Toasts for a birthday to a girl, woman, mother, daughter, girlfriend, sister - in verses and prose

Toasts for a birthday to a girl, woman, mother, daughter, girlfriend, sister - in verses and prose

A large selection of toasts for a birthday for the fair sex.

Birthday toast in your own words for women, girls - the best selection

Birthday toast in your own words for women, girls - the best selection

Birthday toast in your own words for women, girls - the best selection:

  • On this special day, I want to congratulate our charming birthday girl. My dear, you are one of those women whose beauty is difficult not to notice. You sparkle equally beautifully both in the light of day and the light of the stars. And the most pleasant, you are beautiful not only externally, but sincerely. I want to wish you, our radiant, to remain young and beautiful even after 100 years. Be happy and healthy!
  • Happy birthday, the most charming woman on the planet. Why do I think so? Because you are the embodiment of kindness, femininity and special, warm tenderness. You are beautiful as a fresh fragrant rose that turns your petals under the first sunlight. On this holiday, I would like to wish you to always remain yourself and be the happiest woman in the universe!
  • How beautiful today is, because today another sun has appeared in this world - Very warm and radiant. Probably because you are always comfortable and calm near you. My sunny lady, be happy, healthy, live here and now, and of course, dream, as much as possible. And let your dreams come true as often as possible and give you minutes of joy.

Soulful toasts for their birthday - congratulations from guests in prose

Soulful toasts for their birthday - congratulations from guests in prose

Soulful toasts for their birthday - congratulations from guests in prose:

  • Happy birthday, our beautiful, always fragrant rose. Our dear person, accept our good wishes for happiness, health and prosperity. We sincerely wish you a light life road, the complete absence of thunderclouds above your head and a clean horizon. Well, one more important wish, do not be afraid of your desires, let them be a huge number, and let them all become a reality. Let the radiant interest in your beautiful eyes do not decrease, but on the contrary, more and more increases every day.
  • At this festive table I want to raise a toast for a very good woman - Mom, wife, daughter, girlfriend. This is a person, as they say, with a capital letter. Her heart is so huge that there is enough space for many gathered at this holiday. She is like a magnet that attracts special magnetism. We all love her for naturalness, sincerity and kindness. On this special day, I would like to wish such a bright man in the world in the soul, the love of close and warm smiles of friends.
  • Our rainbow fairy, with a holiday of you! Believe me, we are all very happy that in our life there is such a person. Every day you charge us positive, and sometimes you literally forcibly make you see the beauty of the world around you. Thank you so much for that. Honey, and then walk through life, and let your every step give you incredible happiness, let your eyes sparkle with fun, from which the world becomes brighter, more beautiful, kinder.

Toasts at the birthday of a woman, girls are the most pleasant in prose

Toasts at the birthday of a woman, girls are the most pleasant in prose

Toasts at the birthday of a woman, girls are the most pleasant in prose:

  • Our dear birthday, at this festive table gathered Everyone who loves you, respects and values \u200b\u200byou. On this day, I would like to wish you well -being, smiles of relatives, female happiness and unbridled fun. Let your sweet face always decorate a happy smile, and everything around you will be charged with a positive. Be happy.
  • Dear birthday, you are one of those women who can be safely called queens of life. You are beautiful, smart, you always know what you want, and boldly go to the goal. But this does not make you more rigid, with all your assertiveness you are very feminine, light, and graceful. Be happy, and continue to maintain the balance of your inner world.
  • Sunny, happy birthday to you! Let your life be woven from fun, joy, positive emotions. Let you never know what grief, poverty, illness, betrayal are. I would like to wish you that every second of your being, you are a happy woman and literally “breathes” the love and care of your relatives.

