TOP-15 of the most beautiful, best, famous, famous parks of the world: Names, Description, photo

TOP-15 of the most beautiful, best, famous, famous parks of the world: Names, Description, photo

In this article we will consider the best, beautiful, famous and incredible parks in the world.

Among the noisy city bustle, a cozy green park is a real joy for many residents of megacities. Where, if not in the park, you can stop thinking about everyday problems and just relax your soul. And having visited a particular country, you must certainly taste the natural attraction. After all, the best parks in the world will not only surprise you with their beauty, but will also help you relax your soul.

Top 15 of the most beautiful, famous and best parks in the world

The most famous and best parks in the world are a real work of art, which was created using incredible creations of nature and a talented hand of man. Many parks have existed for more than a thousand years and do not cease to surprise with their beauty.

15. Traditional park Rikugienthat takes roots from the golden age of Japanese poetry

From the Japanese language, “Rikugi” is translated as “six poems of Vaka”, and “en” means “garden or park”. Just imagine - the park was created in 1695 and to this day does not cease to delight residents and guests of Tokyo with its amazing beauty. The Japanese are insanely proud of Rikugien Park and consider it a real sample of landscape art around the world.

Green beauty in the center of the city bustle
Green beauty in the center of the city bustle

Moreover, Tokyo is famous for its frantic pace of life, and such a park is considered a true island of calm and peace. In the famous Japanese park, there are about 35 thousand mighty trees and all kinds of bushes strewn with inflorescences. Until about 1938, the park belonged to the wealthy emperor, but after a couple of years he turned into urban possession and became a local attraction.

This is a real place of calm and silence
This is a real place of calm and silence

14. Bright flower a gardens of Butchars In Canada

In 2004, the park was called the national treasure of Canada. The famous garden, which is located on the island of Vancouver, is considered the most amazing area around the world. The construction of the park began in 1888, when the Butchart family acquired a small piece of land to build a cement plant.

Such flowering beauty turned out by chance
Such flowering beauty turned out by chance

But because of the too dull area, the family decided to slightly decorate the territory with flowering bushes. And over time, such an accidental solution created the most beautiful flowering garden. Florists have about 1 million plants of 700 different species. You can see all the beauty of magic gardens from early May to the end of October. And recently, a considerable collection of birds began to complement it.

The park blooms from May to October without a break
The park blooms from May to October without a break

13. Classic of France in Luxembourg Garden

Earlier, the Royal Garden is now part of the five most visited places in Paris, after the Eiffel Tower. The Luxembourg Garden was created in 1611, when Queen Maria Medici had a desire to create something in her garden that would remind her of the homeland-Florence. The really chic royal park with an area of \u200b\u200b27 hectares collected the best flowers and shrubs of Italy.

French beauty with Italian notes

Among Parisians and tourists, the garden is famous for its paths, pompous fountains, Italian statues and flowering pavilions. There is also an old palace in the Luxembourg Garden, in one of the halls of which the French Senate meetings are held.

Even in the fall, the park is no less beautiful and crowded
Even in the fall, the park is no less beautiful and crowded

12. Multi -colored tulip Park - Kekenhof

He is also called the European Garden, which is considered the most striking, colorful and best park in the world. Earlier, the Imperial Park in the Netherlands, which was exposed by 30 hectares, was founded in 1940. By the way, he blooms between Hague and Amsterdam. I gained its fame thanks to a huge field with tulips - more than 4 million are growing in Kekenhof. All possible types of tulips.

The park is just a huge number of all kinds of tulips
The park is just a huge number of all kinds of tulips

The frame of the garden is a variety of fountains, small lakes and stone statues. For tourists, the park is open all spring. In Kekenhof, a famous color parade is held every year. The park has an interesting translation - "kitchen garden."

The park is decorated and small lakes

11. Another royal park - Hyde Park in London

Where without English severity with exquisite beauty. In the very heart of London, the park is spread, which takes 1.4 km². For a long time, the park was private property, but thanks to Karl I it was opened for the public in the 17th century. It is not only the best, but also the most famous park for the whole world.

