TOP-10 of the largest seas in the area: Brief description, photo. The largest sea in the area on the ground: description, photo

TOP-10 of the largest seas in the area: Brief description, photo. The largest sea in the area on the ground: description, photo

In this article, we will consider the 10 largest seas on Earth in size, and also learn about a leading position.

Everyone dreams of rest. Planning their leisure, especially in the summer, people weigh all related factors related to such a vacation. As statistics shows, the majority of the population prefers a vacation at sea. In this regard, we offer you a rather interesting information about the existing seas in the world for familiarization. And we propose to pay special attention to the topic, which sea is the largest on Earth.

TOP-10 of the largest seas in area

In general, the sea is quite useful for the human body, both for adults and for the child. Since the child organism is just the process of forming the immune system. But an adult organism, on the contrary, already has a formed immunity that is constantly exposed to negative influences. Therefore, rest at sea is needed, regardless of age.

  • Sea water and air have a number of useful properties for the human body as a whole:
    • the presence of magnesium in sea water contributes to the formation of bone tissue and the improvement of metabolism in the body;
    • the presence of calcium in water is positively displayed on connective tissues;
    • the components of the sea water are also iodine. And it positively affects the condition of the nervous system and helps in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
    • the entry of sodium chloride into the composition of sea water contributes to the rejuvenation of the body and stabilizing the acid-base balance of the human internal environment;
    • the work of the gastric mucosa and kidneys improves;
    • blood sugar stabilizes and heart function normalizes;
    • in such an environment, wounds heal faster;
    • and much more.
  • We brought you general positive moments of rest at sea. But, in general, on planet Earth, there are a significant number of seas. True, approximately 70-100 seas are considered total numbers. Yes, such a blurry indicator, since scientists have not reached unanimity in determining the total number. After all, some supporters call a certain object by sea, while others call the lake in general.

But back to our 10 largest seas and leader in this nominationStarting from the smallest among this classification.

10. In the last place isBarencevo sea

It belongs to the outskirts of the Arctic Ocean, so it belongs to Russia. The peculiarity lies in the very name of the sea, because on different maps the Barents Sea is also called different names: Studenoye, Moscow, North, Murman or Seversky. Climatic conditions depend on the time of the year and parts of the sea. In the northern region, the Arctic climate prevails and is characterized by polar air, but the southern part, on the contrary, is characterized by Arctic climatic moderate air.

Because of its location, the sea is always cold
Because of its location, the sea is always cold

In connection with the presence of such a diverse climate, the maximum connection of the north and southern parts of the sea is characterized by a year -round ice coating. In principle, the most unpredictable weather conditions are at sea. The Barents Sea was also famous for the identified deposits of oil and natural gas. The rich diverse world of commercial fish and many marine animals also lives here. The area occupies it 1438 thousand km².

Cold, but still bewitching beauty at such an Arctic Sea
Cold, but still bewitching beauty at such an Arctic Sea

9. Pacific applicant with three names: hockey, Kamchatka orSea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk

In general, the sea is between Russia and Japan. And to be more precise, it is located between Kamchatka and the islands of Sakhalin, Hokkaido, Chantarsky and Kurils. Therefore, its first name is quite reasonable. By the way, even earlier he was called the Lamb Sea. But the hunting river flows into it, which fixed the second name. The Japanese, on the other hand, originally called him the North Sea, that is, Hockey. Forging such a reservoir is very impressive - 1603 thousand km².

Another sea near Russia that shares it with Japan
Another sea near Russia that shares it with Japan

Most of the northern side of the sea is covered with ice, thawing from June to October are possible. But the southeastern side, basically, does not freeze. The climate is predominantly moderate, but storms occur quite often due to constant seasonal fluctuations. Significant oil deposits were found in this part of the planet. This territory also serves as a place of restoration of populations of many species of fish. Accordingly, many prohibitions were imposed on the part of various countries of the world on the industrial catch of sea abode. Poster populations have been discovered recently, since complex studies of the sea have not yet been conducted.

Mass fishing is prohibited in the sea
Mass fishing is prohibited in the sea

8. Bering Sea with harsh colds, which climbed almost to the north pole

The half -closed outskirts of the sea, which is located in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean and is connected by a strait with the Arctic Ocean. The climate is versatile: from Arctic and subarctic colds to moderate conditions. The peculiarity of climatic zones is affected by the location near the Arctic. Bering Sea is characterized by the presence of varieties of commercial fish and marine animals. The area is practically 2315 thousand km².