Short toasts for a woman’s birthday, girls - in their own words

Short toasts for a woman’s birthday, girls - in their own words

Short toasts for a woman’s birthday, girls - in their own words:

  • Happy birthday, my fluffy kitten! Always stay the same warm, soft and sweet!
  • Happy birthday, my beautiful princess! Let your beauty become more noticeable day by day!
  • My dear, you are my talisman! Therefore, I want to wish you maximum health and a lot of vitality!
  • My sweet candy, it’s even scary to imagine how sulfur my life was without you. Live forever, my sweetness!
  • Happy holiday, a girl of my dreams! My delicate flower, flowers with a violent color, in spite of all troubles!
  • Happy birthday, my loved one! Be happy and rejoice in life endlessly.
  • Happy birthday, my most expensive little man in the world! Be perfect in everything!
  • My favorite, there are many joyful and bright days to you. Let a happy smile become your continuation!

Cool toasts at the girl’s birthday - a selection for the most beautiful in verses and prose

Cool toasts at the girl’s birthday - a selection for the most beautiful in prose

Cool toasts at the girl’s birthday - a selection for the most beautiful in verses:

Happy day you were born
Allow to congratulate
And a bouquet of loved ones
Put in a vase.
Blow on candles, cut the cake,
Still, birthday.
Let them accompany everything
Joy and luck.
Let's drink standing for you
We wish you happiness.
You have at your birthday
We walk cool.

Wine is wrapped - Wizers are raised
We congratulate you on your birthday!
Love, hopes and, of course, faith
Faithful friends wish you!
So that it is running home to work,
Home from work to pull as always,
And the joy would have minor worries,
And do not hurt, never cry!

You shine like a treasure,
You never lose heart
You are a woman of dreams and dreams
I wish you joy and roses!
I'll drink for you today
More precisely, for your years,
To be your beloved,
Never faded away!
So that you laugh heartily
So that there are bright days,
So that age always pleases,
For this I drink today!

For your years I drink
I want to wish happiness
So that you always bloom
I never knew evil!
To come true, what you dream about
You are beautiful, you know that
Be special, desired
Amazing, spontaneous!

For your female happiness
I'll raise the glass today,
Happy birthday, I congratulate
And I want to wish all the best!
Be loved, desired, beautiful,
Be successful in all matters
Be exquisite, kind and sweet,
And in no way, let the fear be!

Funny toasts for birthday in verses and prose

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Funny toasts for birthday in prose

Funny toasts for a birthday in verses:

I wish with this toast
Live like superstars!
Have cars, villas,
There is a lot of health, strength!
Fly anywhere
Three times a year to rest!
In the winter for three weeks
Bald to Courshavel!

I'll tell you, perhaps, just
Let peace reign in the soul,
Not today - another day!
It's time to wave a glass,
To expand the soul!
Let him walk until the morning
While it was time ...
All the hoppy is enough potion
And of course fun!

We are not drinking today from boredom -
We have a good reason!
Take your glasses in your hands
I have an honor toast!
I want large banknotes
The wallets did not leave.
There was a favorite job
And the debts did not worry ...
So that everyone has a reason
Gather at the festive table
All those who are sweet and dear to the heart.
For this, we wave one at a time!

Let the sand pour out of us,
And the crunch of joints is heard,
You know that it's not alone
After all, a friend is always laughing nearby!
Drain the glasses to the bottom
And drink for dashing friendship,
Do not sour, do not twist, dear,
But just call if it becomes bored!

I came to visit today
To congratulate you with a toast.
And I hope you are with me
You also drink one at one!
For manto from sables,
What lives in your dream.
Or maybe from chinchilla ...
For diamonds and cars.
So that you are the queen
The best, incomparable

I want to raise for happiness
Today, in the present!
To what has already been
Do not waste your strength!
I squeeze the glass hard
Wanting us stability,
Confidence in good
Throwing offense in the past!

Toast for a birthday to a girlfriend in verses and prose

Toast for a birthday to a girlfriend in verses and prose

Toast for a birthday to a girlfriend in verses:

Dear friend, always happy, be,
Let every moment with good only fill up!
Let the path will be successful in life,
And all the cherished dreams come true!
I wish you pure, sincere love,
And only faithful, devoted friends!
Dear, live for pleasure
May there be many bright days in life!