The park is especially beautiful in the spring of the year
The park is especially beautiful in the spring of the year

Lake Serpentine is located in the park, in which you can swim. Despite restraint, the park is very beautiful. Especially in the warm time, when flowering plants are planted here. Also, well -known places are the Wellington Museum, Achilles statue and Memorial of Princess Diana. But the most important attraction is the corner of freedom of speech, where everyone can express their opinion.

Restrained English beauty
Restrained English beauty

10. Another floral, but already heavenly park in Japan - Asikaga

Simple, but at the same time incredible beauty of bright and colorful flowers of wisteria, which are the main pride of the park, just soars in the clouds. The hardworking Chinese took care of the creation of arches, therefore, such a heavenly effect is created. This is to some extent a slightly unusual garden. Therefore, he became famous among tourists, which became one of the best and frequently visited parks in the world.

The pride of the park is tunnels made of wisteria
The pride of the park is tunnels made of wisteria

But they complement floral tunnels and floating flower beds, various geometric figures from flowers and bright gazebos. Such a garden blooms without a break, because many other colors have been planted, for example, tulips or 1,500 types of roses.

The garden blooms without a break
The garden blooms without a break

9. Boboli gardens - The best creation of Italian Renaissance

One of the most famous and beautiful parks in Florence. The beginning of construction began back in 1550, but the park was not once subjected to restoration. To date, its area occupies 4.5 hectares. This is not just one of the best parks in the world, but also the oldest garden that has retained its amazing beauty.

This is also one of the oldest parks
This is also one of the oldest parks

True, the garden was only in the Medici residence, and after 1766 it was opened for the public. This is a real museum of garden culture, because it is decorated not only by incredibly beautiful patterns from shrubs, but also by open temples, fountains, statues, grottoes and colonnades.

Such a park is a real museum art of flowers
Such a park is a real museum art of gardens

8. Gardens by the bay - real natural decoration of Singapore

This is a very unusual park, which surprises with its beauty and size. The area of \u200b\u200bsuch a decoration is more than 100 hectares, but in this place incredibly tall trees and structures are collected as vertical gardens. At night, this best park in the world turns into a fireplace.

Just incredible beauty opens before the eyes of tourists
Just incredible beauty opens before the eyes of tourists

There are 18 trees in the park that they reach up to 50 m in height. By the way, one of them can even have dinner at a restaurant. And also the garden distinguish two huge glass greenhouses - a flower dome and a cloud forest.

In the park everything has enormous sizes
In the park everything has enormous sizes

7. Australia is known not only to Sydnee, but also to the beautiful park - Botanical Garden in Krankborne

The thought of such a creation is life on any conditions. The fact is that the park was built on the site of a sand career, which for a long time destroyed vegetation. In order not to import new lands, designers and gardeners have dealt with such an unusual issue.

One of the most unusual parks in the world
One of the most unusual parks in the world

A creative reconstruction of the landscape was held on an area of \u200b\u200b40 hectares, on which approximately 1700 species of various plants were planted. True, they all have a “persistent character” and tolerate drought well. This is an amazing park whose paths are never on the same level or in a straight line. Such a park was built only in 2013, but already received the title of the best park in the world.

This is Australia's new property
This is Australia's new property

6. Real Garden of Wonders in Dubai

In the Emirates, everything is done with stake, brilliance and chic. The park was no exception. On a comparative small area, more than 45 million all kinds of colors are collected. Although the park opened relatively recently - in 2013, he already gathered many tourists. After all, such a palette of bright colors cannot but admire.

Just an abundance of bright colors
Just an abundance of bright colors

This is also a park-record. It has a 3-meter flower wall, which is stretched by 800 m. This is a real paradise in the desert. By the way, the latest underground irrigation technologies use to maintain the life of flowers. Also in the park you can visit the garden of butterflies with 26 types of beauties.