The cold climate of the sea sets the close location of the Arctic
The cold climate of the sea sets the close location of the Arctic

The coastal zone is mainly covered with stones and rocks. A feature of this section of the hemisphere is the passage of the international dates line. This line is conditional, but at its intersection, the date changes either for one day ahead, or one day ago. Currently, the insufficiently studied nature of the bearing sea remains, but the discoveries of new types of living organisms are constantly being held. Since the versatility of the climatic zone leads to the frequent movement of fish and marine animals to various parts of the sea.

The sea is mainly covered with ice
The sea is mainly covered with ice

7. The sea, which combined three parts of the world and shares its warmth -Mediterranean sea

It is a compound of the Atlantic Ocean, and is considered the inner sea of \u200b\u200bthe same ocean. The Mediterranean Sea is placed between several continents, such as Africa, Europe and Asia. And it is natural that at the same time it washes the shores of many warm countries. These include France, Monaco, Italy, Slovenia and Greece. And also complement the list of Turkey, Cyprus, Egypt, Morocco and Montenegro. The climatic conditions on this sea are special. They are separated into the Mediterranean type. Since the main part is in the subtropical climatic zone, and the northern side is in the temperate climate.

Sea that washes the shores of warm countries
Sea that washes the shores of warm countries

In connection with a peculiar climate, the plant and animal world is quite poorly developed. This is also due to the insufficient level of development of plankton, which is powered by fish and marine animals. The bottom relief is separated by steep slopes. We also want to inform an interesting fact from the history of the Mediterranean Sea. About 5 million years ago, due to the growth of the number of glaciers in the Antarctic, the sea was almost completely dry. But nature over time returned everything to its circles. The area of \u200b\u200bsuch a kind of reservoir reaches whole 2505 thousand km².In general, the Mediterranean Sea is famous for the peculiarity of the climate, culture, history and an extremely wonderful coastline.

The sea has a rich history and an interesting coastline, which attracts tourists
The sea has a rich history and an interesting coastline, which attracts tourists

6. The famousCaribbean Seawho loved the pirates 

It belongs to the Atlantic Ocean, and borders on part of America and the Antilles. In connection with the geographical location, the sea is considered half closed and shallow compared to other applicants in this list. The bottom of the Caribbean is formed from deep -sea red clay. The sea itself consists of such depressions as the Greenland, Colombian, Venezuelan, Yukatan and Kaymanovs. Its area reaches the mark 2777 thousand km².This is a favorite place for cinema, for example, we recall the well -known parts of the “Pirates of the Caribbean”. And also such a warm shore was loved by tourists from different parts of the earth. After all, from the 17th century, it was here that piracy began to flourish, and tourists love this place and because of the desire to find a pearl.

The Caribbean was loved by photographers and cinema
The Caribbean was loved by photographers and cinema

The climate on the seashore is tropical. Although powerful hurricanes are considered a frequent occurrence here, which are associated with passive winds from the north-eastern side. The plant and animal world is quite developed and is constantly growing in quantitative equivalent. Now on the Caribbean there is an increase in its level. Scientists associate this factor with global warming. Unfortunately, such natural changes affect corals and the state of water from the negative side. After all, corals begin to bleach. But the amount of precipitation in the sea is also changing, their distribution is disproportionate, which is the result of constant riverbeds.

Tourists still want to find valuable pearls
Tourists still want to find valuable pearls

5. The leader in the cleanest and most transparent water -sea Weddellin which a person never sailed

And from the logical side, his merit immediately becomes clear. After all, the sea is located on the outskirts of Antarctica, and is also a component of the South Ocean. The climate is very cold, but at the same time versatile. For example, in the north, subarctic conditions prevail, and moderate winds blow in the northwestern part. And in the adjacent water area, Arctic colds prevail. Polar masses reign in the southern part. The adjacent water area of \u200b\u200bthe Wooddell Sea itself is located in the storm zone. The weather in this area is a variable: winter is very variable, and the summer is cool.