On your wonderful birthday
I can't find words!
I cherish our friendship,
I admire again and again!
Let, girlfriend, in your life
All dreams come true!
And let everything be always
Just the way you want!

My girlfriend is dear
Congratulations to you cordially!
On your favorite holiday - birthday -
I wish you sincerely fun.
Let your sadness pass by,
And the eyes glow with happiness,
Girlfriend, be loved by everyone,
From laughter, let the tear glisten.

Girlfriend, my dear, I congratulate you,
Love, health, happiness I wish you!
You should not be sad that the years are flying like that,
After all, you, my friend, are beautiful, as always.
Let everyone around a man admire you,
And you just stay yourself always.
Let the women-rival women envy you
Your figure, statute, yes, in general, beauty.

Be beautiful like a flower
So that everyone admires you
So that out of a thousand roads
You got the best.
Admire every day
He will reciprocate will answer
Peace and joy will be in it
And always a fair wind.

A friend has a jam day,
Classhery Day,
Smile Day, Bouquet Day,
Congratulations and greetings.
Day of outfits, photo shoots,
On the table of delicacies,
Day of gifts and surprise,
And male day of striptease.
Champagne day with ice,
Friends of drunk under the table.
The day is great at the girlfriend,
Tighten the whole coil!

Toast congratulations on the birthday of a woman in verses and prose

Toast Happy Birthday to a woman in prose

Toast congratulations on the birthday of a woman in verses:

It will be difficult - grace
It will hurt - don't cry
There will be wind - don't rot
Do not hide your eyes in your palm
If tears, exaggerate
If dreams, look
If scary - hold on
Remember - life is life

The legend of the old says:
When a man was born -
The star in the sky will light up
To shine him for a century.
So let her shine for you
At least up to a hundred years,
And your house is guarded by happiness
And joy will always be in it.
Let everything be fine in life,
Without grief and hardships,
Let everything be light and clear
For many, many years ahead!

A long time ago the statement is known
What if anyone was born, then always
At the beginning of the night, on his birthday,
The star lights up.
So let your star not fade away
And on this day it still burns lightly,
Your glorious path is more brightly illuminating
And your life will not overshadow!

East Wisdom says so:
Only that one will win his age
Who once a year, having gathered friends,
Pour the glasses replenish
And he will not drink in the year,
That flew away forever
And he will drink for every year,
What will come to him in the future,
And than to drink more and more often,
Thus, you can live more years!

We wish you happiness on this day
Heat from everyone who will be near.
Smiles of light on the face
And sunlight as a reward.
We wish many successes,
We wish you eternal youth,
May everyone come true
And happiness will be endless!

You, as always, are full of worries
After all, life is not easy.
Ah, how many difficult, grave days
Your heart has passed!
You deserve joy in life
For many years ahead.
So be happy, healthy
And every day, and every year!

Toasts on the birthday of a girl in verses and prose

Toasts at the birthday of a girl in prose

Toasts at the birthday of a girl in verses:

I wish you happiness, adventure,
So that they are all filled with them,
Wonderful, fairy -tale moments,
So that everyone remains in memory,
And let the beautiful harmony
Your days and nights pass
And let your luck not forget
Perform everything you want!

Happy birthday, I congratulate
I wish you a bunch of joys -
The obligatory happiness,
The guy is attractive!
Be successful and beautiful
Small and tender!
Be always modest, good,
Unusual and Mila!

I will put in seven lines
I want to wish everything that I wish is
Health, joy, love
Happiness Full Ocean,
Friends - from different countries,
More joy, flowers,
And the sea of \u200b\u200bthe most tender words!

Let the stars glow in the eyes
And happiness as champagne sparkles,
May tears never shine in them,
And in the heart, sadness will not knock.
Let this day, like the song of the nightingale,
Fragmentation of both frowning and bad weather.
Let your life be like a May dawn,
Brings love and happiness every day!

