be sure that I am looking forward to you to spend happy minutes, days, months with you again. I wish you that your army service should be easy, but informative, and make you even more courageous.
  • My dear man, so the period has come in your life, When you have to show all your strength, masculinity and energy. I hope your army mentors and friends will be able to appreciate all your positive character traits. You are really the best for me, and other people will soon learn about it. I know that you, like by the way, do not want to part, but we must go through this test with a proudly raised head. Therefore, raise your nose higher, and move forward. Believe me, you will not even notice how I will meet you from the army service. Moreover, if you think well, then the modern army is not the worst place on Earth. Here under Peter the Great, they served 25 years, and now some kind of year. Agree, it’s almost a trifle, so just enjoy the army life, and wait for our meeting.

Toasts on wires in the army - short, modern: list

Toasts on wires in the army - short, modern: list
Toasts on wires in the army - short, modern: list

Toasts on wires in the army - short, modern: List:

  • Our dear newborn, We congratulate you, soon you will become a real man, behind which you can safely hide from troubles and hardships. The army will make a real man out of you, and you will more steadfastly tolerate everything that fate will give you. Serve faithfully to your people and temper like steel!
  • Our dear friendProbably, in childhood, you have repeatedly told you about a warrior who cooked porridge from an ax. So, I wish you that all the food that you will eat is welded with the same love and care, even if your cook has to cook it from the ax. Because only a well -fed soldier will be able to selflessly give a debt to his homeland. Services for you without a bitch and a bitch!
  • On this beautiful day I would like to tell the future soldier many beautiful words - be bold, strong, purposeful, hardworking, and then you will definitely succeed. In difficult moments, if, of course, they will always remember your family and friends, and then you will again have the forces for new achievements.
  • Army service - This is a kind of school for men with a capital letter. After all, only bold and strong decide to devote part of their life to military science. And you are exactly what we, all gathered at the festive table, are very proud of. Stay and further so courageous, and then the Motherland will appreciate your qualities of character.

Toasts on wires in the army - beautiful, original

Toasts on wires in the army - beautiful, original
Toasts on wires in the army - beautiful, original

Toasts on wires in the army are beautiful, original:

I raise a glass for your service,
And I wish you from the bottom of my heart
So that she was easy
And so that she will go very quickly!
To find good friends,
So that your life is more fun,
To make health always
In general, today, I drink for you!


We see you into the army,
And today I drink for you
I wish you easy services
Do not give up!
For the days to rush quickly,
And soon you returned home,
I wish peace peace
See that there are always colored dreams!


We see you off
In the army, to the service,
Although it is very difficult for us,
What to do, it is necessary!
I drink to be easy
It was well served
So that problems, troubles are all,
Just forgot!
So as not to rub the boots,
To be healthy,
Do not consider you day
Earn epaulettes!


Do not miss you,
And a debt to the country to pay
So that you are always in the ranks
For this I drink today!
So that the service is easy
We will wait for you at home
And we will write letters
Send sweets!


You will be a soldier very soon,
You serve, do not bring the country
I raise my glass,
For courage and strength, for a dream!
I wish everything to be fine
To good, army friends,
So that the service passes like clockwork
Well, in general, I drink for you!


Seeing, friend, you
We are in distant lands.
You will live in the barracks,
You will serve the homeland!
A hard path is waiting for you
Do not sit down, do not relax ...
And when you return to us,
You and I will get drunk in the trash.


Let the service pass easily,
Let the luck find you.
Keep a reliably automatic
Serve calmly, our soldier.


We are strongly proud of you
Let the evil go around the side.
We will wait for you very much
And bored strongly for you.


The border is strictly watching
A behave worthy.
You honestly serve the homeland,
So that we slept calmly.

Day on the threshold
The day of the call came up
And today in these doors
I looked around for a whole year.
The conscript has long been on the spot
And his soul sings him,
Because with you
He is waiting for the first toast.
Should not be postponed
We drink for the conscript everything standing!