Instead of tourists, penguins and sea seals rest here
Penguins are resting here instead of tourists

The rest of the sea is constantly covered with ice with a thickness of 2 m. The area of \u200b\u200bsuch an ice reservoir is whole 2920 thousand km². Also, the sea is very deep - 6820 m. In connection with the cool climate at sea of \u200b\u200bWedell, only whales, penguins and seals live. Scientists observe that most seals have broken fangs. This circumstance is associated with the fact that the seals are breaking through and gnawing ice. Several scientific stations are located on the territory. An interesting fact is that until 1900 the sea was called George. But after it was renamed the name of the discoverer. Also, this sea takes a leading place, as the cleanest reservoir on our planet.

Water at sea is really the cleanest and most transparent
Water at sea is really the cleanest and most transparent

4. WarmTasmanovo Seathat is considered not only large, but also deep

The sea occupies part of the Pacific Ocean, while sharing New Zealand with Australia. The climate is quite versatile, but depends on factors such as geographical position and time of the year. In winter, a moderate climate prevails, and in the summer, on the contrary, tropical. These conditions are also characteristic of the northern part, and for the southern - moderate, the central side is released by a subtropical climate. The depth of the sea reaches the maximum mark of 5200 m, but the area covered 3336 thousand km².True, if you discard all the islands, irregularities and course, then the size will decrease by a whole thousand and stop at the indicator 2330 thousand km².

The sea in the rich and colorful zone between Australia and New Zealand
The sea in the rich and colorful zone between Australia and New Zealand

The territory of the Tasman Sea is characterized by constant cyclones and favorable weather for storms. As you can see at the location, this sea is the southern most of all the seas of the Pacific Ocean with a warm climate. This factor, respectively, affects the development of living organisms. Therefore, the territory of the sea has sufficiently developed fish populations, as well as a rich plant and animal world. In general, the Tasmano sea is famous for the unique living world and is considered the largest wild reserve on Earth. Here is a favorable environment for living creatures, since the world of plants is very developed and beautiful.

Therefore, the Tasmano sea adorns the variety of plants and animals
Therefore, the Tasmano sea adorns the variety of plants and animals

3. Indian exotic contender orArabian Sea

A relatively shallow sea, which reaches 2.5-3 m in depth. But this is a very beautiful reservoir of the Indian Ocean, which washes the shores of the Maldives, India, Pakistan and Iran, as well as Somalia. It is considered one of the most salty and clean seas. By the way, the plant and animal world of the warm edge simply touches tourists with its bright colors. But this is not all, in its bowels the sea hides one of the deepest depressions in its basin - 5803 m.

The sea is washing the famous Maldives
The sea is washing the famous Maldives

The pool of the sea is a little dubious, like the previous applicant. In general, it covers 3862 thousand km².But these calculations were carried out without taking into account the bending relief and various streams of the reservoir. Therefore, according to all these criteria, the sea even occupies 4.8 million km².The names of this sea also simply do not know the boundaries, because every nation calls it in its own way. For example, Persian, green or Erytrey Sea. As well as Oman or Sea Sindhu. The climate on this sea is tropical, with bright winter and warm, but cloudy summer. In intermediate periods, you can often find typhoons.

The Arabian Sea can often find storms and even typhoons
The Arabian Sea can often find storms and even typhoons

2. A very deep sea, which can also boast of the longest coral reef in the world -Coral Sea

It also belongs to one of the seas of the Pacific Ocean. But it shares Australia already with melanesia. The climate, of course, is warm. After all, the southern part is located in a tropical climatic zone, and the center of the sea is in subequatorial. Therefore, in summer, tropical cyclones may occur. The pool of such a sea takes a little less - 4068 thousand km².But then there are no disagreements around its perimeter.

The water in it is so transparent that the bottom is completely visible
The water in it is so transparent that the bottom is completely visible

The coral sea contains very transparent water, through which you can clearly consider the dissected relief, reef -forming corals and, in general, the whole diverse world of naval space. The name of the coral sea comes from a huge number of corals, which amaze with their beauty and are easily observed with land. Also, in its considerable depths up to 9 thousand m, the longest and large coral reef in the world, which has 2.5 thousand km of length and 344 thousand km² of volume, hid. By the way, it is visible from the spaces of the cosmos. A feature of this sea is still flying fish.