I kiss, hug, congratulations
With your beautiful day!
I wish you the sun in my shower
Joy, fun full house!
Be always cool and beautiful,
Lasks to you, tenderness, love!
To in life, bright and happy,
All dreams are yours!

Beautiful birthday toast in verses and prose

Beautiful birthday toast in prose

Beautiful birthday toast in verses:

I wish to be more beautiful than dawn,
Good luck for many years
Happy stars in your palm
Love, strong like fire!
Success of life large -
And delight yourself and the rest!

I wish you the happiest life!
I wish to stay smart and beautiful.
At work, you are only successful
At home - joy, comfort and laughter.
To caress the caress of the heart
And nothing would hurt,
So that the problems are solved
And dreams always came true!

Let the positive and joy
Give friends and friends!
Plays the soul orchestra,
Your life will be beautiful!
Shine like a ray of sun,
And stay affectionate always,
And let the reward be happiness
For all the coming years! ^

Congratulations From the heart
For a real lady!
You are beautiful, smart, young,
And your soul is good!
I wish you to fulfill all the best
And live, well, like a queen,
To be worn in hand,
After all, you are a dream, charm,
Such as you are a green light!
Let the desires fulfill
There will be no problems or troubles!

I wish the boss to smile at the meeting
I wish the most excellent plans for the evening!
I wish you resorts, chic hotels!
Cafes, restaurants, lifespances!
Outfits cool in price and styles,
Well, try on the "Miss World" Crown!

Zebra and rainbow are somewhat similar
Zebra in a strip, rainbow too
Let the life be striped zebra
But not 2 color, but multi-colored
Let there be a lot of green color
Green - hope and warm summer
Let the bright sun shine with yellow
Little Life illuminates the red love
Blue will raise over the bustle
He will be a faithful and kind dream
I wish you such color
Happiness, health, love, longevity!

Toast at the birth of a wife in verses and prose

Toast at the birth of a wife in prose

Toast at the birthday of his wife in verses:

My wonderful spouse
I could not live without you
I always need you
I will love you all my life.
And I will drink for you today
My beauty to the bottom
I wish you great health,
Happy Birthday to You!

I wish the dreams to come true
So that you do not know troubles and evil,
So that I did not doubt me
So that you are always smiling!

You're the best in the world,
How lucky you are mine
The only one in this world
You mean so much for me!

You are a ray of light, you are my hope,
I love you with all my soul
And for you my dear
Today I want to drink!
Be happy, don't know sadness
If you were never oppressed,
I sincerely wish you
So that your soul always blooms!

My wonderful wife,
I drink for you today
For you to bloom like a rose,
And they did not scare to frost!
So that you always smile,
So that you cried only from onions,
Happy Birthday to You,
My beloved spouse!

You are my halka,
I love you madly
And I drink for you today,
My beauty is wife!
Be healthy, and don't be sad,
I will fulfill your dreams
I'll give you happiness
I will protect all adversity!

I drink with great joy for you
My beautiful wife,
You are so wonderful, good
Be like that, I always ask!
Svet, shine and Songs Sing,
I am always and everywhere with you
I will support you in everything
I love you madly!

My beloved wife,
I'm in a hurry to congratulate you
And I pick up words
I want to wish you!
So that you are always bright,
Never faded away
So that all dreams come to life
So that there are easy days.
To rest from worries,
From all problems and all the trouble,
I will help you in everything
I love you dear!

My beloved spouse
Today you have to shine
So that the evil blizzard does not touch
And accept congratulations!
Today you are year older
But this is just to your face
I wish you great health,
I love you with all my soul!

What can I tell you, dear?
He was given the sky
I am so grateful to fate
That you chose me.
On the birthday, spouse,
I wish you happiness
To be strong, flourished,
Our glorious family.