The summons are invested, and the military registration and enlistment office is waiting,
Go to the guard of the homeland of the bold, go, soldiers.
Let the mommy worry, and Father's eyebrow frowns,
But to carry the right service - the destiny of male hearts.
You prove to the girls that the gunpowder is in you,
To defend on occasion and your blood and honor.
Let your birthpers wait for you, you will return home
And you will heal in a new way, the defender with a daredevil.

For the future warrior
I offer a toast
So that the service was worthy of
And he grew up seriously.
Not gasped so that he would not groan
In the studies of the combat
Both strong and gloomy
He returned to his native house.

Toasts on wires into the army - cool, funny, comic

Toasts on wires into the army - cool, funny, comic
Toasts on wires into the army - cool, funny, comic

Toasts on wires in the army - cool, funny, comic:

Here is a new hairstyle,
No longer needs a comb.
Commanders, foreman.
It’s time for you in the army.

Building on the parade ground.
The form is all to your face.
Guard, service, sleep,
Songs in chorus, in unison.

In general, serve the homeland
And write to us more often.
Let's wait for you at home
And send hello.


Seeing, friend, you
We are in distant lands.
You will live in the barracks,
You will serve the homeland!
A hard path is waiting for you
Do not sit down, do not relax
And when you return to us,
You and I will get drunk in the trash.


We see you off
Where you will become a man.
And childhood can no longer be returned,
After all, you can’t deceive time.
Fatherland called you
Serve the country
And the oath, friend, took you from you
Live with honor and courage!


You have become a man - it means time
To pay their duty to the Fatherland.
The man is obliged to go
To protect the country and citizens.
You will have to leave the house
Change the nature of life,
But not for long - be sure
They will wait for you here!


What should we do, how do we live?
The son leaves to serve!
He will wear overcoat
Hot summer and in a snowstorm,
Give skillfully honor
By the clock and sleep, and there is
Will shoot at the "apple",
Sort the machine!
Days and nights in the guard
They are coming to you, son.
Be serious, strong, dexterous,
Patient, brave, persistent,
So that you return home
Garming like a hero!
Step by step on the parade ground
Marching diligently
Letters to the mother-father
Write for us!


Congratulations to you guys,
You are now draftees!
Five minutes soldiers!
You are shoulders and strong!
And they decided without an excuse
Honestly, serve the homeland!
And let the army not a fairy tale
But you are not kids!
Seeing you today,
We want to shake your hand!
We wish you a successful service
And we will be returned to wait!


I love you with all my heart
I must admit.
I don't want to do so with you
Beloved, part!
But I know - I must give a debt
You, serving the Fatherland.
And I can only wait
You, my life partner!


Hey guys! ATs-Baty!
You have to go to the military enlistment offices!
You were a graduate yesterday,
And today is a conscript!
Under the call, you, brother, hit
Everyone around says: "Gone!"
You are proud of the agenda,
Get and sign!
Do not chase, friend, for the rank,
And try to become a man!
Teach to shoot in the army,
There is quickly and sleep enough,
Stand diligently on the post
And love the homeland gently!


Today we celebrate the day of the conscript.
Not those who strive to escape from the army,
Not those who are a father's hand
From military service
It will help to pay off.
Do not say from fate,
from debt, from Sumy
The "refuseniks" will come
Crusted reckoning!
Today is the day of the conscript.
And therefore we will all we will lift the glass
For a Russian soldier!


Serving the Fatherland is an honor!
Fathers and grandfathers served
And through the years this news
They reported on all canons.
If you are a man who is born
Your duty is to serve the country regularly!
And the share of that without washing
You carried the service easily and glorious!
Let the conscript so far
But you will become a soldier soon.
The one who served is always a man
In words and deeds to the stop!


I wish you on the day of the conscript
Health, strength, good luck and patience,
So that the service is easy for you,
To please every moment!

Let this service give you
Life school, the darkness of victories,
Strong, like steel, male friendship,
So that this year you remember for many years!


We wish you to serve you
Calm and worthy
The border guard peacefully,
So that everyone was sleeping calmly.
We wish we not to know the war,
Return to us healthy.
We wish you the best to be always
And for everything ready.
We wish to go through the army
With honor, respect,
And we will wait for you here
With love and patience!