Such a beautiful reef can be observed by a SS of a bird's flight
Such a beautiful reef can be observed by a SS of a bird's flight

1. Filipino Seawhich is often put to compete for a leading position

The main part of the reservoir belongs to Japan. The sea limits are a chain from different islands: Japanese, Filipinsky, Taiwan, Ogasavara, Izu and Kadzan. The sea is special for its form, which clearly resembles a rhombus, which is extremely surprising. The area itself covers vague boundaries in 5.726 million. km².By the way, the depth sometimes reaches as much as 11 thousand m. After all, the deepest depression on the planet - Marianskaya hid in this sea.

The very bottom of the bottom is formed from a series of deep depressions. The climate of the Philippine Sea is also very peculiar. Due to the large area and length, the climatic conditions in the north and south are prevailing tropical, and closer to the western part - subequatorial. In winter, basically there are tropical masses everywhere, but only in the south - moderate. The entire sea is characterized by tropical cyclones. But the site where the tropical and subequatorial belts are visually connected is characterized by a lull.

A sea that boasts a very great variety of living world
A sea that boasts a very great variety of living world

The water world of the Filippin Sea is quite developed. There are various fish populations, mollusks and many species of animals. There are also sharks in a very large variety. Among the largest animals, turtles and whales are distinguished. It is quite interesting that exploring the deepest hollows of the sea, a living world was found in the most inaccessible places. Basic bacteria and similar living organisms live there.

The Philippine Sea belongs to one of the most beautiful exotic seas. And the holiday season opens from autumn to mid -spring, since during this period the most favorable weather conditions. Filipino Sea , Despite the uncertainty of borders and greater depth, quite interesting for tourists. Many of them want to find sunken ships, while others just relax. In addition, there are many volcanoes at sea, some of which can be seen from above. And if you do not see yourself, then you can definitely look at the photo and hear the story.

The Filippov Sea is fraught even with sunken volcanoes
The Filipino Sea is fraught even with sunken volcanoes

The largest sea in area on the ground: name, general characteristics

Due to the fact that the Filipino Sea has relative coastal boundaries that are not clearly established, there is a rather interesting introduction. The thought occurs and is quite widely developed that the world's largest sea is Sargasso Sea.

  • After all, its dimensions are also clearly not defined. Moreover, the sea itself also has a specific formation and outline. Therefore, its dimensions are only expected - approximately 6-7 million. km².
  • This sea is considered quite mysterious, unidentified and rather dangerous. After all, this is due to his very troubled state. The largest number of marine disasters are recorded at this place. And all because it forms the trends from different sides: Gulf Stream, North-Atlantic, Canar and North Passetory. That is, this sea is simply in a cycle. But this is only one of the theories.
  • Despite the constant studies of all the events related to the mystery of the sea, it was definitely not yet possible to find out. Some supporters are assumed that a large number of algae affect such a danger, while others are sure that this is due to the calm and powerful vortices that are formed at the depths.
The sea is 90% of the algae
The sea is 90% of the algae
  • Algae here are very developed, and most of them are located directly on the surface. This is very favorable for marine inhabitants who simply multiply or even live here. At the same time, it is impossible to relax on the Sargass Sea. The sea itself has no shores, although the water temperature is very warm.
  • And all because the algae forms even the bottom of the sea, warming it very quickly in the sun. Speaking more accurately, then in summer the water reaches almost 30 ° C, and in winter it does not fall below 18 ° C.
  • Also, this sea does not have an even location, because it has fuzzy boundaries: 23-35 ° C. Sh. and 30-68 ° s. D.
  • The name of the sea was given due to the accumulation of the main algae of the Sargassa, which occupies 90% of the reservoir. Therefore, the bottom only in some places only reaches 7 thousand m. By the way, approximate calculations indicate about 11 thousand tons of algae. Despite all these charms, the sea remains one of the rather pure reservoirs.
  • But this whole picture scares scientists a little, so they only give him only a temporary clean title. After all, the accumulation of algae, warm air and waste waste of animals do not affect the state of ecology in a given area. The most deplorable is also that the currents bring all the garbage from various oceans here. Therefore, this further aggravates the environmental situation.
This is what the sargasse sea looks under water.
This is what the sargasse sea looks under water.

We see that our world is quite beautiful and has not yet been identified. The sea is a very good medicine. But remember that during the rest, in addition to the healing properties of sea water and air, danger may expect you. Moreover, large seas can also hide in themselves large secrets.

Video: The largest sea in the world

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