Sweet, kind, wise woman!
You gave me fate.
We were once in the temple.
You are alone for life!
They worked together, raised children.
They saw a lot of dashing.
Know, over the years I love only stronger,
Closer, you have become my relatives!
Remember that the heart is always shore
Our best moments.
And from the bottom of my heart I can congratulate
Happy birthday to you today!
For many years you have been living in the world,
You give love and warmth.
Let nothing disturb your soul,
It will be light on the heart!
May your days flow happily
There is still no sunset in life.
Well, as a gift today,
All that I myself am rich!

Toast on the birthday of sister in verses and prose

Toast at the birthday of sister in prose

Tost on the birthday of sister in verses:

In spite of the enemies - live great!
In spite of years - be young!
Drive from the house all misfortunes
And everything will come, of course.
Suddenly you will become prosperous
Successful, always lucky.
The reward awaits you, success!
I wish - be happier than everyone!

Be fun and lovely,
Be beautiful and wonderful
So that you please everyone
In life to wait for success:
And in work and in study,
And in the personal sky,
So that all children's dreams
They came true instantly, as you say.
In general, I wish you a lot
Happy birthday to congratulations.
You stay beautiful
Cute, fabulous and cool.

Happy birthday, dear.
Congratulations from the heart.
Toast raise for your happiness
We have been in a hurry for a long time.
Let all the hardships go
And the sorrows will all leave,
Only joy to you, (name),
Let your years carry.
Be fun and happy
And beautiful - as it is now.
Let luck accompany
Every day and every hour.

Smile as often as possible.
And the joy of all your gifts.
Wake up with a light smile
From happiness in the clouds of betting.

Life is so beautiful, smile.
And the joy in the heart take care.
Do not be shy to give a smile
Help believe in a miracle.

Enjoy each instant.
Just look around you.
When suddenly it’s bad - smile
And joy will meet on the way.

Try it, just smile.
Cut yourself with all my heart.
And try to be happy,
“I love you life” - tell me.

Life is so beautiful, smile.
And the world will laugh with you.
Smile as often as possible.
Meet a day with a smile.

Congratulations, dear,
My sun, sister,
I wish you a century
Positive and good.
Be always charming
A gentle angel from heaven,
A mischievous simple girl,
Like from the country of miracles.
Let the problems not touch
Let the alarms move away
And the fate of your road
Everyone will lead to success!

I wish my sister on my birthday
I am a lot of earthly joys
So that it was gifted with fate,
And every moment was happy.
So that it never gets tired
From the affairs of ordinary, simple,
So that it is drowned in the fun,
And I did not know where it hurts.

Sister, dear.
I remember I know
You have a birthday.
And I congratulate.
For a year you are older.
You get older
And more beautiful.
I wish you
Be the same happy
Beautiful, funny
And everyone beloved.

Cute sister,
My girl!
Happy birthday, baby!
We love you.
Be strong, open,
Be yourself,
Let the bad weather, grief
Good health, good news,
Happiness and reliable sincere friends!

For parents, we are sisters,
And we are friends in our hearts.
For a similar phenomenon
I can't be offended.
A beloved sister
Happy Birthday,
Let them always be worthy
The strength of your reward!

Toast at the birthday of mom in verses and prose

Toast at the birthday of mom in prose

Toast at the birthday of mom in verses:

Happy Birthday.
We wish you comfort, heat
And happiness, peace.
Let there always be luck.

Friends of reliable, long years,
Health, kindness and laughter.
Big and small victories,
In all the planned success!

Happy Birthday to You,
Let there be happiness for years,
All the dreams come true,
And every day in great love!
Sensity to be huge,
No one has forgotten you
And the soul was warm,
For the rest, it doesn’t matter!

Mom and Love - sounds so sweet,
As if I'm completely a baby again
And I am lying again in my crib,
Well, you are sitting on the edge.
It was just recently, after all,
I remember even the smell of your hands.
I drink for you today, mom,
You live, mommy, you live.