Even a day is not enough to see all the charms of the park
Even a day is not enough to see all the charms of the park

5. Park Beyhai or the Imperial Garden in Beijing

This is a real masterpiece of the X century, which translates as the "North Sea". By the way, Lake Baeihai occupies most of such the best fleet of the world. For many years, the park has been a favorite place for the relaxation of many emperors. The first visitor was allowed into the park only in 1925, after the fall of the Qing dynasty.

This is the original Chinese park
This is the original Chinese park

Until that time, he belonged to the forbidden city and was considered a private closed territory of only noble blood. Baihai is the standard of real Chinese landscape art with an area of \u200b\u200babout 70 hectares, which is decorated with various traditional architectural objects.

There are many reservoirs in the park for the relaxation of the soul and body
In the park, half of the territory is occupied by water - for the relaxation of the soul and body

4. Green island of wildlife in the center of New York- Central Park

It is an equilateral rectangle with an area of \u200b\u200b341 hectares with numerous lakes, ponds and walking paths. The width of such a beauty is 800 m, but the length stretched 4 km. Many people think that nature itself created the park, but this is far from the case.

This is the most famous park
This is the most famous park

In 1859, the Central Park was first opened, which is considered completely man -made to the lying pebble. It is generally accepted that this is the most popular and frequently visited attraction in the USA: every year the central park visits about 26 million people. But this makes him just the most famous and best park in the world.

This is what the park looks like in the fall
This is what the park looks like in the fall

3. An incredible park, created by the hands of nature in Croatia - Plitvitsky lakes

In the most central part of the country, where the waters of the Koran River over millennia washed incredible dams from limestone breeds, 140 waterfalls, 20 unusual caves and a cascade of arranged lakes are flaunted with a wonderful landscape.

Just unreal beauty park
Just unreal beauty park

It covers such a natural park about 30 thousand hectares, which frames the oldest pine forest, which has the ability to recover. The human hand practically does not concern anything in it, therefore it is not just the best park in the world, but a real natural heritage.

Walking in such a park is a pleasure
Walking in such a park is a pleasure

2. Pandora in reality or national forest zhangjiazze Park in China

The real wonderful creation of nature from many green trees, between which huge peak pillars of gerbil and quartz rise. It was opened in 1982 in the mountains of Ulonyuan, the province of Hunan, and exactly 10 years later UNESCO recognized the park "of the World Heritage Object." This best park is rightfully considered the most impressive and famous in the world. Moreover, the most picturesque column “Southern Sky” after the release of the film “Avatar” received the corresponding name “Mount Avatar-Alilla”.

Incredible beauty of the natural park
Incredible beauty of the natural park

On average, the protrusions have an altitud up to 800 m, and the highest point reaches 1890 m. It is also the richest place on the number of flora - there are more than 700 thousand species of various plants. This is one of the most visited places among tourists, which beckons not only with its incredibly healing air, but also an amazing look that is breathtaking.

From such an excursion really breathtaking
From such an excursion really breathtaking

1. Real palace riot from fountains or Peterhof gardens in Russia

The complex of palaces with a park zone was built a single century. The Peterhof garden extends in the south of the Gulf of Finland. The central and most popular garden zone is a lower park with pompous, incredibly beautiful fountains. In total, there are 147 existing fountains in the territory of the park. This creation has several ranks at once, because it is the largest, visited and best park not only in Russia, but the whole world, which has an exciting history.

Park with a large square and history
Park with a large square and history

The garden was founded at the request of Peter the Great, as one of the parts of the royal residence back in 1715. Peterhof is considered a pearl of St. Petersburg and beckons to itself tourists from all over the globe. After all, the entire territory, which is considered the World Heritage of UNESCO, is made in the Baroque style and with all the brilliance of gold. The most beautiful is the Samson fountain and the marble Voronikhinsky colonnade.

Palace luxury in one place
Palace luxury in one place

Video: the most famous and best parks in the world

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