You go into the army tomorrow!
We all see you together
And we know - you will not let us down!
We wish you more strength!
Success in the service achieve,
And be the best a soldier!
We are waiting for you - you know so -
With everyday experience rich!


Serve with dignity, I am for it
I bless you with a soul.
I will sleep and believe: somewhere,
The beloved country protects!
Come back home unharmed -
I only ask you about this.
And God be always kept,
Only so I will let you go!


In the army today
We see you off
For strength and courage
I am immensely respected!
A real man,
You will return from there
And we, counting the days,
We will wait for you here.
New comrades,
The first commander,
You are now a soldier
You protect the world.
We wish you
So that the service is smooth,
And there was in life
Not war, but friendship!


You go to serve. And get courageous
We wish you. The guy is good.
And do not try to get scared of anything,
On the contrary, they are only afraid of you.
And the family will wait at home, relatives will become,
Heat, comfort, keeping calm.
Let them write to you do not get tired,
So that you easily wait for the demobilization!


We wish you today
Fun - do not be sad.
The year will pass - not so much,
We will wait for you and love!
Army service paints a man.
You are a defender for us is a fact.
Let the beam shine in the heart,
And luck is with you to the beat!


We see you off
Know that we, loving you,
We will wait for our town,
Come soon, son!
We wish you easy service
And simple army friendship,
And love in correspondence,
And good luck very close!
If you were happy this year,
It will pass imperceptibly
You will return home
You will be with us, our dear!

Toasts on wires into the army are interesting, cool, unusual

Toasts on wires into the army are interesting, cool, unusual
Toasts on wires into the army are interesting, cool, unusual

Toasts on wires into the army are interesting, cool, unusual:

We escort in the army together today,
We sincerely wish to successfully carry the service,
To be the most daring part, to find friends,
Meet as many days flying as possible.
Let respect everywhere in the army reign,
Let every colleague thanks you
For sensitivity and courage, confidence, patience,
We wish you to be in a good mood.


You will serve in the army
And guarding the father.
You will be an experienced fighter
In the case of a military specialist.
You will become a man in the army.
Homeland calls you!
Give the Fatherland Debt,
We see you off.


We escort the soldier
Very brave guys.
You know, he is worthy
Even the Marshal's shoulder straps.
It will not be a private for long
And, of course, he will get
He is the highest praise.
Definitely, he will give evil
Strong and male rebuff.
... Anyone will go to the patrol with him.
Rejoice with letters you.
You will have everything class!


The train from the platform is coming soon
Will go away, by the beep of the signal,
And the cars will rush into the distance,
Understanding you and my relatives.
I wish you easy service
Without dangers and risk
And military strong friendship,
That the soldier will tie closely.


There is a reason for pride,
Close the door behind you
And you will return - a man,
Yes, you are in the army now!
Let it be supportive
You are your new battalion commander.
And be known with courage
Among all other soldiers.


Hold you today
We gathered into the army,
Be strong, courageous, bold,
Do not give up and hold on.
Army life is spinning
In a whirlwind, it’s not easy for you
Let there be no grandsa,
Friends will be true.


Today we see you for service,
You are courageous, brave, young,
And we will wait for you very together
Just a little and see you.
Just a little, you will see, soon,
We will hug tightly again, we
With you we will be thoughts, soul,
You are only dear, take care of yourself!


Warrior, defender
A man is born
Mother-Rodin for service
Calls a son.
With wires in the army
We congratulate you
The soldier is excellent
We wish you together.
We wish you your homeland
Protect and protect,
In the army a man
The present to become.


We are going to conduct you
Into the ranks of our dear army.
And we wish you to serve
And return home unharmed.
Get from the service in full,
What good will you find there.
And let it be true to you
The one with which you will go in life.


It's time, my friend, to temporarily become a soldier:
To comprehend military science.
Clean potatoes, run with a machine gun,
To protect the homeland from enemies.
We are escorting to the army today
Great guy, well done.
And from the bottom of my heart we wish you
To easily and quickly the service goes.
To return glorious, matured,
Having gained strength, health and mind.
So that the girl remaining in the civilian,
I loved you, believed, waited.

Video: Birthday toast - Wish for a son

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