I say my toast for mom for mom.,
Let it be with you faith and love!
Let no one offend you
Only reads, respects!
Be healthy, mommy, always
For you, dear, I drink to the bottom!

Walking along the life slopes,
I'm often afraid to break off
Therefore, mom, dear,
I hold on to your hand ...
My affectionate angel, you shine
I in life, like a star in the sky ...
Having passed everything in the world,
I always return to you!
For the best mom -
You are alone in the world!
For your happiness, dear,
I drink a glass to the bottom!

I want to tell today
One big secret -
More beautiful than my mother
And it’s better not!
There are many gifts and flowers
I wish, loving
Let everything be fine
Mommy, you have!

Fragile mother's shoulders
Chilly covered with a handkerchief,
On this solemn evening
I drink for your happiness.
Mommy, dear, you know,
You are to me over the years of relatives.
You often sigh at night,
Maybe you are bitter?
I don't want years
They burned your chest with bitterness,
If you can, today
Forget all your troubles.
There will be only happiness, can you hear?
You deserve it.
Let the pledge are poured
Will be in glasses wine.

We wish you simple happiness
And the quiet joy of the earth.
Let you be everyday bad weather
Always bypass.
As before, carefully store
Beautiful features in the soul.
As before, give everyone generously
The fire of mental warmth.

A wonderful day and the sun shines,
Everyone congratulates from the heart
And you are happier than everyone in the world
Where is the birthday, there are dreams,
And I will congratulate you now,
I wish you a big joy,
And I will add a couple of lines,
To decorate your holiday,
I wish you a colorful smile
And the cake above the ceiling,
To shine all postcards,
So that everything is more than ever!

It doesn't matter how old you are
Let this day be dawn,
Dawn for life dear,
With love, happy big!
Let the fairy tale arrive in a couple,
Your desires fulfills
And the birthday noting
Congratulations to you from the heart!

There are many wishes in the world,
They are not counted all of them.
I just congratulate you
I love the one that is.

Be beautiful all the time:
And soul and yourself.
Be all the time to your beloved:
And in winter and spring.

Do not bow to the mountain ash,
If there is trouble.
Be happy all the time -
On this day and always.

Toast at the birthday of the daughter in verses and prose

Toast at the birthday of a daughter in prose

Toast at the birthday of the daughter in verses:

I remember a wonderful moment
You appeared before me
To the sounds of your own stump,
Half meters (only!) Long!
I can’t believe that there was time
When you were tiny!
I didn't say it, I didn't go
I could not hold the head!
Be happy, my dear
And keep your head proudly!
Let not be silent for a long, long time
That song called "Life"!

I wish my daughter dear
Health and good luck
After all, life itself for us, sometimes,
Solves all problems.
But you hold fate by the tail,
She is a crazy bird
And let the good with you
Only in life will happen.
I wish you always with you
There was an angel behind him
And so that the house is full of yours
Only faithful friends!

When you opened for the first time
Blue eyes are blue,
I realized that in these eyes
All my life, love and affection,
As if two suns live in them,
As if these are two windows
In the world of cleanliness, smiles, laughter,
Where is every new day - fun,
Where each new step is an event,
And every person is a discovery,
And where, taking a brush and paints,
We could make the whole world a fairy tale!
You have grown up, my baby,
Beautiful, smart, kind, sensitive,
Let your life bend your life,
And the bright sun is illuminated!

Birthday with a sweet daughter.
Ah, how long ... Stop-frame froze.
And I can’t believe that we have survived
What have already become an adult.
I want this occasion
I wish, although life is not a verse,
So that you take from us, only the best!
And good luck on the way!

Dear daughter! The sun is clear!
Delicate nightly mischievous breeze!
You are all wonderful, tender, clear
My dear, young, beautiful flower!
Be nice, healthy, sociable,
Generous to feelings and sincere laughter,
Be wonderful and delightful!
Happiness, love and success await you!

Daughter, you're already big
You have a birthday
I cordially congratulate
Adoring and loving

You smile more often
Be always happier than everyone
Do not be sad to be sad,
To sound your sonorous laughter!

You have an open soul
And the character is better not to find!
You are in everything, dear, good:
The daughter is a caring, loving mother ...

We wish you clear days
Bright joy, brilliant successes
And great health, which is more important
Than the solution of life problems.

Daughter, I want, dear,
You will wish you happiness.
You are smart and so beautiful
I want to tell you.
On the birthday of good luck
I wish from the heart
So that the happy are spinning
You are more often for youths.
So that it was successful in business,
To love gently,
So that all desires come true,
Goals and hopes.

Toast at the birthday of a girlfriend in verses and prose

Toast at the birthday of a girlfriend in prose

Toast at the birthday of a girlfriend in verses:

My friend is dear
You are like a sister for me!
And happy birthday I congratulate
On this wonderful day you!
Always stay the same
And don't forget about me
Try to become happy
And never discourage!

Not crooked, my friend, my girlfriend
I can tell without embellishment
Without you, we are tight in this life,
Will make a cool split!
They wish you a lot of positive
So that the smile starts from the ears
Just drink more today,
Make this holiday more fun!

Always fresh, like spring day
And hot, like a summer heat.
And so your birthday
Always marked with warmth.
You are an optimist by nature.
Anyone can cope with trouble.
You got it all with a liner
But you are not broken by fate.
Your soul is always open,
Easy and fun with you.
This force is hidden in you
That anyone will envy.

You, girlfriend, withadmiration
I want to say a lot.
On your bright birthday
Let me wish you:
Let happiness be daily,
Let there be love like nectar,
Let the soul be unchanged
And the heart will be - a rare gift.
I value you and respect you
My words are by no means flattery.
Praise to the creator that is nearby
You, friend, are with me.

We want to congratulate on birthday,
And happiness in life will wish,
You should not be offended by life
Do not lose heart in life.
Let it be: a thunderstorm, snowstorms,
Let there be joy and peace
And if it is very sad,
Then know that we are always with you.

Well, what is my old friend?
Let wine splashes through the edges.
So that your birthday is not without reason,
We will call the hussars a brave now.
Well, what, a girlfriend of my harsh days?
Let there be many impressions of new ones!

Be beautiful, unique,
Always love and be happy
Always bloom and rejoice, rejoice
Let there be more holidays in it.
Let flowers bloom everywhere
And dreams are fulfilled!

Flutter on clubs,
Dance, have fun!
And fresh at the same time
Always stay!
No sadness not to know
Fun until the morning.
Of course, in good
The guy fall in love!
Well, what else can
Will you wish you? -
Change outfits
And delight men!

I want to congratulate your birthday!
Good and happiness to wish,
Good luck, luck.
Hard of hardships - not at all to see.

Health so as not to fail
Accompanied your path of success,
The soul and body are young,
And only laughter was heard in the house.

I wish body vivacity,
Minutes of pleasant - for the soul,
Hands - the reduction of the gold,
And wise words - for the head.

Let the tears be only from happiness,
Waiting for a warm corner at home,
Where the door is closed from bad weather,
And from adversity hangs a lock!

The best toasts for birthday in verses and prose

The best toasts for birthday in prose

The best toasts for birthday in verses:

Your birthday!
We are all glad to congratulate you
And we say with admiration:
With you meetings - as a reward,
We all idolize you!

Happy Birthday!
Mutual love and luck,
Smiles, sun and warmth,
Health, vigor always!

Friendship, happiness, sea of \u200b\u200baffection,
Kindness and in life fairy tales,
Fun, joy, success,
Less tears, more laughter!

Happy Birthday!
Eat a jar of jam.
Well, maybe not one.
I love you anyway!

On this day beautiful, bright
I want to tell you,
That I woke up with dawn,
So that a bouquet of flowers is pulled,

And congratulate on birthday.
The sweetest person
Be in a good mood
And accept love of a bouquet!

I wish you joy, success,
Health of a strong carriage,
Centner of love, three tons of laughter,
Moments of happiness - a million

Events of bright, interesting,
Friends checked in business,
Emotions are bright and wonderful.
And magic not only in dreams!

If the hoar of the dumplings of autumn leaves
In the early morning, in foggy rain, blue,
Smile. These are our wonderful thoughts
About you, about you, about you, about you.

If you suddenly want to be immersed about years,
Look at your favorite and sleeping children.
Your youth lives in them, and if you want,
Be younger than anyone. And the fact that wise

Over the years, let not scare.
You can be young, and quite wise.
On this day, we cordially congratulate you.
You are best for us on Earth!

Love life, love inspiration,
Let them please you in the next year,
Let the mood be more joyful,
And sadness will leave once and for all.
Good luck and blue sky,
The smile of the sun, joy, love,
And happiness in the life of the largest,
And let him be lucky on the life path!

Happy birthday to congratulations
And I wish you all my heart
Be friendly, and sweet
And, of course, beloved.
Live fervently and gambling,
But the shawls are only neatly.
Let the laughter pour more often,
And only success awaits in business.
Let him not leave luck,
Let him become a companion.
Feel free to go forward
Only health care.

We know you and each other
Many winters and many years.
You are always my friend,
You will cheer up and give advice.
Even if we are far away
You are always with me in your soul.
I remember your birthday
I am without a notebook.
And you are again today
I am in a hurry to congratulate.
Be lucky, healthy
Let sadness leave the heart!

You are so beautiful today
And a smile on the face.
Happy birthday, I congratulate you
I want to wish you:
A lot of joy and laughter
Money is a full wallet
A sea of \u200b\u200bplans and success,
To always go forward.
And, of course, health,
And also great love.
So that in your soul beautiful
Scarlet roses bloomed.

Caucasian toasts for birthday in prose

Caucasian toasts for birthday in prose

Caucasian toasts for birthday in prose:

  • When a son grows up in a Caucasian family, his father devotes him to the secrets of beingwho should know the real jigit. And this is what a real jigit should know about a woman. A woman always has three ages: apparent, real and attributed to herself. But dzhigit must forget about the existence of the first two ages and completely trust the woman. So let's drink so that women do not hesitate to tell the truth, and our birthday, including!
  • One ardent Caucasian loved pretty girls very much. But each of them wanted to be the only one, so he once remained alone. Then a friend advised him to give an ad in the newspaper. Here's what they wrote: "A passionate Caucasian man will meet a beautiful girl who will understand him and forgive him." So let's drink for female love, patient and all -understanding!
  • There is a great way to preserve youth in the mountains. Those days that are held with guests are not taken into account when calculating the lived years. I offer a toast for you, dear guests, for your spiritual generosity, because today, without knowing it, you extended the life of our birthday!

Georgian birthday toasts in prose

Georgian birthday toasts in prose

Georgian birthday toasts in prose:

  • Once the poet wrote: “On the hills of Georgia lies a night haze. Aragva rustles before me. I am sad and easy, my sadness is bright. My sadness is full of you. " And I propose to drink for our beautiful culprit of the celebration, worthy of being sung in the verses of the greatest poets!
  • Every year, nature gives the inhabitants of Georgia many beautiful and delicious fruits. They are collected and served on the table in order to bite the best Georgian wine - after all, their aroma shades a bouquet of wine. So let's drink that fruits and good wine are never translated on the table of our birthday girl!
  • They say that in the mountains of Georgia people live much longer than in any other place. So let's drink for our beautiful birthday girl, and just a beautiful woman! Let her live as much as the oldest Georgian elders live - in health, happiness, and surrounded by people who love and respect her!

Video: toast for real ladies cool funny toasts in prose

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